[Ep.15] A hit in the making.
The next day....
Your pov:
Today was our Carpool Karaoke with James Cordon which i was excited for!
But first rehearsals....
"Morning guys after breakfast meet me in the band room for rehearsal!" I said automatically going down to the band room amd setting up.
"Mark i need lucky!!!" I yelled.
"Ok!" Soon he came downstairs and set up lucky.
"Thanks." I say while copying the lyrics down onto another sheet for Julia and Spencer and color coding their parts.
"You ok?" Mark asked.
"I don't know Mark i'm nervous."
"Why? we aren't performing. This is rehearsals."
"I know i'm just scared about if people will like me singing" I say as i continue writing.
"It's not the first time the fans have heard your voice."
"I know but i really hate my voice and it seems like alot of other people do as well!" I bursted.
"What do you mean? people love your voice."
"Mark have you looked at the statistics on our songs?"
"No why?"
"Because all the songs where you're singing get higher statistics than mine it's not hate or envy i'm not saying that i wanted to soar higher than you or anything like that i just. I felt like our songs would be equal rated considering i wrote all the songs of course with your help. But still i just feel like maybe i'm just not meant to put my voice out there. Maybe i'm not meant to be lead singer." I let a tear slip.
"No no don't say that you deserve to be lead singer. Even more than me. This is your song and i swear you were meant to sing it. It doesn't matter what statistics say lil' momma. It doesn't mean they hate your voice. Remember when we first agreed to the partnership it was your voice that drew in the huge crowd and got us up to 400-600$ remember that?" He asked.
I smiled.
"See? Nobody hates your voice your voice is amazing it's beautiful." He said
"Thanks mark." I hugged him.
"Hey what else am i here for?"
"To annoy the ever loving shit out of me." I joke.
"True." Mark jokingly admitted.
I punched his shoulder and laughed. "You fuckin' asshat!" I said
He laughed. "It's true."
Soon everyone was done with breakfast and rehearsal began.
"Okay guys so um the name of the song is ain't it fun." I say.
"Who's gonna sing it?" Spencer asked.
"Yours truly. " i joked.
They clapped.
"So to start of off the beat 104 BPM (Beats Per Minute) so Jack could you drum that for me?" I asked
He got on the drums and drummed the beat i tapped my foot to the beat and snapped as well as counted.
"It's in the key of E major. Julia hit that note for me on the keys." I asked.
She tapped the key a couple of times.
"Can you vocally hit that note?" I asked.
She nodded before singing the key.
"Beautiful. Spencer hit that same note in your register."
He did so.
"Great Mark and Spencer here is the guitar chords." I handed them the paper i created with there chords.
"Doable?" I asked them.
"You know it!" Mark said
I handed Julia the piano chords.
"So Julia You come in immediately along with Jack then Mark shortly after on lucky and last but not you end the intro with Spencer on bass.Got it?"
Everyone agreed.
"Soo look over that and if you have questions let me know."
"When do we get to the vocals?" Julia asked.
"Once we've got the instrumental part of the time."
Soon everyone got there part down.
"Alright so everybody got the part right?" I asked
Everyone agreed.
"Alright so 1 2. 3 4. 1 2. 3 4. Julia go!"
She started playing her part.
"Jack!" I called out. He wasn't paying attention.
"Huh?" He said
"You were supposed to come in when i call LuLu."
"Sorry i wasn't paying attention."
I snickered knowing he was paying attention to Julia.
"It's ok just come in on your mark this time." I say.
I restarted and Jack came in on time.
"Oh hold on Jack i have a request you're gonna love." I say smiling excitedly.
"You're absolutely gonna love this song afterwards. At the end of intro before i start i want you to hit the cymbal. I'll signal you when to hit it. It's gonna frequent so pay attention."
"Really?!?" Jack asked.
"Fuck yes!!" Jack yelled almost hopping off his seat.
"Alright ready. 1 2. 3 4-"
By the end of rehearsals. The song was almost all together. We got to the Studio to Meet James Cordon only to find out we had to reschedule for next week cause he got ill.
So went to the gym.
"Do we really have to work out?" Jack complained.
"Yes, if we are somewhat ahead of the game the Health adviser will be impressed." I say.
"I don't know what any of this stuff does!" Spencer says
"I do i see a treadmill and some other stuff that i know but can't remember. Look there are mats. Maybe we can do the basics. Push-ups, sit-ups, curl-ups." I suggest.
"Woah i don't do ups." Jack said.
"Why not?" I asked
"Ups defy gravity. Gravity is a law. I obey the law." Jack said.
I rolled my eyes. "The faster you do this the faster you can get out of here c'mon guys 30 minutes on the mat the a 10 minute jog and we're out of here."
"Let's get this over with." Spencer said.
I bought a whistle from the front desk.
"I've always wanted to do this." I said bouncing.
Mark rolled his eyes. "Just get on with it i'm tired."
"Alright Start with ten jumping jacks count'em off." I say.
We do ten jumping jacks, some stretches then sit-ups then finally push-ups.
"Hey (Y/n) can you sit on my back while i do push-ups?" Mark asked.
I raised my eyebrow at him.
"I just wanna see if i can do it."
"Ok." I agreed hesitantly.
Mark got in push-up position. I sat on his back and crossed my legs.
"Ready and go!" I say blowing the whistle.
By the end everyone did about ten but Mark kept on pushing himself.
"Mark what is your goal here?"
"As close to 30 as possible." He huffed.
"What number are you at now? i'm actually tired of sitting on your back now." I complain.
"22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27..."
"You done?" I asked.
"28..29..30...31." He collapsed. I got off of him.
"Good job pretty boy let's go for a jog." I said patting his back as he got up.
He was a sweaty mess.
"Let's go." He said out of breath.
I called piper our assistant who we never really get to assist us.
"Hello?" She answered
"Hiya Piper this is (Y/n) from the group Misfit Verses."
"Oh yes! You rarely contact me for anything."
"I apologize for that."
"No worries dear! How may i be assistance now?"
"If you would please buy some Epsom salt. Eucalyptus plant scented please. Mark just did thirty push ups with me on his back and we're about to do a 10 minute jog. I know he's gonna be sore after this."
"No problem miss anything else you need?"
"No that's all at the moment thanks piper!"
"No problem."
I hung up.
"Alright guys 2 laps around the track lets go!" I say blowing the whistle.
Mark was pushing himself to the max and i don't understand why but he was.
Soon we were done and on the way home.
Everyone in the limo was sleep except Mark and i.
"Hey Mark?"
"Why were you pushing yourself?"
"Remember when i told you about my Dad dying of cancer?"
"Yea what about it?".
"It might be genetic and i just want to make my body strong enough to fight it. Just in case it is genetic."
Hearing him say that broke my heart.
I grabbed his hand and rested my head on his shoulder.
"Don't say that like it's gonna happen. It's not gonna happen. It won't i know it won't." I say nearly tearing up.
He squeezed my hand. "Hey, Don't cry." He kissed my forehead.
"I won't let you go."
"I'm not going anywhere trust me i'm gonna be here for a very long time."
Soon we arrived at home everyone was getting ready to go to bed.
I knocked on Jack's door.
"Jack?" I called.
"Give me the cookies you're not gonna ruin the work you just did with cookies."
He opened the door pouting and handed ne his pack of cookies.
"And the one in your hand." I say.he sadly gave me the other cookie he was hiding.
"Don't look so sad the health adviser will give us a cheat day i'm sure."
He closed the door pouting
I laughed shaking my head.
"Jack and his 'secret' cookie stash." I say going into my bathroom and taking the epsom salt Piper bought and pouring it out into the tub. Then i went to go tell mark i ran him a bath.
I ran into him in the hallway.
"Oh hey Mark i um i ran you a epsom salt bath it helps relax the muscles. I thought you would help since you've been working out an-"
He shut me up with a kiss.
"(Y/n)!!" Mark yelled startling me.
"Huh?!" I said
"You ok you were just kinda standing there."
"Sorry I-i zoned out. Um i ran you an epsom salt bath cause i figured you would be sore after your work out." I say giving him a small smile.
"But Spencer just went inbto take his shower."
"I know i ran it before he got in. In my bathroom. That way the flow could continue and you can soak i the bath freely without worry of somebody rushing you to get out."
"Thank you soooo much." He went into my room.
"It's really nice in here now that i look at it." Mark said looking around my room he picked up a picture of me and my grandma when i was 14.
"Was this her?" He asked.
"Yea." I said smiling. "I was 14 and we were at the park i was with her for the weekend."
"Aaawwww no funny stories here?" He asked.
I giggled. "No just a good moment."
"You have her eyes i can see it."
"I get that alot. Which i find funny because my mom has my grandfather's eyes." I say laughing.
"That is a little unique." He said smiling.
He looked at me. His eyes were so hypnotic i almost wanted to dive into them.
"You have your father's eyes." I say.
He chuckled. "I get that alot too, how did you know-"
"I seen a picture when i was unpacking your things."
"Oh." He put the picture down not taking his eyes off me.
We got closer but then i snapped of this trance when sneezed.
"Bless you." He said.
"Thanks um anyways my bathroom is over there."
"Thanks." He went into the bathroom and i went to bed.
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