Chapter 8
Saturday, the best day of the week. Normally, I sleep in til about 1 and just chill in bed for the rest of the day. But this time, ohhhh this time I have plans. So for whatever reason, I am awake at 9 am on Saturday - WILLINGLY MIGHT I ADD - and of course Henry is still sleeping. I'm going to wake him up after I shower. I get up and look through my suitcase. I get out my outfit and go clean my dirty bodaay! I decide I'm just gonna let Henry sleep for a little while. He doesn't deserve to suffer.
After my shower I get out my phone and scroll through everything. I open my snapchat and post a picture with the flowers on my head. I then go and watch Henry's story. OH MY GOSH HE POSTED ME IN CLASS! There's me sleeping, me eating chips, and of course me dancing on his desk. I was doing the running man challenge so I'm not really mad about that one. The next one was a video with laughing and heart-eyed emojis of me chasing him through the halls. Don't I look so short? Dammit, I'm going to beat him up later. My phone starts ringing and it's my mother. I just watch it ring with a stank face. It stops ringing and I proceed to skim through other people's stories since I am now kind of forced to see EVERYONE'S story. My phone starts ringing again.
I have the straightest face on while waiting for it to finish. Whhhyyy is this lady calling me? Good lord! My phone stops ringing finally and I go back to watching stories but of course this woman don't know how to quit. I groan and just turn my phone off quite annoyed. I'm leaving it off. I get up, realizing I'm still in the bathroom, and head to Henry's room. He's still sleep and I roll my eyes. I open his window and climb out. I don't wanna deal with his folks, they're all pig-heads. Okay so say I don't die the plan is to just go for a walk. I make it safely down the tree and I start walking. Okay where to? I walk to the park since that's the only place I really want to go.
I can't believe how my life has flipped, why am I okay right now? I feel so heartless, I really loved Uncle Rosco so why aren't I still heart-broken? Is it normal to accept the death of a loved one so quickly? I dab at my eyes to find they're actually dry and I'm not tearing up. I walk aimlessly around the park. I sit on the swings and just swing for a little.
"You don't really think she's mad right?" Mother's voice asks. I jump off the swing and hide under the playground next to me.
"Mom, it's Charlotte. She's probably sleeping, let her wake up and see your texts. She'll come crawling back to you, she has to. It's not like she'll actually listen to Nicho's piece of crap sob story. He was a good-for-nothing dad, he should be dead already." My sister's voice says with so much anger. What happened to Dad? What sob story? Why is this bitch trying to get in contact with me?
"Doesn't matter anyways, since that dumbass uncle of hers is finally dead she'll have no choice but to come back to me right? Are you sure she's staying with a boy now?" Mother says. Does she really think I'm going to want anything to do with her? Someone is stupid!
"Positive, his name is Harry. I told you she was a little slut, didn't I? Staying with a boy at 16, if that doesn't scream hoe I don't know what does." My sibling comments. Any fondness I had of her is now gone. If I'd known she didn't like me this much ooo I would have told her prissy ass off a few years ago. I wait for Mother to reprimand her but it never comes. Huh, if I'm such a hoe then why the fuck does she want anything to do with me? Why are they even at the park? I honestly don't care. I quietly crawl from under the playground and run quietly away. I'd already figured they were by the entrance and weren't facing my way by their voices. I run home with one thing on my mind. Where's Dad?
I drop on the floor and start to pant. Gee running home , climbing up a tree and into a window is so not a good idea. Alright, I did my exercise for the year. I'm done. I lay on the ground panting for about 10 minutes before I look around to find the bed empty. Where the hell is this boy? I just shrug my shoulders and close my eyes. I need a nap and some doughnuts. That sounds good right now.
"Char! What the actual fuck? Don't you ever scare me like that again!" I hear a deep voice yell. I rub my eyes and jolt up when I feel a smack on nothing other than my ass.
"Ow! Ouch! What was that for?" I ask in a sleepy, whiny voice while standing, rubbing my eye and my butt.
"That was for disappearing. I woke up and you weren't here, don't do that shit. You could have told me." Henry says in a condescending tone.
"Don't use that tone with me Mister. Now, I encountered my mother and I'm frustrated so I need your help." I say with a yawn at the end. My butt still hurts.
"Okay what is it?" Henry asks.
"Why did you have to smack my butt so hard? Why'd you smack me at all?" I groan out, still rubbing my butt.
"I'm sorry, want me kiss it and make it all better?" He says in a baby voice. I glare at him and he smiles.
"She said something about my dad and I think something happened to him, I don't know where he is or where to start." I state.
"Just ask Markov, your parents have been in contact with him so he should know." Henry suggests and I face-palm.
"I hate you for thinking of that. Alright, I need a nap." I say.
"Alright well, we leave in an hour. I put all our clothes in the car so you don't have to grab anything but your phone and headphones." Henry says. I nod and flop down on his bed. He steps out the room, turning his light off behind him.
"Sleep well." He whispers. I muffle out something but before I know it, I am knocked.
I wake up in the car. I jump, my body moving to sit upright but then being jerked back down into the seat by none other than my seat belt. I groan and just look to see the car is moving. I don't even recognize this area. What the hell?
"Well hey there." I hear that wonderful voice that I love so much say.
"Please explain to me everything." I say quite calmly.
"I put you and your stuff in the car, I literally just drove off 2 minutes before you got up and if you remember, our apartment isn't exactly 5 minutes away but it shouldn't take long considering I am just slightly over the speed limit." Henry explains and I nod my head. I've noticed that he'a always driving either at or slightly above speed limit, this guy just doesn't value my life at all.
"You don't like me huh?" I ask.
"Whaat? What are you getting at?" Henry says baffled. I smile.
"Well you're driving at 65 and I'm pretty sure you're only supposed to drive at 55, that is not slightly over. SLOW DOWN BEFORE I DIE!" I end up yelling at him. He chuckles and slows down to 60, oh wow huge improvement.
"Actually it was 60 so technically I was slightly over but fine, only cause I need you alive ... for now." He finishes off darkly sending a weird chill through me. I hit his shoulder.
"Don't talk like that, it's scary and creepy." I reprimand him.
"Alright Char, come on I'm driving here stop yelling and dont hit me." He threatens. I roll my eyes, turn towards the window in my seat belt and cross my arms across my chest.
"Aww don't be like that. Come on, we're almost home. Do you want something to eat?" Henry asks and I huff.
"You know I'm hungry. Let's go to Taco Bell. Can we get ice cream from McDonald's?" I ask sweetly while turning back to face front.
"Sure. I'll pay." Henry says as he pulls into Taco Bell. Man, I love tacos.
"6 crunchy tacos thank you sir." I say to him and he nods as he pulls up to the speaker thingy. He orders and boy does he sound fat. He practically ordered everything they got! His fat ass, this boy eats so damn much! I love it, honestly. He finishes and drives forward.
"Now how much was all of that you ordered?" I ask him.
"Umm don't worry about that, I got it." He says but then I sigh dramatically and he continues," Okay fine, about $25, I got a lot of stuff but I haven't eaten all day. While you were sleeping though, I did some grocery shopping online and had everything delivered to our apartment so by the time we get there our food should come." Henry says in a cheery tone and then he starts drumming on the wheel. Food makes this boy so happy, it's ridiculous. I roll my eyes and he pulls up to Window 1, he pays the guy and waits for change. After change is give, we drive up to Window 2 and get our food. Henry then drives around the entire place to cut through Taco Bell and into McDonald's. It just so happens that no one is in the Drive Thru so he orders ice cream and fries, pays the awesome woman and we're off. 5 minutes later we are in our complex parking lot and stuffing our faces.
"Mih gooom." Henry muffles out. Must be saying this is good, I bite my 3rd taco and give him a thumbs up, we share a nod and get back to eating. It's so peaceful right now. Henry's hand grabs our cup and he moves it to his mouth. My eyes follow greedily, I watch him place the straw in his mouth and drink. Damn them lips! Henry catches me staring and bites on the straw then smiles at me. He opens his mouth to speak but a burp comes out instead, we both die of laughter. After calming down, he attempts to redeem himself.
"Did I grab the drink before you could? I'm sorry." Henry says and I shake my head, dismissing that thought. I swallow the food in my mouth before speaking.
"No, you're fine." I say and then breathe a little so my mouth can cool off. I may have poured a little too much of the Fire Sauce on all my tacos. I finish my 3rd taco and grab the drink out of Henry's hand. I down half the drink and then breathe out when I'm finished. Thank goodness we got lemonade mixed with sprite. Of course a very lady like burp decides to come out as I'm cooling my mouth down. I feel the heat spread from my mouth to my face.
"Ooo Char, good one." Henry says, smiling, then proceeds to let out a seriously good belch. Just like that, I don't even feel embarrassed about burping in front of a guy.
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