The Guy
A/N: For those of you who were curious about Rory, the title is specifically for you. Also double update bc it's the weekend and I have nothing planned.
"You were saddling the horse in the library?" Calum exclaimed, to which Luke was glad that they were all sitting outside toward the back of the field because he didn't really want to receive strange looks from people.
"Why do you always use weird phrases when we talk about sexual things?" Charlie asked Calum quietly even though the tanned boy was giving his undivided attention to Luke.
"Straddling the horse makes it sound like I was riding him. For your information, I top. We were..." Luke trailed off with a bright shade of rouge on his cheeks, it was clear that he was awkward to admit any details of his and Ashton's private life to even his friends. "....grinding, I guess?" He whispered like it was illegal to say something like that and he was afraid he'd be caught.
He'd arrived at their chosen location for an after school hang out with extremely messy hair that raised questions immediately and he said nothing on the topic for at least twenty minutes until he broke. Ashton had said he'd catch up later because he really needed to finish his paper and Luke wasn't exactly helping him.
To Luke's relief, the football team came onto the field right then to save him from further conversation on what went down in the library. They began running drills and Luke caught a glimpse of Raymond who he hadn't seen in forever, to the point where he almost forgot who he was.
Suddenly, on the other side of the fence Luke spotted a head with black curls and olive skin. Without thinking, Luke tugged on Michael's shirt and gestured away from the group. Michael looked a little confused but followed Luke out of earshot of the group.
"You need to help me." Luke began, tone already close to begging. He could see Rory of Michael's shoulder and he wasn't very pleased.
"What, why?" Michael asked, even more confused by how quickly Luke's mood changed.
"I found the guy!" Luke exclaimed quietly, shifting his weight from one foot to the other and suddenly feeling restless.
"What guy?" Michael asked. "Luke, slow down and explain for fuck's sake."
Tiredness suddenly swept over Luke and he really wanted to lie on the ground and just stare up at the sky. But he couldn't, he needed Michael's help.
"The guy you were talking about before the party. The one that's going to be perfect for Ashton." Luke was talking fast, eyes travelling everywhere on Michael to gauge his reaction. He assumed that Michael was going to to laugh and proclaim a quick finally because Luke didn't deserve Ashton.
Michael couldn't quite catch all of the words Luke had spit out but he got the gist of what Luke was trying to say. He led him quietly even further from the group as if they were going to hear, his voice dropped to a hushed tone. "Has Ashton met him?"
"Not yet," Luke replied, already stressing out about the possibility of Ashton meeting Rory. He ran a hand through his blonde hair quickly and sighed. "Thank god."
"You know what this means right?" Michael asked, raising his eyebrows at Luke like when an adult was explaining something to a child. Luke nodded quickly but didn't look that reassured by what they'd surely be doing, something could go terribly wrong.
"We have to prevent them from meeting." Luke finished for him, looking up to check where Rory was, the shy boy was currently on the bleachers watching the players practice with a notebook in his lap and a pen poised. Luke suddenly felt glad that Michael was his friend, he wouldn't be able to keep the two boys from accidentally becoming friends without him. He was also glad that Michael understood that Luke really really liked Ashton and wouldn't purposely introduce the two.
"What does he look like?" Michael asked, finally heading back toward the group that consisted of Calum and Charlie. Luke didn't point to the bleachers because that might catch Rory's attention.
"On the bleachers, he's the one sitting alone with black hair and a notebook." Luke rattled off his description quickly, glad that he'd gotten his current problem off his chest without much trouble.
"Want me to go beat him up?" Michael asked, looking at Luke with a straight face.
"No, you can't just go around beating up people because they might meet Ashton." Luke sighed, but laughed when Michael broke out in a smile making it clear that he was in fact joking.
"Why not? It's one sure way of making sure he doesn't meet Ashton." Michael pretended to argue with a laugh. Luke couldn't help but roll his eyes at the boy, what he was saying was true but it was also ridiculous.
"Glad you could rejoin us," Calum greeted with a scowl, pulling Michael down to sit on the grass immediately. "Trying to steal my super hot boyfriend, Luke? Have you no shame?"
"I agree," Michael spoke up, getting the attention of everyone sitting around him. "I am super hot!"
Luke rolled his eyes at the pair but couldn't help the smile that tugged onto his lips as he watched the two of them argue over who was the hotter of the two.
Charlie seemed to understand the feeling Luke got when he watched Calum and Michael interact because he flashed Luke the very same smile.
"I'm here. Calum, Michael, please stop talking about your dicks." Ashton puffed, coming to sit next to Luke on the grass. He threw his backpack onto the ground with a content sigh and looked to Luke to find he was already looking at him.
A smile played on the edge of his lips as he watched the blond look at him, "What are you staring at?"
Luke returned Ashton's look with a smirk, "You know exactly what I'm looking at."
"What are you thinking about?" Ashton countered, assuming the blond would start blushing immediately.
Luke's smirk broadened at the question, eyes shifting to glance at the rest of the boys sitting around them. "It's certainly not PG, I can tell you that."
Ashton was the one to blush then, a pretty rose colour made its way to his face as he tried desperately to hide it.
"By PG, do you mean Parental Guidance or PornoGra-?" Calum wasn't able to finish his question because Michael kissed him roughly then.
"Baby Boy, I love you but sometimes you need to know when to keep your mouth shut." Michael sighed, breaking away from the kiss and leaving a completely stunned Calum to his own thoughts.
The boys were all feeling extremely bored an hour later, no one having a clue what they should do. Charlie had to leave a tad early for his piano lessons but the four boys had reassured him with slobbering kisses on the cheek that he would be missed dearly, he seemed glad to leave after that.
"We could break into the school?" Michael suggested, from his spot laying on the grass with his head in Calum's lap.
"Been there, done that." Luke sighed, looking up at the clouds for a moment.
"I've got an idea." Ashton spoke up, causing half the group to raise their eyebrows at him.
"Ash, your idea of an adrenaline rush is not studying for a math test." Michael joked.
"I'm serious."
"We could try climbing the flagpole?" Calum suggested, using a hand to shield the sun from his eyes and ignoring Ashton.
"I have an idea." He repeated, a pout making its way onto his lips as he tugged on Luke's sleeve like a little kid.
"Nah, with your luck you'd probably get your feet off the ground and then break a leg falling two feet." Michael laughed, pinching his boyfriend's cheek affectionately.
"Guys seriously, I have an idea." Ashton frowned, looking at the other three boys with a scowl.
"Let's hear it then," Michael instructed, raising an eyebrow at the lad. His his piercing reflecting a small amount of sunlight as it went up.
"We should graffiti the back of the school." Ashton suggested, triumphant that the boys finally let him speak. Sure they'd resisted arrest and Michael and Luke had gotten into their fair share of fights, Calum had played a few minor pranks on a teacher and Ashton had once handed in a paper a month late but this seemed a little bit much. The fact that Ashton had suggested it made it even worse somehow. Nonetheless, all boys were intrigued by the idea of sprucing up the appearance of the school even if it wasn't the front of the building.
That's how they found themselves in front of an art supply store a couple minutes later, they'd agreed that Calum and Ashton should go in because tall guys with piercings always raised suspicion.
A few minutes went by and Luke noticed the employee at the counter.
"Michael, it's him." He exclaimed pointing at the window where one could clearly see Rory standing in a uniform stripe shirt that was mandatory for all employees.
"Fuck," Michael cursed quickly, heading into the store with Luke hot on his heels. The two boys located Ashton and Calum in front of the wall that displayed the spray paint, they appeared to be comparing prices.
"We'll pay for these," Luke smiled awkwardly, stuffing a bunch of random colours into Michael's arms in a rush. "You were taking too long." He added, seeing the look Calum was giving him.
"Hey Ash, the boy at the counter is cute," Calum smirked suddenly, jabbing his thumb in the direction of Rory. Before Ashton could see the employee, Michael stepped in the way with a scowl directed at Calum.
"What was that, babe?" He frowned, making it look like he was upset that Calum was looking at other guys.
"Oh, you know I only have eyes for you, Mickitten." Calum sighed. "But Ashton's still single, I'm not shopping for personal use."
"Excuse me?" Luke snapped, looking at Calum in disbelief to which the boy laughed.
"I'm joking, calm down. But he is cute--but not as cute as you babe, loveyoulongtime." Calum rushed, seeing how annoyed Michael was getting. He was quick to exit the store shortly after, thankfully.
"He's right, are you going to hit him up Luke?" Ashton asked, craning his neck so he could see Rory.
Luke choked, "What?"
"Are you going to hit him up?" Ashton repeated, eyeing Luke cautiously. It was a test more than anything else, the cashier was cute and Luke did chat up basically every guy he talked to without thinking, if Luke didn't end up getting the guy's number then Ashton would be surprised.
"Of course not," Luke scoffed, slightly offended that Ashton would think that after what they'd done in the library. He was the kind of guy to flirt with more than one person but he wasn't the kind to almost be in a relationship and be flirting with someone else. "Don't worry."
Ashton was a lot more relieved after Luke's response than he'd thought he would be, Luke often scratched his nose when he told the truth, like he did when he told Ashton not to worry. It wasn't a sure sign that he wasn't lying but it was enough to calm Ashton's nerves.
"Hey. Luke right?" Rory greeted in a friendly tone as the two remaining boys reached the counter and set their cans of spray paint down.
"Yeah, hi." Luke smiled even though he'd noticed that Rory was playing Crossy Roads, a game he didn't have patience for but Ashton did.
"Hi, you must be one of Luke's friends. My name's Rory." The boy behind the counter greeted, holding out a hand for Michael to shake.
"Michael," the blue haired mutter quickly before changing subjects in a heartbeat. "If you don't mind me asking, how did you get that scar?"
He pointed to a very prominent jagged line on the boy's collarbone the just peeked over the collar of his shirt.
"Oh," Rory said, hand going up to touch it subconsciously. "I was riding my bike to the old age home when I was thirteen-I used to show them how to use computers-and I saw a box of kittens by the side of the road and a huge street cleaner was about to round the corner. I ditched my bike and ran across the road to save them and while doing so, I tripped and fell onto a rather large rock. The kittens were fine, thankfully. They all live in an animal sanctuary now, my dad owns it so I visit them ever Tuesday. But that's nothing, police, doctors and firefighters are the real heroes."
Luke kind of felt like vomiting, this guy was perfect, nice to the bones and pretty much flawless on the outside. He was modest too, which made hating him that much harder. Michael and Luke exchanged glances as Rory rang all of their cans up.
"So what will you be doing with all this paint?" Rory asked conversationally, bagging all the items they bought.
"Um," Luke looked to Michael for an answer.
"We're trying out that space spray paint thing that's been all over YouTube lately." Michael replied rather smoothly, hand going up to his hair to fluff it a little as he spoke.
"That's cool." Rory nodded, putting the cash into the register. The boys each took a bag and headed out, while on their way over to Calum and Ashton, Michael groaned.
"You know how in Pitch Perfect 2 the Becca is trying to insult Das Sound Machine and she can't because they're really attractive and her insults always come out as compliments?" Michael asked, looking at Luke judgingly in case he hadn't seen the sequel yet. Luke nodded quickly, not being one to miss out on highly rated movies especially because he liked the first.
"I feel kind of like that right now." Michael stated, Luke nodded in agreement. Rory was hard to insult unless you were going to say the boy was too perfect.
The fact that he couldn't say a single bad thing about Rory without it being a lie left a bad taste in his mouth, like the unused insults were burning holes in his tongue.
"Ready?" Michael asked the other three boys as he grinned, handing a bag to Ashton and Calum as they headed back to the school.
A/N: Rory is the guy.
I want to save cats for a living, it seems like a great profession
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