[Ep.19] Don't threaten me with a good time
10 months later....
Your pov:
"Well that wouldn't be a problem if you didn't bring a chick in here every single night!!!" I yelled at mark.
"What I do outside of business is none of your concern so for once keep your nose out of other people's business!!" Mark yelled at me.
"You are my business Mark the minute you join this band you became our business and we became yours and is that all you think of us now all this is this business?! What happens to friends?!"
"You still are friends but you're being a major league bitch lately!"
"You think......."
"I'm being a bitch..........."
"Because i worry about you?"
I suddenly started laughing nervously.
"You want a bitch?"
Too late
"I'll show you what a real bitch can do!!!!!!!!!!"
I lunged at him but Julia grabbed me and pulled me out of the room into the hall and i fell to the ground crying.
Why do his words hurt?
"It's ok sis come on get up let's go to my room." She cooed.
Stupid girl, it's just a crush why are you crying?
I couldn't i didn't have the strength or will.
"What happened?!"
It's Spencer.
"Mark happened she almost punched him or slapoed him or beat him down all together." Julia said.
I heard Spencer sigh then i felt him pick me up bridal style.
I buried my face into his shoulder and continued to cry.
Why do i do this to myself?
Why do i feel so deeply for him even though he hurts me?
"Why am i this way? W-wha-what h-ha-appened? What d-di-d i do t-to make him hate me so much?" I sobbed
"Shhhh,You did nothing." Spencer said as he carried me to his room.
He laid me on the bed.
"What's wrong!?" Jack asked.
"Again?!" Jack said.
"I'll be back." Spencer sighed.
He doesn't care for you!
He never has!
He doesn't like you!
He never will!
Move on!!! There is sooo much better out there and Mark isn't it!!!
I felt Julia stroking my head.
"I know it hurts so much i know how you feel about him."
Spencer's pov:
Mark and i were arguing. Yes it's about (Y/n) and i'm going all in!!!!!!
"Why do you guys take up for her?!!" Mark asked frustrated.
He suddenly looked very bad.
Guilty even.
"You're such a fucking asshole to her man." I said before leaving to returning back to my hotel room.
Your pov:
After crying so hard i took a moment to breathe i sat up against the headboard of the bed.
I looked at my hands which were trembling to a bad extent.
My nerves were really bad...
I need fresh air....
"Hey, how are you feeling right now?" Spencer asked coming inside the room.
I shrugged.
"So we're switching out rooms. Anybody willing to volunteer?"
"You can stay with us Julia and i we can share a bed." Jack said.
"I'll go get your bags from the room." Spencer said.
I got up. I needed air like now.
"Where are you going?" Julia asked.
"Out, i'm sleeping on the bus tonight."
"I just need to be alone. That's all i want right now. I don't want pity just leave me alone." I say walking out of the room.
I walk out of the hotel and get attacked by flashing lights and overwhelmed with questions. I blocked my eyes and soon guards came to my aid.
"Where to Ms.(L/n)?" One of the guards asked me.
"The Bus."
"But Miss the driver isn't on board."
"Just get me somewhere away from here!" I yell.
They forced the paparazzi out of the way and a black lincoln pulled up. The guards helped me inside.
"Where to Miss?"
"Take me into town."
"Yes, Ma'am."
As he drove i looked out of the window.
My phone kept going off.
I took out of my back pocket.
Julia: Our guards say you're not on the bus where are you?!?
Spence: Are you ok?
Jack: Hey everyone is worried about you! Julia is freaking out. Are you ok.
Redheaded goof: I'm sorry i didn't know you had feelings for me.. Please tell me where you are so we can talk.
Spence: at least text one of us to let us know you're ok.
Julia: ik you want to be alone but plz text me
You(MultiMediaMessage[GroupChat]): I'm fine, Don't look for me Mark.
I put my phone away.
"We're here Miss."
"Stop here near this café." I said.
He slowly halted near a cozy little café then opened the door for me.
"Thanks i'll call you when i need a pick up." I said say.
"Yes, ma'am." He said before driving off.
I sit down at small cafe table which was meant for two. I took out my phone and went to my music list.
🎶"Do i look lonely? I see the shadows on my face-"🎶
I was confused i hadn't even pressed play on the song yet.
🎶"-people have told me...i don't look the same-"🎶
I looked around for the source of the song and i turned around to see Brendon Urie himself coming toward me with his hands tucked into the pocket of his jeans.
I smiled at him and he smiled back before sitting on the seat across from me.
🎶"-Maybe i've lost weight, I'm playing hooky....with the best of the best put my heart on my chest so that you can see it too."
I smiled and joined.
🎶"I'm walking a long road..watching the sky fall..the lace in your dress tangles my neck...how do i live?"🎶
"Let's not sing the chorus we'll draw an audience." He said.
I laughed.
He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of my seat and walked with me.
🎶"I'm cutting my mind off...feels like my heart is going to burst...alone at a table for two and i just wanna be served...and when you think of me am i the best best you've ever had!?-"🎶
We were passing a waitor who had a margaritas on the tray Brendon put a couple of dollars on the tray before grabbing them and gave me one as we continued walking.
🎶"-share one more drink with me smile even though you're sad-"🎶
He said before clinking our drinks together.
I giggled and smiled.
"There's that gorgeous smile i seen at the party."
"What are you doing here?" I asked.
"Did you forget? This is Vegas baby you're on my terfs." He said gesturing to everything around us with the drink in his hand.
"Your terfs? I thought you lived in LA."
"Nah i just have a house there. My current residence is here in Vegas. What about you why were you moping at the table?"
I took a sip of my drink. "All i can say is Mark and i are in a bad place right now."
"God i swear you two should fuck already!"
"Brendon!!" I swatted at his chest.
"Ok maybe i was being to harsh maybe you should get engaged, fuck, get married and fuck again!"
I shook my head before taking a sip of my drink. "Everyone keeps saying that at every show i've seen people with #(Shipname) on the sign! Interviewers asked if we are together. Yes i admit it i have feelings for him but he doesn't feel the same for me!"
"You don't know that!"
"Yes i do."
"Every night after we perform he brings a chick into the hotel room we share and just-"
"Ooooohhh say no more, I see what you mean. He's become the definition of a one night stand."
"Yes and it hurts, I can't compete with half the girls he brings into that room."
"Trust me you could if they gave themselves up that easily cause that means you have standards for yourself unlike them. Wait where do you go when he um..?"
"He kicks me out and i just go somewhere to think."
"Ok hold up so this happens everynight?"
"Just after performing night before we leave he goes out says he's going to celebrate. I know he means he's going to the bar and he comes back with a chick on his arm."
"Why do feel this way for hi- you know what? No! You're coming with me. Sara is dying to meet you anyways. We can get your mind off of him."
We go to his house which is not as big as ours but it was big enough and still very nice.
"Sara baby i'm home and i brought a friend!" Brendon called.
Sara Urie she came in smiling. "Hey babe! Is this (Y/n)?" She asked.
"Yea this is her."
"It's nice to finally meet you." She said.
"It's nice to meet you too. Brendon speaks very highly of you."
"Same to you if i didn't know any better i would say that he was your fanboy."
"(Y/n) how would you like to play a game of pool or mario kartz?" Brendon suggested.
We played pool and on the wii u for a while til i got a call from Stan....
"Hello?" I questioned.
"Lil' momma where are you?!"
"With Brendon Urie."
"You have a show tomorrow night and you are up at 4am."
"You don't know what happened?"
"Yes i do understand you are probably upset with Mark but you guys can get up and talk about it i need you energized for the show."
"Alright i'm coming back soon."
"I better see you back before 6."
"Yes, sir." I say before hanging up.
"Who was that?" Brendon asked.
"My manager i have to head back to the hotel."
"Why don't you call back and ask if you can stay the night we have a guestroom!"
"No no i'm gonna have to face Mark sooner or later. After all we are bandmates."
"Too bad you can't fire him."
"It wouldn't be right."
"Well guys i'm tired. I'm going to head to bed. It was nice to finally meet you I'm glad we made you feel better." Sara said with a gentle smile
"Thank you for helping me feel better and thank you for the hospitality I hope we can meet again soon and talk a lot more." I say.
"Me too, good night." She gave Brendon a kiss before heading down the hall.
"She's an amazing woman you are lucky to have her." I say.
"Yes I am, i am really grateful for her I love her to death."
Brendon and i talked for a little bit before he offered for us to go on a walk. I accepted is offer and we walked outside as we continued talking.
"You know what I'm about to say may sound crazy but I feel like for all the things that he has done to you you deserve some sort of Revenge on him."
"Like what?"
"Be honest here was there ever a time when you wanted to kiss your favorite celebrity?"
"Have you ever wanted to kiss me?"
"You are so wrong for that you're married."
"I'm not asking you to sleep with me I'm asking if you want to kiss me it wouldn't be the first time I've had to kiss other women for music videos it would be no different for me."
"And Sarah would be okay with it?"
"Yes she understands business is business and I do what I have to do understands that it's her and only her that I love."
"So a no strings attached kiss? And you swear that Sarah will not be pissed about this?"
"No strings attached and Sarah will be cool as long as I confess to it she'll understand. Besides Sara and i had a threesome once so trust me she's cool with it."
My eyes went as wide as dinner plates.
I wanted to question it but i decided against it.
He cupped my cheek and then his lips collided with mine it sort of turned into a small make out before we pulled apart. I felt....nothing.
No sparks.
Time didn't slow down.
I didn't feel like i was floating.
It was literally just nothing. I didn't even blush afterwards. Neither of us were embarrassed about it either.
"Wow that really was empty." I say
"But it was fun!"
"Yea it was!"
"So i guess i can cross that off my bucket list."
"Yea and feel free to brag about it to Mark. He'll feel jealous it wasn't him. You are a good kisser i mean i still prefer sarah. But he'll realize what he's missing out on soon."
"Awww thanks Brendon." I gave him a hug.
"Hey no problem, anytime you're in the area give me a call. I'm determined to beat you at pool."
"Ha many have tried Brendon many have tried."
"Oh i'm performing in Miami soon think you could make it?"
"When are you performing?"
"In about three weeks."
"That's actually perfect timing we'll be Miami to perform then too!"
"Great, So text me as soon you get there i'll bring you backstage passes."
"I will, Thanks for this i needed it really."
My escort car pulled up. The driver got out then opened the door for me and i got in and rolled the window.
"Anytime, keep in touch will ya?" He said.
"Most definitely tell Sarah to text me."
"I will, Bye (Y/n)."
I rolled up my window and the car drove off.
Soon i arrived at the hotel and i went to the room.
When i got inside i fell on my bed smiling cause well i just kissed my idol and the light turned on.
"Where were you?"
It was mark. I rolled my eyes and sat up to look at him.
"Where i was is none of your concern."
"Look i'm sorry, I didn't know you had feelings for me."
"Who told you that?!"
"Spencer, look i'm sorry i didn't know. I just never thought you had feelings for me."
"So you thought that sleeping with a different woman would make it better?"
"I thought it-Is that a hickey?"
He touched touched my neck i moved.
"Don't touch me Mark."
"Who were you with?"
"Who it was is none of your concern."
"If you really liked me you wouldn't have gone out and slept-"
"Like hell if you're gonna accuse me of the bull shit you do! I didn't sleep with himthings got heated and we made out."
"Why would you do that if you have feelings for me?"
"Why would you sleep with all these different women every night if you supposedly have those same feelings for me? If you really did like me you wouldn't want to do anything to make me think otherwise. You would stay with me all night. But you go to the club and pick up some bitch that doesn't do half the shit i do to show you that i care in our hotel. And the lowest thing of all the first person you slept with was our assistant. She was fired because of you Mark. How am i supposed to trust you with my heart now in a relationship. If you've damaged it so many times as friend?"
"I'm sorry-"
"I heard that before Mark, I'm tired we have a show and long ride to the next city after."
"We have to talk about this."
"Yes we do but i don't want to talk about it right now." I say laying down.
Three weeks later....
We were on the bus and i was texting Brendon and Sara.
Brendon: Sara are you getting ready for the show yet?
Sara: Not yet i don't feel like it!😭
You:i feel you girlfriend after this long bus ride i want to get to the hotel and sleep 😴
Brendon: Too bad i told Stan about our agreement and now you have to go.
You: I know and i hate you for it!
Sara: Let's go on strike (y/n)!
Brendon: and who and the hell exactly do you expect to sign the petition.
You: 😶
Sara: all of the bandmates new and old all of your haters need i continue.
You: Lmfao 😂
Brendon: Love you baby 💕
Sara: I'm sure you do.
I died of laughter.
"Who are you texting?" Mark asked.
"Don't worry about it." I said putting my phone away.
Ever since Vegas Mark hasn't brought another women to our room. Instead he hangs out with Spencer and Jack. I know he's trying. But i'm not ready to give into him yet.
Soon we got to our hotel i called Brendon.
"Hello?" He answered.
"Hey Brendon, It's me (y/n)!"
"Oh hey, you got there yet?"
"Just got here i sent you the hotel room number come on over. You gotta meet the rest of the band."
"Hell yea i'm on the way now!"
"K see ya!"
I ended the call.
"Who's Brendon?" Mark asked.
"That's for me to know and for you to find out." I said.
Soon after there was a knock on the door Mark answered it.
"Mark, Hi is (Y/n) here?"
That sounded like Brendon?
I ran to the door and there he was!
I smiled. "Brendon?!" I say.
I ran into his arms and he spun me around.
"How have you been doing?" He asked putting me down
"I've been doing."
"Giving the US hell?"
"One city at a time." I joked.
"That's my girl Sara can't wait to see you."
"I can't wait to see her either."
"Oh here are the backstage passes i have to get going for rehearsal and soundcheck."
"Wait how did you get here so fast?"
"Oh Sara and i are actually staying in this hotel as well we are 2 floors above you room 5B."
"Hell i'm gonna go see her Asap!"
Brendon chuckled "You do that pease urge her to get ready."
"I don't know about that we'll see."
"Anyways i better get going. See you shortly."
"Nice seeing you man." Mark said holding out his hand to shake.
Brendon looked at his hand. "Sure." Brendon said smiling before leaving.
Dammmmmnnnn shaaddddde casted.
"Brendon forehead urie come back and apologize for casting shade."
"Later mother!" He said running into the elevator.
I went back to the room.
"Does everybody know what happened between us that night?"
"No just him and his wife."
"Speaking of which is brendon the one who gave you that hickey?"
"That's none of your concern."
"It was, he married how could you-"
"First off he kissed me second of all i he and i came clean about it to his wife and she is cool with it."
"Well i'm not and that can't happen again!"
"Says who you're not my father and i'm single i can kiss who i want."
I handed him his pass and turned around but he grabbed my arm and spun me around into a breathtaking kiss. He held me so close there was no space between us.
I ran my hands through his hair and he kissed me one time on my neck before going back to lips then he pulled away.
Leaving me breathless and even a bit disoriented.
Once he seen my state he smirked pridefully at his work.
"You get to kiss who you want and so do i." He said. "But based on the shocked look on your face you wouldn't want anybody else to kiss you but me. Right?"
I bit my lip and looked away.
He gently lifted my chin to make me look at him.
"I have to go give everybody else their passes and go introduce Julia to Sara." I said before leaving.
I gave everybody their passes and took julia to meet Sara and we all talked as we got ready.
"So what's got you so on mute." Sara asked me.
"What?" I questioned.
"I mean you're usually pretty talkative."
"I'm just thinking about something."
"About what?"
"Or who?" Julia said smirking.
"Scratch quiet storm you are a sneaky little cunning adorable devil." I say smiling.
She giggled.
"Ok who is on your mind?" Sara asked.
"(Y/n) and Mark sittin' in a tree." Julia teased.
"Mark? Is that the guy you were running from in Vegas?" Sara asked.
"Bandmate, co-leader and idealistic lover." Julia said smirking.
"Why are you snitching on meee?" I whined.
"Because i can finally say this to someone beside Jack and Spencer." She said giggling.
"Well since Mark is coming to the concert he should join us for the after party on the beach front."
"Yea i think Brendon would eventually invite you guys anyways."
"Well then i guess we're going to an after party Julia."
"In that case let's make you look like a 5 course meal." Sara said in a flirty tone.
"Don't you mean dessert?"
"Dessert included honey now Julia go alert the guys of the after party (Y/n) can not be seen by Mark til the concert bring me her bag."
"Wait so how will i get there?"
"With me duh."
Julia left.
"So why are we doing this again?"
"Because you like him and tonight is the perfect time for love connections to be made and plus i think you're cute who knows if you and Mark work out maybe the four of us will as well." She said winking.
I blushed. "Are you suggesting-"
"Yep, i mean Brendon kissed you. I think you're cute Mark seems like a fun guy anything could happen but what could go wrong with that?"
Julia came back.
I am glad she is.
I am (Sexual orientation) but i still not a big fan of more than one person being in between my legs.
"Let's get started." Julia said smiling.
Soon after them going through my clothes and what not they finally got my outfit together:
"Who the fuck is that?"i said looking in the mirror.
"You kiss your mother with that mouth?" Julia joked.
"No, i don't kiss her at all. Are you still hooked on that?"
"Yes." She said giggling.
"My smol bean child you are such a little annoyance sometimes." I say.
"But you love me, i gotta go jack is waiting for me."
"Alright come on hot stuff let's go." Sara said grabbing my hand i grabbed my leather jacket.
She lead me to her car and we races to the stadium and we met Brendon backstage.
"Well hello there are you trying to get laid tonight?" Brendon joked.
"N-" i started.
"Yes by Mark." Sara said.
I blushed looking away. "I'm mot trying to get laid at the moment. I just want end these games with Mark and-"
"Tease him till he's begging to marry her."
I face palm. "I guess that's one way of putting it."
Mark's pov:
"Julia where is she?" I asked.
"You'll see calm down it's not like she was kidnapped by some crazy fan."
"Don't jinx it."
Julia rolled her eyes.
We got to the stadium and went backstage i automatically started looking for (Y/n).
"So you told them abput the party already?" I heard Brendon asked.
"Yea." A female voice replied.
"They should be here shortly."
"We have arrived!" Jack said.
Your pov:
I turned around and the everyone was there.
I smiled. "Hey guys! About time you got here. I want to formally introduce you to Brendon Urie amd his wife Sara." I said.
"(Y/n) you know i don't do formal.....sup dudes my name's Brendon and i'm the douchebag with a big forehead." He said in a surfer boy voice.
We all laughed as everyone got well acquainted with one another after a while the concert went underway and it was over just as fast. Before i knew it i was in a outside on a bar patio with a view of the shore amd a drink in my hand.
I'm feeling sexy, mysterious, flirty and even a bit feisty.
A drink in hand and the sound of Music and Cheer is sending adrenaline through my veins and shivers down my spine.
All this is a recipe for trouble and deep in my subconcious i know that but. Right now my party goblin has taken over and right now it's telling me that i want to take two shots of patron and dance afterwards.
And i do i feel like i should get shots of patron and dance. In fact i wanna dance with that sexy punk with firetruck read hair.
I walked over to the bar.
"Two shots of patron."
"Oooh a girl who knows her drinks we need to make a competition out of this." Brendon said.
"Get my man some moonshine."
We're going at it shot after shot.
Whiskey, Patron, Vodka, Moonshine.
I know this isn't gonna end well tommorow morning. But right now...
Third person pov:
"I'm (Y/n) fucking (L/n) and i plan on taking over the world with my music! Where is My partner!!?? Oh Marki!!! Let us discuss battle stratagies!" (Y/n) yelled walked through the crowd with a drunk buzz calling for Mark. Soon she landed into his arms. Mark too was a little buzzed but had some sense of awareness.
(Y/n) on the other hand lost all sense for dignity and Morality three shots ago sadly.
"Marrrk!" (Y/n) said in a slurred sing-song tone.
"Hey." He said grabbing her waist to hold her up.
She smiled. "I wanna go to the beach with you!" She said giggling as she linked her arms around his neck.
Mark smiled. "You want to go to beach with me?" He asked knowing she was drunk.
"Yea Marki come on take me to the beach i don't want no one there just me and you!!" (Y/n) said with child like excitement.
Mark grabbed his beer and hand in hand they ran onto the beach.
(Y/n) struggled to get her heels off but she managed with a bit of help of Mark.
They giggled and (Y/n) shrugged off her leather Jacket.
Mark couldn't help himself he let his hands roam to other places besides the waist. He has wanted to hold (Y/n) in his arms for so long he wanted to make sure this was real and he was so happy it. His hands roamed over her ass but she didn't seem to mind. She seemed to like it by the way she was giggling. But really she's been giggling like a school girl all night. Mark found it cute though how childish she acted but maintained to be flirty.
"Kiss me baby." (Y/n) said in a hushed tone.
"Kiss me please, i want you to kiss me oh i've been thinking about it all day. Please kiss me pretty pretty please." (Y/n) pleaded.
Mark slowly eased into the kiss.
He swore he could get drunk off the taste of her sweet soft lips. No amount of alcohol could make him feel this high
(Y/n) ran her fingers through his hair. She felt it the fireworks time slowed down she felt like flying.
She inwardly blames the flying part on the vodka.
Mark picks her up and she wraps her legs around his waist. This kiss felt needed to make up for lost time. It was so hard to break apart.
"Take me back to the hotel i want to make a fort."
"You want a fort?"
"Yea i want a fort!"
"Well for you fair maiden," Mark picked her up so easily as though was made to be in his. "For you we will go to the hotel and I will make you the finest of forts from only the best of sheets and pillows." He said pridefully as he carried her into an uber he had called.
It was a wonder how they made into the uber without a problem. Soon they got to the hotel and ths minute they got into the elevator their lips connected once more mark cornered (Y/n) and picked her up as they devoured each other lips. Both parties taking no consideration for the poor middle aged woman and her two kids. Who was fortunate enough to get off the elevator before them and gladly did so with her two now slighly concerned kids. Who she knew she would have to explain to them what happened in their sooner or later in life.
They got off on their floor hand in hand running down the hall to their room like little giggly children once they got in Mark needed more he want her lips with his. He pinned to the nearest wall and kissed her passionately. (Y/n) was somewhat in Lala land. Where she was a princess and Mark was her prince and they gonna become king and queen if the fort she want to make.
But this felt like heaven to her and she didnt want to leave. The sweetest bliss she hasn't felt since her ex Ash.
"You're so beautiful." Mark whispered against her lips as he his made there way down to her neck and started to suck on her soft sweet skin.
(Y/n) couldn't help but to let out a sound between a giggle and a moan causing Mark to chuckle against her skin.
"My prince the fort." (Y/n) giggled.
"Oh yes your fort." Mark completely forgot about the fort as he was indulging into his own little slice of heaven he's found in the crook of (Y/n)'s neck. But they built the fort. Mostly mark with (Y/n)'s occasional help soon the fort was complete and the two got in. Mark immediately climbed on top of (Y/n) and start off where he left he kissed (Y/n) passionately and she giggled causing Mark to let one out as well.
"What?" Mark questioned.
"You're a king and I'm a queen." She said giggling. But weakly a sign that lala land was slowly fading and was meeting her crash and burn. Mark felt it too.
"What are king and queen of baby?"
"Yea." She sounded like a sleepy child.
"If you want to rule the squirrels we'll rule the squirrels baby. We rule them all."
Mark kissed her passionately before returning to her neck he was a man on a mission. For what? He didn't know at the time but it was a mission of making ownership to show Brendon and any other person that (Y/n) was his now and was off the market.
(Y/n) raked her nails through his hair weakly before falling asleep. Mark doing the same soon after.
A/n: my first time writing a drunk scene how did I do? LOL XD
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