[Ep.18] Live and in Person!
A week before the start of the tour...
Your pov:
We've been on a roll lately rehearsing till 4 or 5 in the morning, Going to interviews, Doing fan meet-ups. It's been a crazy past couple of weeks and the start of out first ever tour was right around the corner not to mention we're documenting the as a sponsorship from youtube for Youtube Red since we are active on youtube more than most artist. I couldn't wait to see how that turned out.
"So today's the day we practice on the big stage how you feel about that?" Mark asked as we jogged.
"You really wanna know how feel?" I asked.
"Yes i really do."
"I feel like it's about time we got there."
Mark shook his head laughing.
"What?" I giggled
"You're the only person that i know of who is like that."
"Like what?"
"Like...i don't know. I know you don't have any selfish context behind it when you say stuff like that. I mean everyone else i know would be nervous or scared. But you are just like....i knew this day would happen it just had to..."
"Do you think that it's a bad thing?"
"Not necesarily."
"I just believe that work without faith is dead y'know? Why work towards something when you have no hope or faith at all that your dream will come to reality."
"So would you say that's your life motto or something?"
"I guess so," i shrugged it off. "What about you?"
"What about me?"
"Got a life motto or a saying you go by?"
"No not really, I just live life to the fullest,enjoy every moment i can. Party hard and have fun."
"That's every cliché rockstar's motto."
I shake my head. "It's that kinda motto that's gonna get'cha hurt buddy."
"What? having fun never hurt nobody."
"Chuck Briggs died at age forty due to aid's, Allen Woody age 44 Heroine overdose, Kenny Greene 33 suffered also of aid's do i need to continue mothering you?"
"Who said you were supposed to mother me?"
"Nobody but i can't help it if i don't want to see my friend get hurt not saying don't have fun but be cautious. It's all i'm saying."
"I've been wanting ask your opinion on something."
"I want to do something with my hair i mean it's been shaggy, long and black for the longest time now i wanna get it styled and dyed. Opinion."
I looked at his hair. "I mean i like it it's so floofy! I love your floof."
"I know but i want something different. So do you think i should do it?"
"Why are asking me you know you'll still be my brother."
"That's not the only thing here's part 2."
"Uh oh."
"I want you to come get your hair dyed with me!"
"Because i think it would look cool! We are both the leaders and it think it'd be if we both had the same hair color dyed."
"You better have not booked appointments already."
"I didn't Piper did it for me."
I pushed him. "You ass!"
"C'mon please it'll be awesome!"
"When's the appointment?"
"Later today."
"What color are you dying it?"
"At first i wanted blue and purple at the roots, maybe even pink but i went with red."
"Why pink?"
"I don't know. Why not pink?"
"Well," i sighed. "Let's go home and tell the kiddos."
We ran home and told them our plan then. We all got dressed and went to the studio.
"Stan the man what's shakin'?" I asked.
"Nothing much just finally glad i got all that planning and booking out of the way.Now you guys have to meet just a small part of the crew you will be working with.This is your health adviser Denise."
Denise had dark brown hair tucked neatly into a tight bun, with dark brown eyes hidden behind simple black framed glasses. She was also light skinned.
"Hello there nice to meet you! Here are my employees Doug and Leon. Doug will be your chef only supplying you with the the freshest, tastiest, and healthiest food he can prepare. All of which the ingredients will be ogranic-"
Doug was not your cliché pork bellied chef. You could tell the man worked out. He had gentle light blue eyes and blondle hair. You could tell he was a sweetman just looking into his eyes. He's was most likely very sentimental
"And here is Leon he is your trainer. He will talk to you all later on about your exercising plan. I look foward to working with you."
Leon was Asian and he looked like well your stereotypical body-builder. He held a military stance one that spoke words of discipline and authority. You could easily mistake him for a guard. Even though he had military stance he carried a gentle smile that hinted that even he had a soft side that he's willing to share if you give him time.
Next was Phillipé......
We all know Phillipé i'm not giving you a description of him again.
"Well you all know me." Phillipé chuckled. "But you don't know my crew...Here is Emily she is you web designer.-"
Emily looked around our age she had dirty blonde hair and fuchsia high lights put up in a high ponytail.She had hazel-green eyes behind thick framed glasses. She had a very shy and timid demeanor. But that would change soon. I just know it.
"Next is Donna and Donnell and even though they look like it they are not twins they are you stagehand."
When he said they look like twins he wasn't kidding. Both of them hand black hair, extremely pale with freckles and icy blue eyes.
"Next, " Stanley starts. "I am you tour managrer of course but here is Tony your production manager!-"
Tony was a jolly looking guy. Big ol belly. Long brown beard and long brown hair in a single braid going down his back, rosy cheeks,and brown eyes. He had a country twang to him. I felt like he would be the kinda guy who would be the life of the party during a camp out. Tell amazing stories and play on his mystical guitar that everybody swear they have no idea where he got it from. Yet alone that he had a guitar.
"Next is....guys keep a straight face when i say this...Mark Tallen he is your sound engineer."
Mark was not our Mark he was a redhead which we could only assume one thing.
"And yes i'm irish." He said with a very strong accent.
We all exchanged looks of shock.
"Holy shi-" Spencer started
"Language!" I scolded.
"He has my name but jack's heritage." Mark said.
"That is sooo ironic." Jack said.
"I'm sorry is nobody gonna address the fact that (Y/n) just said language?" Spencer said.
"I know, " i said shaking my head in shame. "It just kind of slipped out."
"Má tá tú i ndáiríre na hÉireann chruthú dó ag rá abairt eile sa dteanga dhúchais!" Jack yelled. (If you really are irish prove it by saying another sentence in the native tongue!)
"Tuigim cad atá á rá liom!" (I understand what you are saying to me!)
"Holy shit he's from the motherlands!"
"(Y/n) doesn't like bad words watch your tongue!" Mark joked.
"Shut up it slipped!"
"Ok guys let's move on this is Levi he is your stage manager.-" stan continued
I snickered and started humming the Attack on titan theme.
The guy looked just like levi from Attack on titan but in real life! Even in height!!!
"Here is Julio he is your Monitor engineer.-"
He was tall with brown eyes and.....handsome as hell! Bad boy smolder, combed black jet black hair- I better stop here.
I gasped. "Are you the Julio Bruno Mars talks about in his songs?!" I questioned.
"No sadly." He said.
Ahhhhh he's Mexican!!
"I'm not gonna make it on this tour with all these sexy Puerto Ricans and Latinos." I whisper.
"What?!" Julia said.
"Nothing!!!!!!!" I said.
This is one time i'm glad Mark wasn't sitting next to me.
"And last but not least this is Joseph head of the backline crew."
He was a bit if a muscular dude. He had shoulder length shaggy hair with blonde highlights. Seemed like a fun guy.
After we got introductions out of the way we were on the way to the staple center and the fun part?
Out reaction was being recorded as we got there by the camera crew provided by Youtube.
"Ok so i just want you guys to act normal as if we're not here. But y'know answer questions when asked alright?" The cameraman said.
We all agreed.
"Alright so i'm recording in 3..2...1."
"Are we there yet?" I asked the chauffeur.
"Almost Ms. (L/n)." He answered.
"I can't wait to get there, imagine how imagine how many crazy videos we could make." Mark said
"We should play hide and seek." Jack said.
"Are you crazy? In that huge place? It would take six hours just to find one person alone the possibilties are endless."
"What if we limit the amount of places we could hide and have two people be the seekers." Spencer said.
"....Not it!" I yell.
"Not it!" Julia and Spencer.
That leaves Mark and Jack.
"Do you guys hate us?" Mark asked.
"Babe how could you?" Jack whined.
Julia cuddled into his arm.
I took out my phone and snapped a photo of them.
Look at my babies they are so beautiful together!💑💖 #Sulia make it trend guys lol
Everyone's phone went off. I snickered.
"Seriously (y/n)?" Jack said.
"Would you prefer i ship you and Mark i mean you two have known each other for a while there can be some sort of secret connection going on."
"God no please don't."
"Ooh i have just thought of a ship song! Please stop hiding what we all can see. Jack and-"
"Please stop!!!" Mark whined.
"Mark you are my otp. When i see you with each other it brings me to my knees!and theres one thing i can say is Jack and Mark all the way!!!!!!!!" I sang loudly.
"Welcome to the start of the tour baby!!" I cheer.
Spencer and Julia laughed while Jack and Mark just hid their faces in embarassment.
Soon we finally arrived at the staple center and nedless to say after we got done doing a couple of shots for youtube we went ballistic!
After a bit of practice Mark and I had to leave for our hair appointment. I still can't believe he pulled me into this.
"Are you excited?" Mark asked.
"Like you wouldn't believe." I say sarcastically.
"C'mon don't be like that it won't be bad."
"Says you you're the one that wanted this!"
We finally arrive at the salon.
He is soooo lucky i care for him the way i do......
We went up to the front desk.
"How may i help you?" The lady said sweetly.
"We have an appointment under Fischbach."
"I see you guys are 10 minutes early please sit in the waiting area and yoir stylist will be with you shortly."
Before i knew it i was in a salon chair.
"So what color do you want?"
"Black and red."
"Nice choices sit back and relax i got this." My stylist said.
An hour and a half later....
"Are you ready to see the new you?" My stylist asked excitedly.
"I don't know." I said.
"Relax i think you're gonna love it!" She said.
"Ok." I sigh.
"Yea." I say smiling.
She turned me around and i seen mt hair: choose
"Oh my god is that really me?" I asked.
"I love it!" I say
Mark came over to my station.
"Woah." we both say at the same time.
"You look different....as in good different!" Mark said to me.
"Same to you i mean cut the floof which kind of make me sad but you still look good!"
"I still got most of my floof!"
"I know, hey let's take a picture together!" I say.
Mark and i took a picture and i posted it everywhere.
I'm glad he got me to do this now!
It was time for a change anyway.
Hey now we look like Christmas!!
Red and Green! 🎄
We are the better half of christmas!
@Markisthefather wtf is up with your user?!? lmfao!
I am the Father.....your father.....
Tf?! Mark just change your user.....
@OfficialLil'Momma @Markisthefather of us though you said it yourself😂😂
Or is he?😏
Hush boy!
.....I better be the father @OfficialLil'Momma!
Better call @Maury!
-Cheering- Jerry!Jerry!Jerry!
That's my girl
-@Markisthefather changed his name to: @Markifart-
@Markifart they most definitely are yours for realz Lmfao
Where else could they have got their fucked up humor from?! 😂
@Markifart @RealJackaboy @TheMr.Charming @JuliaTheQuietStorm
And all i wanted was to share mark and i's new hair style. At least the #MisfitFamily is giving us compliment smh.
Soon we went home and practiced a bit more before bed.
The day of the first concert....
We practiced and worked hard almost every single day and it all comes down to this. It all comes down to this very special moment this day.
I smile at the little misfits cheering out there.
I can hear them screaming and calling out our names in the background.
There excitement excites me. I couldn't wait to see their faces. I couldn't wait to give them a show.
Cece was straightening out my outfit:
"You ready girly?" She asked me.
"As i'll ever be." I sigh but smile.
"I can't believe this moment is already here." She said Lighlty spraying hair spray on my hair.
"I know, are you ready to this for 980 days straight?" I asked her.
"You couldn't say about two years?"
"Ms.(L/n) time to go!" Levi called.
"Alright." I say.
"Good luck girl." Cece told me.
"Thank you Cece."
We all scurried into place. I bumped into someone.
"Sorry!" I apologized.
"You like nice."
It was Mark of course:
"You look nice." Mark said.
"So do you, ready?" I asked.
"As i'll ever be." He said.
We scurried into our places and started playing. The crowd got louder.
We played I'd love to break it to you.
After we finished the audience continued to cheer.
I walked up in front of Mark and the crowd cheered.
I smirked and scanned the audience.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls. Beautiful Misfits of all ages!...." The audience cheered once more causing me to giggle.
"Welcome to the first ever Misfit Concert of the first ever MISFIT TOUR!" I yell.
And the audience cheers once more.
"But guys this isn't your normal everyday tour." Jack said.
"That's right Jack care to explain why Mark?" I say.
"I can talk now?" Mark asked.
"I mean we're not going off of a script and i called you so yea." I say going up to a fan and signing their picture.
Thnx for ur support we ❤ u
-lil momma xoxo
"This isn't your average tour where you just listen to us perform. No we're pulling some of you on stage and backstage!!!!!"
Everyone cheered.
"And all you have to do is be the all out misfit you can be and one of us will pick you and our guard will bring you up!" Spencer said.
"Or one of us might pull you up ourselves." Jack said.
Soon after a couple more songs we finally let our amazing fans join us onstage as well as the last song.
A trumpet start playing out of the speakers.
"Did you hear that?" Jack asked playing dumb we all knew what was happen.
"Sounded like a trumpet?" Mark questioned.
"Sounds like victory to me." Spencer said.
"Speaking of victory hey Mark i'm feeling a bit victorious. I mean we're in Cali with the best crowd ever!!!"
The audience cheered once more.
"Mark let's show how we celebrate a victory misfit style!!!!"
I handed him lucky since i was gonna be pulling people on stage.
"Tonight we are Victorious!-" Mark sang.
"Clap for me California!!!!!" I cheer as The band and clap to the beat of the song as i skip around the stage. I turned off my mic so i could interact with the fans when I pulled them on stage.
"-All my friends we're glorious tonight we are victorious!!!" Mark continued.
Mark and Spencer came in with guitar and the strobe lights went insane just as insane as the crowd.
I pulled up a teenage girl and what could be her boyfriend on stage and they go crazy.
I tell them to dance with me and they gladly did. Then i picked a third person.
" I want you guys to pick two other people of the audience random people okay?" I tell them they all agree and go there different ways picking two people of the audience.
After all three people pick two different members of the audience I told the people that the original group picked to pick one more member of the audience.
How many people are on stage altogether? JK this isn't math lol.
Soon we had fans on the stage dancing cheering and having a good time.
"-Oh we gotta turn up the crazy! Living like a washed up celebrity! Shooting fireworks like it's the 4th of July!!! Until we feel alright!!! Until we feel alright!!!!!!!!!!" Mark sung.
" Let me hear you California!!!!" I cheer as streamers and confetti fall into the audience and onstage.
"-Tonight we are victorious champagne pouring over us all my friends we're glorious tonight we are victorious!!!" The audience sung along with to the last note and the lights went out.
"Good night California you've been an awesome crowd!!!!!!" I yell.
Beforwme i helped escort the fans backstage for a small afterparty.
"Okay guys so we have to go and sign autographs we will be right back okay?" I tell the fans and they all nod.
We went out sign autographs took pictures even gave hugs and came back for the after party with the fans.
We all talked to them. and made sure they knew that we really appreciated their support and they are really awesome and beautiful and took pitcures. We followed them on twitter and gave them a shout out before we knew it the time came when their one hour with is was up i was sad to see them go. But happy to see them leave with a smile on their face.
We took off our performance clothes.
"What a night." Mark sighed with exhaustion.
"You can say that again." I say in the same tired tone.
"What a night." Mark repeated.
"Just shut up." I said somewhat jokingly.
"Alright guys hurry up you need to head to the tour bus." Stanley said..
He lead us outside to this......just awesome:
"That's our bus?" I asked shocked.
"All yours you have a quick little interview with the guy from YouTube for now you guys get some rest you deserve it y'all did amazing out there." Stan said.
We got on the bus and once again just....woah:
We were all so tired that we climbed in the bunks and fell asleep immediately.
Mark: that was one hell of a night
Mark! Get out of here!
Mark: but i wanna talk to them.
Y/n: me too!
Now you're breaking the fourth wa- y'know what fine. Anyways, thank you so much for being patient with me and my writing I know I slack a bit and I don't always upload like I should but please understand that I am trying lol thank you for all of your support on this book and I cannot wait for you guys to see it what I have in store for you!
That's all i wanted to say.
Y/n: so I broke the fourth wall for nothing?
Get back in position the reader is going to the next page!!Anyways
Thanks again for reading!!!!
Lus ya bai
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