Chapter 6
"You know what I just realized?" Louis asked Harry the week later as they changed themselves.
He he had just told him about his four sisters and that his mother was pregnant again. Harry was about to voice his disbelieve and ask how it was to live with more siblings than one as Louis interrupted with his aprupt topic change. He didn't question it and gave Louis a look signaling him to continue, "We know each other for three weeks and we still didn't exchange numbers." Louis revealed his realization. Harry knew that, of course he did. He thought about him often and about texting him and phoning him and meeting him outside of their dance classes. He thought about texting him over Facebook but then Louis would know that he stalked him.
But before he could answer Niall butt in, "Yeah, we should exchange numbers."
"Yes, good idea." Liam agreed.
Louis glared, "Nobody asked you." Niall pouted and crossed his arms.
"It's okay." Harry assured him, "We can exchange numbers too."
"But I'll get Harry's first." Louis said and gave Harry his phone to put his number in.
They heard a knock on the door and Ed's head poked in, "Is everything okay? Why aren't you coming?" He asked which caused the boys to drop their phones in favor to hurry to the dance hall. Harry managed to send a text to himself so he had Louis' number too.
Apperantly the girls had the same idea because in the five minutes break Perrie announced, "We should do a What's App Group."
"I can do it." Avril voluteered, "I already have all the girl's and Niall's number."
"Uuuuuuuh" Liam and Sophia did at that causing them to laugh and Niall and Avril to blush.
They were interrupted by Amy clapping her hands. "Okay, now we will distrebute your partners like promised." The girls giggled exitedly and the boys just stood there and acted like it didn't interest them. Well, except for Zayn who went to Perrie and wrapped an arm around her waist possessively. Amy chuckled, "Yeah, you two will be partners, no worries there." That made the couple smile and Zayn bent his head to peck his girlfriend's lips. The girls and and Harry cooed and Niall coughed, "Whipped."
Zayn glared at him, "Says you! You're the one who is always talking about how 'beautiful' Av-"
"Okay, who are the other pairs?" Niall interrupted loudly before Zayn could say too much but his cheeks burned. Perrie caught on and grinned widely shooting a wink to Avril. She acted clueless but her cheeks were pink too and she had to try really hard to keep that grin off her face (she failed).
"Okay, the other pairs," Ed announced, "Sophia and Liam, Harry and Eleanor, Louis and Avril, Niall and Jesy. Got it?" They all nodded and made eye contact with their partner. Harry gave Eleanor a small smile to hide his discomfort. Now he had to dance with the girl he disliked the most. On the other hand, it was better she was his partner than Louis'.
"Great, now stand with your partners." Amy instructed. On his way Louis lightly slapped Niall's shoulder and muttered, "Sorry, mate."
Niall laughed, "Just keep your distance from her." Louis laughed too and walked over to Avril who smiled at him.
After the lesson nobody had a doubt that Ed and Amy made the right desicions by distrebuting the pairs. Even though a few of them had wished for another partner. The dynamic between the pairs were how they professionally should be.
When they deemed the lesson to be over Jesy made her way to Harry and Eleanor. "Heey!"Jesy smiled at the two. Eleanor smiled too, making a hand sign for her to go on. Jesy took the encouragement gratefully. "How is it going? I'm sure you're a great partner. I mean, not like, errr...yeah."
Jesy said to Harry and Eleanor laughed at her nervousness but helped her nevertheless, "Yes, he sure is, I'll go talk to Louis." She said to leave the two alone, but apperantly she said the wrong thing because Harry was fast to react.
"No, erm..., I mean I'll go with Louis, I mean Eleanor, to Louis." Harry hoped the understood what he was stuttering out.
Eleanor protested, "You talk to Louis so often but you never talk to Jesy. Now talk. I'll go." Her tone was demanding and Harry was conflicted. It would be embarrassing to follow her and he didn't want to be unpolite to Jesy, but he didn't want Eleanor to talk to Louis alone. Luckily he saw that Niall joined Louis and Avril too.
So he turned to Jesy who smiled at him but it wasn't very confident. But it grew as Harry gave her a reassuring smile. "So how's Eleanor?"Jesy asked.
"Err, she's great, yeah, great." What else could he say? 'I don't like her, she likes Louis'? "How's Niall?"
"He's great too, really." Jesy answered,"I think everyone here is, aren't they?"
"Yeah."Harry smiled.
"Not as great as you though." Jesy said, then blushed and put her hand over her mouth.
Harry laughed awkwardly."Thanks I guess." Then he felt bad because he should be complimenting her back but then she would think he was flirting . Why was everything so conflicting? He chose to not react too much incase he would give her the wrong idea. Instead he asked, "How long have you and Perrie been best friends?"
Jesy smiled,"Four or five years, I think. I don't exactly know. Do you have a best friend?"
"Yes, his name is Luke." Harry said.
"I'm disappointed." Louis pouted causing Harry and Jesy to jump, not having noticed him coming. "I thought I was your best friend." They laughed at his childlike behaviour.
Harry petted Louis' shoulder saying, "You are, don't worry." Louis smiled brightly at that and threw his arms around Harry and hugged him causing everyone in the room to laugh and coo. Harry blushed. He didn't even realize that everyone was listening to them. Liam winked at Harry because he thought he was blushing because Louis was hugging him, well, maybe he wasn't wrong.
Liam still stood with Sophia and talked to her. He was still talking to her when she waited for Eleanor to come out of the dressing room. They got along really well. But that doesn't have to mean anything, right?
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