Chapter 8
A/N:Okay, I didn't want Niall and Avril or any other couple than Larry to be a big deal in this story, but my sister it to be detailed so if you don't care about them you can just overread that.
Thanks for reading<3
Maybe Jesy had hidden behind a car to wait for Harry to come, but if you asked her she would never do something so pathetic. It was just that she wasn't good at talking to someone out of nowhere and if she just 'coincidently' met him they would have to talk.
She didn't have to wait long for Harry to come around the corner with headphones in his ears. She waited until he was close enough and then stepped next to him saying, "Hey Harry." The boy shrieked and looked terrified. Jesy bursted out laughing but apologized. Harry just smiled and took out a headphone to be able to hear her. "What are you listening to?" She asked.
"The Vamps." Harry answered smiling.
"Really?" Jesy asked exitedly, "I love the Vamps!"
"Everyone does." Harry answered with a light chuckle.
"Yeah, you're- I mean, they're awesome." She said, fluttering her eyelashes. Harry looked away since he didn't know how to react. Jesy might just have thought he was shy and that's why she said, "You're cute."
"Errr... thanks?" It was more a question because again, he didn't know how to react.
Fortunately they reached the girls dressing room and Jesy smiled sweetly, "See you."
After the lesson Liam was scared. He enjoyed dancing with Sophia way too much. She was beautiful, no doubt but he shouldn't want to touch her. Not only that, but she was also so easy to talk to and she was so kind. Maybe he should take Danielle on a date to distract himself and bring eveything they had together back in his mind.
Before he could think any further Niall came dancing into the dressing room while singing an improvised melody. "Are you okay, mate?" Louis asked him. Niall came later into the room than the other four. To answer Louis' question he sang louder and made a 360° turn and moved further towards Harry, then he steadied himself on Harry's shoulders and lifted his leg up behind himself while singing a random end note and holding it until he needed to take a breath.
"I think he's happy for some reason." Zayn guessed.
"That's riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii...." Niall sang with a very high pitched voice. The other boys groaned as he wouldn't stop holding his note.
That's why Louis yelled after less than a Minute, "STOP!"
Niall looked at him, still "singing" and added "ight." before finally stopping. The other four guys sighed in relief and continued changing. Niall pouted offended, "Won't ask why I'm happy?"
When nobody answered Harry took pity and asked, "Why are you happy Niall?"
Niall grin was wide as he answered, "I have a date."
Harry smiled, "Congrats, man." The others mumbled their congratulations too but Niall looked confused.
"Won't you ask with who?"
Zayn and Louis laughed and latter said, "Dude, it's obvious with who."
Now Liam was confused too, "With who?" Harry, Louis and Zayn looked at him in disbelief, "What?" Liam asked.
In the girls dressing room Avril closed the door with an exited screech, "Girls, Niall just asked me on a date!"
Now all the girls began to screech exitedly and Eleanor gave her a hug.
"How did he ask you?"
"When is the date?"
"What did he say?"
"Woah," Avril interrupted, "Not all at once." She giggled at their reactions and began to answer, "Okay, so after the lesson you all went out of the hall but he put a hand on my shoulder and asked if he could talk to me and I was like 'sure' and then we went to th bars, you know, those on the wall in the dance hall- that rhymes." Avril giggled, obviously happy about the whole situation.
"Anyways, he was so nervous it was so cute. He held onto the bar, like this." She grabbed a pole from a bench and rocked back and fourth so she didn't fall backwards as she leaned backwards and her stomach touched the pole as she leaned forward. "And he wouldn't look me in the eyes and I asked 'is everything okay?'and he was like 'Yes, yeah, I just...' and then he asked so fast I almost didn't catch it. Of course I said yes, almost screamed. Looking back now it was pretty embarrassing, anyways, he said he'd pick me up at half past six on friday."
At the end of the story she took a deep breath while the whole room errupted into a choir of "awww"s.
"You know," Perrie said,"Maybe if Niall tells the other boys about your date the others will make a move too." The other girls ( except Sophia) nodded with hopeful smiles.
And like that the next weeks flew by. Avril and Niall would go on dates. The others would notice how they acted more and more coupley.
Louis and Harry would act rather coupely too but nobody paid them any mind because they were both boys and just good friends. They would be overly happy to see each other and wouldn't hide that. They would catch each others eyes and smile. They would bring each other food each lesson . They would also hang out with each other outside the lessons.
Eleanor would flirt with Louis. Harry would get jealous. Jesy would awkwardly try to flirt with Harry. Liam would get along with Sophia perfectly. And Perrie and Zayn were the same perfect couple as always...
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