Fights and cheer ups (Mel's Pov)
The next day at lunch I make my way to the group's table. I sit down between kurt and mason. "Good afternoon bellissima." Nate says with a soft smile. I just nod and start eating. "Did they throw off your groove that hard?" Kurt questions patting me on the back. Audrey and her lackeys all come up and start throwing really mean comments at me. "I mean she should know ben is just infatuated with a bad girl. She should know he's never gonna marry a villain." Audrey says loudly and I sigh and set my food down. "Yeah, you can stick a tiara on a villain but she's still a villain." Jane taunts. "It explains why neither of them are gonna marry him." Trin snarks to us so they hear. I smirk lightly and nod. "You know this is just a phase right? Mel's not up to ben's standards, she's not pretty, not cool, not a princess. Face it you're not worth his time, just a little charity case. It's a wonder he hasn't up and left you." Audrey continues directly at me this time. I shrink down in my seat, fighting tears.
Trinity stands up, slamming her hands on the table loudly. "Know what? I don't give a fuck if I'm gonna get in trouble for this, it's worth every second. Get your little bitch ass over here. I'm gonna break your fake nose and knock some respect into your tiny ass brain!" Trinity shouts at audrey, lunging over the table at her. Trinity and audrey start to fight and audrey's friends back up not knowing what to do. "GIRLS! This is unacceptable behavior! I expect better of you." FG scolds them as she breaks them apart. "I'm sorry fairy godmother but when Audrey makes mel cry because she's bitter that her ex boyfriend chose mel over her, I will not tolerate it. She and her groupies have no reason to come over here and bully mel." Trinity argues calmly, blood running out of her nose. "She's lying, she's mental. She just lunged at me out of nowhere. My friends saw it, they'll tell you it's true." Audrey shouts petulantly. "Fairy godmother trinity is telling the truth." Marina, one of ariel's daughter's speaks up from the next table over. "Alright, trinity you get a week of after school detention for using violence. Audrey you get two weeks and a phone call home for bullying a fellow student." Fairy godmother amends and takes them both to her office.
"Don't let princess salt get you anymore off your groove. You are twelve times the girl audrey could ever hope to be." Kurt comforts. "It's not like my mother hasn't reminded me of those things every chance she got." I say and stand up. I toss my trash in the trash can and go to my room. "Mel, let us in." Kurt calls from the other side. "No thanks." I tell him. "Girl I didn't just get in a fight with you just so you could lock me out." Trin jokes. "Mel it's my room too, I have the key." Faith reminds me before I hear the lock turning. "Ok so you need a pick me up big time girl. I'm gonna show you something I was working on because I wanted to, but now I'm gonna actually make it for you." Nate tells me and rustles through his backpack. He pulls out a piece of paper with a dress design on it. "Ooh, que hermosa." Kurt muses looking at it over my shoulder. "How sexy, you'll be a showstopper in that for sure." Trin tells me. "Ha you'll make everyone think twice about what they've said." Lyssia agrees. "I'm 100% sure Ben'll love it." Faith teases with a smirk. "I love it." I say in awe. "Good, I'll take your measurements and then get on it." Nate says with a grin. "I could probably make some good jewelry to go with it." Kurt muses as nate takes my measurements down. Once nate's done both nate and kurt leave.
"Alright, how are you really? Your sister and friends seem to be apologetic. What happened?" Trin asks. "Just a slight disagreement." I tell her. "Well we're gonna give you a girls night of a century." Faith says with a mischievous grin. "This is giggle water, it's like alcohol but it's a potion and it's fine for teens our age to drink. Usually it's given to little kids in a little baby shot glass as a treat at the fair and it's advised that you only drink the little shot glass worth otherwise you act like you're drunk." Lyssia says as faith pulls a clear bottle from her drawer. "But since we're having a girls night, and you need a pick me up... We're gonna drink a whole bunch of it." Trin finishes.
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