[Ep.22] Home at last.
The tour's finally over...(10 months later.)
Your pov:
We just got back home earlier this morning and we've been sleep ever since. I slept with Mark in his room.
(Do you remember his room? No? Ok):
My back was to his chest and Mark had his arm around my waist and his head in the crook of my neck. Our legs were tangled. Of course were stripped to almost nothing and we haven't gotten intimate yet and we both agree that we'd let that moment come naturally. But right now we just prefer to sleep in our underwear no sex. Just sleep and i like it this way.
I felt Mark kiss my shoulder all the way up to the back of my ear as he caressed my arm. "Morning."
I groaned and he chuckled.
"We have to get up and head to the gym."
"Nnggh baby we're not on tour can we skip a day?" I whine.
"No we cannot."
"I don't want to go out."
"Ok how about I call Don and she can get us two work out mats and we can work out here?"
Don is our new assistant she's a Drag Queen.I'm jealous of her i mean the girl can dress! When she is a girl. She can be rather Donovan or Donella so we just call her Don and she has such a beautiful heart.
"I guess that would work." I admit.
"Great i'll call her." He kissed me then one kiss lead to a heated make out session.
Then Mark's stomach growled.
I giggled. "Go call Don and i will make all of us some breakfast."
"I adore you." He said.
"I adore you too baby."
He gave me a quick peck on the lips before getting off of me and then i got up and he slapped my ass which is something he started doing two weeks so after i got out of bed he'd slap my ass. Before i'd get ready to go on stage he'd slap my ass and pretty much time any time he feels like it he'll discreetly slap my ass. Why I don't know why i'm still getting used to it and i can't lie. I like it.
So he calls Don. I slip on his tshirt and some shorts and head downstairs.
"Morning everyone!" I said smiling.
"Morning lil' momma." Everyone says.
I grabbed a pot and made grits. While those were cooking made some eggs then i felt somebody wrap there arms around me it scared me.
"God Mark you scared the fuck out of me."
He chuckled." Sorry baby, you look sexy in my shirt i can't help it."
I giggled and he kissed my neck. The eggs were done so i turned off the eye. I turned around to look at him.
"Ooooh looks good in front too." He said
I giggled and whispered. "What's under is twice as good."
"Oh." Mark replied in in a flirty tone before kissing me.
"Get a room!!" Jack yelled
"Yuck!!" Spencer yelled.
"You see we would go to our rooms but we haven't installed the soundproof foam and i like to play rough-ow!!" I slapped his chest.
"Shut-up, You can't say you like it rough if you haven't even done anything to prove so!" I say blushing.
"Oooh snap!" Jack said.
"Ouch." Julia said.
"Roasted." Spencer sung.
Soon we finish breakfast and Don stops by.
"Hello!?" She yells.
I run downstairs. "Don!!!"
"(Y/n) my dear how are you!?"
"I'm amazing!!"
Mark came down and got the mats from her.
"Thanks Don, ok babe ready?" Mark asked
I hug her and we kiss each others cheeks.
"I'll be up stairs in a minute."
I say sitting on the couch with Don.
I heard him groan and head upstairs.
"I adore you baby!" I yell.
"Yea yea." He mumbled.
I giggled.
"How have you been?" I asked.
"I'm doing good you need to start calling me to actually assist you more!"
"I know! I know! But we're so used to holding our own that we just handle everything by ourselves."
"Well atleast call me over for fun i love you guys!!"
"We love you too just come by whenever just don't come late tryna still our boys from us at night or call at 5am for bail money." I joke.
"I will try to keep that in mind...A diferencia de esa zorra estúpida Piper." She mumbled. (Unlike that stupid slut piper.)
I gasped. "¡Don! ¡Eso no es manera de hablar de tus asociados!" (Don! That is no way to talk about your associates!)
"Quizás no, pero todavía, todos sabían que había algo entre ustedes y Mark porque siempre hablaba de cómo notó la conexión entre ustedes dos y lo agradable que eran con ella y tenía el valor de joder eso Por dormir con Mark conocimiento bueno y bien algo estaba pasando! La perra puta asno merece lo que viene a ella!"
(maybe not but still, everyone knew that there was a little something going on between you and Mark because she always used to talk about how she noticed the connection between you two and how nice you were to her and she had the nerve to fuck that up by sleeping with Mark knowing good and well something was going on! the bitch ass slut deserves what's coming to her!)
I was shocked.
"Pasado es pasado, no me importa lo que ella dijo. Porque ahora Mark está conmigo y ambos estamos muy felices el uno con el otro. Desde el incidente en Las Vegas no ha hecho contacto con ninguna otra mujer excepto con los que están en el trabajo. Es leal y dulce. ¿Así que Piper me hizo mal? La perdono y la olvido porque ella no está aquí y yo le diría eso a ella ahora."
(past is past hun, I don't care what she said. Because now Mark is with me and we are both very happy with each other. Ever since the incident in Vegas he has not made contact with any other woman except the ones at work. He's loyal and sweet. So Piper did me wrong? i forgive her and i forget about her because she is not here and i would say that to her now.)
"¡Eres una novia muy amable, habría estado en la cárcel ahora mismo por intento de asesinato! Usted no pudo haber estado con él en ese momento pero todavía ella sabía que él estaba fuera de límites!"
(You are too nice girlfriend, I would have been in jail right now for attempted murder! You might not have been with him at the time but still she knew he was off limits!)
"Me han pasado que bien? Mark y yo estamos juntos ahora. Hablando de que el niño hombre sexy me está esperando arriba. Mejor me levanto antes de que empiece a lanzar una rabieta!" I say laughing.
(I'm passed that ok? Mark and i are together now. Speaking of which the sexy man child is waiting for me upstairs. I better get up there before he starts throwing a tantrum!)
She laughed. "Go get him girl!!"
"Stop by anytime!"
"I will!"
She left and i want upstairs.
"Hey baby." I said.
"Sorry for taking too long me and Don got caught up."
"It's ok." I gave him a quick kiss.
"Soo where do want to start?"
"Stretches, push-ups and then crunches."
We do all the exercises then we finally get down to the last bit.
Mark fell to the mat exhausted from push-ups.
I straddled him. "Come on pretty boy get up you have a set of crunches to complete."
"No my ass as your personal coach which is what position you gave me. I am supposed to push you and you told me to never take no as an answer i'm not going easy on you just because you're my boyfriend."
"That's right i am your boyfriend so would you do anything to motivate me. Right?"
"Mmm depends." I say.
"If i do my set what can you give me in return besides and epsom salt bath?"
"Mm how about this for every crunch you complete i give you a kiss and after you complete your set then take a bath. i can give you a massage. How about that?"
"Damn you're a good negotiator."
I giggled and got off of him.
"Alright pretty boy assume position."
He did his crunches as if he wasn't exhausted to begin with.
"37.." He came up and i kissed him.
"38.." Quick kiss. "39.." Another one "and 40...." I gave him one big final kiss.
I giggled and he chuckled.
"I'm proud of you." I say.
"Thanks babe."
"You deserve it."
I gave him his water bottle.
"What were you and Don talking about downstairs?"
"We were talking about you and Piper."
"I figured that much i heard our names but what about us?"
"The business thing you both mixed business with pleasure and she got fired everybody at her job apparently knows."
"You trust me right? You know i'd nev-"
"Hey, baby listen i trust you with my life. I told her that i don't care what happened back then cause right now i'm with you and you're all mine."
He smiled. "That's right."
"Great i'm gonna go run that bath and when you're finished soaking that massage."
"Ok wait i have one request."
"Nothing but underwear. I love the feel of your skin on mine."
"Yes, Sir." I say kissing him before leaving i go back to my room and run his bath and throw on a cute lace set of underwear.
I didn't want to walk to Mark's room even though i knew it was right beside me. I didn't want to risk anyone seeing me. So i texted him.
Bath's all ready nice and steamy for you. ;)
God you're the best, I'm coming baby.
That's what he said.😂😆😘
Mark came into my room and tackled me to the bed attacking me with kisses and tickles.
I giggled and squeal. "Mark!! You're hot and sweaty!"
"That's what she said, Now i'm gonna go take that bath can't wait for that massage." He slapped my ass before going to the bathroom.
I sat down and watched Ethan on youtube. Before Mark finally came out of the bathroom in only his boxers.
I pat the spot beside me and he laid down on his stomach and i straddled his hips and he moaned.
I giggle and started to massage his back. He groaned in relief.
"So we got the week off." I say.
"Mhmmmmmmm." Mark hummed.
"What do you think we should do?"
"I don't knoooooooooooowwww." He said.
"I was thinking we should hold a contest for 5 lucky fans to spend a day with us. Maybe we can give them a tour of the house..."
"And then maybe go to disney land."
"Then do some challenge videos."
"You're sleepy aren't you?"
I looked at Mark and he was sound asleep.
I giggled. "Yep." I laid down beside him and we took a nap.
A/n: Sorry for not delivering this chapter yesterday i was staying with my dad all summer and i returned home yesterday. I wanted to see my family and completely forgot about this chapter. Anyways hope you guys enjoyed thanks for the support!
Lus ya bai
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