[Ep.20] When the ship finally f*ckin sails!
Your pov:
I woke up and that's when it hit me.
The unbelievable headache.
"Oh fuck." I groan.
I tried to get up but there was this was warm weight on top of me. It was pleasant and snuggling and it moved?!
My eyes darted open to see firetruck red hair in my and i felt someone breathing on my neck.
He groaned. "Stay still so i can sleep baby." He said in his deep morning voice.
Oh god 2x more baritone the voice just got sexier.
"Mark get off of me!" I was quickly coming to my senses and i couldn't help but wonder what the hell happened last night.
He groaned but his eyes finally popped open and he got up immediately causing covers to cave down on us.
We struggled to get the covers off of us.
And the headache worsened when my eyes were exposed to the sunlight.
"Oh god." Mark and i both groaned.
The birds sounded like airplanes out there.
Mark looked down at me and blushed before looking away.
"What?" I questioned.
"You don't remember?"
"Remember what?" I said as i plummeted my head into the covers to avoid the sun.
"We didn't have sex did we?!"
"Oh no! I would never ever take advantage of you like that!"
Here comes stage three of a hang over.
Uh oh.
I ran to the bathroom and released the rejected fluids flowing through my system. In other words i was throwing up.
I felt someone put my hair in a ponytail and rub my back.
"God mistakes were made i'm never drinking with urie like that again." I said after i was done.
"I wouldn't call all of last night a mistake." Mark said.
"What did we do?"
"We made out on the seashore, On the elevator and when got here we made a pillow fort and made out until we both fell asleep which resulted to this."
He gave me his phone he had on camera mode. I had hickeys 5 of them to be exact.
I blushed.
"You also declared us king and queen of the squirrels."
Then all the memories came flooding back.
"Oh my god that is embarrassing." I said covering my burning face. Mark took my hands off my face.
"I thought it was cute, i thought you were cute and i still do." He said.
I unwillingly let a smile spread across my face. Before looking away from him.
"Damn sweet talker." I mumbled.
He chuckled.
"Why aren't you hungover it's not fair."
"Because i stuck to beer instead of the variety of strong drinks you mixed."
"God that's the one thing I regret."
"Hey i can call Stan and tell him that you and I have to take a day off."
"Why you and i?"
"Well somebody has to take care of you."
I blushed.
"Brush your teeth, get showered up and changed then get in the bed and i'll bring back some ibuprofen for that hangover ok?"
He spoke softly it made my heart flutter.
"Um ok." I said blushing.
"Good." He kissed my forehead.
I took a shower and brushed my teeth and realized all my clothes were dirty i forgot to clean them last week.
I went into the room mark wasn't here yet.
Then an idea popped into my head.
What if i borrowed one of his shirts?
He wouldn't mind...right?
I went into his suitcase and grabbed his old grey ohio state university shirt and slipped it on before hopping into bed. But not before closing the curtains the sun was not my best friend today.
Soon Mark finally came back.
"Hey sorry i took a while i stopped by chick-fil-a and got us grilled chicken sandwiches meals i would have got something from burger king or something but you know Leon and Denise wouldn't be happy about it that."
"Doug isn't gonna be happy about it all." I say sitting up out of the bed.
"Is that my shirt?"
"Yea i hope you don't mind i forgot to wash mine last week."
"No i don't mind here." He handed me the bag as well as an ibuprofen for my headache.
"I also got a couple of scary movies."
"Ok what's the catch to all this?"
"I mean you're letting me borrow your shirt, you brought us food and movies there's got to be a catch behind all this TLC."
"Well i guess it's time we stop running around the pool and dive in."
"(Y/n) I like you a lot and last night you made it clear you feel the same way."
"And i know that you are scared that i will hurt you again," He came and sat at my side and took my head. "But you have to believe me when i say i never ever wanted to hurt you. I would never intentionally hurt you in any way, shape, or form. I want to be your one and only and i want you to be my one and only. I want us to finally be something real. I want you to be my girlfriend."
I stood speechless and Mark cupped my cheek and kissed me sweetly.
"Please be my girlfriend, i've wanted to kiss you so many times and now that i have i don't want to have stop now."
"Yes." I said breathlessly.
"Yes!" Mark kissed me once more. I got up and straddled his hips and he fell to the bed as he wrapped his hand around my waist. I looked him in the eyes and he moved some stray hair behind my ear.
"You're so beautiful." He whispered to me.
I leaned down to kiss him and he ran his hands through my hair and he flipped us over without breaking the kiss i ran my hand through his hair and he moved down to my neck.
"He gave you one but i get to give you many." He said before nibbled on my ear and dove into my neck giving it soft pecks that turned into biting and sucking then he found my sweet spot.
I tried to fight the urge to moan but he was relentless he sucked and tugged on it i let out a soft moan and i felt something harden against my womanhood i gasp and he let out a groan then a low gravelly chuckle.
Then there was a knock on the door.
Mark groaned in complaint and i giggle.
"Who is it?!" He yelled.
"Police open up!!"
Mark and i looked at each other.
I mouthed. 'It's Spencer.' To him.
He nodded before getting off of me i ran to his bag and pulled out his sweats and threw them on quickly before Mark opened the door.
"Hey guys." Mark said.
"How'd you know?" Jack said.
"Because i told him." I said coming from around the corner
"How did you know?" Spencer asked.
"Spencer hun you can't fool mother. She knows your voice." I said pinching his cheek.
He pouted.
"Stan called told us you were sick." Julia said.
"Don't tell us you got her knocked up." Jack said to Mark.
Julia swatted at his arm.
"No she's just experiencing a hangover." Mark defended
"Stan said today was our day off anyways so we should do something." Spencer said.
"I think we should stay inside and do something for (Y/n)'s sake." Julia added.
"We were about to relax and just watch some horror films." Mark said.
"Chick-fil-a Mark and you didn't get us any?!" Jack said holding up the bag.
"I didn't think anyone was stopping by and i just wanted to make sure (y/n) had something to take the pills with." Mark defended.
"There are two sandwiches in here Mark."
"I was gonna eat too." Mark said.
"Guys lay off of him he's just trying to help me with my hangover." I say.
"Whose clothes are you wearing?" Julia asked me.
"Sean John, Kalvin Klein! Donna Karen's fashion line. Valentino, YSL Fiagami and Chanel. Holsten, Gucci, Figla, Rucci don't forget my Pucci. Fendi and Armani god i miss Gianni. Kenneth Coles, Michael Korrs. Mr.Ford i can't afford. D&G and BCBG looking good is never easy." I sung before snapping playfully and walking away like a model before getting into bed.
"What the fuck just happened?" Spencer said laughing.
"She's wearing Mark's clothes i can tell by the Ohio State Uni shirt and she was trying to play it off by singing that crazy song." Jack said
"All her clothes were dirty so i let her wear mine. No big deal." Mark replied.
"Ook Mark no need to get defensive." Jack said
"I'm not being defensive." Mark denied.
"Wait!" Julia said.
"What?" I asked.
"Y'all were just planning to have a settle day alone watching horror movies together? Alone?" Julia asked.
"Yessss." I say.
"You've both been defending each other. Mark is being very protective of you and you're acting submissive. You're both never like that especially alone." Julia pointed out.
Spencer and Jack start cheering and cat calling. I blushed and looked away.
"Have you both finally got your shit together and told each other how you feel?" Jack teased.
"Finally?" Mark question.
"The tension has been there for the longest." Spencer groaned.
"Guys let's do a livestream of us play PC games." Jack suggested.
"Hey let's play that one game everyone says is scary its about some haunted animal doll machine things." Spencer says.
"Animatronics?" Julia corrected.
"Yea those things what's it called again Five times at Frankie's?" Spencer questioned.
"It's Five Nights At Freddy's." Mark corrected.
"Yea everybody says that it's scary it's just a couple of machines." Spencer said.
"Well let's see for ourselves." I say.
We ate first so the food didn't get cold.
Mark sets up his Laptop he recently bought. I don't know why.
We all got into camera view. I sat behind Mark wrapping my hands around his waist while resting my head on his back and he started the stream.
"Hello everybody my name is Mark and the person using my back as a pillow is (Y/n)." Mark said.
"I'm tired from a hangover i don't know why i agreed to this." I mumbled.
Mark chuckled." And we also have Jack."
"Top of the mornin' to ya laddies!!!!" Jack yelled.
"Ouch!" I complain."pipe down my irish child!"
"And last but not least Julia and Spencer and today we are going to be taking turns playing Five Nights at Freddy's a lot of people say it's a good game and Spencer doesn't think it's scary so we decided since we have a day off and haven't recorded in a while to do a livestream of us all playing it from what i heard the creator of the game just released his fifth game-"
"Mark shut the fuck up and start the game already!!" Jack yelled.
"Ok Leprechaun relax!"
I giggled.
"Glad you find that funny little rascal." Mark said.
"I prefer the term misfit thanks."
I slyly kissed his back so i thought nobody could see but Julia wink at me.
I blushed and dipped my nose into Mark's back to hide my face as well as take in his scent. Then i looked over his shoulder and watched him play.
"Ok Family pizzeria looking for a security guard to take the night shift. 1st night 12am. If i didn't want to stay the first night why would i wanna stay anymore than five? Why would i want to stay anymore than two? Hello."
"Why would you want to stay more than one hour?" I mumble against his back.
"That is a good question."
I watched as Mark freaked out and frantically closed doors and checked the cameras.
It was cute.
Jack and Spencer kept trying to discourage him.
But he made it even though he ran out of power and Mark lost it when he won the first night.
I giggled.
Then he went straight into night two.
"How many games are there?" I asked.
"I looked it earlier there are five games all together." Spencer says
"Ooooooooooohhhh five games? Guys spam the chat with saying freddy fun time if you want to see Mark eventually beat all five games!!" I say.
"What?!Noooo!!" Mark said.
The chat was spammed. "The Beautiful little misfits have spoken Mark." I say smiling.
"Ok spam the chat with 'Foxy gonna munch on your butt' if you want Lil'Momma to play with me!"
And just as fast as mark said that the chat was spammed.
"Nooo i thought you guys loved meeeee." I whined.
"The people have spoken my dearest." Mark said.
"Just continue playing or i'll shove my foot up your ass."
"Getting kinky over there are we?" Jack teased
"Shut up." I said.
Soon Mark failed night 2 and Spencer was up next.
After a while we all together beat the game and we all joined another fandom.
"Alright guys well i'm gonna go off amd learn more about this Five Nights at Freddy's franchise because the lore of the game has me infatuated." I said getting from behind Mark.
"And we are gonna go eat." Jack said.
"You ordered a pizza and ate half of it alone!" I said.
"That was 3 hours ago."
"You know Leon is gonna give you shit for that later." Mark warned.
"It's not like he was watching the livestream." Jack said.
Right then my phone went off.
Leon: Hey (Y/n) tell everyone i said hello and that i enjoyed the livestream.
Ps: tell Jack that's 5 extra pushups for that pizza.
I read off the text and Jack looked like he seen a ghost.
"H-hi Leon she was only joking about eating half right (y/n)?"
"Yea i was....he ate the whole damn thing!" I said running into the bathroom and locking it.
I heard Jack banging on the door.
"Open up it's time to pay!" Jack said.
"No!" I yelled.
"Open up now!!"
"That's rude mother taught you better than that! Where are your manners."
"Sorry..." Jack said in a childish voice.
"Now ask nicely."
"Can you please open up?"
I opened the door and Jack picked me and put me on the bed tickling my sides i laughed amd squealed.
"Mark help!!!" I yelled.
Mark came over. "Why of course i'll help." He started tickling me as well i laughed and thrashed around as they tickled me.
"Guys w-we have to end the livestream!" I said.
"Dammit she's right." Jack said. We all we to the laptop.
"Well thank you guys so much for watching and we will see you in the next video buh-bye!!" Mark said.
We all waved and said goodbye.
Soon everyone was out of the room and it was just me and Mark.
I took off the sweatpants and threw them at Mark.
"Why didn't you keep them on?" Mark asked.
"Because i hate pants." I grumbled.
Mark looked at me like he just found his lost puppy.
"What?" I asked.
He ran to me then picked me up and attacked me with kisses all over. I giggled and squealed.
"You are my soulmate." He said putting me on the bed and attacking my neck with kisses again.
"All because i hate pants?!" I asked giggling.
I suddenly remembered something.
"Mark i got make up on my neck!"
"To cover the hickeys."
"Why would you do that baby? I like seeing my marks on you."
The irony Mark gave me marks.
"I look like a cheetah or a leopard."
"Well i think you would look very sexy in a leopard cosplay this is a start."
I giggled. "No stop no more let me get the make up off!" I squealed.
Mark groaned and got off of me.
"When you get done since we got done with the livestream early we ate going to pop in Evil Dead and hop into bed and snuggle."
"Awe but Five Nights at Freddy's.." I said pouting.
"You do your research later right now i need you snuggling into my arms." He kissed my nose.
I giggled and got up and went into the bathroom and removed the make up before crawling into bed with Mark who was in nothing but boxers. I didn't realize it til i cuddled into his side ans ran my fingers across his abs.I couldn't help but admire the progress he's been making. Not just because he had abs and i think it's hot but also because i know how much work he puts into his body and even though he used to go out frequently he never drunk till he was shitfaced. The fact that he takes care of himself was attracive to me.
"Mark where are your clothes?" I asked blushing.
"I don't wear PJs. Why are my muscles too manly for you?"
He said flexing the other arm that i wasn't laying on.
"You're funny." I said smiling.
He playfully pouted at me.
"But you like that about me don't you?" I say smirking.
He rolled his eyes playfully. "I hate when you're right." He kissed me and i giggled.
"We had fun today."
"No you had fun watching me get jumpscared over and freaking out like a bubble blowing baby."
"Awe but you were an adorable bubble blowing baby when you got jumpscared."
"Yea right just wait til we play next time."
"Why are you being so sour you have been crowned king of Five Nights At Freddy's."
"It isn't easy as it looks."
"You are such a bubble blowin baby."
"But i'm your bubble blowing baby."
"True." I kissed him.
"Now back to the real question why are you in clothes? Come on sit up."
"Just do it please."
I sat up.
"Now lift your arms up."
I did so.
He pulled the shirt off and threw it to the floor.
"Mark!" I tried to cover myself.
"Look at your cute wittle abs and your tattoos."
"Why'd you take off my shirt?" I asked pouting.
"First off it's my shirt and as cute as you look in it. I know you don't wear PJ's to bed."
"How would you know?"
"Because who does obviously everyone sleeps in their underwear duh."
I rolled my eyes before snuggling back into his side.
We watched Evil Dead and eventually anime before falling asleep.
I guess i owe the Urie
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