Ending A
2 days later...
A/n: everything that is in this ending only applies to this ending it is in no way shape or form cannon to the original storyline. Nothing from this ending is cannon or true.
Mark's Pov:
I have a few hours to choose life or afterlife.
(Y/n) was sitting at my bedside as always.
She looked very nervous.
There was a knock on the door and Philipé came in.
"Hi." Philipé said.
"Hey Phil." (Y/n) said. Even as a ghost i could feel the tension.
"Awkwaaaard." I say.
"How is he?" Philipé asked
"He's...here i don't know i just hope he can make it out of this."
"How are you feeling?"
"I'm fine."
"When was the last time you ate or slept?"
"I had a honeybun, Doritos and Hawaiian punch from the vending machine."
"What about sleep?"
"I'm not tired."
"Mí Princesa you need to eat a proper meal and you need to sleep it's not healthy fo-"
"I know the doctor's said the same thing. But they say everything looks good."
"Have you told him?"
When he said that peeked my interest.
"Told me what?" I asked even though they couldn't hear me.
"Well y'know i think we would both prefer that he NOT be in a damn coma when i tell him such big news."
I looked at (Y/n)'s hand for an engagement ring just in case.
No ring.
"Ok so you aren't obviously getting married." I say. "So what could you possibly have to tell me that's so bi-." Then it came to me.
"Son of a bitch, You're pregnant!?" I say.
"Well the nurses say he can hear you maybe telling him will further encourage him to pull through." Philipé said smiling at her.
"Telling me that you got my girlfriend knocked up is gonna convince me to stay!!?" I yell at him.
He flinched as if he could hear me.
"You ok?" (Y/n) asked.
He smiled. "Yea i just um... Maybe i'm not getting enought sleep. You should tell him now."
"I feel like saying he can hear me is a coping mechanism." (Y/n) said.
"Trust me doncella i have a strong feeling he can hear you give it a try."
I raised my eye brow.
"Can you hear me?" I asked him.
"Ok i'll give it a try." (Y/n) sighed.
Philipé smiled and turned to me and bowed his head in acknowledgement quite slyly in a way in which i can notice.
I gawked at him.
"You can hear me!?"
He left without further acknowledgement.
"Ok.." She sighed i don't wanna hear this.
"You're pregnant i know but it's not my child most definitely not mine." I said annoyed.
"So um...Mark....I am....uh..." She said nervously.
"Please just spit it out, Get it over with." I beg.
"I am pregnant," She said.
"That's all i needed to hear Chloe!"
"But here's the thing the baby's not Phil's."
"What?" I question.
"I'm three MONTHS pregnant, when philipé found out it came as a complete shock to us because....we were never together then and we've only been together two months even then we haven't even done anything. Soo when i tried making sense of it...i could only go back to the month before you got engaged. Remember?" She said.
"Oh my god, that night... I didn't put on a condom and i didn't pull out."
(A/n: 1.hahaha! Pull out game weak! 2.wrap it before you tap people!)
I knocked on her door.
She answered.
"What?" She asked.
"Can we atleast try to repair what we have i think there's something i those 3 years worth fighting for."
"Please let me show you."
An hour later we laid in her bed naked and sweaty.
"Mark?" (Y/n) said.
"Yes baby."
"You really want this to work?"
"Of course i do, i never meant to hurt you. You are the apple of my eye."
"Then promise me that the last time you were with melissa was your last and tell me that you never seen her since that night."
She pushed me off the bed. "I fucking knew it! Just put your clothes on and leave!!!" She said crying.
"Oh my god." I said.
"So Mark i know that this is obviously the wrong time to tell you this but i'm pregnant Mark and it's your baby."
I knelt down in front of her and looked at her stomach.
"Philipé has been taking me to my appointments and they are healthy. I don't know the gender yet because it's too early to know."
"A baby? My baby?" I questioned in shock.
"Uhhhh i'm here." Chloe said.
I stood up and looked at her.
"About time." I say.
"I've been here the whole time."
"Oh well i've made my decision....."
"Let's go- Just kidding i'm staying."
"I was worried for a second-"
Scarlet popped up.
"Ok no more sentimental crap. Have a nice life." Scarlet said sarcastically before snapping and then poof.
I opened my eyes and looked at the ceiling.
I heard (Y/n) gasp and call my name.
Your pov:
He began coughing.
I quickly got my water bottle and gave it to him and he drank it like he hasn't drank anything in days...
Welll...he hasn't.
Anyways after he was done he took my face into his hands and kissed me sweetly.
"I love you too." He said as he caressed my cheek.
Finally hearing his voice brought me to tears of joy.
"I love you too so much." I say.
He got out bed and fell to his knees and looked at me.
"May i?"
He asked looking at my stomach.
I covered my mouth and nodded.
He lifted up my shirt and placed his hand on my belly.
Tears began to fall down his face as he smiled.
"I'm gonna be the best father i can be i promise." He kissed my belly causing me to laugh through my happy tears.
"And i promise that i am gonna be the best boyfriend i can be. I'm gonna be there for you at all times and i promise i will never ever ever ever ever hurt you again. I swear it on my life. We can start anew we can move anywhere you want Germany, France, Italy, China, Japan. You name the place, I'll pack the clothes and buy the tickets."
"As much as i love the idea of our child growing up in Paris... I want to...go back to Ohio."
"Yea i want to let the little one meet their grandparents."
"I'm not sure if my mom would want to see me again."
"She's your mother Mark no matter what happened between you she will love you unconditionally."
"You already sound like mother." He chuckled.
I giggled and he kissed me again.
"I missed you." I said.
"I missed you too."
"I think you should get back in the bed and act like you just woke up. I have to call the nurses."
He chuckled and got in the bed.
2 weeks later...
We were at the doctor's office Mark was about to see the baby for the first time and he was super nervous.
I was on my phone looking at houses in Cincinnati, Ohio. While Mark is being a big nervous Nelly. His foot tapping rapidly, he's constantly running his hand through his hair.
I place my hand on Mark's knee preventing the rapid tapping.
"Everything is gonna be ok." I tell him.
"I know, i'm just nervous i'm gonna see the baby for the first time."
"I know but you'll really see them in 6 months. So you shouldn't be so worried as of now."
"(Y/n) (L/n)." The nurse called.
Mark and i stood up and went to the back with her.
Mark actually decided to vlog this.
Well the parts he was allowed to tape anyways.
I went through the many test and the finally came the time Mark was so eager for...the ultrasound.
I laid on the chair and pulled my shirt up to reveal my small baby bump.
Mark smiles everytime he sees it.
He held my hand.
"Alright momma the gel is gonna be a bit chilly." The peppy nurse says before applying the gel to my tummy.
"When can we find out the gender?" Mark asked.
"In the next month or so, " The nurse answered."Ahhh there they are." The nurse said pointing at the small figure.
"There's the head then the sto.ach and the legs."
Mark looked at the monitor and began to get teary-eyed.
"Aww baby don't cry." I say.
He kissed me. "I love you."
"I love you too."
"Can i get the ultrasound?" Mark asked the nurse.
"Absolutely!" She answered.
After the appointment was over the nurse gave us a copy of the ultrasound and we went home and everyone was waiting for us to come home so they could see it
"Momma's here!" Jack called and Julia, Spencer and Lexi came into the living room.
"Let us see the little misfit!" Lexi said excitedly.
Mark smiled at the picture before showing it to everybody else.
"I don't see it." Jack said.
Mark chuckled. "There is the head, right here is the body and there are the little legs and feet." He said pointing at it as he spoke.
"Ooh i see, how do you know if they're a boy or a girl?"
"We'll know in a month or so hopefully."
"That's fuckin' crazy! That, " Jack said pointing at the photo. "Is in there!" He exclaimed pointing at my stomach.
I giggled. "Yea."
"Speaking babies momma has to go to sleep and rest up. She is on bed rest until we make the big move."
"Do you guys really haft to move?" Julia asked.
Mark and i looked at each other.
"Maybe we can just move somethings around here?" Spencer suggest.
"We do have a few vacant rooms." Jack mentions.
"The baby will be crying alot and i don't want them to bother you." I said.
"It won't bother us!" Jack said.
"I don't live here so...my input is useless." Lexi said.
"Same." Spencer said.
"I forgot you moved in with Lex."
I sigh.
"I still say that you guys won't bother us." Jack says.
"Ok as of now we'll stay." Mark says.
"But we will still be flying down to Ohio to meet our parents." I say.
"Yay!!!" They all cheer.
"But i'm still sleepy." I say.
"Don't forget baby shower planning is tomorrow." Lexi reminds me.
"M'kay." I say yawning and Mark picks me up bridal style then carries me up the stairs to his room.
I went to sleep.
4 months pregnant....
Today we are going to finally get the gender. We had a
"Do you want to both know the gender?" The nurse asked.
We nodded.
"Congratulations! You two are the loving parents of a boy!" The nurse said.
Mark squeezed my hand and smiled at me. He always gets emotional during ultrasounds and i find it absolutely adorable.
"I'm gonna go get the photo for you i will bring that here in a bit!" The nurse said before leaving.
"An amazing baby boy he will be. He has the best mother." Mark said smiling as a tear fell.
"And the goofiest but remarkable father." I say wiping his tears.
He kissed me sweetly. "I love you."
I smiled. "I love you too."
He put his hands on my belly.
"I love you too, My amazing son! I can't wait for you to grow up i'll show you how to play guitar and trumpet. Your mom will show you how to love." He said as rubs my growing belly. I love belly rubs.
"Here are the pictures have a nice day!" The nurse said.
We went home everyone was waiting.
"Boy or girl?" Jack asked.
"You guys have to wait for the baby shower." I say smiling.
"Poop." Lexi said pouting.
"Lexi you're my planner you'll know soon just not now." I say.
She fist pumped. "Yes! Planner privileges baby!"
I sit down on the couch.
"Can i?" Jack asked.
I nodded amd he smiled before putting his hand on my belly then he pouted.
"When will the baby start kicking?" Jack asked
"During the third trimester around 6 or 7 months." Mark said.
Jack looked at him amazed.
"He's was wondering the same thing a week ago and he looked it up." I say.
"What can i say i'm a proud papa." Mark said.
"I'm hungry." I say.
"Do you want pickles and peanut butter again until I finish dinner?" Julia asked.
That has been my weird craving since i've been pregnant.
"No, do we have doritos."
"I'll go check!" Jack and Spencer say charging toward the kitchen.
Mark and i laughed while Julia sighed and followed them into the kitchen.
"I'll help with dinner." Lexi said following Julia.
"There is one thing i like about being pregnant."
"And what would that be?"
"I get lots of attention." I say smiling.
"And you're super spoiled." He said kissing my belly before rubbing it.
I giggled. "I've always been spoiled."
"Wanna go watch movies?"
Jack and Spencer came rushing into the living room.
"I got doritos!" They both say.
Mark and i chuckle.
Later that night...
Mark and i were laying in bed he was humming to the baby while rubbing my belly.
"Daddy loves you." He said kissing my belly before moving up face level to me.
"So have you thought about any baby names?" Mark said.
"I was thinking Matthew or Eli."
"What about Grayson or Nathan? I also like Jaxon."
"We have to compromise now."
"Ok between Matthew and Eli which one do you like the most?"
"Now that you say Nathan i'm starting to like Nathaniel."
"So maybe Nathaniel Grayson?"
"No maybe switch it."
"Grayson Nathaniel, I like that name."
"Are you ready for the baby shower?"
"You really are paying attention to my ranting."
"Yes the baby shower is two days from now and then we leave for Cincinnati the day after."
"OK who are you and what have you done with Mark Fischbach?" I joke.
He moved a strand of hair behind my ear and kissed me.
"Old Fischbach was trash he was a jerk an egotistical asshole who was full of himself. He was a scared little boy then he met you."
"What did i do?" I asked.
"You whipped his punk ass into shape." He joked. "All i've ever wanted was for someone was to believe me when i said i was gonna make it and you did. You gave me hope."
"No way i evoked something in you."
"You did when i met you i saw a fire in your eyes. One that i always admired and no matter what happened you believed that we could make it and we did but even if i didn't want to admit it. It was all because of you. You never backed down from me, you always put me in my place. You always saw through my bullshit. But most importantly even when i fucked up you believed me and for that i thank you because without you i don't know where i would be without you."
Tears fell out of my eyes. "Bob dammit Mark you know my hormones are wreck. I'm an emotional shit right now." I say wiping my eyes.
"Aww babe." He laid on his back and allowed me to crawl into his arms. He rubbed my belly. "I love you, the both of you he said kissing my forehead.
"We love you too."
2 days later...
Tomorrow we would be leaving for our flight so Mark was packing and refused to let me help. I didn't care anyway so i just laid on the bed playing games on my phone.
Today was the babyshower though. I was excited.
"That's everything right?" Mark asked me.
"I believe so."
"You got your house slippers?"
"And your heating pad for your back?"
"And are you sure we got everything you wanted just in case you don't like the plane food?"
"Mark you literally almost bought out the whole food section and i only asked for doritos, beef jerky and oreos."
"I know, you never know when you'll crave something."
"Is this craving thing more about me or you?"
"Maybe both?" Mark shrugged.
I shook my head. "If i weren't pregnant and too comfortable right now...i would throw a pillow at you."
Mark chuckled. "Well enjoy the comfort while you can you know that Lexi will burst in here any second saying-"
"Guys everything is finished! Come on down and take a look!" Lexi said excitedly.
"Ok, Ok give momma a moment to put on my shoes." I say.
"Nah ah ahhh let me." Mark got my sandles and slid them on my feet.
"Why?" I whine.
"Because i don't want you or the baby getting hurt." He said before kissing my cheek and helping me down the steps.
your outfits:
We looked around at the dashes of pink and blue everywhere:
"This is amazing!" I say.
"Isn't it though? I help from babydoll she's setting up the backyard speaking of which Mark are you manning the grill?" Lexi asked.
Mark facepalmed. "I knew i was forgetting something i'll make a run to the store be back." He said before leaving.
The first person that arrived was Stanley and his wife and kids.
"Hey Stan!" I give him the best hug i can.
"Oh my gosh, look at you how?! When!?" He said touching my belly.
"Um i think you know how." I joked.
"But four months ago."
"Explains the lack of songs and videos on youtube." He joked.
I giggled. "Yeabsolutely! Ok so here you guys grab a Hershey bar with what gender is gonna be and then later will be a gender reveal feel free to go to the game lounge or chill out jere though i highly suggest going to the game lounge we got a wii!" I say before waddling into the backyard. Where pink and blue balloons everywhere. We weren't using the pool so there was a pool cover over it.
"Julia!" I called she walked over.
"Where's the cake?"
"Relax Spencer and Jack are on the way to the bakery to get it and don't touch the food table." She warned.
I looked over at all the food i could smell it from here.
"But it all smells so good and do i smell cheese sticks." I say about to go over to the table but Julia stood in front of me.
"No," she said simply. "Go greet the guest."
"There aren't that many people coming. Ethan, Amelia, Alex, Jackson, Brendon and Sara i believe-"
"Wait aren't you forgetting-" Lexi started before Julia interrupted.
"Well i stead of listing them greet them." Julia said.
I go to the front door and everyone is coming in Spencer and Jack came with the cake but they wouldn't let me see it.
So i stuck around talking to guest who would constantly want to touch my belly. After a while it kind of got annoying. Time passed and i started to wonder where daddy went- I MEANT MARK! Where Mark is...
"Spencer have you heard from Mark?"
"Well he's supposed to be grilling those small appetizers aren't gonna keep people full especially me i'm eating for two technically three considering i always ate like i had to stomachs before this." I say.
"Don't stress i'll have Jack call him and i will start up the grill and cook whatever is grillable." He says.
"Do you think he's-" i start.
"No no, we aren't even gonna think like that he loves you and that baby he hasn't had space to even think about cheating relax go eat so mots sticks!"
I sighed in relief. "You're right, I'm gonna go get some strawberries." I go to the fridge and take out the container of strawberries in the middle of a party. I have absolutely no shame.
After a while i went outside.
"Has anybody seen Mark?" I asked the group.
Right then i heard somebody playing guitar. I seen Mark walking towards me playing guitar amd singing. All went quiet and he became the center of attention:
I met you in the dark
You lit me up
You made me feel as though
I was enough
We danced the night away
We drank too much
I held your hair back when
You were throwing up
Then you smiled over your shoulder
For a minute I was stone-cold sober
I pulled you closer to my chest
And you asked me to stay over
I said, I already told you
I think that you should get some rest
I knew I loved you then
But you'd never know
'Cause I played it cool when I was scared of letting go
I knew I needed you
But I never showed
But I wanna stay with you
Until we're grey and old
Just say you won't let go
Just say you won't let go
I wake you up with some
Breakfast in bed
I'll bring you coffee
With a kiss on your head
And I'll take the kids to school
Wave them goodbye
And I'll thank my lucky stars
For that night
When you looked over your shoulder
For a minute I forget that I'm older
I wanna dance with you right now, oh
And you look as beautiful as ever
And I swear that every day you get better
You make me feel this way somehow
I'm so in love with you
And I hope you know
Darling, your love is more than worth its weight in gold
We've come so far, my dear
Look how we've grown
And I wanna stay with you
Until we're grey and old
Just say you won't let go
Just say you won't let go
I wanna live with you
Even when we're ghosts
'Cause you were always there for me
When I needed you most
I'm gonna love you 'til
My lungs give out
I promise 'til death we part
Like in our vows
So I wrote this song for you
Now everybody knows
That it's just you and me
Until we're grey and old
Just say you won't let go
Just say you won't let go
Just say you won't let go
Oh, just say you won't let go
Mark got down on one knee and pulled out a ring.
I covered my mouth and tears began to flow down my face.
"I know i'm not the best, but i try to be the best i can for you. I'm not the best with words but i will use every word i possibly can to express my love for you. Not only are you the carrier of my beautiful child but you are the love of my life without you i am lost. So i want to make sure i always have you by my side and that i can spend the rest of my life being able to express how much i love you so will you marry me?"
"Are you serious?" I asked in shock.
"That and i really want the you and the kid to have my last name so." He joked and everyone laughed
I nodded and he got up and kissed me as the guest clappeud and cheered.
He placed the ring on my finger:
He kissed me again.
"I love you." He told me.
"I love you too." I say back.
"About time." I heard a familiar voice say i looked over to see.
"Philly?" I questioned.
He smiled. "Hola Princesa,"
"When did you get here?" I asked. "Last i heard you were in Greece."
He showed me the baby shower invitation:
"1. I wouldn't want to miss the gender reveal and 2. Mark picked me up from airport."
I looked at Mark who smiled at me.
Philipé walked towards me. "May I?" He asked Mark who nodded.
Philipé touched my baby bump.
"Mmmm i see we're having an el niño." He whispered.
"How did you know?" Mark and i asked.
"Lucky guess," He said smiling. "Anyways i come baring gifts.":
"Thank you Philly." I hugged him quickly.
"You're welcome, and congratulations on the engagement. I hope you plan on falling through with this one." Philipé said to Mark in a somewhat jokey manner.
"Oh yeah definitely!"
Soon the party continued on and soon came gender reveal.
Julia took the cover off of the cake:
"Oh my gosh this is amazing!" I say in shock.
"Alright so Team Girl let's hear it!" Mark says and most people cheer.
"Team Boy let me hear you!" I say and very few people cheer.
"Alright let's cut the cake and see!~" i say in a sing song voice. Mark wraps his arms around me and places his wrapped his hand around mine as we cut into the cake.
"It's blue!" I say.
Team boy cheers. Mark and I laugh.
We are proud to announce the gender of the newest little misfit...Soon to be in this world is our baby boy Grayson Nathaniel Fischbach! At the Same time i'd like to announce that (Y/n) and I are officially engaged!
The arrival in Cincinnati, Ohio...
Your outfit:
"Maybe we should turn around." Mark said as we drove to his Mom's house.
"And go where?" I asked.
"To meet your parents."
"No..no no we had a deal we would see your Mom and brother then see My parents after since you are the one who got me preggers."
"Plus we have come too far for you to back out now and you didn't dye your hair back black for nothing."
"You're right because we are here..." He sighed.
I looked at the house we were parked in front of us. It looked warm and inviting.
"Do you think they'll like me?" I asked squeezing Mark's hand.
He kissed me. "No, they are gonna love you in fact they may even try to take you away from me and spoil you further."
"How can i get anymore spoiled than i already am?"
"You'll never have to leave the bed or couch..ever.wait here i'll see if she's home." Mark said getting out of the car and going to the door.
Mark's pov:
My heart pounded the closer i got to the door. Eventually i was at the door. I knocked.
Maybe she doesn't want to see me.
Maybe i should go now...
Before i could move an inch the door opened and there she was...
"H-hi mom." I say shyly.
At first i was scared of her reaction in fact i was shocked when she pulled me in for a tight hug.
"Welcome home baby." She said in tears.
"You're not mad?" I asked pulling away.
"No, i'm only upset that you didn't visit sooner." She said placing her hands on my cheek. "I'm so proud of you and what you have become i watch the celebrity channel every single day. Just to see what you're up to. I'm not happy with some of the things i seen. But all around i'm proud."
"Mom have you watched recently?"
"Of course! Let me meet my new daughter and grandson!"
I smiled."i'll be back." I say walking to the car.
Your pov:
Mark came over to the car and opened my car door and helped me out of the car.
"Mom i want you to meet my fiancé (Y/n) and our son Grayson." Mark said.
I smiled. "H-hello." I say shyly.
She smiled at me. "Thank you for bringing my son back home and giving me a grandson!" She said touching my belly i giggled.
"Mom where's Thomas?" Mark asked.
"He is at his house, But i can call him over." She said smiling.
"I hate to be rude but i have to pee." I say shyly.
"Oh, come on in make yourself at home Mark go get the bags." Mark's mom said helping me inside.
"Oh mo-" Mark started.
"Nothing about a hotel that's pure nonsense. You two are staying here and that's final." Mark's mom said.
"Yes, Ma'am." Mark finally said.
After i came out of the bathroom i sat in the living room.
"This is a very nice house it's so warm and inviting." I say.
"Yes, are you hungry? It must've been a long flight."
"Good, i would've been concerned if you weren't i was in the middle of making chicken and dumplings."
"Chicken and dumplings!?" Mark exclaimed.
"Yes, your favorite." She giggled.
"It's so good to be home." Mark said.
"He says that not but earlier it took some convincing." I say.
"Snitch." Mark said pouting.
"Mark watch how you talk to your fiancé!" Mark's mom warned. "I raised you better than that! Apologize."
"Sorry baby, I love you." Mark said.
I giggled. "I forgive you and I love you too." He came and sat beside me then gave me a quick kiss.
"But i called Thomas he should be over momentarily and do believe we will be having a babyshower of our own here sometime this week."
"Mrs.Fi-" i start.
"Please call me mom."
"I told you." Mark said.
"Oh um mom you really don't have to have a big ole celebration we had one before we left." I say as Mark rubs my belly
"Nonsense dear! The rise of a new Fischbach yet alone one from Mark is something to celebrate."
"Mom!" Mark whined.
"Why would you say that?" I asked.
"Mark solemnly swore up and down he was never gonna have kids."
"Really? He was so happy about them when i told him." I say.
"Is it gang up on Mark day?" Mark asked.
"Maybe, do you have any pictures of him as a baby?" I asked.
"Of course!" Mom got up and ran down the hallway.
Right then there was a knock on the door.
Mark got up and answered.
"Hey big bro." Mark said.
"Mark?" The voice questioned.
"That's my name don't ware it out." Mark joked.
I turned around to see Mark hug a guy who i was guessing was...
"Thomas i want you to meet my fiancé (Y/n) and our son Grayson."
I was about to get up.
"Oh no don't stand up you're with child. I'll come to you." Thomas said walking over to me.
"Hi!" I say holding out my hand.
He moves my hand away.
"We're family now! We don't due hugs around here!" Thomas hugged me a little tight.
"Thomas careful i want to have the baby 5 months from now not now!" Mark said.
"Sorry, i've seen you two everywhere and to finally see my little brother and his new lovely girlfriend i hear of all the time makes me happy! And the baby? May i?"
"He isn't kicking yet but be my guest." I say.
He touched my belly. "How far along?" He asked
"Four months." Mark and i said.
"I got baby pictures!" Mom exclaimed.
Mark groaned. "Oh no."
I giggled.
A week later...
Today we were going back to LA needless to say we are leaving with twice as much cargo than we came with both of our families came together for the babyshower and it was a huge success. We got so many gifts we had to leave some of it at Mark's Mom house.
"I expect a wedding invitation!" Mom said.
"You will be the first." Mark says.
"Good, i'm gonna miss my babies." She hugged us and then we left.
Then we got on the plane.
Two days later....
"I still don't see why you guys are keeping me out of the mansion." I say to Mark.
"Babe, it's a surprise."
"I thought our new room desing was enough of a surprise."
Yep, when we got home they had completely redecorated the room:
And now They've kicked us out of the mansion for another surprise.
"Let's just enjoy this shopping trip." Mark said.
"Mark we're shopping for maternal bras for my ever growing jugs."
"Oh yea, remind me to give those extra attention tonight." He teased.
I blushed. "Mark....just stop." I said.
"You weren't saying that last night."
"Can you not! I can't help it my harmones are out of whack!"
"Don't worry baby i enjoyed helping you with your 'problem'."
"Mark we're in public stop this!" I said blushing.
Ok so maybe my harmones went crazy and i got 'needy' seeing as i was already pregnant we didn't do any real intercourse. We stuck to foreplay and it was more than enough.
"Ok, ok i'll stop," he said before whispering in a deep voice. "For now~"
A shiver went down my spine. "I hate you."
"I love you too," he said before kissing my cheek." Y'know while we're shopping we should continue talking about wedding plans." He said as he continued pushing the cart and i threw a bra in the cart as we continued.
"I'm still thinking about it being in a small chapel." I say.
"A small chapel? Babe did you see both of our families combined? We're gonna need a bigger location."
"You're right, what about at the beach?"
"I like that idea."
Soon after a while of wedding plans
Julia finally called saying we can come home and when we got home.
"Ok guys so what is this surprise?"
"Well let's just say we've been working on this for a while ever since we found out it was a boy so-" Julia said.
"follow me and you'll see a world of your imagination!" Lexi said running up the stairs.
She was such a child at times.
We followed her to my old room which when you opened the door was transformed into a nursery:
"Oh my god!" I said shocked.
"Does you like it Julia and I picked out the color scheme! Spencer and Jack put all the furniture together."
"We got it all from Ikea™ do you know what that means?" Spencer said wrapping his hand around Lexi's waist.
"I can only imagine." I giggled.
I continued to take in the room in complete awe and i just got emotional.
"It's perfect," I say tearing up."Thank you guys so much."
"Awww." Everybody hugged me.
1 month later....
Today was the big day!
The wedding!:
I was so excited.
Mark's pov:
"Holy fuck, I'm getting married today.."
"Yes you are," Jack said. "Please don't tell me this realization JUST hit you when you're only a few minutes away from going on the alter." He pleaded.
"Jack this is huge! God, what if i screw-up something again? Or she realizes that how much of a mess i am. Oh godohgodohgodohgodohgod. I love her Jack i really do. Am i doing what's best for her? Am i being selfish? What if she's just doing this just to make me happy? I want her to be happy too! Oh my god was this a mistake?!" I rambled pacing back and forth.
"Mark believe me this is definitely not a mistake. Don't back down now (Y/n) would be devastated."
"How would you know? You're not with her right now. She could be bawling her eyes thinking about how she got knocked up and is getting married to a fuck up."
Spencer walked in. "I'm came to check in on the groom! I just got back from checking on the girls."
"How is (Y/n)? She's crying isn't she?!" I asked.
"What?" Spencer asked confused.
"He's nervous, can you deliver some words from the bride to calm his nerves?" Jack asked Spencer who nodded and left.
I started to hyperventilate.
Jack helped me sit down on a nearby chair.
"Dude relax look at me!" Jack said.
I looked at Jack in the eyes.
"Breathe in and out slowly, what is the first thing you think of when you look in my eyes?" Jack asked.
"Dude go with it i'm trying to keep you from passing out answer the damn question."
"And when you think of water is the first thing you think of?"
"And when you think about oceans what do you think of?"
"Peace, Serenity, calmness. The day i kissed (Y/n) on the beach...beach...wedding is on the beach oh fuck fuck fuck!" I started to panic again.
"Son of bitch."
Your pov:
"You look gorgeous," My mom said holding my hands in hers. "Oooh you've grown up so beautifully.." She started to get emotional.
"Mom don't cry, if you cry i will cry and i'll mess up make-up!"
Then Spencer came in. "(Y/n), Mark is about to pass out could you give him a message or something to help him calm down?"
"Give me your phone i'll call him" I say.
Spencer hands me his phone...
Mark's pov:
"Maybe we should call the whole thing off!" I say running towars the door and when i open it Spencer stood there holding his phone up.
"A message from the bride." He said stepping inside the room and giving me his phone.
"Hello?" I questioned.
"Mark, Honey what's wrong?" (Y/n) asked.
"I'm scared you won't be happy with me. Soon you're gonna realize how fucked up i really am and what if i mess up?"
She giggled on the other line.
"This isn't funny, why are you laughing i just want you to be happy."
"Markimoo, I've already seen how messed up you are we've been friends for about 2 or 3 years before we got into relationship and baby i'm not expecting you to be 100% perfect because you're human."
"But you're human and you're perfection. So you deserve perfection."
"Mark you know that's far from true, I have a bad temper, I am very bossy and i can get super insecure sometimes and that's not just because i'm pregnant." She joked.
Her calming voice soothes me and I laugh.
"Mark you are perfect enough, you're perfect to me baby."
I hear the girls 'aweing' in the background. "Really?"
"Of course you should know me Mark! I never would've agreed to marriage if i wasn't happy with you. In fact don't you think i would've told you to your face when you proposed?"
I thought about it and came to a quick realization that she was right. She wouldn't have spared my feelings.
"You would've probably laughed in my face and said hell no."
"I don't know about that, but i would've atleast told you i wasn't ready for marriage don'tcha think?"
"See baby you have no worries, we are gonna have some hard times but i believe we can get through it because we always do. I hope you're feeling better because i'm ready to get my new name, get out this damn dress and eat some cake." She said.
I laughed. " i feel so much better, I love you baby thank you."
"I love you too, I'll see you at the alter Mr.Fischbach."
"See you at the alter Mrs.Fischbach."
I hung up.
She always knows just what to say.
"Better?" Jack asked me.
"Much, thanks man." I say handing the phone back to Spencer.
"What is the best man for?" Jack said.
"Um are you serious i am the one who was doing all the running around cam i get props?" Spencer said.
"Thanks man i'm glad you are my groomsmen."
"It's time! Come on head on down the alter." (Y/n)'s Dad said.
Your pov:
Before i knew it i was walking down the aisle with my dad. I looked towaed the alter to see Mark who looked like he was on the verge of joyous tears. He smiled and i smiled back.
"Do you give your daughter away to this man?" The priest asked my dad.
My dad scoffed as if it were so damn obvious. "Hell yea i do, this kid is awesome!"
Everyone laughed.
Mark took my hand and we stood face to face.
"Are you ok?" He whispered to me.
"I should be asking you that." I joked.
He smiled and let a tear fall from his eye. "You look beautiful." He said.
I wiped his tear away and held his hand again.
Time skip to the "I do's" because Lexi is tired of making wedding scenes because they are boring af!
"I do." I say smiling.
"Do you, Mark Edward Fischbach take (full name) as your wife?" The priest.
"You bet your ass i do." Mark said.
"You may now kiss the bride."
Mark didn't spare a second in the blink of an eye his lips molded with mine.
I couldn't hear anyone clap but i knew they were it was just Mark and I
And if course Grayson.
7 months pregnant...
Only two more months and i am gonna pop.
Needless to say Mark is excited about one thing this current moment. The baby kicking.
He's starting to act like a child.
Sometimes he sits by my side and stares intently at my belly as if he were ready for something to pop out.....
Not now...
Anyways he even just sits there with his hand on my belly waiting to feel something.
Like now...
I am eat chips and playing against Spencer, Lexi and Julia in online uno on my phone.
"C'mon Grayson kick for daddy i know you can."
"Nnng Mark c'mon just let him kick on his own time. He'll kick when he's good and ready." I say annoyed.
"But baby i've been waiting patiently. I want him to kick now."
"Nnng hey kid can you kick so daddy can get his hand off of my stomach? I'm tryna play a game if uno with friends here."
No response. Mark sighs and takes his hand off my stomach.
He looked so disappointed and it hurt me.
"Aw baby," i say. "Grab the guitar maybe he wants you to sing to him. I mean his parent are singers."
Mark gets my guitar. "What do i play?"
"Whatever song is on your heart."
Mark began to pluck at the strings aimlessly until it seemed like he got something and he started.
I remember sayin' I don't care either way
Just as long as he or she is healthy I'm okay
Then the doctor pointed to the corner of the screen
And said "Ya see that thing right there, well you know what that means"
And I started wondering who he was going to be
And I thought heaven help us if he's anything like me
He'll probably climb a tree to tall and ride his bike too fast
End up every summer wearin' something in a cast
He's gonna throw a ball and break some glass, in a window down the street
He's gonna get in trouble, he's gonna get in fights
I'm gonna lose my temper and some sleep
It's safe to say that I'm gonna get my payback, if he's anything like me
I can see him right now, knees all skinned up
With a magnifying glass tryin' to melt a Tonka truck
Won't he be a sight with his football helmet on
That'll be his first love til his first love comes along
He'll get his heart broke by the time he's in his teens
And heaven help him if he's anything like me
He'll probably stay out too late and drive his car too fast
Get a speeding ticket he'll pay for mowing grass
He's gonna get caught skippin' class and be grounded for a week
He's gonna get in trouble, we're gonna get in fights
I'm gonna lose my temper and some sleep
It's safe to say that I'm gonna get my payback, if he's anything like me
He's gonna love me and hate me along the way
Years are gonna fly by, I already dread the day
He's gonna hug his momma, he's gonna shake my hand
He's gonna act like he can't wait to leave
But as he drives out, he'll cry his eyes out
If he's anything like me
There's worse folks to be like
Aw he'll be alright, if he's anything like me
By time he was done i was in tears.
"Mark t-that was beautiful." I say.
He kissed me sweetly and i felt something move inside. I felt.....a kick.
"Oh! Baby did you feel that?" I asked Mark.
"I felt something, " i moved his hand to where i felt movement and it happened again.
Mark lookef at me with so much joy he even started to cry.
"Oh my god, Grayson kick again one more time for Daddy." Mark pleaded and Grayson kicked.
Mark laughed and cried at the same time. "I love you my son."
"He loves you too, We both love you." i say.
He kissed me sweetly.
After that night Mark would play that song every single morning and night and Grayson would kick and kick and after a while Mark start playing it randomly during the day.
I was sitting on the couch reading a book when Mark came around the corner with the guitar.
"Noooo." I whined
"Please? I want to feel him kick again."
I sighed and put my book down.
Let the kicking commence..
Mark played and Grayson kicked i groaned.
He's coming soon!
The baby is finally coming!...(2 months later.)
Mark and i were in bed relaxing.
Mark poked my stomach.
"Grayson can you come out now?"
I felt a kick stronger than any other.
"Ow!" I say.
"Grayson, as much i love feeling you kick i don't want you hurting momma. Now i said come out not kick."
It happened again then i felt liquid.
"Mark...you just got your wish the baby is coming." I say.
"What?!" Mark said.
"My water just broke."
(Play "Dear Theodosia" instrumental and this will melt your heart 3x more i swear😭)
Mark went into panic mode but eventually got me to the hospital where i endured 11 hours of labor and finally gave birth to our beautiful son
Grayson Nathaniel Fischbach.
The night they brought Grayson home...
Mark's pov:
(Y/n) was sleeping I on the other hand couldn't sleep at all. I heard a whimper come from the baby monitor and i automatically got up and headed to Grayson's room where he was just beggining to get fussy but i came in right on time. I took him into my arms.
"Hey now, shh don't cry Nate Daddy's got'cha." I coo.
I grabbed a fix bottle from the bottle warmer and shake it up before giving it Grayson.
I adore him as he eats.
He's got a head full of my black hair. He has my nose too. It's too early to tell but oh i know he's gonna have his mother's beautiful (e/c).
"Oh my dear Grayson what to say to you? You've got my charming looks but your mother's eyes. I'm gonna dedicate my everyday to you. To give the life that you deserve. I'm no gonna be the best father. I know i'll make mistakes. But i'll try my hardest. I'll watch you grow into an amazing young man and one day you'll blow us all away."
An hour later...
Your pov:
Mark was concerned that he won't be a god father but i know he will be.
I woke up when i realized i was in bed alone. I got up and looked for him and found him sleeping next to Grayson's crib. I smiled and got a cover and wrapped it around him before kissing his forehead.
Yea i know he'll be a very good father to Grayson..
The Loooooooong but cute ending....
A/n: I bet some of you are wondering how long exactly was this ending? this ending is 8000 words long minus the authors note. Yeah I need help LOL anyways I hope that you guys enjoy this book I enjoyed writing it feel free to check out any other books that I have Also feel free to check out any other endings to this book and I guess I will see you guys in the next book once again I hope you enjoyed it.
Much love 💞
L. Beauty
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