Dinner With The Shmucks
A/N: Someone commented on Windows, so I was rereading a bit of that part and I really want to write something that pretty again... Maybe next time.
If one were to fast forward a week or two, you'd find Luke sitting uncomfortably at a table with Owen and Rory.
Here Luke was thinking that just Owen alone was like Dinner With The Shmucks, now that he's seated across from a closeted gay poster boy and diagonal to a slightly homophobic father that really didn't need to have two beers during dinner. Ashton's mum had threw out some excuse last minute about work and Ashton happened to be in the washroom at the moment. Luke was secretly cursing the tan boy's small bladder.
Rory smiled at him as soon as Luke bothered to look up from his plate of lasagna, Luke was already so completely done with the food and the people and, as he checked the clock over Owen's shoulder, he'd been here about three minutes. He arrived late on purpose so that he'd only be there for the dinner so he could avoid the small talk that happened before, no doubt that Owen had already consumed some beer before Luke arrived.
Meekle: come hang out lucas
Luke (Fuck)boy: I'm having dinner with the guy. SOS.
Meekle: the guy? you're having dinner with ash? you dog
Luke (Fuck)boy: No and yes, Ash is here but I'm talking about Rory.
As if sensing that he was being talked about Rory looked up to catch Luke nonchalantly texting on his phone, although he smiled when he admitted that phones weren't allowed at the table, Luke could tell that the smile didn't hold much warmth. It didn't help when Luke's phone continued to light up with unread texts that probably spelled out Michael's surprise.
Rather than checking the onslaught of messages, Luke placed his phone face down on the table and gave Rory a pointed look that he hoped would read something along the lines of, you got what you wanted, but at what cost?
Luke heard a toilet flush and he thanked Ashton's timing. The boy eventually sat down across the table from Owen, immediately raising an eyebrow at the constant vibrations coming from Luke's phone that shook the table slightly and rattled the cutlery. Luke gave a shrug, inclining his head slightly toward Rory.
Ashton placed his phone on the table too, although Michael couldn't be texting them both continuously, his still gave out the occasional buzz. Even though Ashton had quite a bit of friends it was likely that the texts came from his mother.
Clearing his throat, Owen decided it was best to remove the noisy device so that they could all chat for a while, after all what was the point in sitting at the table if they weren't going to fill the silence.
Owen's first mistake was bothering to glance at the screen, which shifted constantly with new messages. Even just looking at the screen for a few seconds he was surprised by what he read.
Meekle: fuck me
Meekle: fuck me
Meekle: f uck m e
Cheerio: help me with my math dude
Meekle: fuckity fuck fuck fuck me up the ass
Meekle: literally
Meekle: f u c k m e
[Meekle] sent an attachment.
Meekle: fuCK Me
Owen's second mistake was looking up to gauge Luke's reaction to him looking at Luke's phone without permission. What he really saw was Luke not paying any attention to the man holding his phone, he saw the blond whispering into Ashton's ear.
This gesture was followed by a nod and small laugh from Ashton. The pair were quite close to each other, having a quiet conversation that Owen and his son were obviously not included in. It appeared much more laid back then any words that were exchanged between Owen and Luke.
Looking back down at Luke's phone, he frowned. "You didn't tell me you were dating someone."
The tone was slightly accusatory despite Luke only meeting Owen on very few occasions, as if he had a right to be offended that he wasn't fully a part of Luke's life. It was odd, that Owen didn't put gender specifics as to who Luke was dating.
The sudden outburst from Owen made both boys jump apart as if zapped by lightning, he couldn't possibly know from such a passionless act, the boys hadn't even made skin to skin contact yet and Owen seemed to sense what was going on.
Luke played down his startled reaction and raised his eyebrows at Owen, "Apparently I didn't tell myself I was dating anyone either."
Ashton snorted instantly, the blond had a habit of spitting out the first thing that came to mind. He was surprised Luke had survived this long without telling Owen that, word for word, he was more likely to be balls deep in some guy than holding hands with someone of the opposite gender. And Ashton had heard Luke say it to a few strangers before.
"Someone listed under the name Mee-kuh-l is sending you inappropriate messages and possibly pictures--which isn't dinner table appropriate!" Owen scowled, hand still gripping Luke's phone even though it had nearly done receiving all of Michael's texts. Owen looked back down at the now dark screen and added as an afterthought, "Oh, and Cheerio wants help with math homework."
Luke stabbed at the long flat noodles with his fork absently, "Meekle is my friend Michael, he's just horsing around because I'm ignoring him."
Ashton smiled, not only at Michael's spamming but at the fact the Charlie was asking Luke for math help. Luke was actually pretty great at the subject he just didn't apply himself in school. He only realized that Cheerio was Charlie because no one else really knew that Luke could practically do quadratic equations in his head. And Ashton already knew that Calum's name in Luke's phone happened to be C-Dizzle for some reason.
Owen's gaze shifted between the two lads for a moment until he thought better of it, putting the cellular device onto the table once more. He crossed his arms, "So how is school going?"
The laid back question took the other three by surprise, although Rory was the first one able to spit something out, even his response was a little late. "Great, I got a eighty-eight on my science test."
Owen looked to Ashton next, to which the curly haired boy quickly responded. "My group in music performed today and got the highest marks."
Finally, everyone looked towards Luke and even though the question had gone around like clockwork giving him time to think up a decent reply, he still wasn't ready.
"Uh, it was open."
God, he must have sounded like an idiot. The school is always open, he made absolutely no sense. How's school? Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell, what a dumb response. He realized that he was probably the biggest loser at the table. It felt like someone had said happy birthday and he'd replied with yeah, you too.
Luke's blush felt like it took up the surface of his face, not just heating his cheeks in embarrassment. Ashton started laughing then, just adding to Luke's already embarrassed state.
"Well it is a Tuesday, Luke." Owen chuckled, but still his eyebrows furrowed and Luke could see the judgement written on his face. Owen had come to the conclusion that he wasn't as smart as he first thought.
Luke was blushing even harder if possible. Rory was the only one that hadn't laughed at him but Luke could tell that he was trying not to.
One small slip up and Luke felt like the earth could just swallow him whole, allowing him to escape from this embarrassingly awkward situation.
"I, uh, should get going. Thanks for having me, the dinner was lovely." Luke mumbled, smiling politely at the people remaining at the table. He had to physically stop himself from throwing a bill down on the table as he shoved his phone in his pocket, this isn't a restaurant, idiot.
Luke's ankle got caught on one of the chair legs and he stumbled, catching himself but still feeling the burn in his cheeks increase. The dinner seemed to be going so well before too.
Ashton got up from his chair just in time to hear the front door open, he probably wouldn't even catch a glimpse of the boy once he made it to the door. Luke would disappear until he wanted to be found.
Luke (Fuck)boy: I'm done
Meekle: that was sudden, everything alright?
Luke (Fuck)boy: no.
Meekle: meet me @ the spot
Meekle changed Luke (Fuck)boy to Sad Penguin.
Sad Penguin: omw
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