[Ep.29] Alone...
Your pov:
I looked up to see...
"Philipé?" I questioned.
It began to rain.
"¡Hijo de puta! ¿Por qué llueve en el peor de los casos?" He muttered.
(Son of a bitch! Why does it have to rain at the worst times!?) He said
"Just leave me..." I whisper.
"No (Y/n) i refuse!" He picked me up and carried me into his house. I didn't even put up a fight.
He put me down on his couch.
"Mi querido, why were you crying on the sidewalk?"
(My dear)
"Mark..he- wit-" i cried harder and Phil comforted me.
"He did what? What did he do to you!?"
"Philipé, Mark me engañó con un ventilador." I cried harder.(mark cheated on me with a fan)
He hugged me. "I'm sorry, i'm so so very sorry." He said sincerely.
"Where did i go wrong? Am I not pretty enough, Did i-"
"Ahora espere un minuto, no me sentaré aquí y le dejaré dudar de sí mismo porque ese bastardo no ve cuánto de un ángel eres! Todo en ti es hermoso ... tu voz, tu cabello, tus ojos, tu risa tu sonrisa pero lo más importante ... tu corazón. Dios, tienes el corazón más hermoso. Usted es tan amable y divertido y todo alrededor increíble." He said with pure passion spilling from every word.
(Now wait a minute, I will not sit here and let you doubt yourself because that bastard doesn't see how much of an angel you are! Everything about you is beautiful...your voice, your hair, your eyes, your laugh your smile but most importantly...your heart. God you have the most beautiful heart. You are so kind and funny and all around amazing.)
I looked at him in complete shock.
"Pardon me, I stepped out of line i just got so upset. I never.. I never thought he would hurt you. I thought he understood how lucky was to have you..."
"Philipé.." I started but i couldn't even finish my sentence because i didn't know what to say.
He looked at me with sadness in his eyes.
"I'm sorry i'm not being the best host right now. Would you like something to eat or drink?" He asked getting up.
"Just tissue." I say.
He went down a hall and came back with a box of tissues and handed them to me.
"Thank you." I said wiping my eyes.
"Do you know how long he has been cheating on you?" He asked sitting beside me.
"I don't know i didn't stick around long enough to listen. I just got up and snuck out of the house and ran away as fast as i could. I guess that's how i ended up in your neighborhood."
"I'm glad that you did, I don't want to imagine what could've happened if you stopped in a bad place.."
He balled his hands into a very tight fist.
"Philipé, I'm alright... Thanks to you."
"Are you tired?" He asked me.
"Now that you mention it yes i am."
"Follow me."
I followed him down the hall to a bedroom.
"I just moved in so, i haven't fixed up the guestroom you can stay here."
"Philipé you don't have to give up your room-"
"I have work to do anyways please just rest señora. You've been through enough tonight. I do not wish to fight over my bed. I can take you back home in the morning." He said with sincerity.
I gave in and sat on the bed.
I was about to reach down to take off my shoes but he stopped me.
"Please, allow me." He got down on one knee and took my shoes off for me. While he did i looked ay him.
Why is he doing this for me?
I would have asked but i'm too tired so i just sigh and say:
"Thank you, for everything."
"No problem please get some rest." He said leaving.
I went to sleep.
Julia's pov:
There was a policeman beside her.
"Lexi what happened to you!?" I asked.
"Excuse me miss i'm sorry but Ms. Calloway is in a bit of danger and said her boyfriend stayed here where may he be?" The policeman asked.
"I am her boyfriend," Spencer said.
"Yes of course she can stay here."
"Great, if anything strange happens please give us a call right away. Have a nice night."
I wish...
Lexi came in and sat on the couch Spencer rushed to her side.
"Baby, what happened?"
"A fan. A fan is what happened. An extreme fan." She said.
"Explain further what happened." I say.
"I got home and when i did i got ready for bed i was so tired that i didn't realize that i wasn't alone. I was about to fall asleep when i heard footsteps and then i seen this figure above me with a knife. Being me i went into fight mode and the killer and i struggled to fight explains the blood and cuts. I tried reasoning with her asking her what she wanted and she said. 'You stole him away from me. He was supposed to be with me.' I quickly realized she was talking about Spencer."
"How do you know it was a her?" I asked.
"The voice, and the figure had boobs. Before she ran away she shedded some hair luckily. I picked it up and gave it to the cops."
"How did you know it was hers?" Spencer asked.
"It was pretty easy to distinguish a piece of bright blue hair from white flooring." She said.
"Come on let's get you cleaned up." Spencer said they went to the bathroom near the gameroom.
I went upstairs to see that the yelling had ceased Mark's door was shut and Jack was in My room sitting on the bed with his head in his hands. I went into the room and sat beside him.
"I thought that after all this that after he and (Y/n) got together that he would finally stop beimg blinded by fame and that i would have my best friend back, " he scoffed. "I was the blinded one. Fame really does change a man and there is nothing i can do to get my old best friend back." He said letting a tear slip from his eye. I hugged him tightly.
The next morning...
Your pov:
I woke up to the smell of food...really good smelling food...
I go down the hall to see Philipé pulling a pizza out of the oven:
"Morning señora i fixed breakfast pizza." He said smiling. I sat down at the island and he slid me a plate with a slice.
"Thank you Philipé for everything." I say.
"It is my pleasure."
He sat down beside me and we ate.
"That was really good Philipé." I say giving him a small smile.
"Gracias cariño." (Thank you Darling)
I smiled.
"Um are you ready to go home?" He asked.
"If i was to be truthful...No but i have to. I know they are worried about me and i wouldn't want to be a burden."
"You wouldn't be a burden, I would love for you to stay but I have a photoshoot in illnoise for the solar eclipse. I leave first thing tomorrow and i haven't even started packing."
"I'm ready to go." I say.
So he drives me home and i go in and bolt to my room and lock the door.
Julia's pov:
I chased after her and dammit she was too fast!
Damn her for staying in shape.
"C'mon open the door!" I say knocking. I tried to open it but it was locked.
"Julia you just got a text from (Y/n)!" Jack said handing me my phone.
Sis: I'm not ready to face anybody.
Julia: What about me? I want to help you.
Sis: I don't want help, i just want to be alone...
Julia: I want to help...
Sis: I know but i don't want to be helped just leave me alone. Please.
I sighed and went to my room and laid on my bed.
"She's not coming out." I say.
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