[Ep.16] A hit in the making Pt.2
Your pov:
I woke up and headed downstairs into the kitchen with Mark.
"Morning." He said.
"Morning Mark, Sorry i past out on you last night did the bath help with your muscles?"
"It really did thank you so much. Reminder i put a lock on the snack cabinet i used your lock i found on your dresser. Why do you have that anyways?"
"When i first started on my journey i was paranoid so i put my lock on the dead bolt."
"Nobody gets in."
"You bet, good idea putting a lock on that cabinet you know Jack thinks that his secret stash of cookies at the top in the corner is hidden but it's not."
"The little leprechaun has to find a better hiding spot." Mark says shaking his head.
"I'm gonna call Piper so she can get them breakfast."
"Who's Piper again?"
"Our assistant."
"I forgot about her."
"We barely call her so did i."
I call her.
"Hello?" She answered.
"Good Morning Piper! This is (Y/n)"
"Good Morning how my be of assistance?"
"If you may please go down to Flora's and get 5 whole wheat pancake plates with fresh fruit and 2 slices of bacon for the side and orange juice for the drinks. Have it at the house in about 45 minutes.I'll pay you when i get back."
"No problem so it's the same for every plate?"
"Thank you Piper you are a lifesaver."
"No problem! so should i stick around for the day just in case you're in need of assistance once more?"
"I believe that would be wise."
"Ok i will see you when i get there."
"Ok and once again Piper thank you so much." I say.
"Hey just doing my job."
"Ready for that jog?" He asked.
"Last one to the edge of the drive way is a rotten egg!" I say jogging out of the house before taking off.
We jogged for 35 minutes talking and joking before jogging back to the house to see Piper pulling up.
"Just in time huh?" Mark asked panting.
"Nothing better than coming back from a jog to some fresh food." I say smiling.
"I agree."
"We got a running start and got farther than normal that deserves a victory hug!"
I hugged him and he spun me around.
"Wanna piggy back to the kitchen?"
I hopped on his back and he ran into the kitchen laughing. He put me down we were laughing.
"Morning everyone!" I said.
"Morning." Everyone said.
"Good morning Piper!" I said.
"Morning Ms. (Y/n) here are your pancake plates i just gave everyone else."
"You are a god send thank you so much for helping." I say.
"No problem." She said smiling. "Is there anything i can do right now?"
"No, thanks piper. Oh how much was was the food?" I asked
"I paid with a 20 and a 10."
I dugged in my pocket and dug out a 20 and a couples of ones.
I gave her the twenty. "I got to go get a ten real quick i'll be back."
"Wait i got a 10. Here." Mark handed Piper the ten dollar bill from his joggers.
"Thanks Mark." I said smiling.
"No problem." He said.
"So how was the jog?" Piper asked as we ate.
"It was good the weather is very nice today." I said smiling.
"Guys after we eat we head down to the practice room." I say.
"Hey why is there a lock on this cabinet?" Jack asked.
"That is the junk food cabinet." I said smiling.
"Nobody is allowed to go into that cabinet until saturday." Mark says.
"But cookies!!!" Jack groaned.
"You'll be just fine without your cookies Jack." I say.
Soon we all finished eating and we just sat around talking.
I noticed Mark sneaking out of his seat next to me.
I continued talking as if i hadn't noticed him.
Then out of no where i said.
"I call shower first!"
"God dammit!!" Mark cursed. He was already on the way up the steps.
I giggled and threw the container away before heading up the steps.
"You got to be quicker than that." I said running up the steps into my room to shower. After my shower i got dressed:
And head downstairs into the bandroom and practiced.
Soom everyone else was downstairs except Piper. While everyone got set up i went to go find her.
She was sitting in the living room by herself on the phone.
"Hey Piper?"
She looked up at me.
"Yes how may i be of assistance?" She asked.
"Actually i was wondering if you wanted to come downstairs and listen to us rehearse. It's better than staying up here alone." I said giving her a gentle smile.
"Oh no i'm fine."
"Please i insist it's no big deal. In fact we could use an outside viewer's opinion for our new song."
She gave in. "Alright i suppose i can sit in if it's of no problem." She said smiling.
"Yay!" I took her hand and we ran down to the band room.
"Guys Piper is gonna sit in and listen to us rehearse." I say.
She sat down on the couch.
"Alright guys So last time we left off on the break right?" I asked.
"Yep." Mark agreed.
"Alright so here all instruments are gonna out and we're to clap for 7 half beats. But Jack you stop at 6 cause you're gonna come back in with a drum break or drum fill whatever you want to call it."
"Seriously?!" Jack asked excited.
"Yep, as long as you end it with the crash cymbal you're free."
"So ready. Set go! Ain't it fun? Ain't it fun? Baby now you're one of us. Ain't it fun? Ain't it fun? Ain't it fuuuuun? Ain't it fun?!" I sung as we clapped and Jack came in on his mark.
"That's awesome!" Piper said clapping.
We laughed. "And right after that we go straight back into the chorus. So let's practice up to that part."
Soon we were all done with the song and we went over one final run.
"What did you think Piper?" I asked panting.
"That was amazing i can't wait for you guys to record it!!" She said excitedly.
We went to the gym once again before heading to the studio to meet Amelia and Stan to get ready for our interview with Jimmy Fallon tonight.
"Hey Stan!" I said.
"Hey (Y/n)! How are you guys?"
"We are hyped for this interview!" I say.
"How's the new song coming?"
"It's coming along very well even Piper can attest to that. We'll be ready first thing monday morning to record!"
"Awesome well you know where to meet Amelia the limousine will be leaving in an hour and a half so go go go!"
We all run to Amelia she automatically had us set up. We all scrambled into a chair and our stylist got us ready i was set up with Jackson:
(Yes i know that's todrick hall lol)
"So you two aren't dating?" He asked.
"You and Mark. Yall aren't a couple yet?"
"Why not you act like a couple."
"I just have a feeling that he and i have two different definitions of love and relationships."
"Do you like him?"
"...............Yes, but i just am in no mood for the games. I am a rising star i have bigger things to focus on than some guy."
"You go girl!" He gave me a high five.
I giggle.
"I admire your determination and work ethic From what i heard you are a bit bossy in the studio."
"I'm not bossy i just know what i want done and i do what i need to do to get where i need to be in order to make the song perfect to bring my vision to life. I hate that. It's not considered bossy when a man does it but when a woman does it. It's bossy or diva-ish. I'm doing what i need to do and what they have to say about it means nothing because in the end everything gets done. And it gets done the right way."
"Preach sister! I seen that Gwen Stefani is the same way."
"I know and i admire that we both know what we want and we're not ashamed to go get get it"
Soon we were talking while he was doing my hair. I found out that he was pansexual and engaged to a wonderful person named Alex. Soon we were dressed. He asked me to sing at his wedding next week i gladly agreed! I gave him my number and we left.
Your outfit:
"Guys i just got invited to perform at Jackson's wedding!" I say excitedly.
"The styler guy?" Mark asked.
"Yep him!"
"So we have to rehearse wedding stuff too."
"We can take a break from the gym to do it. Only if you guys want to."
"Let's do it." Spencer said.
Soon we arrive at the studio and met Jimmy Fallon and did the interview:
Afterwards we went home and practiced a little before bed.
We had a big week ahead of us.....
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