[Ep.13] Ain't it fun!
Your pov:
I woke up, got dressed put on my necklace and headed downstairs into the kitchen.
"Good Morning!" I said pouring myself coffee.
"Where's father?" I asked referring to Mark.
"He went jogging." Spencer said.
"Hm. That's new." I say taking a sip from my mug.
"Yea it is...do you think something is wrong with him maybe he's sick." Spencer says.
"No maybe he's just deciding to practice healthy habits i mean we do have a tour coming up and we have to keep our strengths up." I say.
"Speaking of which when are we practicing?" Jack asked.
"I talked to Stan the man and we will be in full motion for tomorrow he is booking hotelrooms and renting out stadiums and theatres as we speak."
"God this is suddenly nerve wracking do you feel our lives our moving to fast?" Julia asked.
"I know it seems like it was only yesterday we met at the plaza." I say.
Soon Mark comes jogging inside the house sweating.
Seeing him sweat like that just did something to me. I felt heat rise to my cheeks again.
"Morning." Mark said to me.
I took a sip of my coffee to hide my face.
"Morning, anyways how was your run?" I asked.
"It was good you guys should join me sometime." He said drinking from his water bottle.
"Oh nooo!" Spencer said.
"I'm good." Jack said.
"Me neither." Julia said.
"I might, i think we should all hit the gym someday i heard the have jacuzzi's and message chairs their." I said.
"We can get a jacuzzi." Jack said.
"And a message chair." Spencer adds on.
"C'mon guys we have a tour coming up real soon we have to get ready a 6 to 7 month tour we have to be at our absolute best if we're gonna give each state our best." I say.
"She's right we should all start working out in fact we should all start the day after tomorrow." Mark said standing behind me. "Also kids behave later on me and mother have a date later on." Mark jokes.
They oooed Spencer even whistled.
I rolled my eyes.
"Spencer's in charge." I joke.
"But i'm the oldest!" Jack whined.
"Also the most childish." I pointed out.
Jack playfully pouted. "Mean momma."
"Not what you were saying when during my 20 hours of labor with you!" I jokingly yell.
"You should no better Jack you're now on punishment!" Mark said.
"Please don't take away my phone bro! It's my life you don't understand!" Jack said
We all laughed.
"Well i called the limo it should be here soon. We should start wrapping up breakfast and getting ready." i say
Everyone wrapped up breakfast and those who didn't get ready before were rushing to get ready before the limo got here. Soon the limo arrived we went to the studio, did what we had to do and then we went home. I headed straight for the practive room.
When i got their Mark was casually sitting on the couch in his outfit:
"Did you forget momma and father's date night?" He joked.
"No i was hoping you'd forget." I said sighing.
"Come on it won't be that bad i promise we won't do anything you don't like" Mark said.
"Ok so why are you in a suit?"
"So we can eat at a fancy restaurant duh."
"You aren't thinking of making this an actuall-"
"No! Just trust me ok! Go get dressed in something formal so we can go!" Mark said.
"Fiiiiine!" I complain going upstairs to my room and looking through my very small closet
"Note to self: gotta go shopping sometime." I mutter to myself. I went through my closet. I looked at my very little pairs of shoes and my no way in the world un formal clothes. Then i remember that stuff i got for prom. It was still in my duffle bag i pulled it out.
"This'll due." I say satisfied.
I took a quick shower and got dressed:
I went back downstairs into the bandroom Mark was occupied with his phone.
"Ahem!" I cleared my throat.
Mark got off his phone and looked at me quickly before doing a double take.
"Wow." He said.
"What?" I asked.
"You look...look good. Look-"
"Elegant?" I asked.
He nodded. "I didn't expect you to walk out in a dress like that!"
"Are you Mark Fischbach saying that you didn't think i was capable of wearing something elegant?" I asked.
"No! Ok yes....."
I laughed. "Well Mr. Fischbach i'm glad i have proved you wrong once again." I joke.
He rolled his eyes. "Okay yeah yeah whatever. I'm going to try to be the gentleman here shall we?" He asked offering me his arm.
I took it. "We shall."
He walked me outside said goodbye to the crew and got in the limousine.
"Okay so what's your plan for tonight?"
"All i have planned is dinner we will see where the night takes us."
I sighed.
"That's what letting loose is (Y/n) it's the art of not caring what happens being free being care free just not thinking letting it happen." Mark said.
Soon we arrived at the entrance of an extremely fancy restaurant.
The door was opened for us and we walked in.
"Woah." I said
"What were you expecting when i said fancy restaurant?"
"Olive garden."
"Oh (Y/n) you have got to stop undermining me." Mark said.
We walked up to the host.
"Good evening you two how may i help you?"
"Ah yes! i have reservations under Fischbach." Mark said in a british accent. A fairly good one at that.
"Oh yes Mr.Marcus Fischbach table for two. Right this way." The man said.
We followed him.
"Marcus?" I question.
"It made me sound more educated wouldn't you say?" He asked.
"It does and what's with the accent?"
"I'm playing pretend it's fun you should play along." He whispered.
I rolled my eyes.
"Letting loose remember?" He said.
"Fine." I cleared my throat and got ready to use my accent.
"Marcus this is really nice of you but don't expect this to make up for all you've done to me." I said in my accent. He smirked then got back into character.
We sat at the table and waited for our waitress.
"My dearest Elizabeth i told you it only happened once and it will not happen again."
"That's what you said before you did it again with my own sister! My own blood! You don't understand how humiliating that is now everyone in the area knows about it and they all take pity."
I swear i seen him smirk he was on the verge of breaking out of character and laughing.
"I told you she came on to me this time."
"How am i supposed to believe you?"
"Excuse me, i am sorry to interrupt but i came to take your order." The waitress said.
"I'm terribly sorry we aren't ready but i however would love a glass of water please." I say
"Are you guys from-" the waiter began to ask
"The United Kingdoms? Yes we are. My boyfriend of 15 years had a business trip here. I don't know why he pulled me along." I muttered turning away from Mark while pouting.
"Elizabeth Brookes watch your tongue!" Mark scolded.
"You're not my father you bloody bastard!" I said.
Mark sighed in defeat."Please bring me your finest wine if you may." Mark said.
"I'm sorry that you had to hear all this we will have our orders when you come back. My apologies." I say.
The waiter leaves awkwardly.
We looked at our menus.
"I have no idea what any of this is." I whispered to him.
"I don't either." Mark whispered back.
"Y'know i could settle for a hot dog. Wanna blow this place?" I said.
"Not before the final act."
The waitress came back with the our drinks.
"So what may i get you two on this fine evening?"
"I would love the caviar." I say.
"You get that everytime how about you get some different dear?" Mark said.
"Like what?"
"Like me for the rest of your life."
I was a little nervous
"Excuse me?"
He got down on one knee in front of me.
"My dearest Eliza i know i've made my mistakes and you forgive me everytime it has only made come to one conclusion...you are my soulmate."
Everyone in the restaurant awwed.
"Marcus.." I clenched my heart and pretended to get emotional.
"Is- is that a hickey on your neck?!" I yelled.
"Oh n-no the maid didn't mean to!"
"What?!you were screwing the maid!!?!!!" I ran out of the building screaming.
"Elizabeth please!!!" Mark yelled coming behind me. Soon we were back in the limo dying of laughter.
"That was hilarious oh my god you did awesome!!!" I said.
"So did you!! You've been screwing the maid?!!!"
We both went into another fit of laughter.
"Where to next?" I asked.
"You decide the night belongs to you Ms.Brookes." he joked.
"Hm i'm thinking a park."
"Like a kid park?"
"Like a national park you idiot!"
"Oh you meant like with trees and nature."
"Yea." I said.
"National park please."
The limo drove.
"What about food?" I asked.
"We can hit a vendor or food truck somewhere."
"Y'know i'm surprised that we didn't get caught or recognized."
"I know that's what makes this even better nobody realized who we were!!" Mark said.
We soon arrived at the park people wandered around. I even seen a street performer i smiled as i realized that used to be me.
"What?" Mark asked.
"Seeing a street performer reminds me of us we all used to be on the street performing for money. Now we've release our first album and we're looking at our first nation wide tour in about a month tops. I'm not gonna lie and say never in million years did i think that i would get here. But never in a million years did i think i'd get this big this fast.It was almost an over night thing that happened."
"It feels like that doesn't it?"
"It really does."
"I think i see a food truck from here."
"Thank god my feet are killing me!"
"Jump on my back."
"Mark are you serious? I'm in a dress and heels."
"And Kim Kardashian is a spoiled brat."
"I'm sorry i thought we were sharing things we don't care about. C'mon take off your heels and hop on my back!"
I giggled. "Ok sir your death wish not mine."
I took off my heels and got on his back and wrapped my hand around neck.
He grabbed my thighs and his touch oh my god. It was setting fire to my skin. I blushed immensely.
"Hang on tight." He warned why.
"For Narnia!!!!!!" Mark screamed running towards the food truck.
I squealed and cheered.
Then we got to the food truck and he put me down.
"What would you crazy kids like?" Thw server asked from the window.
"I would like the Cali styled hotdog with fries and a vanilla shake." Mark said.
"I would like chicken nuggets with fries and a strawbery shake." I say.
"Will that be it?"
"Yeabsolutely!" I say smiling.
"Alright your total is 12.55$."
Mark handed him a twenty. "Keep the change my good man.Order under Mark."
"Thank you sir!" The server exclaimed.
"No problem."
"That was very kind of you." I say.
"I mean we have enough money right? Why not?"
I smiled. "Yea you got a point our net worth grows by the thousands." I said.
"We've got money to spare."
"Order for Mark!"
Mark grabbed our food.
"Thanks man have a good night." Mark said to the server.
"You too." Mark gave me my food and we sat at the table and ate.
"Got any inspiration yet?" Mark asked.
"I feel like i'm on the verge of something but nothing has hit me yet i feel like it'll hit me very soon though."
"So what was your childhood like?" Mark asked.
I laughed
"What? I think that it's a very reasonable question." Mark said.
"My childhood was a childhood nothing too scarring. My mom and dad fought alot. Like every single damn night.My dad was a performer at a local club he got me into music.I was the only child i always wanted an older sibling i mean i would've been fine with a younger sibling. But i always wanted somebody to look up to. To call me a brat.To hold me and tell me everything was gonna be ok when my mom and dad would fight. But y'know this may come as a shock to you but not all my dreams and wishes. Don't come true sadly."
"Really? i couldn't tell." Mark said sarcastically.
I punched his shoulder playfully.
"Shut up! What about you."
"Same pretty good my dad was in the military so i had to move around alot it was hard though. I had an older brother named Thomas. My father died of cancer not when i was a child but a couple of years back."
"I'm sorry to hear that." I said sympathetically.
"Um my grandma died when i was 16 i loved my grams she wasn't your ordinary sit in a rocking chair while knitting, cookie making- i mean she did make some good bakery treats. But she was an adventures person and oh my gahd did she have a since of humor. My god she was a bit of a prankster too. She taught me how to drive and we got pulled over i didn't have a license yet she told me just don't panic. So i rolled down the window and she started acting like she was having a seizure and the officer let us go."
We both started laughing.
"Really?!" Mark questioned.
"Super serious! Another time we went to the grocery store me, my mom and grandma. All the front spots were taken except one handicapped parking spot. My grandma told my mother to pull into parking space. My mother told her we didn't have a handicap sticker. My grandma persisted she said.'(your mother's full name) pull into that damn parking spot i got this.'." Mark and laughed and i continue the story.
"And so my mother did as she was told and as we got out my grandma told me to open her door and treat her likw an infant i didn't question it. Opened up her door and she started limping and acting like she had some mental illness not speaking english my mom was so embarrassed.What made it funnier is the fact that my grams was as strong as an ox we swore she would outlive us all. My grams was my best friend." I said laughing and smiling Mark was doing the same.
"I wish i could have met her how did she die? If you don't mind my asking." Mark said.
"She sadly passed away of Alzheimer's. That was the saddest days of my and her life. She couldn't remember anything past the time i was ten and so when she seen me she never recognized me. That hurt. I visited her everyday until she passed."
"I understand that feeling and i'm sorry for your loss as well."
"Thank you." I said giving him a small smile.
"Well i'm all done with my food are you?"
"Oh yea!"
He threw our trash away and out of now where and threw me over his shoulder running with me.
"Help please somebody i'm being kidnapped by my best friend!!!!!!" I yelled laughing.
"You know you enjoy the view of my perfectly round buttocks!" Mark said in his british accent.
"Oooh so that's what those too small bumps on your back end were supposed to be!" I say as if i had come to realization.
"Hey! Word's hurt!" Mark said.
"No shit."
"Apologize to my butt or i will slap yours!"
"You wouldn't dare!"
"I would wanna test me?"
I felt him raise his hand.
"I'm sorry Mark's butt!" I yell.
"Call my butt beautiful round and peachy!"
"This is ridiculous!"
I felt him raise his hand again.
"You're beautiful round and peachy!" I squealed.
"See it wasn't that hard."
"Shut up and put me down!"
"Ask nicely."
"That is my nice way would you prefer put me down you fucking asshole!"
"Hey leave my ass out of this!"
"Fine can you pleeeease put me down." I say.
"Good job." He put me down finally.
"Asshole!" I ran and he chased me down.
"I went for a run earlier today for a reason (Y/n)! I will win this!!!" He shouted.
I ran away laughing before i got tired and he caught me.
I squealed and laughed. Mark laughed along.
Soon all the laughter died down and we started talking about our struggles of being a street performer.
"Man ain't it fun living in the real world?" Mark said sarcastically.
That's when it hit me. "Say that again!"
"Ain't it fun living in the real world?"
He questioned.
"I got it!" I grabbed his hand and lead him to the limousine.
We got in.
"Drive us home please!" I said panting from all the running.
"What is it!"
"I'm back in business baby i got a song and you just gave me the title! I got a beat and i'm already thinking of lyrics this is good!" I said excitedly.
"You're crazy."
"Well crazy equals genius." I said smiling
Unfortunately i was so excited i fell asleep in the limo.
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