Awkward First Dates
A/N: Prepare for a massive amount of lashton fluff! O u O
It occurred to Luke later that evening that they'd never set a proper date for the date, even if it was Luke's idea and he would be the one setting everything up. Luke had asked his best friend on a date a solid week ago and the giddiness had not been dimmed in either one, whenever Ashton and him made the slightest of eye contact both of them would suddenly have an excited smile on their face.
Despite looking as experienced as he did, Like hadn't the clue what a date was like. This would be his first ever date, and his first time being able to hang out with Ashton romantically. He wanted to make it a memorable experience for both of them.
Luke had spent all of his free time either with his friends or researching the upcoming occasion. Every movie he watched screamed that first dates were awkward and rather lame compared to what Luke had imagined.
Once, his mother had mentioned briefly that you will almost always remember your firsts, she was even able to recall her first date with Luke's father in great detail. But that might have been because she was head over heels for the guy. A few days later, Luke found himself caught up in a conversation with his father about the first time he'd spotted Luke's mother and he knew.
Luke didn't understand the love at first sight concept, the first time he'd met Ashton he ended up punching him in the face. To be far, Luke was already peeved when the boy ended up laughing at him but there wasn't the connection that his father talked about.
But that one missing feeling wasn't stopping him from planning a date with the boy, Luke wanted it to be perfect.
All the movies that he watched showed the first date being nothing more than a nice dinner or a trip to the movies and then fast food, none of those caught Luke's eye and made him think, that's it! That's where I'm going to take Ash! He was disappointed, and he felt like Ashton would be too if they just went to dinner and a movie.
Maybe another time, in a privater location with a movie playing as white noise to their very own symphony, dialogue from the TV drowned out by their own instrumental noises. The thoughts sounded melodic in Luke's mind, and he couldn't help the very soft smile that ended up on his lips.
Luke was getting ahead of himself though, he wanted to take baby steps. Relationships are somewhat fragile and Luke knew he would eventually slip up and it scared him, they weren't even dating and he was worried about fucking up.
A heavy sigh escapes his slightly chapped lips as he clicks his pen against his bedside table, with his piercing between his teeth he opened the DVD player. Removing some cheesy movie and putting in something that looked a little more appealing, he assumed it was some sort of a chick flick. It was after all, in the section with all the other chick flicks. With a blatantly empty sheet of paper with Date Ideas sprawled across the top in light blue and a bag of chips at his side , he tried to make himself somewhat comfortable for the movie even if he wasn't sure exactly what Mean Girls was about.
Luke was beyond nervous as he stared into the mirror at his own sleep deprived eyes, sure Mean Girls hadn't helped him with date ideas but it was one of the best movies he'd watched. The rest seemed ridiculously inaccurate, but maybe it was because he is actually a gay teenage boy rather than Chloë Grace Moretz who plays an amazing cellist that ends up falling in love with some die hard rock band guy, although Chloë did have amazing skin that Luke envied.
With a frown, Luke realized that he had no way of driving Ashton to their date. They all had licenses but Ashton and Calum were the only two with vehicles, Luke wasn't sure if it would be more awkward having Calum drive them to the location or having to tell Ashton exactly where there date would be. Although he didn't enjoy the romance movies he'd watched, Luke did really like the idea of not telling your date where you're going. Depending on the wording though, you could make it sound like you were kidnapping them...
"Hey, Dad." Luke started off with a hesitant smile, knowing full well his dad would be expecting him to ask for something. Any conversation that began with hey, dad. Always ended with a question.
His father didn't even glance over the top of his own copy of last week's newspaper, always one to read when the next edition would be out in a few hours. He did manage to raise an eyebrow as if to say, go on...?
So Luke did with his hands clamped together as he steeled himself for asking his father instead of his mother, his mum would have probably been the better option. With a tiredness that only Saturday morning seemed to bring, Luke sat down across the table from his father so he could easily be spotted when his dad decided to put down the paper.
"Can I borrow the car?" The question lanes more or less on deaf ears, his father's brain didn't start to process things until he'd finished whatever article he was on, from the looks of it, he was reading the snarky but about the mayor which was a bit of a read if Luke was being honest.
Luke's father's eyes halted and the blond boy mentally started counting down.
There was that tired sigh that Luke was accustom to.
The newspaper quivered slightly, the very soft crumpling of paper could be heard slightly over the drone of the TV.
The newspaper was now neatly folded above and to the left of Mr. Hemmings's breakfast, standard scrambled eggs and bacon.
"Luke," he began, starting off with a pointed and calculated look to his son. Luke almost wanted to sigh at that, he doesn't quite have enough time to be lectured about responsibility and what not.
"I have a date." Luke cut in, hopefully to stop his dad from actually getting into his famous speech. "Today." He added, to show there wasn't very much that could be done without his dad handing him the keys to the family vehicle. To show that he would be letting down his date if he didn't have the car.
"Luke," his dad repeated, this time with a sigh and a quick sip of coffee. He turned to Luke with a certain look on his face and Luke broke out into a smile, he was getting the car.
His dad held out the keys with a tight smile and Luke grabbed them, but his father didn't let go of the keys. Luke looked back at his dad but the bright smile a little less bright. Luke sat back down, still gripping the keys.
"Who's the girl?" A smile reached his father's lips as he waited for Luke's answer, Luke never really talked about girls at school for obvious reasons and so this kind of talk was rare and his dad would surely want to tease him.
"You know Ashton?" Luke asked, chewing the ring in his lip as he waited for his dad to remember. Luke always went over to Ashton's so the tanned boy had only been around to the Hemmings house a few times.
"The kid that worked at KFC or that neo-punk vampire?"
"Dad." Luke laughed despite trying to be serious. Michael had come over uninvited once, Luke had mentioned in the group chat that he was having pizza and Michael promptly sent him a picture of Luke's front door. He eventually got around to clarifying that Michael was the vampire looking one.
"Yeah, what about him?" His father asked.
"I'm taking him on a date," Luke spat out the words as fast as he could manage while snatching the keys from his father's fingers. Maybe Luke was going about this wrong but he would explain more in depth when he got home.
Luke stopped by three separate stores on his way to pick up Ashton, he was excited to see Ashton's reaction because Luke had everything completely planned out and there wouldn't be any mishaps hopefully.
He rang the doorbell to Ashton's house with a broad smile. To his surprise the door opened to reveal Ashton's little brother, the two made eye contact before Harry snorted, "Dude, you can just walk in, you basically live here on the weekends."
Harry walked off before Luke could come up with some reasonable response, leaving the door open for Luke.
"Who was it?" Ashton yelled from what had to be his room, the boy sounded nervous.
"Just Luke, don't worry. He'll help you!" Harry yelled back before turning to Luke.
"Ashton's got himself a date," Harry said, elbowing Luke suggestively and Luke laughed.
"Just Lu... Luke!?" Ashton yelled in surprise causing the blond to laugh even harder.
"Hey Harry, I'm going to let you in on a light secret." Luke said, stalling so Ashton had a little more time. He crouched down to the little boy's height, which was a little difficult considering he'd grown considerably.
"I'm his date," he whispered, patting Harry on the shoulder before heading up the stairs. "I'm coming up!"
He heard Ashton cursing softly when he made it to the door to Ashton's room, it was opened just a bit so Ashton didn't hear him come in.
"You're supposed to be helping me Cal, not eating my food!" Ashton complained, back to both boys as he scoured the closet for something to wear.
Luke raised an eyebrow at the pair of them when Calum laughed. He decided to scare the two of them, so he slammed the door behind him. Calum jumped so high he managed to fall off Ashton's bed and Ashton spun around so fast that he became disoriented enough to fall back into his closet with a crash.
Calum flipped him off from his place on the floor with a groan. Luke smiled at him, throwing in the smallest of waves in greeting.
"Babe, just go with something casual." Luke suggested with a laugh, he himself had thrown on all black with just a red flannel. He'd styled his hair for the occasion but he styled his hair for school so it was a pretty casual look.
"Luke!" Ashton greeted like being scared so bad that he fell back into a closet hadn't happened.
Maybe Luke was a lot less confident then, with Ashton's eyes on him. He could feel himself turning all different shades of crimson under the boy's gaze, he imagined having the same shade of red as his flannel being displayed on his cheeks. Ashton's eyes immediately landed on the item in Luke's hand, his eyes lit up in surprise. "They're for you."
"Flowers? That's fucking cheesy Luke." Calum commented, pushing Ashton towards Luke in the process. He threw random articles out of the closet while the other two just stared at each other.
"Thanks," Ashton removed the bouquet of orange roses from Luke's fingers and smelled them. "I'm gonna go put the in water."
"Finally, Luke can you go open the window for Michael. He's been waiting a good twelve minutes." Calum explained, gesturing to the only window in Ashton's room. With a frown, Luke opened the window and looked out, bumping heads with the pink haired boy.
"Luke! I didn't even see you pull up." Michael greeted with an exhausted smile, climbing through the window and giving his boyfriend a long kiss that had Luke looking away after the first two seconds.
When he looked back Calum was trying to lay out an outfit for Ashton while Michael was hugging him from behind. It looked like Michael was making movement more difficult for Calum but the black haired boy didn't protest once and when he finished what he was doing he turned around in Michael's arms and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"Michael?" Said the bouquet of orange roses that walked through the door, it lowered to reveal Ashton with a confused expression.
"Uh," Michael began, looking from his boyfriend to Luke for some kind of explanation as to why he was suddenly there. You'd think he'd just been caught vandalizing the president's car with the expression he had on his face. "I've been living under your bed."
"Okay." Ashton shrugged, putting the vase of flowers down on his dresser. Calum pointed at the stack of folded clothes on his bed and Ashton was out of the room once again.
"Where are you taking Ashton?" Calum asked, crawling into Michael's lap.
Luke took a moment to think of the answer, still looking at the doorway Ashton had left through. He didn't think Calum meant long term but he couldn't help but smile, "Everywhere."
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"Where are we even going?" Ashton giggled after fifteen minutes in the car, Luke laughed and took his eyes off the road for two seconds to look at Ashton and shrug.
They pulled up to Luke's chosen location and Ashton looked around, a smile still on his face. Luke realized he was looking for something distinct like a restaurant or something.
"Here we are," Luke said, opening the door for Ashton. Ashton was still looking around as Luke locked the door, he went around to the back and popped the trunk open. Grabbing a blanket and basket from the assortment of random stuff in the back.
"We're having our date at a park?" Ashton asked finally once Luke had returned to his side, thankfully it was in an excited tone and he was practically jumping around.
Luke shrugged but offered Ashton his arm. They settled down on a dark blue blanket in front of a pond, Luke threw some grass at Ashton as soon as they were settled.
It was around lunch, which Luke had planned so he started to lay out the food. Sandwiches weren't ideal but Luke couldn't think of picnic type food at the time. There was also fruit salad in a container and a couple other random things that Luke had thrown into the basic. Luke handed a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a coke.
A dog ran by and Ashton got distracted immediately, watching the dog run around with his can of pop halfway up to his lips. Luke took a quick picture, happy that the sun managed to light up Ashton's appearance even more.
To Calum: [image] Lacation 1
"How do you get peanut butter on your nose?" Ashton teased after they'd finished off their food. The blond blushed, a pout making its way to his lips as he went cross eyed trying to see it.
"Here, let me." Ashton giggled, leaning closer so he could wipe the peanut butter off Luke's nose. "You're nose is adorable." He added, pinching the tip of the other boy's nose.
Luke scowled at Ashton but a smile fought it's way onto his lips. He began packing up the picnic even though Ashton was protesting the entire thing. "We've only been here for a half hour!"
Luke pulled Ashton up and threw an arm over his shoulder, he shoved something into his date's hand and smiled. They walked closer to the water's edge and Ashton inhaled. To his surprise, there was a flock of ducks in the pond. Luke tore off a piece of the bread in Ashton's hand and threw it to them. It landed in the water and didn't last three seconds before a duck gobbled it up.
Ashton smile couldn't get any wider at this point, he was racing around feeding the ducklings and making sure every duck got some while Luke just kind of watched Ashton being adorable.
To Calum: [image] Location 1 (part 2)
By the time Luke put his phone back in his pocket Ashton had a frown on his face, he looked at Luke and complained about only being given two slices of bread.
"We don't have time to feed more ducks, we've got other places to go." Luke chuckled at the disappointment on Ashton's face. Despite wanting to stick around with the ducks, Ashton still took hold of Luke's outstretched hand.
They took a longer route back to the car but enjoyed the scenery on the way, they walked idly hand in hand.
"Where are we going now?" Ashton asked once seated in the vehicle. Luke started the car and just laughed.
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"What movie do you want to see?" Luke asked, glancing at the boy while they were in line. Ashton frowned but said it didn't matter as long as Luke was happy.
The next picture that Luke sent Calum was Ashton, lit up by the movie scene with a handful of popcorn being stuffed in his mouth.
>< >< >< ><
Picture number four was of Ashton running from a baby goat at the petting zoo.
The fifth, a picture of Ashton ice cream cones covering his nipples at the beach, the hadn't been in the water yet but Luke made sure to send a follow up picture of Ashton with sopping hair.
A picture of Ashton holding up a messy crayon drawing of him and Luke holding hands was sent, followed by a picture of Ashton eating a rather large burger.
The last picture Calum received came at a quarter past ten, a picture of the night sky.
"Luke, put your phone down and come cuddle me." Ashton whined, watching the light illuminating Luke's face disappear. He heard a soft exhale before Luke's arms wrapped around him.
Luke had chosen the final location on a whim, the open field had no intended use and he passed it every time he visited his grandparents.
"Did you like it?" Luke whispered suddenly, not being able to stop himself. Now that the date had slowed down considerably, he was worried that Ashton might not have liked it.
Ashton giggled, "Yeah." He whispered back, leaving an exaggerated kiss on Luke's cheek. They went back to watching the stars, wrapped up in each other and surrounded by a single blanket.
"I really liked it." Ashton murmured.
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