[Ep.40] Forgiveness..can you imagine...
2 days later...
Mark's pov:
I have three more days until i have to make a big decision My dad...
I missed him so much i'd always said i would give anything just to be with him one more time...now i have a chance to be with him forever.
I made the biggest mistake of my life by cheating on her not once..nor twice..not even three times...over four..
I visited Melissa once a week for a month. You can do the math..
You don't want to?
I'll do it for you because i already have it figured out already. I kept count....
8 times....
I kept count cause i regretted everytime.
I went over with a mission to stop it and i end up getting out of her bed putting my clothes on walking away with 12 times the guilt i came with...
And i want to make it up to her....
I want to wake up to her every morning. Kiss her. Hold her. Take her everywhere she wants to go. Make more music with her.
I want to spend the rest of my life with her.
Love her...
I love both of them....
How could they ask me to choose between my dad and my lover?!
I look at (Y/n) now as she talks to my (as of now) lifeless body.
"-I um went by the mansion today and I kicked Melissa out for you. Are you surprised i'm not in prison right now?" She joked. "I know i am, i wanted to choke her till she was blue. But i kept in mind that if i did that...i wouldn't be there when you wake up."
"I don't understand why you are being so nice to me. Especially after all i've done to you. You have Philipé-"
"I know if you're listening you're probably wondering how does My Boyfriend Philipé feels about this....he um...he told me to go to you. He said we had an unbreakable bond...and he wants me to be with you."
The next day...
(Y/n) is here...
every morning
Every afternoon
Every night
She talks to me...
She sings to me...
She tells me jokes..
She constantly tries to keep high spirits for me...
But i know she's hurting...
"It's been...Three days since you went under and it feels like three years..Dammit i can't do this! I can't sit here and act like i'm ok i'm not! I want you to wake up so i can see your chocolate eyes gazing into mine...i want to hear your deep monotone voice in my ears...I want you to holde in your strong arms, I want to go on morning runs like we used to! What will it take for you to wake up!? Do you want to run away and start a new life there!? I know you finally want to hear those words....the three big words...I Love You.."
I looked at her even though i know she can't hear me i say:
"S-say it again."
"I Love You, I love you Mark Edward Fischbach! I love you and I forgive you. We can runaway again together just you and me and start a new life together. We can start over and pretend all this never happened. We can do whatever yoy want just come back to us come back to me!" She sobbed.
Now now reader chan time for a surprise it is time to make a choice:
Ending A
Ending B
Ending C
Have fun and expect the unexpected!
Much love,
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