[Ep.26] Operation SpAlexis [XXXX]
[Mature content warning:] Everybody is getting their freak on in this chapter.😂
[Rough Sex, Overstimulation, Romantic sex, oral recieving, fingering.]
This is the sexiest chapter in this book. If you ain't comfortable with Sexy time......
Leave for your sake.
This is your last warning~
Last chance...
You have been warned so in the words of Taylor Swift...
Don't say i didn't warn you...
Spencer's Pov:
(Getting tired of him yet?😛)
"Well um i better head back home guys thank you for having me."
Lexi said smiling.
"Leaving so soon?" Julia said.
"Yea you just kinda got here." I said.
"Oliver and I are going to the Grammy's the day after tomorow and he will give me hell about not getting rest for our shopping spree even though the man owns more clothes than me."
"Grammy's?" (Y/n) questioned.
"Yea we were invited, which reminds me Spencer would you like to come with us?" Lexi asked.
"I-" i started.
"He would love to come. We have nothing big to do that day." Julia said.
"Yea! Besides concert planning but that's Mark and I's thing so he can go right Mark?" (Y/n) said slyly elbowing Mark's stomach lightly.
"Huh? Oh yea! We handle that. So he's definitely free to go?"
"What about guy time?" Jack asked.
Julia slapped the back of his head.
"Nevermind that's the day after?" Jack said.
What the absolute fuck is going on right now?
"I think you should really go Spencer i mean so you guys can catch up." (Y/n) said.
"Um ok so i guess I'm coming."
"Great i'll text you the details when i get home." Lexi said getting.
"I'll walk you to your car." I tell her.
"Actually Lexi you look really tired, You really shouldn't be driving down the road half sleep you might get into an accident how far do you live?"
"I actually live in Beverly Hills bu-" Lexi said.
"That's almost a 38 minute drive from here Lexi. Spencer why don't you drive with her to make sure she gets home safe?" (Y/n) said.
"But then how will i get back?" I asked.
"You can stay the night and come back tomorrow because there is something we have to do it an advertisement so um just make sure to be back by 12pm."
"Um ok I guess i'll go pack a bag real quick?" I say heading towards the steps.
"I'll be waiting in the car, See you guys later." Lexi said.
"Bye thanks for stopping by." (Y/n) said.
We went up the steps and i lead her upstairs to my room.
"Well that was weird." Lexi said.
"Very," I agreed. "But hey at least we get to spend the night together."
Your pov:
I grabbed Julia and took her to the side.
"You felt that right?" I asked Julia.
"It was practically radiating off of them like heat waves." She agreed.
"They were filled with so much love and passion it was hardly unbearable."
"What are you two talking about over there?" Jack asked.
"Girl talk Jack Girl talk." I said quickly.
They rolled their eyes and got up and left.
"Tomorrow we have to help Spencer get an outfit for the grammy's."
"And get a new hair style his hair's grown out a bit and he need something new."
"Most definitely, They belong together and they are gonna together but they don't know it yet."
"Operation SpAlexis?" She said
I smiled. "Operation SpAlexis."
Spencer's pov:
We finally got to her house and it was nice:
"Nice." I say.
"Thanks it's not as big as yours though." She said.
"It's still nice babe."
We went inside and i was even further impressed:
"Are you tired?" She asked me.
"Huh? Oh no not really."
"Then what do you want to do?"
"I seen the pool out there how about swimming?"
"Smimming this late?" She questioned.
"Why not?"
"Just let me go get on a bathing suit and i'll be back."
I grabbed her arm before she could leave.
"Just take off those clothes and swim in your underwear. It's only fair and it'd be no different from a bathing suit."
She sighed and laughed. "Fair case and point." She took off her her shirt and pants and i did too.
She grabbed my hand and lead me to the pool.
I jumped in immediately.
When i surfaced she giggled.
"Come on in unless your chicken."
"What are you in 7th grade?" She said.
"Nah i'm 8th! Get in here or else i will drag you in here."
She turned around and spread her arms out and fell into the pool backwards. When she surfaced she squealed.
"Happy?" She asked.
"Not yet," I splashed her. "But I am now!"
She gawked. "You ass!" She splashed me with alot more water and the splashing went on for a while until i went under and slid beneath and picked her up.
She squealed. "Put me down!"
"I'm sensing déja vú, Are you sure you want me to put you down?"
"Yes!" I dropped her then she didn't come back up i started to worry.
"Lexi?" I called. I heard a splash on the other side of the pool and there she was.
"Looking for me?" She joked.
"That was mean!" I said going over to her.
"I'm sorry."
"I want an apology gift!"
"Ok what kind of gift?"
"I don't wanna."
"But i wuv you."
She stood still.
"Fine i'm coming over to you." I swam over and right when i was close she tried to slip away but i grabbed her waist.
She giggled.
I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her close.
"What am i gonna do with you my little gigglebox?" I joked.
"Love me unconditionally and feed me?"
"That i believe i can do." She wrapped her arms around my neck and i kissed her lovingly and slow.
She rested her hand on the back of my neck to deepen the kiss and i knew why.
"Hey, i'm here baby." I tell her.
"I know i'm just afraid you'll disappear on me again."
"I won't i'm not going anywhere without you."
"Swear on my life."
I picked her up and carried her inside. Once we were in the house i put her down and kissed her more.
"We should get out of these clothes." I say.
She nodded and took my hand then led me up the steps into her room:
"Do you really believe me when i tell you i'm not leaving you?"
"I have my fears."
I wrapped my arms around her from behind and kissed her neck.
"I love you too much to leave you again."
"You said I love you and left that hurt like a bitch."
"I showed you i loved you before i left."
She stayed quiet.
I turned her around and kissed her passionately once more wholeheartedly.
"Let me show you again." I whispered.
"Spence I-"
"Please let me show you. I need to show you."
I kissed her passionately and lovingly slow. She melted into the kiss and wrapped her arms around my neck.
"Do i have permission to make love to you?" I asked to make sure she was comfortable with this.
She nodded and i smiled before kissing her again. I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist. I laid her down on the bed. Before i knew it she was underneath me completely exposed and the over the edge foreplay had us both more than ready for what was to come.
I kissed her more before i inserted myself into her slowly. She clawed at my back which hurt like i motherfucker. So i took her hands in mine and pinned them above her head.
"Are you ok?" I asked her.
She nodded. "It's been a while." She whimpered.
I kissed her again slowly as i continued thrusting into her nice and slow. I endlessly showered her in kisses and whispered sweet innocent truths in her ear.
The room echoed with moans and never ending sweet words of love.
'I love you'
'I'm right here baby.'
'I'm always gonna be with you.'
"I'm gonna cum." She whimpered.
I placed my forehead on hers and looked her in the eyes. I pecked her lips.
"Cum for me baby i'm right here."
She climaxed and i pulled out and came on her stomach.
I kissed her before i collapsed beside her.
"Rags?" I asked panting she tiredly pointed to the bathroom.
I went inside and got a rags and cleaned her up.
"Do you believe me now?" I asked laying beside her
She blushed and nodded nefore snuggling into my side.
I kissed her forehead and rubbed her back. "I love you Queen."
"Love you...King." She fells asleep i smirked feeling a bit prideful for what i just did. Think i did pretty good for being out of practice after all this time.
The next morning...
I woke up alone.
Which didn't make me one bit happy.
Then i smelled something and heard soft music playing.
I went through my bag and put on some boxers and went downstairs to see her in the kitchen make waffles in my shirt from last night humming along with metallica.
I smiled.
I picked a good one!
Wifey material!!
Fuck yes!
You hit the fucking Jackpot!
I walked up behind her and and snuck my arms around her waist then kissed her cheek as i swayed us from side to side.
"Morning baby." I husked.
I felt her blush i chuckled.
"Morning." She said.
"I smells good Lex."
"I made your favorite."
"You remember?"
"How could i forget?" She said turning around with a plate that held 4 strips of bacon and a stack of 3 waffles topped with chocolate chips and strawberries.
"Mmm looks nice but i think for breakfast i want you." I picked her up and placed her on the counter and kissed her then took my shirt off of her (she had on a new set of under clothes) she giggled.
Then someone came inside amd she squealed. I covered her up quickly.
"Oh my god! Oliver don't you knock!?" She yelled.
"You gave me a spare key to the house darling of course i don't knock you know that better than anybody." I turned around and Oliver was there.
"Ooh my god i called it!" Oliver squealed.
Lexi got off the counter.
"Um babe clothes!" I reminded her.
"Hon, Oliver's gay he's seen me with no clothes before." Lexi said.
"Not naked of course." Oliver added on.
I didn't like that idea of another man being able to see my girlfriend's 'goods' gay or not it just didn't sit right with me
"You ok King?" Lexi asked me.
"Can you please go put on some clothes?" I asked her as kindly as i could without trying to sound rude.
"Of course, Oli eyes off." She said warningly before leaving.
"How long have you two been screwing?" Oliver asked and I notices him staring at my 'area'.
"I'm gonna go put on some clothes as well." I say going upstairs into Lexi's room.
"Hey babe, I was just about to come downstairs is everything ok?"
"I just wanted to talk about what I you said earlier about Oliver seeing you with no clothes."
"What about it?"
"I mean before we were together i wouldn't say anything about it but you're with me now and i'm just mot to keen on the idea of another man seeing my girlfriend's body like that."
"Spencer he's gay he's not going to do anything to me."
"I understand that, I'm glad that you're comfortable around him to that extent. That's you baby, But i'm kind of old fashioned ok? I just believe that no other man should be able to see what my girlfriend is packing. Gay or not. I'm not trying to control your wardrobe or anything, " i sighed. "Just please don't let him see you like that anymore. Please?"
"Ok, i understand i will talk to him about it. He'll understand."
"No throw some clothes on i didn't make your favorite breakfast for nothing." She said leaving.
Your pov:
I was jogging with Mark we decides to wear our couple shirts we got from Disneyland:
"Ok so explain to me what was going on between you and Julia last night." Mark said.
"You are so blind that not even your glasses are helping you see what was right in front of you."
"What was in front of me that i was not seeing?"
I shook my head at this clueless little bean. "Mark, It's Spencer and Alexis!"
"What about them?"
"You sure you went to college?"
"Hey lay off the college thing."
"Mark they are into each other."
"Ooooooh." Mark said.
"Yeeeeeeaaa there ya go babe now you're seeing in 20/20." I joke.
"Ok so what are you and Julia are going to help them."
"(Y/n) you shouldn't interfere with Spencer's love life."
"I'm not i'm just gonna give them a little...push."
"What do you mean a little 'push' babe?"
"You'll find up when they are together." I said smiling.
He sighed.
"And don't tell Spencer." I say.
"I won't." Mark said.
When we got back Spencer was home.
"Spencer! Welcome home bro!" I said hugging him.
"Hey Lil' Momma." He said smiling.
"How was your night over at the Calloways household?" I asked.
"Pretty good i guess, We didn't do much. We went swimming in her pool and afterwards we just did a little catching up and after that we went to bed."
"Well that's good to see you getting out of the house and having fun."
"Ok?" He said.
"So are you hungry?" I asked.
"No i ate at Lexi's."
"What'd you have?"
"She made Waffles with chocolate chips and strawberries."
"I heard food!" Jack said coming downstairs with Julia.
"Oh hi Spencer!" Jack said.
"Hey guys." Spencer said.
"So you're going to the Grammy's tomorrow." I started.
"Yea, Speaking of which i'm gonna go find that suit-" Spencer started.
"Actually Julia and i were talking and we think maybe we should take you out!" I say.
"Yea." Julia said smiling.
"What about the advertisement you said we had to do today?"
"Stanley called, Shit's cancelled." I said.
"Oh um ok." Spencer said.
"So, I will get dressed really quickly i will be back."
I run upstairs and take a shower and get dressed:
"Ok! I'm ready let's go!" I say.
"Babe?" Mark whined
"Yes~" i say
"What about my kiss?"
"Oops sorry baby." I give him a kiss and then we leave.
We ushered Spencer into a tailor shop
"What are we doing here?" Spencer asked as we looked through the rack of clothes for a suit of or outfit.
"We are getting you a suit tailored."
"Guys I-" Spencer started.
"No buts about it Spence you are going to the Grammy's you need to look your best. Not saying that you never look your best. But you need something super formal i'm pretty sure Lexi will appreciate this."
He sighed. "(Y/-"
"Spencer relax we got this."
We got an outfit together and got it tailored:
"That looks very nice." I say.
"Oh Lil'Momma it's 5 o'clock." Julia said.
"What's at 5 o'clock?" Spencer asked.
"No time to wonder come on we got twenty minutes!" I say.
We lead him into the escort car and drive him to the barber shop.
Once we get there we sat in the waiting area Julia and I were looking through the hair style magazines. Searching for the perfect hair cut for Spencer to get.
"What about that one his hair grown out enough." I sat pointing at the hairstyle.
Spencer's Pov:
Spencer: Queen...
Queen:Yes King😘
Spencer: Help. Me.
Queen: Why what's wrong?
Spencer: (Y/n) and Julia have been running me around all day. They bought me an outfit and they have me sitting in a barber shop. They have been acting weird ever since yesterday.
Queen: Lol Spencer.
Queen: They are trying to um impress me.
Queen: Or help you impress me really😂
Spencer: Seriously?
Queen: Yeppers😂
Queen: Just accept it as a gesture of kindness.
Queen: Or a treat!
Spencer:Smh i will try.😑
Spencer: Thank you baby.
Queen: NP, Love You King.
Spencer: Love you too Queen.
Your pov:
"Spencer Vincenté?" A barber called.
"That's us!" I say. I tug Spencer into the barber's chair.
"Just relax we know what we're doing." I tell Spencer
Julia shows the barber the haircut and the minute the barber cut the hair clippers on. Spencer freaked out.
"No! No haircut!" Spencer exclaimed.
"But-" i started.
"No (Y/n), Look i know what you guys are doing. Thanks but no thanks to hair cut, the tailored outfit that makes me looks like Clark Kent's cousin. Lexi already helped me pick out an outfit and i already have a hair style in mind. and no i don't want that outfit tailored i like it he way it is." He sighed getting up.
"Where are you going?" I asked.
"For a walk alone i'll be home later." He said walking out of the door.
Julia and I went home.
"How'd it go?" Mark asked.
"Bad we had to return the outfit and he ran out during the hair appointment. He said he'll be home later."
"Hey guys Julia are going on our date today." Jack said walkinh towards the door holding Julia's hand.
"I thought that was tomorrow." I said.
"No it was today." Julia said.
"Ok, well have fun you two but not too much fun we don't need any Misfit Jrs." I say.
"Oh god, good bye guys!" Jack said and they left the house.
We headed upstairs and Mark decided he wanted me to draw him so. He's posing while i draw.
"Are you done yet?" He asked.
"Almost my hold on." I say.
Then finally i was done:
"Like it?" I asked.
"Love it." Mark said.
"Yay!" I cheered.
He chuckled and kissed me.
"How did i get so lucky?" Mark mumbled against my lips.
"I often wonder that same question. How in the hell did you get to be so lucky?" I joke.
"You little smart ass." He grabbed my leg and scooted me down so i was laying down underneath him and i giggled.
"I'm your smart ass though." I say in a flirty tone.
"Mmmthat's right." He mumbled against my neck. He began to leave light kisses on my neck. Light kisses quickly lead to full-fledged kisses, biting and sucking. Then when he reached my sweetspot i couldn't help but let out a small moan.
I could feel him smirking against my skin as he made his way back to my lips. He kissed me a bit roughly as his hands wondered about my body.
I felt lust surge through me and when i looked into Mark's eyes and i could see my his once beautiful brown eyes had gone dark with need.
We went into further action.
His lips continued toying with the sweetspot on my neck as i helped him take off his flannel and i wrapped my hand around his neck.
I bit my lip and basked in this moment. I let out another moan and i felt something harden against my thigh and i gasped. He chuckled in pure amusement then growled in greed he pulled away and pulled off my pants. He palmed me through my underwear i let out another moan as he continued to kiss and tease me. Then unexpectedly he slipped his hands into the fabric and slipped his fingers between my folds.
I gasped and moaned.
He groaned. "You're getting nice and wet for me...well let me help you with that."
He used my slick as lubricant and rubbed it over my clit.
"Oh my gahd.." I moaned letting me head fall back.
"You like that?" He asked in a deep gravelly voice.
I moaned as he pressed harder.
"Faster baby...." I begged.
He willingly complied and kiss me. Right when i was about to come he stopped.
I whimpered and he pulled my underwear and tossed it to the side. He settled in between my legs. I was nervous nobody has ever done that to me.
"M-mark?" I said.
"What's wrong baby?"
"Um Ash n-never did that to me."
He growled at the mention of another man's name.
"Just relax, You're gonna love it." He said as he grinned mischievously.
He attacked my folds and sucked my clit, dipping in and out of my core.
"Oh my gahd!" I moaned.
He held my hips down and continued his work as i moaned uncontrollably. One hand gripping at the sheets the other in his hair.
I bucked my hips against his face as he continued taking me to my high.
"M-mark! I'm gonna cum baby!" I whimpered.
He growled and dipped his tongue as far as it could go and moved it rapidly in my core while rubbing my clit at the same speed. It was all so much to handle. I no longer had control over my body.
"Oh fuck!Oh fuck! Oh fffffuck!Mark!" I yelled as i came very hard. Mark looked at me with lust filled eyes and licked his lips. He helped me take off my shirt and latching his lips on to one of my nipples. While he used his hand to toy with the other.
I moaned. "Mmmmmark~" i moaned his name and he growled and stuck two fingers into my core making me moan as he continued his sweet torture. Soon he began thrusting his fingers into my core fast hitting my g-spot.
"Oh! M-ma-mark! Fuck baby!"
He growled and continued until i came again but this time i was in tears.
"I can't take anymore." I whimpered.
"You want to stop?"
Right when i thought i was done that burst of hot need went through my core which was now pulsating for more than fingers or lips.
"N-no i want you, please give it to me." I begged.
He hurriedly took off his pants and boxers to reveal his fully erect manhood then put on a condom.
He settled himself between my legs and kissed me with greed and and hunger. I tasted my juices on his tongue making me even more turned on if that was possible.
I moaned and he growled.
"You ready for me baby?~" He asked.
I whimped and nodded.
He grabbed his manhood and growled at the touch before inserting just the tip.
I gasped and let out a whimper like moan. "Mmmmore baby faster please?" I begged.
He didn't listen and continued to slowly insert himself into me.
"Oh. My. God you're big."
And they say Koreans are small!
"Mmmm you're tight..fuck!" He growled. He rammed the rest of himself into me i moaned.
He pulled out and rammed into me again making me moan and beg.
"Faster baby please."
Finally he went fast and hard.
Our skin slapping against each other.
"Oh yes Mark! Oh fuck yes!" I moaned loudly.
He didn't stop until we both came.
I laid on my stomach and clutched onto the pillow i was laying my head on. Letting myself come from my high.
I felt Mark caress my back then his hands went over my tattoo.
"What do these tattoos on your back mean?" He asked me.
"Hope, faith, love, determination, and optimism. In that order top to bottom."
He kissed each tattoo and that made me smiled lazily.
"They're beautiful." He said.
"Thank you." I mumbled tiredly.
"Round two?"
"Hell no i'm too tired."
He wrapped his arm around my waist and used my back as a pillow and we went to sleep.
The next day...
I woke up pretty late Mark was still sleep as well. I picked up the phone and looked at the time:
"Mark." I mumbled.
"We have to get up."
"Mmmno." He whined.
"Well fine i will get up."
He squeezed me tightly.
"Breakfast." I said.
He groaned in complaint and let go.
I got dressed in one of Mark's shirts and his sweats then headed downstairs.
"Well good morning to you sunshine." Julia said sarcastically.
"Hey." I say. I go into the fridge and get the orange juice carton. It only had a cup's worth left.
I shrugged and drunk straight from the carton until it was all gone.
"I'll call Don to get more later." I mumble.
I burped and then giggled tiredly.
"Booyah!" I say giggling.
"(Y/n) are you ok?" Jack asked.
"I'm completely fine i couldn't be better actually! Why?" I asked.
"You're usually the first one up along with Mark."
"Why?" I asked.
"You two go exercising every morning." Julia said.
Then it hit me. "Oh yea that,"
Julia and Jack looked at each
"We were too tired to get up earlier." I say.
Spencer comes downstairs all dressed up:
"Well look at you." I say smiling.
"Look at you." Spencer taunted.
"I know aren't i gorgeous?" I say sarcastically. "So why are you so dressy dressy?"
He raised an eyebrow. "I'm going to the Grammy's today with Lexi remember?"
"Ooh yea! That's today?" I asked confused.
"Yea, Are you feeling ok?" Spencer asked concerned
"Peachy keen." I say smiling.
Just then Mark comes down
"Hey babe." I say.
"Hey where's the breakfast?" He asked.
"I knew i came down here to do something." I said giggling.
Mark chuckled and brought me into a kiss.
"You little minx." He said.
I giggled."Ye!"
We laughed together.
"We can just go get lunch it's too late for breakfast anyways." Mark said.
"Yay!" I say giggling.
He rubbed his nose against mine.
"Ok what's up with you two?" Spencer asked suspiciously.
"Nothing why?" I asked.
The doorbell rang.
"How do you feel?" Mark asked quietly.
"A bit sore." I answer.
"That solves it!" Jack yelled.
"Solves what?" Mark asked.
"You know what Mark." Jack said winking.
"Oh we left them home alone." Julia said.
I blushed and covered my face.
"Ok guys well um i am leaving." Spencer said locking arms with Lexi.
"Have fun take picture with people!" I say waving.
"We will." Spencer said leaving.
"We better go get ready too." I say.
"No funny business." Jack warned.
"I'm your mother i can get busy if i wanna." I joke.
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