[Ep.4] The what?
Your pov:
I woke up the next morning and everyone was up including Jack and Mark.
"Morning." Mark said.
"Guys i'm tired i'm pulling in at the nearest gas station to switch with Mark." Jack said.
"Ok." Everyone said.
"I wanna learn how to drive." I say.
"What?" Mark said.
"Yes you two are always driving it's tiring you both out. I need my drummer and lead singer." I say.
"We need you to be well rested too you are our manager kinda sort of you help us manage stuff and you're our other lead singer i need you to keep your strength up." Mark argued.
"Wait so what is our band name anyways?" Spencer asked.
"We never actually discussed this have we?" I asked mark.
"We never have."
"Well now's the time to discuss it while it's in the air." I say.
"The chemists." Jack suggested.
"What is so chemical about us?" I asked.
"Nothing it just sounded cool to me."
"That sounds like a name a science teacher made up with his lame friends to sing some corny lesson." Mark says.
"I tried." Jack said.
We were spouting up ideas none of them seem to fit us.
"What about The Misfit Verses?" Julia said.
"The Misfit Verses?"
"Yea since we all felt like misfits and verses like lyrics it sounds cool to me atleast."
"I like it." I say smiling.
"Me too, it's different." Mark said smiling.
"We agree on The Misfit Verses?" I ask.
"I think it's an awesome name!" Jack yelled. "It's even better than the chemists."
"Jack anything is better than the chemists." Mark said
Julia giggled and Jack blushed.
Jack +Julia much?
Soon we pulled into a gas station and Jack pumped the gas and everyone else stretched their legs.
"(Y/n) i was thinking when we get to LA you and i should go window shopping for a bit." Julia said to me.
"Is Spencer ok with it?"
"Yea i could use some girl time."
"Alright girls hop on your ride to fame is right here!" Jack yelled.
"Ladies first " Mark said holding out his hand rolled my eyes and took his hand and he 'helped' me up the stairs of the RV once i was inside he followed close behind. Jack did the same for Julia and she giggled.
Mark sat in the driver seat and i sat beside him in the passenger seat.
"So what's our plan once we get to LA?"
"I was thinking we could take a bit of a break and go sight seeing on Hollywood Boulevard and after that we could rehearse a little and find a place to take stationary for tomorrow."
"Seems like a plan."
Mark started driving.
"So why did you drop out?" Mark asked me.
"My mother and father were horribles parents i got tired of them and school was pissing me off teachers and students were unbearable so i left it all behind. Told my parents i'm leaving and they said so be it. What about you Mr.Could've been an engineer why'd you leave The University so quickly?"
"Because i felt like i didn't belong like that wasn't my calling so on break i went home and my mom just so happened to have bought the RV for me and Jack came down and we decided to do our own thing."
"Wow you kinda had it easy."
"I know not everyone was handed an RV when they start a journey like this."
"I took bus fair for the longest."
"Well how about we practice that duet since we're here?"
"Good idea!"
We went over our duet until we ended up in LA.
"Hey guys me and Julia are going window shopping be back soon." I say.
"Be safe!" They all say at once.
"We will." I say. We walk out of the door.
"So how did you guys meet?" Julia asked.
"Somewhere in Idaho they took my normal playing spot then later thst night i hustled them in pool i won every round soon we met again in Las Vegas, Nevada and Jack talked me into a partnership."
"So they are like your brothers."
"Yea brothers i never had i was an only child."
"My mom married Spencer's Dad when i was a baby i have had him with me all my life."
"He's a very good big brother."
"He is the best." She said smiling.
"Where are you originally from?"
"We are from Florida."
"You guys are a long way from home."
"What about you?"
"I'm from Ohio which i find funny because Mark's also from Ohio but i have yet not the slightest idea how i never bumped into him."
"He seems like a nice guy."
"At first no, He was a flirtatious asshole. But after we got our altercations out of the way yea he was pretty nice."
"What about Jack."
"He's been a real sweetheart he seems more like a brother to me than Mark."
"So what is Mark to you if he isn't a brother."
"A close friend."
"A crush maybe?"
"Nah, Just a close friend i don't think i'm ready for a relationship not for a while. Since we are talking about crushes and relationships what about You and Jack?"
"What about me and Jack?" She asked blushing.
"You blush at the very mention of his name and he does the same thing with you."
"He's a very nice guy i don't think he would want to go out with me though."
"Why not?"
"Because he's amazing and i'm plain."
"No you're not you are very unique, trust me he is into you i know he is."
"So what's the plan here?"
"Mark wanted us to walk around Hollywood for a bit before we practice after that we scope out a spot to play for tomorrow."
"You guys plan out everything?"
"No most times one of us gives an idea and the other agrees."
"Everything seems to work out either way."
My phone went off.
It was an unknown number.
"Hello?" I answered.
"Hey this is Mark, We're about to head out to the boulevard you guys should head back now."
"Alright we're on the way."
I saved Mark's number into my phone.
"That was Mark, They're about to head out to Hollywood they want us back now."
"This was fun." Julia said.
"It was it's nice to take a break from the boys."
"Yea it was i love Spencer but sometimes i would like a sister to talk to."
"Well looks like you got one." I say smiling at her.
We walked back to the RV and when o opened the door..
"Surprise, Happy Birthday (Y/n)!"
The guys shouted.
"Oh my god you guys i told you. you didn't have to do all this."
"But we wanted to! C'mon it's your big 18! You're an adult now!!" Jack yelled
"I- thanks guys." I say giving in.
"Yay!!" They cheer.
We had store bought lasagna and chips we all laughed and had a good time talking.
"Alright birthday girl time for cake and wine!"
"Wine?!" I said.
"Don't worry it's just sparkling apple cider non-alchoholic stuff." Jack said.
Mark pulled the cake out of the refrigerator:
"Aww guys!" I said.
Jack put the 18 candles in the cake.
"Anyone got a lighter or something?" Mark asked.
Spencer pulled a lighter out of his bag and handed it to Mark.
"Thanks man." Jack said smiling.
"No problem." Spencer replied.
Mark lit the candles and Julia turned out the lights.
Spencer placed a birthday crown on my head. I laughed cause it was one of those partially pink feathery crown for little kids.
"Seriously?" I say.
"It'll have to do." He said smiling.
"1.2.3!" Mark counted.
"Happy Birthday to you!! Cha cha cha!!! Happy birthday to you! Cha cha cha!!! Happy birthday to (y/n)!"
"You're a boss!!" Jack yelled.
"Happy birthday to you!!" Everyone said laughing.
"Make a wish!" Jack said.
I closed my eyes.
I wish that we will soar higher than i expect us to...so we can prove everyone who ever doubted us wrong.
I smiled at everyone and blew out the candles.
Everyone clapped and cheered.
"Cut the cake!"
"I am jackaboy relax!!" I yell.
I cut the cake and give the first slice to Mark.
"Wait why are you giving me the first slice to me the first slice is always for the birthday person."
"But you're my partner the other half of the group c'mon take it." I taunt.
He smiles and finally takes the plate.
"Yay!" I say smiling.
I cut the cake and let everyone else get there slice while i poured the wine into the glasses. After everyone got there wine and cake i got mine.
"Don't think it's over yet. Give a speech!" Mark yelled.
"Speech!Speech! Speech!" They cheered.
"Alright, fine fine." I got up
"So first off i want to say i hate both of you for doing this even though i've specifically told you not to." I say looking at Jack and Mark.
"We love you." Jack said playfully.
I smiled.
"But at the same time thank you because this has been the best birthday ever! I am so grateful for all of you and i can't wait to see what we become.So here's a toast not to me or my date of birth. But to us and the birth of a new family. Here's to us the misfits who are going to take the world by storm!"
"Let's give'em hell!!" Jack yelled.
I laugh."To us!" I say raising my glass.
"To us!" Everyone cheered while raising their glasses.
We ate cake.
"Present time!" Mark yelled.
"Presents?" I questioned.
"Don't worry we didn't go over board." Mark said.
"You better not have all this was enough." I say.
They, give me two boxes. One was small and cubed the other was flat and flat and rectangle.
"Open it!Open it!Open it!Open it!" They cheer and clap.
I open the small box.
It was a small wooden box which held a polished black guitar pic with the words lil' momma engraved in golden cursive letters.
"You are kind of the mother of the group but you're also the youngest so we thought it'd be appropriate to call you lil' momma." Jack says.
I laughed. "Oh my gosh guys!thank you so much this'll definitely come in handy when i go acoustic." I say smiling.
I open the last one which was a journal but not just any journal the cover was made of 100% real leather.
"I still felt really bad about how i just spilt water all over your journal. So i went back over everything in your old one and copied everything i could decipher from it you can fill in the blanks and go back over anything i missed or got wrong."
I jumped into his lap squealing and hugging him tightly.
"Thank you so much Mark this is amazing! No one has ever done all this for me." I felt a tear slipped from my eye.
"Oh god now i'm crying this is all so beautiful thank all of you for this." I got up and hugged everybody.
I wiped my tears.
"Well i think we really should take that walk down Hollywood boulevard." I say.
"Hell yeah!" Spencer said.
I laughed as we all got ready to head to hollywood.
We took pictures of ourselves on the walk of fame where all the stars had the names on the side walk we took pictures of us near the Hollywood sign. At the end of it all we went to the RV and they wanted to take individual pictures with the birthday girl so i took a picture with Julia first.
Then Spencer and then Jack then last but not least Mark.
He wrapped his arms around my waist and rest his head on my shoulder it sent a shiver down my spine but i didn't show it i just did a silly face and so did he.
After all was said and done we rehearsed our new duet a couple of times until we were all tired. Afterwards everyone went to sleep i other hand stayed up and decided to post them on my twitter which i haven't been on in soo long.
@(Your username):
Watch out Cali The Misfit Verses has arrived...
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