Ending C
Two nights later...
Mark's pov:
I sat on the edge of the bed looking at the now sleeping (Y/n).
"I did something like this many years ago in the RV you fell asleep..i carried you to bed and i talked even though you can't hear me. Isn't that crazy? Now i know you definitely can't hear me now..No matter how loud i scream. You can't hear me...when we broke up...i thought about what you said. About you never stroking my ego and you were right...whether i knew it or not you were right. You always knew how to cut through my egotistical bullshit and you were in the right about it. You know something else you were right about?"
"I always hurt you...and when you said that you loved me two days ago i thought about the true definition of love. Love is caring about someone so much doing whatever you can to make them happy....to keep them happy and safe. Love is... Love is.."
"Letting go.....If...if i stay who knows when will be the next time i hurt you." I say letting a tear fall. "I know that if i leave Philipé can keep you happy the way i never could. I would never hurt you again. You can move on from me and finally be happy... Before all i ever wanted was you... Now all i want is the best for you and want you to live out the best life you can....."
"Even if it's without me so...I'm gonna let you go and h-hopefully when it's time for you to come home with me... I will be the man you always needed. If you still want me... But know that no matter what... I will wait for you to come home to me...Please remember me." I say letting my tears fall.
"Chloe!?Scarlet!?" I called and the girls were behind me.
"You made your decision?" Chloe asked.
I nodded. "But i have two request before i go."
"Anything.." Chloe said.
Your pov:
I woke up because i felt different.
I seen Mark move. He shot up and i stood up he grabbed my face and kissed me like his life depended on it then he look at me with tears in his eyes.
"I love you too...so much." He said before he started seizing and his heart monitor started going faster.
"Nurse!!!" I screamed i tried shaking Mark. "Please baby wake up! I love you!! Please don't leave me!!! I love you! I need you to wake up for me please!"
The nurses and doctors rushed in before they all pushed me outside i screamed and demanded.
"Let me in!!!" I screamed as my tears
The nurses came out and i knew what they were gonna say...
"We're sorry...we tried everything." She said regretfully.
"Nooo!!!" I screamed i ran into the room and tapped him.
"Mark wake up stop playing and wake up!! I know you're alive you promised me! Remember!? You said you'd never die on me!? Don't die on me!!!" I collapsed to my knees and cried harder.
"Please stay..." I said weakly.
3 hours later...
I drove to Philipé's house and i collapsed to my knees on his door step and knocked Philipé i heard him come to the door and tried to stand but i couldn't.
He opened the door amd looked around before he finally looked down at me.
"He didn't make it..." I said crying.
"Oh mi amor." He hugged me and i sobbed into his shoulder.
"He's gone!!"
Philipé stroked my hair.
A week later...
Today was Mark'a funeral..Philipé and the rest of the group helped plan his funeral.
Your outfit:
Jack said that Mark once told him that he doesn't plan on becoming a restless ghost so before his funeral he wanted Jack to get some sort of psychic or something to visit us so he can say his final goodbyes so we all gathered in the mansion with a psychic.
"Mark if you are here give us a sign." The Ghost Whisperer said.
Mark's pov:
I went over and caressed (Y/n)'s cheek and she looked awestruck and for the first time this week i seen her smile.
"He just touched my cheek!" She said crying and smiling.
"I see him he has black hair right? Brown eyes?" The ghost whisperer asked the group.
They nodded.
"A handsome one he is i tell ya." The whisperer said looking at me. "Do you want to tell them anything?" She asked me.
"Tell Jack that i want him to have the RV and i'm sorry for being a dick and tell him try not to fuck up the RV like he did the first time he drove the leperchaun almost got us into an accident!"
The woman repeated what i said.
And Jack smiled.
"I won't brother i won't." He said smiling through his tears.
"Tell Julia that she is one silent but scary chick but i appreciate her being straight with me and take care of the green haired small bean for me he requires alot of attention."
The lady repeated my words to Julia and Julia laughed.
"I will don't worry."
"Tell Spencer i said thank you for coming to (Y/n)'s defense when I did her wrong and tell Lexi i say congratulations on their so called secret engagement." I said laughing.
Everyone looked shock.
Spencer and Lexi blushed.
"Hehe, we were gonna tell you guys after a while." Spencer said.
"Mark our most responsible son is also the most secretive." (Y/n) joked.
I chuckled.
"Tell her i am well aware and that i will be watching Spencer very closely."
They all laughed.
"Tell Philipé that he didn't slip through the cracks. Mr.StealYoGirl."
He went wide eyed.
"Tell him that I say thank you for taking care of her and to continue taking care of her. If he doesn't i'll come back to haunt him."
"Don't worry mí amigo. I love her i will never hurt her."
"Last but definitely (Y/n)...tell her that if i were too speak all the words on my mind right now we would be here all week."
She laughed.
"Tell her i say thank you for forgiving me and i'm sorry i am so sorry for all the times i hurt her. And not to blame herself because i know she was always her own worst enemy."
"You finally got something right about me." She said cracking a smile.
"Tell her that...I love her so very much and i wish i'd said it sooner. Tell her not to forget me."
"I love you too Mark and don't worry i will never forget you." She said smiling.
"Tell her to live her life and be happy for me and that she can have lucky."
"I'll take good care of her Mark i swear!"
I went over to her and kissed her and whispered:
"Be happy."
She began to cry harder and Philipé comforted her.
"Tell them all, thank you for contributing something to my life no matter how big or small. Thank you for putting up with my bullshit." I said laughing.
They all laughed but let a tear or two slip.
"And not to worry i am not leaving yet i do planning on making sure that my body sees a proper burial. Tell (Y/n) to tell everyone at the funeral that this isn't time mourn a loss but to celebrate a life."
She nodded. "I promise."
Your pov:
We all gathered around his grave and i could feel his presence as if he was rubbing my back in a consoling manner.
Mark's pov:
I stopped rubbing her back and turned around and there was my dad he was smiling at me.
"Ready to go son?" He asked.
I smiled and kissed (Y/n)'s cheek and said
I know she could hear me because she cracked a smile and whispered it back and said i love you and see you on the other side.
I walked into the light with my dad.
Your pov:
I woke up in tears.
Mark shot up and chica hopped onto the bed.
"Baby what's wrong!?" Mark asked turning on the light.
"I had a very bad nightmare you died." I cried i looked at him and he looked at me with a mix od relief and sadness.
He held me close and stroked my hair.
"I'm here (Y/n)." He kissed my forehead. I pulled away and looked at his arms and his face.
"What?" He asked.
"In my dream your hair was still red and you had tattoos and peircings i did too and it was all one crazy dream but it ended with you dying."
"Tattoos and Peircings? I think doing a reading punkiplier fanfictions video got to you." Mark said smiling.
I laughed. "I guess so."
"Well since we're up already we should get ready for the day i have to pick up Jack and Julia from the airport." Mark said getting up.
"Is Spencer coming?" I asked.
"He's your adoptive older brother. He lives down the street. How about you call him?" Mark asked.
"I'll do that later." I say getting out of bed and went to the master bathroom and looking at myself in the mirror i looked at my engagement ring and smiled.
Mark came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and swayed us from side to side.
"Only two more months then you'll finally be Mrs.Mark Edward Fischbach." He said kissing my shoulder.
I smiled. "Then the amazing honeymoon in paris."
"I got us the absolute best town house with the best view of the eiffle tower for the bedroom balcony. You are gonna love it."
"That was in my dream too except i was with..." I hesitated should i say it?
"With who?" Mark asked.
"Phil as in Philipé the gay barista at starbucks and your best friend since high school."
I nodded and he laughed.
"I'm telling him to give you decaf next time."
"I know i think i'm gonna stay away from coffee for a while."
"Yea trying to stay up doing Wedding plans with Joey, Daniel and Toddy is messing with your mind." He gave me a kiss and let me go. "I am going to go pick up Jacksepticass and Julia."
"K, drive safe!" I get ready and took chica for her walk on the way i stopped by Spencer's house.
He answered. "Hey lil'sis." He said smiling.
"Hey big bro." I hugged him and he let Chica and I inside.
"(Y/n) you remember Lexi right?"
"Your college buddy? How could i forget you never shut up about her." I teased.
She blushed. "Nice to see you again (Y/n)." She said smiling shyly.
"Well i have a right to talk about my new girlfriend all i want!" Spencer said smiling.
"About time!" I said.
"Shut up,"Spencer said blushing. "Now why are you here?"
"We're making a video later and i wanted to know if you were going to come to our house."
"Sure we'll come!"
"You can finally meet Jack."
"Ahh yes the infamous JackSepticEye. Can't wait!"
Later everyone was altogether once everyone had officially met or got reacquainted we all engaged in crazy conversation.
"You know what speaking of dreams why don't we hear about what crazy...book worthy dream (Y/n)'s mind had to offer today." Mark said.
"Oooh boy and a crazy one it is.." I say.
The whatthefuckauthorchanyou putmethroughallthosedamnemotionsandchangedituponmeandyou'vepissedmeoff! Ending.
I mean...
The true ending.
A/n: in case you don't understand.... It was all one crazy ass dream that your brain conjured up.
Yup and even twisted up somethings.
Like Spencer was Your brother but in the dream he was Julia's brother.
Anyways, Thank you for alllllllllllllllll your support and i really hope you enjoyed this book and you're not mad at me about 'killing' Mark and giving you feels. If it makes you feel better i cried writing it. Yea i had to take a small 1 hour break because i was breaking my own heart.
Anyways i encourage you to look at the other endings!
Y'know for shits and giggles.
Anyways thanks for reading!
Lus ya bai💞
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