Make up (Mel's Pov)
We walk to the spot and sit under a tree near the lake. "I've never seen a place so pretty. I love the sound of the rushing water. It's familiar, almost as if I've been here before." I muse with a smile and cuddle closer to ben. Ben runs his fingers through my hair. "This place does that to people. Well, more like you and I since I've only shared this place with you." He replies. "I feel special." I giggle. "You are special, and worth it, and gorgeous, and way out of my league." He says sitting up and looking me in the eyes, I blush. "You heard what audrey said?" I question. "Well the daughters of the muses love to gossip, and they saw the entire thing." He explains with a chuckle. "It's good you don't agree with audrey, it makes me feel better." I say. "Of course I don't agree with audrey. I actually believe the exact opposite. Mel would you believe me if I told you you're the one I want to spend the rest of my life with?" He asks and my heart twinges painfully.
"I umm, I had another dream of you and rosie. It was of the time you gave her your ring pop." I say changing the subject. "Really? You know that's still the smoothest thing I've ever done for a girl." I giggle and he gives me a dopey smile. "No, I think the way you asked me on a date was the smoothest thing you've done for a girl." I argue booping him on the nose. He smiles down at me fondly. "You know coronation is in a few days right?" He asks suddenly. "Yeah, I'm not looking forward to it honestly." I reply with a sigh. "Why not?" "I'm not very big on crowds." I Tell him sheepishly. And the fact that mal's gonna steal Fairy godmother's wand and give it to mother. I think to myself. "It's alright, the coronation is just a quick thing, and then there's a celebration party after, which you don't have to go to." He assures me. "You're so amazing, you know." I tell him as I look up at him. We stare at each other for a brief moment, his eyes look from mine, down to my lips, then back up at my eyes. "Uh, we should be heading back, I've got to meet my parents for dinner." He tells me, breaking the trance. "Alright, but would you walk me back?" I ask. ""Anything for you mel." He answers, standing up. "Shall we?" He asks, offering a hand to help me up. "We shall." I say taking his hand and allowing him to hoist me up.
We walk back to my dorm, talking about random things along the way. We stop in front of my dorm and he smiles. "I'll see you later mel." He tells me, then leans down and kisses my cheek. He turns and walks away right after. I go in and the girls are all sitting in a circle with grins on their faces. "Oh hey, how was the walk with lover boy?" Trin asks when she sees me. "It was fine." I answer with a smile on my face. "Alright girls night games will be continuing shortly, get yourself in this circle mel." Faith tells me. We spend the rest of the night playing silly games and laughing at stories we tell. I wake in the morning to a knock. "You get it please." I mumble as iI bury myself deeper under the covers. "Isn't it your turn?" Faith questions. "I don't remember." I reply. "Let's say it is and go get the door." She says and then rolls back over. I groan and roll out of bed, trying my best not to trip over lyssia and trin who are fast asleep on the floor.
I open the door up and evie is standing on the other side. "I'm here to call a truce. Mal misses you, she's sorry that she said what she did. Jay misses your company, and carlos misses your advice. I miss you. Come hang out with us again." She tells me. "Eve's I wasn't mad at you to begin with, I just thought you all needed some time to calm down and I've also been a bit busy." I tell her and she grins. "Good, cause I have a few designs for dresses for coronation." She giving me a big hug. "Actually, nate had already drawn a design, he wanted to cheer me up." I tell her and show her the dress nate drew. "Wow, that's..." "Nice right, Don't worry eve's, I still think you are the best dressmaker in all of auradon." I tell her and she nods. "Come on, everyone's in our room. I think they need to know you're not mad." She says dragging me into the hallway after I put up the dress design. She tosses the door open and thrusts me inside first. She shuts the door behind us with a smirk. "Smelly Melly!" "Little M!" Jay and carlos exclaim happily and attack me in a big hug. "Guys, she needs to breath." Mal tells them with a chuckle. "Mal..." I trail off, rubbing my neck awkwardly. "Mel, I'm so sorry about what I said to you. I was just frustrated that they would assume I would try and hurt them and angry about what chad called me. I lashed out at you and said something I would never ever mean. Mel, you will never ever be in my way." She tells me and smile softly. "Give me a hug stinky." I joke, holding my arms open for her. She laughs and hugs me tightly.
We skipped classes together and filled each other in on what was happening. Kurt stopped by during the day to tell me that the dress would be ready the day before coronation and if I didn't like it then he had a back up dress just in case. The night time comes around and I sit and read a few books in the bay window of my room.
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