Mom's here (Mel's Pov)
Suddenly mother appears before mal can give the wand back. "I'm back!" Mother exclaims in a singsong voice. "Go away mother." Mal says dryly. "Oh you're funny, she's funny. Here, wand me. Chop-chop." Mother says and holds out her hand for the wand. Mal acts like she's gonna toss it to mother but tosses it at fairy godmother last minute. Fairy godmother catches it and starts to say a spell. "Bippity boppity-" "Boo." Mother says freezing everyone except us vk's. Mother then goes around ben, his parents, and fairy godmother while saying things under her breath.
She stops on the stairs and points the wand at me. "We'll just get rid of this. Don't you remember what I said? Falling in love is weak." She says as ben's ring comes off of my hand and onto the wand. She then takes it and throws it on the floor. "No it's not, it's actually really good." Mal says before I can speak. "Oh mal you don't mean that. You're evil, you just haven't had experience. You'll get there." Mother tells her. "No mom, I won't. And I wish you hadn't either." Mal argues. "Now mal, don't disappoint me. I expected this kind of behavior from mel, but you have always been my evil little princess." "Stop talking about Mel like she's bad, she's so much better than you'll ever be." Mal defends. While mom is distracted I reach my hand out and say, "And so I command wand to my hand." The wand comes flying at me from mother's hand. "You!!! You brainwashed your sister into a wretched auradon princess! I knew I would regret it, taking you in when your father abandoned you!" Mother rounds on me angrily. "Leave her alone!" Mal shouts.
"No! She needs to know this. You see that woman right there?" Mother asks, pointing at queen leah. "She is your grandmother, and the reason why you were sent to me in the first place." Mother tells me. "No..." I say but then trail off. "You were born to be a soft little princess, not cut out to be a villain. Even your real name is soft, Melrose Adeline The Second." Mother continues and I drop the wand in shock. Mal picks it up and starts to fight mother. Carlos pulls me behind a pillar. "Little M, are you alright?" He asks and I can't answer. He tells me to stay behind the pillar until it's safe to come out. Mal and the gang defeat mother by banding together and using love. When I come out from behind the pillar, mother's a lizard. Mal unfreezes fairy godmother and gives her the wand back. Fairy godmother unfreezes everyone else and I feel a tingling sensation spread throughout my body. "Mels!" "Mel!" I hear both Mal and ben shout before everything fades into black.
"Mels! What are you looking at?" A little mal asks as she climbs up onto the windowsill with her little sister. "I'm looking out at auradon, it always looks so clean and nice. If the queens and kings are meant to be kind and compassionate, why aren't they nice to us?" A little mel asks her sister. When her sister doesn't answer she continues talking. "You know I had a dream again, that I was in auradon, and I was talking to the little boy named benji again." "I wonder why you keep dreaming of that." Mal muses. Mel shrugs and then points to a boat on the ocean. "I wonder what they're doing over there." "Fishing probably." Mal answers. "But that doesn't look like a boat for fishing." Mel argues and then a dolphin jumps out of the water next to the boat. "They're looking at the ocean life, could you imagine seeing a dolphin up close!" Mel exclaims excitedly.
*End flashback*
I wake up to find myself in the hospital wing in different clothes. "Mel you're okay." Ben says, coming over and sitting down on the edge of the bed. "Yeah...How long have I been asleep?" I ask. "Since yesterday. What's wrong?" He asks. "Mother told me something weird. She said I was melrose, and I didn't believe her... Until I passed out. I remember everything, I'm rosie." I tell him and he sighs and nods. "And queen leah is the one who took me from you, from this, from my life here." I add with a grimace and he nods again. "Mels! I'm so glad you're okay." Mal's voice cuts in. "I remember now, I remember all of it. I'm so sorry." She says coming up to the bed. "Well if all of it didn't happen, I wouldn't have met you or the Vks, I'm glad I met you guys." I tell mal as I hug her. Mal then tells me she'll go and tell the others that I'm fine. "By the way, Leah and Audrey have apologised for their behavior towards you. Audrey wants to do it in person. Also leah wants to reconcile with you." Ben tells me. "Tell audrey thank you and that I accept her apology. And then tell leah that I just found out about who I was, and I need time to figure everything out. I don't know If I can forgive and forget that easily, or if I will." I tell ben. "I understand, and if or when you ever want to tell me and I'll be beside you for it." He assures me. I smile at him. "Now, This, I want to give back to you. FG found it on the floor." He says giving his ring back to me.
When I'm released, I find the group waiting for me. I explain everything and tell them who I am. They all tell me that that was unexpected, and that they still were there for me through anything if I wanted them to be. Faith tells me about a date she has with mason tonight, then trin tells me about her plans with lyssia. Kurt tells me he's got a last minute project with travis for his english class. Nat then tells me he's gonna take me to his place so that his parents can see that I'm okay. So when everyone leaves he takes me to his castle where we eat the best gumbo ever and they tell me stories of nate and trin as kids. We have pie for dessert and I thank them for having me over for dinner. "Are ya sure you wanna go? You could stay in the guest room for the night." Princess tiana asks. "I'm sure, I wouldn't like to be a hassle." "My goodness doll, you could never be a hassle to us. You're welcome here anytime ya like, in fact You're an honorary member of the family." Princess tiana assures me. "Now since it's getting late, and I'd rather not send you two home in the dark, you'll both be staying the night." She finishes. "And I'll take you both back tomorrow." Prince Naveen says.
The End... Or is it?
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