Esme's First Love - Chapter 1
The light shone on my strawberry blonde hair as the sunset grazed the sky. The pink and orange light making patterns on the rippling water of the lake. His warm breath fanned on the back of my neck, his hand resting on my waist and his lips brushing my ear.
"What are you thinking ?" He asked.
"Our future. What will happen after school?" I answer, "What about you?"
"I'm thinking about how much I love your quirky attitude." He says, " And how different you are from Esme."
My breath falters for a moment. He still thinks I am Sam. He hasn't noticed the differences. He nibbles on my ear.
"I should be leaving. Its getting late." I sit up and move to get off the bonnet.
"Why so soon?"
"I've got to go. Mum will be worrying."
"So what? You never cared before." His grip got tighter on my waist.
"Tony, let go of me"
" No. We have plenty of time."
"It's that time of the month." What a terrible excuse...
My soggy towel drooped on my head. The computer hummed as it read the disk.
"I know what you are."
"Say it... Out loud... Say it"
I have watched this movie over and over. I don't know why I like it so much, I mean it's so unrealistic and predictable. But something about the whole unconditional love thing makes me feel warm.
I take the last sip from my hot chocolate and put it aside. The screen continues to blast light in my face.
"Esme!" My mother yells through the door, "Turn that stuff down! I'm trying to sleep."
I sigh and turn it off, giving up on my all-nighter.
"Finally." Says Sam from under her dovet.
"Shut up, you know you like it." I snarl at her.
"No I don't like being kept up all night when I am trying to get beauty sleep." She pokes her head out of the covers.
"Like you need it." I mumble.
"Nothing, just go to sleep."
"Whatever." She rolls over and I get changed into my PJs. I crawl up onto the top bunk and into my bed.
The morning brings sun. I don't like mornings.
And I certainly do not like Mondays. Mondays bring school and school brings boredom... Yay.
I sit up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. Sam is sitting in front of the dressing table.
"You realise the about of money you spend on make-up could easily feed an African family for a week." I say, crawling down the foot of the bed.
"Sorry that I actually care about how I look." She says, adjusting her collar.
"Sorry that you think it matters whether or not people like you in HIGHSCHOOL."
School was as boring as it normally is. People asked me how it is to be a twin, a guy laughed at my hair and a teacher gave me detention for falling asleep. At lunch I sat at my usual table with the usual bunch of losers and stuffed my face with healthy food that only I ever eat.
After school I watched kids fool around, chasing each other, snuggling, kissing.
It wasn't until I got home that I noticed something was different...
Your turn <3
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Lots of Love,
Sophie 😊😍❤✴
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