[Ep.28] More Girl Time
Two weeks later...
Your pov:
Everybody was in the living room.
Lexi was sitting in Spencer's lap while they were playing guitar together or more like trying. Me, Jack and Julia were talking with the occasional word or two from Mark who was on his phone.
"Girls we need to have a day out soon." I say.
"I second that!" Lexi piped up.
"Really? First you guys had her keeping the fact that she was performing with you a secret. Therefore you had my girlfriend being secretive way before you knew she was mine and now you guys are taking her away from me completely?" Spencer joked.
Julia and i exhanged looks and looked back at Spencer.
"Yes." Julia and i said at the same time.
"Well, I just finished this season of the show-"
We all clapped for her.
She shook her head. "-and so i have two months off. I'm pretty sure we can arrange a girl's day sometime in that two months." Lexi said.
"Great next week we should plan like a whole week for us girls to bond more. After all we are surrounded by boys."
"Correction now that we have Lexi here the score is even." Mark said.
"But she's not an official member of the group." I fire back.
"According to every flipping gossip show on the planet except mine i am." Lexi joked.
"Anyways us girls need time to ourselves we need to bond." I say.
"So next week is girl's week?" Julia says.
"Girls week." Lexi and i say.
"Us guys are fucked they are already on one accord." Jack joked.
We all laughed.
Girl's week..
It is currently Wednesday!
Monday was mall day tuesday was spa day and today was pool day we were heading over to Lexi's house today to go to her pool. Because we don't have one yet.
Currently we are on the way there back from a shop.
"Ok ok so while we are on this wonderful topic of the guys..my dearest (n/n) what is up with you amd mark and this 'I adore you' thing?" Lexi asked.
"What's wrong with it?" I asked.
"Oh nothing but the fact that A-d-o-r-e is in place of the big L-o-v-e." She said.
"Yea i noticed that too." Julia said.
"I don't think anything is wrong with it and i don't want to ruin what we have now." I say starting to get a little uncomfortable with this topic. Trying to get off of it as soon as possible.
"Ruin? How would saying 'I Love You.' ruin a relationship if anything it would be better for the both of you. Do you love him?"
"Yes! Of course i do with everything in me!"
"Then tell him, What's stopping you?"
"I'm afraid he doesn't feel the same way."
Lexi and Julia laughed.
"Honey he does i can tell." Lexi said.
"Really, you bring out a whole new side in him. That's a good thing."
Soon we ended up at her house and we changed into our new bathing suits. Spencer has been spending the week at Lexi's so we occasionally seen him throughout the house. Soon we were all in the pool having a good time.
"So Lexi what is your highest rating episode right now?" I asked.
"An episode where Oliver and I interviewed this huge YouTuber named Pewdiepie and we did fun challenges with him and we even did stuff for his channel, our next best rating is our interview with Lady GaGa, then the cast of Stranger Things, Harry Styles, and then you guys."
"Fooey we have to beat them. Can i request coming back on an episode?" I say jokingly.
"Actually yes."
"Good we're going to come back on for an episode to rival all episodes on your show."
We all laughed.
"Would you lovely ladies care for a drink?" Spencer said bringing out a tray with three very nice looking drinks:
"Oooh what is it?" I asked.
"Pina Coladas."
"I don't know if i should." I said.
"Oh chill one alcoholic drink won't kill ya momma. Plus you'd have to have a couple of these to actually get even a small buzz."
I take one off the tray.
"Yay!(n/n) you're living a little!" Lexi said taking a sip of her drink through a straw.
Julia and I take one as well.
"So Spencer when do you plan on coming home?" I asked.
"Actually today, I'm driving you guys home."
"Yay!" Julia cheered.
"Then i'm coming back tomorrow because we are going to be spending the remainder of our week in San Fran." Spencer said smiling.
"San Fran? Why are you two trying to leave us?" I say lookong between the giggly Lexi and the cheshire cat Spencer.
"I just wanted to have a change in scenery." Spencer said.
"And i thought it was a good idea to get out of the house for a bit." Lexi adds.
"Yea, well i'm going back into the house. Call me when you're ready to leave." Spencer said heading into the house.
We stayed in the house for a while until we were ready to get out.
"Oh i forgot a got gifties for the both of you!" Lexi said as we climbed out of the pool.
"For me? I understand Julia. But me?" I questioned.
"Yes you!" Lexi said as we went into the house.
We all got into our dry clothes and Lexi comes back from upstairs in shorts and a tank top:
With a ukulele and a small box.
"Now Lil' momma I'm not sure how you feel about ukuleles but since you play acoustic guitar i thought it'd be nice to have a mini guitar with you so it's easy cargo when you're on the move." She said handing me the ukulele:
"This is..amazing thank you!" I say hugging her.
"So Julia I got this for you after you guys left for your birthday and i know i missed a couple so i hope this can make up for it." She gave her the small box and when she opened it
She uncovered a necklace with her name on it:
Julia hugged her tightly and thanked her.
"So are you guys ready to go home?" Spencer asked.
"Yea." We all got in the car and we drove home and when we got there Jack was at the door and there was a new car in the driveway. Lexi said her goodbyes and drove off.
"Jack new car!?" I say.
Jack looked at us like he seen a ghost.
"Um that's n-not my car." He said.
"Where's Mark? He said he was spending the day with you." Spencer asked.
"He never said anything about that to me about that i spent all day alone at Barnes & Noble reading manga." Jack said.
I unlocked the door and rushed up the stairs and what i heard next made my heart drop.
I opened Mark's door praying my ears were deceiving.
I didn't hear a female giggle.
I didn't it's a lie
It's a hallucination...
But of course what was i expecting.
Anything but Mark and a brunette under the covers naked sharing wine i was planning to use for our 3 year anniversary. But not just any Brunette:
My fan the girl who i helped get a headstart on her singing career.
"How could you?" I say.
Mark jumped when he seen me.
"Baby-" He started he ran to my side.
"I trusted you, i cared for you, i gave you my all!" I yell crying then i looked over to her and all i could see was red.
"And you, you slut! I helped you i mentored you!!" I don't know how it happened all i know is that i had my hands wrapped around her neck and i was choking her until somebody pulled me off. I ended up in my room on my bed crying.
Julia's pov:
While Spencer put (Y/n) down on her bed i ran to Mark's room and grabbed Melissa by her hair dragged her down the stairs and quite literally threw her out of the house. I didn't know where i got the sudden strength but i'm glad i had it.
"The guards will show you out, if you come back we will file a restraining order against you!" I say slamming the door.
I run back upstairs to see Spencer and Jack fussing at Mark. I went to (Y/n)'s room and she wasn't there!??!
"Guys she's gone!" I yell.
"What?!" The guys yells.
"She's gone!" I yell.
"Everybody try calling her except Mark she definitely won't want to hear from you." Spencer said.
Mark sighed and ran his hand through his hair.
When we called we realized her phone was in her room.
"Fuck!" Jack yelled.
We called the police but they are no help.
We looked all around the big house for 30 minutes then...
There was a knock on the door. Spencer went downstairs to open it while Jack was still chewing Mark out
I didn't want face him right now.
I went downstairs with Spencer. When he opened the door we seen Lexi with blood and cuts all over her body.
"C-can I s-stay here?" She asked.
Spencer and I gasped at the horrendous sight.
Your pov:
I ran as fast as i could then ended up in some place i didn't know.
I fell to the ground and cried.
I cried as my heart bled from it's fatal wound.
"I trusted you..I believed you......I loved you." I cried.
"(Y/n)?" A familiar voice questioned.
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