[Ep.14] Well if you're talking..business
Your pov:
I look around me and i realized i was in my bed.
Crap i fell asleep!
I got up and realized i was still in my dress.
I put on my pajamas and got my journal and started writing the lyrics to the song but i knew i was still out of it and at given moment i'm going down.
I got half the song down before.
I was knocked out again.
When i woke up again i had my journal on my face and a pen in my hand. I got up and took a shower and got dressed:
Then went downstairs.
Everyone wasn't up yet except Mark.
"Morning." I said smiling.
"Oh hey i was just about to go up and ask you if you wanted to join me for a jog."
"Well it seems i'm already ready so why not?"
We started jogging out of the house.
"So how far do you usually go?" I asked.
"Til i can't power through anymore. Think you can handle the intensity?"
"What tells you i can't?" I say.
"Nothing i just wanted to make sure i didn't bring a whiney whimp with me."
"If you wanted whiney whimp you could've bought Spencer or Jack or both. Julia might be capable but just doesn't do it."
"Seems about right. Have you got the song?"
"Most of it yea i am excited about it!"
"What was is called again?"
"Ain't it fun"
"So who's gonna sing it?"
"I really don't know yet i usually decide that after i write the song."
"Let me hear the lyrics you have."
🎶"I don't mind. Letting ya down easy, but just give it time. If it don't hurt now. But just wait, just wait a while you're not the big fish in the pond no more. You are wht they're feeding on. So what ya gonna do when the word don't orbit around you?Ain't it fun? Living in the real world?-"🎶
I looked over at mark who was smiling.
"Ain't it good? Being all alone and i have yet to write the rest."
"That song goes to you."
"I mean you wrote and the group thinks you don't give yourself enough solos. So yea i think this song is all you lil'momma." He said smiling.
"Well that's one less problem." I say.
"I hope you had fun yesterday i did."
"Last night was amazing i had a very good time. Thanks for that i feel like i could write a thousand more songs and still have more inspiration."
"See! what i tell you?You just needed a fun night to really let go.
We laughed. "How long have we been jogging?"
He looked at his watch. "A good 45 minutes actually."
"Look at that sunrise." I say. We stopped and looked at it.
"Most definitely."
We take pictures and posted them all across social media then jog back to the house.
"Morning." Mark and i said at the same time.
"Morning." Jack, Julia and Spencer.
Mark went to the fridge.
"Get a bottle of water for me will ya Mark?" I asked panting.
"Nah i think i'm gonna leave you to dehydrate after a 45 minute jog back and forth to the house." Mark said sarcastically.
I rolled my eyes and playfully snatched the bottle. "Thanks you're a doll." I say in the same tone.
"So how was your 'date'?" Jack asked.
"Hilarious oh my gosh we will tell you all about it but-"
"I call shower first!" Mark yelled charging up the stairs.
"Hey not fair i was about to go take a shower!!"
"Well i guess you have to go second!" He yelled from the top of the stairs.
"You better not use up all the hot water! Or i swear i'll find a wrench and take the sh- out of your shower next time!"
"You're funny!" He ran into the bathroom. I went into my room and finished the song
There was a knock on the door.
"Come in!" I called.
"Hey i just got out of the shower and i wanted to let you know you can go ahead and take yours." Mark said.
I finally looked at him. Let's just say...
Wet body and hair + only boxers + developing abs = hot damn!
Working out was really working out in his favor. I quickly looked back at my journal. Trying not to pay attention to the water dripping from his hair down onto his chest.
"Thanks i'll take a shower now c-can you call the limo driver?" I asked him trying my hardest to act normal. Like i am not noticing how hot he is.
Dammit (Y/n)! Stop it! This is your friend! No! No! Bad don't think like that!!
"Yea sure." He closed my door.
"Hot damn." I say sighing i grabbed my bottle of water and drunk the rest of it before getting into my shower. Afterwards i got dressed again:
And headed downstairs.
"Right on time the limo has just arrived." Mark said.
We got to the limo and drove to the studio and met with Stan in the conference room.
"Morning everybody!" Stan said.
"Morning Stan!" I said
Everyone else said good morning.
"So today we will be going over and disscussing what other people you would need for the tour. Like dancers and back up dancers."
"We definitely won't need back up dancers or back up singers as of now." I say.
"Well i wanted to talk to you guys about something i kinda know you guys will object to....a health adviser."
Mark and i looked at each other.
"Mark and i were actually talking about health yesterday and we went on a jog earlier. We think it's a great idea. We are going on tour we can't afford for anyone to get sick."
"That's right." Stan said.
I smirked at Spencer, Julia and Jack who were all groaning amd moaning in complaint.
"Great! Mark and (Y/n) you have a meeting with Philipé to discuss stage design so he can give it to his crew after this.(Y/n)! The song?" Stan questioned.
I smiled and held up my journal.
He smiled and i gave him the journal. He read it.
"This is gonna be a hit. You guys rehearse later and we'll get you into the studio next week. Tomorrow You guys have a Carpool karaoke with James Cordon and then the following day an interview with Jimmy fallon and the day after a performance at the Ellen Show."
"No kidding when you said our month was booked with interviews!" I said.
"I was not." Stan said giving me back the journal.
"Thank you Stanley it really means alot to us. You're making our dreams come true." I say.
"No thank you for trusting me with your talent." He said.
Philipé came in.
"Hello everybody." He said.
"Well i guess that wraps up this meeting Mark and (Y/n) i will talk to you guys later. But Spencer, Julia and Jack come with me you guys have a fan meet up."
"Have fun send the fans my love." I tell them.
They leave with stan.
"So we have a lot to talk about guys first how are you guys doing? It feels like i haven't seen each other in forever." Philipé asked smiling
I smile. "It does feel like that. I am doing great." I say.
"I'm good, So we gonne talk stage designs or what?" Mark said.
"You must be excited for your very first tour." Philipé said to Mark but i answered for him
"Oh yea we all are!" I said smiling.
Philipé smiled back at me. "Um anyways i have spent the past few days coming up with possible stage designs you can look through them and give me your input."
He gave us rough sketches and showed us 3D models he's made.
"You made all this?" I asked amazed.
"Yea as i said i've been doing all this between jobs."
"This is all amazing! Mark what do you think?" I asked.
"Its ok." He said.
I slapped his chest
"Excuse him he's playing brother bear right now." I said smiling.
"I completely understand you are very beautiful and talented i'd be the same way." Philipé said.
"Thank you anyways i think these are amazing and they fit us it's absolutely perfect."
"Now Stanley wanted me to bring this to your attention: Slogans for Merchandise."
"Oooooh we never did think about that." I said cringing.
"No stress Mi doncella (my fair maiden) you guys have plenty of time to discuss it with your band mates and come up with it. one final thing i want to discuss for the day is A photo shoot. For posters. Stanley is setting up a merch shop online and i wanted to know what is a feasible time for you guys."
"Um Sometime Thursday next week." Mark said.
"Is thursday afternoon at 3 good? I have 2 more shoots to do before then."
"That's perfectly fine!" I answer.
"Great! So anytime you guys come up with a slogan or a couple of them then please give me call." Philipé said smiling.
"We will." I said smiling.
"Have a great day you two see you next thursday." He said.
"Thank you so much Philipé for everything we appreciate you being part of the team." I said.
"I enjoy being part of the team." He said before we left.
"I can't wait!!" I said.
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