[1] This spot is taken!
I wake up take a shower and get dressed:
I grab my guitar and practice a few songs.Afterwards i go downstairs for the breakfast bar and make waffles, eggs and ham. I took some yogurt for a snack later. I went outside to my spot on the corner of the hotel and played guitar and sang for a bit. Peope would pass and put small tips in my guitar case.
In the end i made a good 70$ today was sunday. So alot more people were checking out more than coming in. On a good day like friday ill probably make up to 200 or so bucks in one day.
I was standing on this corner for a bit so i decided to get on the bus and go to my usual spot in a very popular plaza i place my guitar case down and play an original song i created based off of ahem passed experiences:
Alot of people circled me and put money in my case. When i was finished everyone clapped.
I smiled and thanked everyone and soon the crowd dissipated and i went to the bathroom when i came back two guys were setting up in my spot!!!!
"Woah hold up guys im afraid this spot is taken!" i tell them.
A guy with black hair, brown eyes, small black gauges in his ears, a black small nose peircing, two ring piercings on the corner of his lips and sleeve of tattoos. Wearing a plain grey short sleeeved tshirt, black jeans and converse:
"Well i dont see your name on the wall or any official form of claiming or clarification for that fact and also just so you know this is a public space so really anyone can take this spot. So sorry to break it to ya kid. Welcome to the real world. Its tough shit." he said.
I gawke and narrowed my eyes at him. "You know what thats fine.
kaleumaneun amkae ya."
(Karma's a bitch)
The guy behind him setting up drums behind him with green hair and blue eyes gave me a look.
"If you dont know what i just said ask you friend he looks like he understood what i said." i said walking away.
He scoffed.
Later on that night....
I went to a bar to see if i could hustle a few people in pool for some extra dosh.
I seen that guy and his friend from earlier who stole my spot!
And they were at the pool table.
"Hey boys!" i say to the guys who i usually play pool with.
"Aay!!" they all say.
"So who are these two havent seen you around these parts." i say playing dumb.
The guy with green hair automatically recognizes me once he laid eyes on me.
"You from ealier today." the guy with green hair said in shock. He sounded irish
"Yea me and you!!" i say sarcastically."so whats on the table for tonight fellas?" i asked the guys.
"150 cash!" jonathan says.
"Ooooooh big hustle i have mine bit ready who vs who?"
"Well we went last time and you wiped us dry so how about you against the new comers?" Alexander suggested.
"Woah woah woah we dont wanna take the poor girl for everything shes got it wouldnt be the gentleman thing to do." the guy with black hair said.
The guys grumbled i just smiled.
"So whats your name?" i asked
"Mark and this is my best friend Jack. We dont want to take you out so how about you just step aside." mark says.
"Oooh maaan you dont know." Drew muttered.
"Drew quiet!" i said looking back at him i turned my attention towards my two unsuspecting victims."ok lets make a deal here if i win you will give me 150 AND my spot back if i dont you can keep my spot and i will find another corner to squat on. Deal?"
Mark came over and looked me in the eye with a sly smile. "Deal." he shook my hand.
The first game had come and gone and guess who won.
This girl.
"That was pure luck and i was going easy on you!!" mark says.
"Thats what she said." Jonathan murmured.
All the guys smirked and snickered i rolled my eyes.
"2nd round another 150 is on the line are you sure you wanna lose to a little lady such as myself." i say in a taunting tone.
"I won't be so easy this time." he said.
Soon the 2nd round was won....
By me.
"How about we try this again i was trying to be nice how about we bargain or something?" mark rambled.
"Ysee i would but i worked hard for this money and its too late once you gave it up it was mine sorry to break it to ya kid welcome to the real world its tough shit." i said smiling.
The guys behind me went nuts
"Rooasted!!!!!!" Drew yelled.
I giggled and went over to mark and rested my elbow on his shoulder.
"I told you before kaleumaneun amkae ya." i walked away satisfied. Today was a good day.
I went to my hotel and ordered a pizza.
Afterwards i went to bed.
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