House of Cards
A/N: There's this one person that thanks me whenever I update and I think that's adorable, thank you
Ashton let out a loud Oh when he recognized the route Luke was taking. They found themselves in the overgrown green house in no time. Ashton was once again struck by how odd the sight of Luke standing in the greenhouse was. He knew that Luke still fit though, he could picture the blonde seated amongst the potted plants with a small smile etched on his face and a book in his hand. Luke wasn't alone in his imagination, he had an arm wrapped lazily around Ashton's shoulder as the shorter boy sketched some of the plant life, whispering what was inked on the paper into Ashton's curls. It was an adoring sight, it could have been real with how much they were hanging out really.
Luke produced the pack of cards Michael had given him and grinned at Ashton, "Have you ever played twenty one?"
Ashton shook his head, not quite sure how the game worked but at this point, go fish seemed as heated as any. Luke explained how it was played, giving a brief demonstration before reshuffling the deck.
They started out with two cards and Luke picked up a third and glanced at Ashton over the cards in his hand. He raised an eyebrow when Ashton picked up a third too.
"Hold." Luke mumbled, placing each card face down on floor in front of him.
Ashton picked up a fourth before copying Luke's previous action. Luke and him exchanged glances before revealing their cards. Luke had a total of seventeen and Ashton had nineteen.
Luke cursed under his breath and handed his cards to Ashton, they both picked up two and restarted the game.
Ashton blew out a large amount of hot air as he threw the cards in his hand down, both had silently decided not to go to the rest of their classes but twenty one was quickly getting boring and Ashton might have been considering going to class, albeit super late.
Seeing that Ashton was becoming increasingly more restless, Luke blurted out the first thing that came to mind. In hindsight, maybe he should have kept his mouth shut...
"Strip poker."
"Strip poker?" Ashton asked with a laugh, "That sounds like such a typical thing to do. Okay."
Luke's expression turned from pained to surprised, sure he'd been thinking about playing strip poker against Ashton for the past half hour but the fact that Ashton agreed to playing really surprised him.
Ashton rolled his eyes at the blond, shuffling the deck of cards with ease. He questioned whether or not Luke was afraid he was going to lose to which the blond laughed.
Luke was losing and Ashton knew it, all he had left was a shirt and his pants before things got more interesting. Ashton was missing his shirt and a single sock, he'd been mocking Luke the entire game because it was his idea in the first place.
"To be fair, who gets a royal flush right away?" Luke groaned, looking at his cards with his lip ring between his teeth. His leg started shaking repeatedly, looking back up at Ashton to see the boy's smug look.
"Pairs." Ashton smiles, throwing his cards down to reveal a pair of jacks and a pair of eights.
"Three of a kind," Luke silently thanked the gods as he flashed the three tens in his hand at Ashton, Luke celebrated his minor win while Ashton removed his sock last sock.
"The pants are next," Ashton stated the obvious, scratching his abdomen and bring Luke's attention away from the boy's face. The blond had seen Ashton shirtless several times before, they were best friends after all. It felt different somehow, like it was the first time he was really looking at Ashton.
Ashton was fit, and Luke was having a hard time swallowing suddenly. The greenhouse didn't provide much shelter from the sun so it really heated up in the little glass house, sweating was basically inevitable at this point. Ashton's skin glistened in the sun and his muscles contracted as Ashton moved into a more comfortable position, propped up on his elbows with his head tilted slightly toward the sky.
The boy in front of him let out the smallest of sighs, a content sigh and Luke was half prepared to crawl over and get on top of him already. Ashton opened his eyes slowly and gave Luke a wide smile.
"Straight." The boy said, throwing his cards at Luke with a laugh.
"Something you're not," Luke commented, checking to make sure Ashton wasn't lying. "Fuck."
"C'mon Luke, it was your suggestion, take your shirt off." Ashton said, raising an eyebrow at Luke.
Suddenly Luke wasn't so sure, looking at Ashton with his muscles and tanned skin.
"I need a smoke," Luke said, air filling his lungs oddly. The only cure for the he was feeling was like breathing through a straw. Ashton looked disappointed but didn't say a thing.
"Hey Mike," Luke greeted when the phone connected, he wasn't sure why exactly he'd called the pale boy.
"One second, I need to tell the gym teacher to fuck off." Michael replied, muffling the mouthpiece. "I'm back, and going to the office for foul language. What's up?"
"Ask the secretary about her dogs."
"Ask her about her dogs, she always forgets why you're there if you do."
"Anyway, Ashton and I are playing strip poker and I'm down to my pants and shi-"
"Did you just say strip poker?"
"Yeah, shut up, I need your advice."
"I'm not sure I can take off my shirt, he's all tanned and muscly and I'm not and ugh," Luke was spitting out words as fast as a rapper because he felt stupid admitting he was insecure about his body, Michael was probably going to laugh at him for it.
"Luke, it's okay to feel like that. I mean, I know how you feel, Calum's fit as fucking hell. But we're all different, the two of us are just pale with a little more chub to love. Embrace it and get laid already."
Luke rolled his eyes even though Michael couldn't see him. It was silent for a long time and Luke knew he was supposed to reply but he didn't know what to say to that kind of advice.
"No problem, now I believe you have a hot date with Ashton Irwin that you need to return to, see you later--And remember to fix your hair this time, y'fuck."
"Bye." Luke laughed, crushing the rest of his cigarette into the cement wall next to him, Michael hung up after that and Luke returned his phone back into his pocket. He returned to the greenhouse with a smile that could bring back the dead.
"Shirt," Ashton pointed out immediately, cocking his head to the side as he waited for Luke to follow through.
Embrace it
Luke smiled and started pulling his shirt over his head. He folded it and put it with his jacket. He felt kind of like a beacon, with the light reflecting off his pale skin. But if Michael could be that confident than so could Luke, he fought off his warming up cheeks and picked up his cards.
"Only pants left," Ashton smirked, crossing his legs as he leaned back on his elbows once more. This time Luke really couldn't help himself.
He crawled right through the pile of discarded cards and over to the older boy, avoiding bumping into Ashton's long legs as the boy just watched him curiously.
In any other situation, it would look like Luke had tripped, dropped his cards in the process and taken Ashton down with him. Luke pulled his lip ring between his teeth and raised his eyebrows at Ashton, who was now under him.
"Hi," Ashton giggled, throwing his cards off to the side as he wrapped an arm loosely around the back of Luke's neck and felt for one of Luke's shoulder blades. He traced the edge with a finger as he smiled lazily up at Luke.
"I've got a better idea," Luke whispered, mint fresh breath fanning over Ashton's lips. "Let's just take off each other's pants."
Ashton laughed again but didn't bring forth any arguments. The two boys just looked at each other for a long time, Luke breathed through his mouth and Ashton could almost taste him already, the lingering memories of their last kiss on the tip of his tongue. He took a moment, a very long moment in Luke's eyes, to lick his lips. Luke watched the other boy's tongue glide across his upper lip slowly, probably thinking thoughts dirtier than the floor underneath them.
As if by a chemical reaction, Luke replayed Ashton's actions back to him, tongue sliding across his lips and stopping easily at the black ring, he tugged at it with his teeth for a few seconds, seven to be exact, not that Ashton was counting. He'd rather think of it as waiting, allowing the seconds to number themselves in his mind as they ticked by, definitely not counting.
"I want gum," Ashton said, shaking Luke out of the sugar coated mist that was weighing down on him and bringing his thoughts to none other than Ashton. Luke sat up straight and felt in his pockets while looking for his jacket, "I-I think I still have some in my ja-"
Ashton pulled Luke back down on top of him until they had their foreheads touching, "That's not what I meant."
"What did you mean?" Luke asked, feeling a little dumb for not being able to understand what Ashton was implying.
"This." Ashton sighed but smirked, smashing his lips against Luke's before the boy could even register what was going on. Ashton pushed Luke to the side with their lips still connected and haphazardly climbed on top of him. Luke let out a surprised gasp at his back hitting the ground and Ashton let his tongue slip into the other boy's mouth, after some searching Ashton pulled away.
The curly haired boy was now chewing gum and Luke was suddenly lacking gum.
"O-Oh," was all Luke could muster up, either than a very strong blush that fought its way to his cheeks.
Ashton laughed, pulling Luke with him as he sat up, Ashton ending up basically sitting in Luke's lap with his legs loosely tangled around the blond's waist.
"So, about those pants..." Ashton suggested slyly, tugging on Luke's belt loops to emphasize his point. The blond was a bit taken aback by Ashton's implications but he'd never wanted to remove his pants this much.
Luke allowed Ashton a few seconds of teasing considering he's the on that suggested they take off each other's pants. Ashton playfully tugged on Luke's zipper a few times, never unzipping it though.
Luke rolled his eyes at the boy and decided he didn't have time for this, with a glance off to the left to make Ashton feel like he was disinterested, even though in a few seconds his body would completely disagree.
Ashton paused his actions and frowned, surely Luke couldn't be bored, Ashton was practically in his lap. He was about to stop all together when Luke's hands snaked up to his waist and pulled him closer, so close in fact, that Ashton could feel Luke's stubble brush against his neck.
"I don't fancy teasing that much," Luke whispered, mouth practically pressed against the other boy's Adam's apple. He could feel it against his lips when Ashton swallowed, he kisses the base of the tanned boy's neck as an afterthought and looked up into his hazel eyes. "Maybe I should take off your pants first."
Ashton raised an eyebrow and the corner of his mouth turned upward but he didn't complain when Luke took charge, even if it was just about pants.
Luke laid Ashton down on the floor once again and ran his pale fingers through Ashton's curls, his hand finally slid down to Ashton's waist. His fingers traced the edge of the boy's pants as he allowed himself to kiss Ashton. The kiss was a lot more forceful than some of their others but neither bothered to change it, too consumed in one another. Luke's fingers fumbled for the button on Ashton's pants shakily, taking more than one attempt to undo. The zipper was worse, having gotten jammed halfway down, Luke was silently panicking that Ashton was irritated that he was taking forever.
They're heated acts were interrupted by a sudden loud noise, it kept repeating its shrill and Luke grumbled again the other boy's lips. "For fuck's sake."
Ashton loosened his grip on Luke as he laughed, the melody half drowned out by the fire alarm blaring in the open air.
Luke whined but eventually got up to collect his things and put his shirt back on, "It could really be a fire this time, if its not, someone has got hell to pay,"
One their descent through the school and onto the lot where the buses picked up their students, Luke's arm ended up snaking its way around Ashton's waist. Ashton didn't seem entirely pleased with the gesture so he unwrapped Luke's arm, giving the blond a smile so he knew Ashton wasn't mad. Instead, Ashton never let go of Luke's hand, he held on and laced their fingers together. Even going as far as kissing Luke on his stubble speckled jaw.
A/N:Due to unforeseen circumstances (out of the blue) my iPod screen just died when I tried to update last night, and when I say died, I literally mean it died, like RIP Kayla's iPod Screen, you will be missed dearly, the screen blacked out and I have to ask Siri to read my messages to me.... And of course the very first message Siri reads to me is,
"Do you think contortionists can eat their own ass?" --Aaron (aka ) 2k15
I appreciate that I had to have Siri ask me that out loud, but I mostly worry about my fonds. Also, Siri can't even pronounce my contact names, its not that hard to say Baby Cactus and JOHN CENA (Siri says John Senate or something) smh
Anyway, because my iPod is literally tripping balls at the moment, I will unfortunately be updating even less. It has nothing to do with computer availability, it just has everything to do with how much I don't like updating from my laptop, I get distracted easily and its just not as convenient, and yeah. Siri sucks and I prefer the app, but what else is new?
If you need to contact me, I will try to check my messages as frequently as I can.
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