Special Niavril date Chapter
Again for my sister because she wanted to know how the date went. There is no Larry at all so if you aren't interested just ignore this chapter;) <3
It wasn't surprising that Avril was a nervous wreck the whole friday and couldn't concentrate in college and it was hard for her to listen to the professor.
She got home at three o'clock and immediantely texted Sophia to'fucking help' her.Sophia was the calmest of the group and she got along with her like a house on fire. She was fast to come after Avril texted her. Sophias presence was calming and she helped Avril to pick out her outfit and styling but she left her enough room to to bring out her own style.
Currently she sat on her bed donning a pink tight dress with silver glitter at the bottom. It ended just above her knees. her shoes were fittingly pink with not too high heels.
Sophia talked to her about the world to distract her from her nervousness and Avril was thankful eventhough it didn't help that much. As soon as the doorbell rang she stumbled towards the door interrupting whatever Sophia was saying.
She took a deep breath and turned back around to Sophia. "Do I still look okay?"
Sophia smiled: "You look beautiful." That was what Avril needed to hear before she turned back and opened the door.
Revealed was a smiling Niall donning a black skinny jeans, a white t-shirt and a navy blue jacket. Avril thought he looked cute and handsome at the same time.
And then he said: "Hello Avril" and gave her flowers , fucking red and pink roses and Avril almost cried but that would be really embarassing. so she just smelled them and whispered: "Thank you."
After they stared at each other a bit too long Avril turned back to Sophia, "Can you put them into a vase for me? You can leave after, or stay, whatever you want."
"Of course." Sophia smiled, taking the roses and disappearing. Avril grabbed her keys and purse and closed the door stepping outside next to Niall towards the car.
"The flowers are really beautiful. How did you know I that I like pink?" Avril asked.
"I don't know. It suits you. You look really beautiful in that dress." Niall said, before adding hurriedly, "Not that you don't do without that dress, I mean you're always beautiful, I just meant, like- I don't know."
Avril chuckled, " Thank you." She said that for the compliment but also because they reached Niall's car and he held the door open for her.
Once they were seated and drove off Avril asked, "So where are we going?"
Niall licked his lips nervously before answering, "Okay, so I thought we could just go on a normal date, restaurant, eating, talking. I mean for the first date. We can do more exiting things on the next one. I mean I don't want to assume that you want to go on other dates with me. I just...-"
"...assumed I want to go on other dates with you?"Avril interrupted with a teasing tone of voice.
Niall blushed, "Yes, I mean- No, I don't know, I just thought-"
"It's okay," Avril interrupted again, giggling, "I was just kidding. I'd love to go on other dates with you." At that Niall's smile was almost breaking his face. Avril thought it was cute.
Once they arrived Niall ran around the car to open Avril's door again. She thanked him with a smile when she got out. Then she noticed fancy looking men standing infront of the restaurant. One grabbed Niall's key and drove the car to some assumingly fancy car park. She turned around to see a fancy and expensive looking restaurant. "Niall," She breathed out, "This is so expensive."
He just shrugged. "Only the best for you." Avril almost cried again. Niall added, "And Liam said Nando's wasn't the best choice for a date." And just like that, Avril laughed. She wiped her tears that built due to her emocional state and came out because of her laughing.
She linked her arm with Niall and they went inside. A waiter led them to a table with two chairs. She gave them menus after they sat down.
The food sounded interesting. The only problem was that Avril didn't understand half of whatever was written there. When she looked over to Niall she saw that he was the same if the frowning concentraited look on his face was anything to go by. He looked up and said, "Err... how about we take this one?" He pointed at some rondom choice in the menu.
"That sounds good, doesn't it?" Avril laughed, "And what is that?" Niall shrugged. avril still laughed at Niall's clueless expression. "There's just one problem," Avril said, "I'm veggitarian."
Niall's eyes widened, "You are?" She nodded. "Well then." Niall beckonoed the waiter overt and asked, "Do you have something vegiterian?"
"Not much, sir. Here is one vegeterian menu." The waiter answered.
"Okay then, we'll take that." Niall said.
The waiter nodded, "May I bring you something to drink?"
Niall looked at Avril, "You like wine?" She gave him a nod and they chose one before the waiter disappeared from their table.
Avril frowned, "You don't have to eat vegeterian too, you know."
Niall smiled, "But I want to." he looked at the neighbour table and grimaced. Eww, do you see that?" Avril looked where Niall had referred to and copied his expression, seeing them eating seafood. Somebody Clearing their throat brought her out of it and she looked up to see the waiter with their wine and small pieces of bread. He put it on the table and then turned to go again , smiling politely the whole time.
Avril and Niall took a sip of their glass and then smiled, "So," Niall began a conversation, "You're nineteen. Have you finished school?"
"Yes," Avril answered, "first year college, you?"
"Last year school, I'm here because I wanted to go to college in London. My brother was here too.
"What do you want to study?"
"Veterinary medicine."
"Oh, a doctor for animals?"
"Yeah, what 'bout you? What are you studying?"
"I want to be a teacher for primary school." Niall smiled at the Image of Avril with small kids, maybe his...- Wow, where did that come from? It was really too early to think of that.
They carried on talking easily. They had to wait very long which made Niall nervous. Maybe this restaurant wasn't such a good idea. He hoped that at least the food was good.
Damn, did this restaurant crush his hopes!
The taste was rich and fancy but it wasn't enjoyable, it really wasn't. "This is awful." Niall voiced his thoughts.
"It's not that bad." Avril reassured but her facial expression said otherwise eventhough she tried to hide it.
"Oh, come on," Niall scoffed, "It tastes like... I don't know- shit."
Avril laughed, "Okay, it's npot really good."
Niall gave her an apologizing look, "How about I pay and we go eat at Nandos?"
Avril laughed again, "Agreed."
Niall wouldn't stop apologizing the whole car ride eventhough Avril tried to assure him that everything was fine. When the car parked she almost screamed, "STOP apalogizing!"Then her voice softened as she laid a hand on Niall's arm, "Seriously, it's fine, really. Let's go eat, come on."
With that they got out of the car. Niall was still uncertain but he stopped apologizing.. As they walked to the counter to order people looked at them strangely seeing as they were all dressed up. Niall slung a protectiv e arm around Avril's waist. She gave him a greatful smile. Once in their booth they felt safe from the gazes. It became a funny evening.
Niall brought Avril to her door and once there they turned facing each other. Niall cleared his throat but before he could say anything Avril beat him to it, "Please don't apologize again."
He sighed, "But- I told you, only the best for you and what did we end up with? An awful meal and fast food. Avril- I wanted to make this perfect for you. Like this romantic movie crap because- well, I think I'm not the only one to fancy you, I mean, you go to college, I'm still at school and you- I just, don't know how to make up- "
Avril put her finger over his lips to Interrupt him, "Niall, It doesn't matter what you wanted to do and what went wrong. I have seen how much effort you put into this and this means so much to me and you know what I liked best? How you always made me laugh and how you never ignored me and how you made it up spontaniously with an alternative, you know Nandos, and how you ate vegetarian because I did. Niall, you've done nothing wrong. I don't blame anything on you. You tried and that's all that matters. I wouldn't want it any other way."
Niall's smile almost split his face as he breathed out, "You're wonderful." and pulled her into a hug.
Avril laughed and wrapped her arms around his shoulders and laid her head on his shoulder. Maybe Niall got a kiss before she whispered "Goodnight, Niall." Then she sneaked into the house before Niall could answer.
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