[Ep.12] And life goes on!
Your pov:
I woke up feeling refreshed. I smiled as i blindly reached for my phone on my nightstand and realized my phone felt funny. I looked up to see a velvet jewelry box. I got up and opened it up to reveal a very beautiful gem:
On the nightstand was a note. I picked it up and read it.:
Dear (y/n),
I know i fuck up...a lot.
I don't know what i was thinking last night when i left our party.
When i left you after promising that I would be there....
I regret that the most. Breaking my promise to you. I know you would never do that to me you've always came through for us and
I'm sorry.. I really am.
I hated that Julia wouldn't let me see you...i hated to think that we left off on bad terms. It was picking at me all day I wanted to kidnap you and take you to a carnival or something to make up for everytime i was dick to you. But sense Julia slapped some sense into me (literally). I let you have your space. And she told me that i should by a gift for you. I felt it was the least i could do for you but i wanted to give you something more than flowers, food or a card so i got you this neckalace i spent half an hour looking for something that stood out that said unique and that was it. I hope you like it and that you forgive me.
Im sorry im a fuck up sometimes..
From your best friend,
My heart swooned at his apology.
Why must i be a little hopeless romantic sometimes?
I got on my phone and texted Mark.
You: Good morning!☺
Mark: Morning! Did you get my note and gift?😊
You: Come over here right now and get your make up hug you goofy dickwad!!😆
Mark:😁 Geez woman i'm on the way
I heard footsteps coming towards my door. Soon he burst through the door. I had my arms outstretched ready for embrace. He picked me up and spun me around. We giggled.
"I didn't see you for one day and you're hugging me like i got back from over seas."
"The letter explains why."
"I forgive you Mark."
"Great now let's get dressed and head to the studio." Mark said finally putting down and racing into his room.
"Awww come back i thought we were having a moment." I playfully whine.
Soon we were all dressed and at the Studio.
"Morning (Y/n) glad to see you better."
"Head to the conference room for me and i'll be there shortly." Stanley tells us.
We went into the conference room and sat down.
"What do you think he's gonna tell us?" Jack asked.
"Only bigger news, an interview possibly our first concert." I guess nonchalantly.
"Alrighty guys sorry that. I had a business call." Stanley apologized.
"It's all good." I say.
"How's everybody doing today?"
We all say something along the lines of good.
"Great, so first off you guys have done it again! Your latest song Victorious is crawling up the charts and has made its way in the number two spot and we are looking at number one in about three days!"
"Yes!" We all cheer and give each other high fives.
"You guys have become the biggest thing since the retirement of One Direction and we all know how big of a deal that was when it happens."
We all mumble in agreement.
"Anyways this is about my misfits!! Fans from everywhere are highly demanding a concert. So next month at get this guys the staple center! You guys will be in the big house!To kick off your new tour!!!!"
"Oh my god are you serious?!" I say excitedly.
"Awesome!!" Mark says.
Everyone cheers.
"Also you guys got a month full of guest appearances and interviews booked! I'm talking interviews with the biggest radio shows, late night host, daytime host all this is keeping poor amelia busy with outfits!and the albums are getting sold out real fast!"
"Oh my gosh!" I say excitedly.
"Oh also i wanted you guys to make more social media account snapchat, instagram whatever else there is i seen you guys made a youtube channel that's great the fans are loving it!" Stanley rambles.
I smiled to myself. "We got this month!" I say.
"Yea!" We all cheer high fiving again.
"You guys can head out to the limo (Y/n) and Mark stay behind i have to talk to you two about something."
Jack and Spencer ooooed.
"Shut up!" I say playfully.
"Is there a problem?" I say.
"No i just wanted to talk about the party that's all." Stanley says.
"What about it?" Mark says.
"I spotted you leaving the party...with a girl. Now thank you (Y/n) for the quick save onstage but that can not happen again especially at one of your own events." Stanley says scolding Mark.
"Yes, Sir." Mark said shamefully.
"Not saying you can't have your fun. But you guys have a good image a group of five young hardworking indviduals who have worked their asses off to get where they are now and are still working hard. Paparazzi are ready to find any opportunity to ruin that image. Remember that Mark for your best image."
"Yes, Sir. I'll keep that in mind." Mark says.
"Now (Y/n) i have had Brendon Urie come up to me and tell me that you guys have talked and he wants to plan for you guys to perform together sometime. So me and his manager are talking about a concert together or maybe just a guest appearance. Good on you for getting your first business deal!"
"Awesome! I'll definitely have to text him later on!" I say smiling.
"Also you guys have to start working on new songs as soon as possible so get those creative juices flowing." Stanley says.
"That's all you had to say my mind's already at work." I say.
"Great, today you have a interview with Lexi Queens and Oliver Grand from the Grand Queens Show!"
"Awesome!!!" I say.
We get in the limo and drive to the studio and met our interviewers.
"Hi you guys must be The Misfit Verses! I'm Lexi!!" Lexi said happily
"Hi there!" I say.
"I'm Oliver thank you guys for letting us interview you guys you're gonna have to excuse Lexi for her over accelerated levels of energy she's a big fan." Oliver said.
Lexi's eyes went big and she quickly swatted his arm.
"Ow!" Oliver said rubbing his arm.
"Sorry!! Yes, i am a huge fan. I admit it." She said blushing.
"Awesome! Maybe we could take a picture with you after the show!" Mark said.
"Are you serious?!" She asked
"Yeabsolutely!" I said.
"Great! Well um do you guys need anything to eat or drink?" Lexi said
I looked around at the group.
"You guys want anything?" I asked.
They all shook the their heads.
"We're all good." I say
"Great well the interview will start shortly." Oliver said.
"Before we start are there any trigger questions or trigger words?" Lexi asked.
"To avoid any drama or anger. Unlike most talk shows we don't like to bring that to the stage" Oliver finishes.
"Nah we're good right now." I say.
"Ms.Lexi we're about to start." One of the cameramen said.
"Great!! Please take any seat get comfortable." Lexi says gesturing to the living room set up:
We all sat together.
I sat in between Mark and Julia.
Julia took notice of my necklace that Mark gave me.
"I've never seen you wear that before." Julia pointed out.
"Mark gave it to me." I said smiling while playing with it.
She smirked at me.
"What?" I say.
"Oh nothing." She said smiling like an idiot before whispering something in Jack's ear who looked over at me before whispering something to Spencer.
"What is this Telephone?" I say sarcastically.
"We are about to go live in 5!" Someone called.
The host and hostess rushed on set.
Oliver sat beside Mark and Lexi rushed to the spot before the person could call 2. Which was on the farther side of the couch which was next to Spencer.
"Welcome to the Grand Queens show today I am Lexi Queens." Lexi starts.
"And i'm Oliver Grand." Oliver says
"Today we have with us The Misfit Verses!" Lexi announces.
"Hi!" We say.
"So this is your first interview correct?" Lexi asked.
"Uh yea!" I say.
" so could you guys introduce yourselves to those at home who don't know you?" Lexi says.
"Sure I'm (Y/n)." I say smiling
"I'm Mark."
"I'm Jack."
"I'm Julia."
"And i'm Spencer."
"And all together we are the misfit verses." We say together.
We smile at each other and laugh.
"So did you guys rehearse this?" Oliver asked smiling.
"No!" We all say at once again and burst out laughing.
"You guys should have been N'sync because you are just that well in tuned with each other." Lexi says.
We all laughed.
"So um how's everything been just starting out in this new career. Already got an album out and a hit song making its way to the number one spot!" Oliver said.
"We're really happy and extremely grateful like super grateful for the opportunity we recieved." Mark spoke.
We all agreed.
"So how long have y'all known each other?" Lexi asked.
"It may come as a surprise to many people but we've known each other for a only about a few months." I say.
"Really?!" Oliver asked.
"Yea." I say smiling
"Wow, you guys are so late very connected and so in sync I would have thought that y'all with each other for years." Lexi said.
"That's the funny thing about us we've only known each other for only a few months but we just automatically clicked as if we were meant to be family." I say.
"That is absolutely amazing." Oliver says truely amazed.
"So where did you guys come up with the name Misfit verses?" Lexi asked.
"One morning we realized that we had an awesome band but we had no group name so we just started making up group names and Julia is the one who said hey what about Misfit verses and after that it was settled." Mark said.
"Do you guys have like nicknames for each other?" Oliver said.
"We don't really use nicknames but we nicknamed (Y/n)." Jack says.
"Shut up." I said blushing.
" I think we should make up nicknames for everybody else since I already have a nickname it's not fair." I continued.
"Since it's your idea then you should initiate names." Mark says.
"Fine, I'll start with Julia, Julia is like a quiet storm she seems very shy and innocent but she can be quite the party animal believe it or not and she has proven that if you push her she is not one to be tested."
"Oh yea." Spencer agrees.
"Jack is already a nickname but since we really don't use his real name a lot Jack just seems like a real name to us so another nickname I guess would be for Jack is jackaboy it just seems like something we call him alot."
"Jackaboy!" Mark yells.
Suddenly we're all just yelling his name for fun.
"And down to two...i'm gonna start with Spencer. When we met he was very kind and he still is. He's very....grateful, thankful and caring it's almost....enchanting..... Charming so Mr.Charming." i say.
"Awwwee." Lexi and Oliver said.
"That's why we have to keep an eye him can't have no sneaky chicks tryna break his heart." I add on.
"Yea!!" Everyone else cheers.
"We will have problems." I say flipping my hair.
"Ladies might wanna take serious thought before hitting on Spencer." Lexi says.
"Absolutely." Mark says.
"Last but not least honestly i mean he is the other leader of the group." I say.
Everyone laughs.
"Mark, Mark you are definitely something. We fight."
"Like a married couple!" Jack yells.
"But we do have our good moments. We work well as a team. You're also very funny, goofy, you have a caring side. You're also my partner in crime Sooo I'm gonna call you Father definitely."
"And it's fitting because your lil' momma." Spencer says
"We call her Lil Momma because one she's the youngest of the group and to despite her being the youngest she acts the most mature almost and she acts like a mother that was displayed how she got a little defensive over Spencer when talking about other girls dating him." Mark explained.
I playfully pouted and crossed my arms.
The interview went on for about an hour and before we knew it. it was over!
We were all in the limo all except Spencer? I mean i'd expect it to but Mark. But Spencer? C'mon.
He rushed into the limo.
"I am so sorry guys! My phone fell out of my back pocket when we were sitting down earlier and Lexi and Oliver had to help me find it. It was wedged between the couch cushions."
Spencer explained breathlessly.
"Oh." We all say
We drove home and since it was a bit early everyone was rather watching TV in the living room, their rooms or in the game room.
I on the other hand was stuck trying to think of a new beat.
I can't believe this i was actually expriencing writers block!
So i was in the bandroom/ Basement:
All around me were wads of balled up l loose leaf paper with forgotten words on them.
I groan in frustration as i throw one more ball of paper.
"Son of a bitch! Why can't i think of anything?!" I yell.
"Has the girl with all the songs finally run out of inspiration? This is gonna make the front page." I hear an all to familiar voice say. I turned my head to the entrance to see mark leaning against the frame of the door.
I rolled my eyes at him. "Whatever." I growl.
"Easy tiger, nice to see you haven't lost that scary fierceness you had when we met." He said smilling while walking over to me.
"What do ya want mark can't you see i'm busy drowning in despair?" I whine.
"Yes and i could hear it all the way upstairs and i got worried." He said plopping onto the couch next to me.
"I'm having writers block Mark. Writers block!! I've never ever had writers block not even in high school! Essays? Were my strong point!!"
"Where were you when i had to turn in a three page essay in college?"
"Trying to stay out of dodge." I joke biting on the end of my pen.
"Hey relax it happens to all of us at one point lil'momma."
"Not me father not me." I joke.
"You know what you need?"
"I swear if you say get laid i will slap you."
"That too but that's too advanced for you."
I rolled my eyes and punched his shoulder.
"Ow! anyways! you need to really let loose."
"I do let loose."
" do ya really or do you set boundaries as to how far that fun can go."
"Shut up."
"I knew it!
" i've had fun with julia!"
"In your room watching movies, eating junk food and playing video games. Yea you need to get out and have real fun. Tommorow you and i are going out after we do whatever we have to do. You're gonna get your mojo back." He pats my leg and gets up to leave.
"What if i don't want to?" I asked.
"Oh trust me you will." He said walking out of the door.
I sighed.
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