Family day Catastrophe (Mel's Pov)
"So fairy godmother? Are you really taking me to a summer camp?" Rosie asks fairy godmother as she looks out the window. "Yes dear." She answers lightly. "Don't lie to me, I'm not coming back am I?" Rosie questions bitterly as she notices the car driving to the edge of the land. Fairy godmother sighs. "No, you aren't... I tried to change her mind but she cannot be easily persuaded." She answers the little girl. "My grandmother." Rosie concludes and fairy godmother nods. "Will I be able to see benji ever again?" Rosie asks, tears springing to her eyes when she sees the bridge and the isle in front of them. "I do not know Rose, it's a possibility that someday you will." She answers and rosie starts to cry. "I'm sorry little one. I'm so sorry." Fairy godmother says raising her wand. Rosie looks up at her and gasps. "No! Please don't!" She begs. Fairy godmother hesitates and then places her wand on rosie's forehead. Rosie's eyes roll back into her head and fairy godmother then taps her with the wand again.
*End flashback*
"No! Please don't!" I wake up begging. "Woah little M, calm down, it's just a dream." Carlos comforts, wrapping an arm around me. "Are you okay?" Mal asks from evie's bed. "Mi-Mi, what's wrong?" Evie asks from next to mal. "It wasn't a dream, it was a flashback." I answer as I tear up. "Smelly melly, You're okay. You're right here in mal's room." Jay says coming over and hugging me. I calm down a little bit and carlos tells me that fairy godmother wants to see us in goodness 101. I get a churning feeling in my stomach at the mention of fairy godmother. We all go to our room and get dressed, we meet in the goodness 101 class. "As you know today is family day in auradon and since your parents are on the isle we've set up a little treat for you." Fairy godmother says pressing a button. Suddenly our parents' faces are on the screen. "Ah mal, and... You." Mother greets when she sees mal and I standing next to each other. "Mom." Mal says dryly. "When will I get to see you again?" Mother asks. "After coronation." Mal answers. "That's the soonest? I just need to get my hands on the...I mean you my little princess of darkness." Mother tells her. "Yes mom I'll see you then." Mal tells her firmly. "Oh and mel." Mother says and perk up a bit. "Stay out of your sister's way. I don't need you messing her up in any way." Mother reminds me and I sulk back down. Jay puts a hand on my back and cruella thankfully speaks up. I slip out from the group and make my way to the door. "I'm sorry." Fairy godmother calls with a guilty tone. I say nothing and leave the class.
As soon as I get outside faith and ulyssia call me over to the group. "Mom dad, this is mel. She's from the isle but she's so sweet." Ulyssia introduces. "Can you believe that she's never had pizza before?" Faith asks. "That's a travesty." Their father comments. "Hi I'm rapunzel and this is my husband eugene." Their mother introduces. "I prefer flynn." their father tells me and I smile. "The girls have been talking about you non stop since they met you." Rapunzel continues. "Thanks, uhh I think. Faith and ulyssia are the best, they've been welcoming of me and the other vk's since day one." I reply.
"Mels bells, just the girl I was looking for. Mwah, bellissima." Nate says coming over and kissing me on the cheek. "Hey girl." Trin greets from beside him. "Mom, dad meet Mel, my good friend from the isle." Trin introduces to his parents. "And my partner in crime." Nate adds. "Nate, mi amore. It's good to see you but I must disagree. You see, mel is my partner in crime." Krut says as he waltzes up and pulls me into a hug. "Look at you Bonita, a full three course meal. Ben is a lucky luck guy." Kurt says pulling away and spinning me around. "Mom, pops, meet mel. Mel meet mom and pops." Kurt says. "Nice to meet you, I'm emperor Kuzco and this is my wife emile." Kurt's dad greets. "Mel, Meet my mom and dad." Travis says coming up with a smile.
"It's so very nice to meet you all, I'm so grateful for your kids. They've made me feel like I belong here, the only others who do that are lonnie and ben." I tell the parents. "Of course faith and lyssia were raised not to be prejudice. I mean Eugene was a criminal before I met him." Rapunzel says. "And most of naveen and I's friends are animals we met when we were frogs." Trin's mom adds. "So that's why nate croaks when I tickle him." I tease and he sticks out his tongue at me playfully. "Plus I wasn't the greatest guy before I was turned into a llama and forced to go on a life changing journey." Kuzco continues. "I was raised by gorillas." Travis' dad finishes. "Not all of the people in auradon are against isle kids. You should meet more of them." Rapunzel comforts with a smile.
"Mel, there you are. Come meet my parents." Ben says coming over and taking my hand. "I'll be back, I want to hear baby stories when I do." I tell them. "We have plenty." Trin's mom replies with a grin. Ben leads me to his parents. "Mom, dad I'm sure you know mel." Ben introduces. "Oh, yes... How are you?" Belle asks. "I'm alright, how are you?" I ask with a small curtsy. "Wonderful, but you don't need to curtsy dear." She tells me. "Well how about we sit down for lunch?" Adam asks. "Actually I'm not very hungry, lost my appetite when fairy godmother had us video chat our parents. I'm sorry..." I trail off quietly. "Are you okay?" Ben asks, taking my hand. "I'm fine, just slightly disgruntled." I reply.
Suddenly there's a commotion that causes ben, his parents, and I to go and see what's up. "Queen leah, It's alright. Maleficent is still on the isle. These are her daughters. Remember my proclamation to give isle kids a chance." "A chance to what ben? Destroy us? You all remember what their parents have done. I missed my daughter's first steps, her first words, all of it." Mal steps forward and starts to apologize but chad jumps in and starts to insult mal and shove her. The other vk's step up angrily and jay shoves chad. They get up in each other's faces and evie steps up and sprays a sleeping spray on chad. The vk's take off and audrey catches chad.
"Mal was just trying to apologize to you. I know some of you may not see it or want to see it, but we are not our parents. I came here thinking I was gonna get treated differently than mother treats me. And some people did, I guess I can't ask for more of you to. I hope you realize that the way you're treating us makes you equal to those on the isle. Just think about it." I tell the crowd with tears in my eyes. "Mel-" Ben starts comfortingly but I shake my head and run. "Mel!" "Mels bells!' My friends call to me but I ignore them and keep going.
I catch up to mal and the gang. "Let's get the wand and blow this pop stand." Mal says. "Mal why should we get the wand? It'll just prove to them that what they believe we are is right." I say through tears. "Mel we are exactly who they think we are, you saw what just happened." She replies. "No we are not, and you know it. If you stoop to their level it'll only harm you." I argue. "Mel right now we are going to make a new plan to grab the wand, if you're with us then you'll be quiet and come along. If not then take mom's advice and stay out of my way." Mal snaps and I grow somber. "Fine, you go ahead and do whatever you want. I will not be joining you." I tell her in an icy tone. Mal's face shows instant regret. "Mel wait-" She starts. "I'm taking mom's advice and staying out of your way. You won't be bothered by me again." I cut her off and then turn and storm away. Somehow I find myself in the spot ben took me for our date.
"Rohan, I can't believe you. That child is a monstrosity, she is unfit to be here!" Queen leah's voice shouts. "That child is your granddaughter, she's just as much a right to be here as Her daughter." Another voice argues. "How dare you! Her mother is the reason that your sister was gone half of your life!" Leah exclaims. "And when she comes back she takes the throne, the throne that I was groomed my whole life to sit upon. Look All I'm saying is that you're being ridiculous. Rose doesn't have a single mean bone in her body, she should be raised here with me as she has been this whole time." The voice tells Leah. "I should send you both to the isle for your traitorous mess. You will raise her for now, but know that on her third birthday she will go back to her wretched mother." Queen leah demands.
*End flashback*
"Mel? There you are. You scared me." Ben says coming over to me. "I know what happened to rosie. I had a flashback the night you walked me home from our date, and just now. This one was of queen leah, she said rosie had to go to the isle because of who her mother was and the one last night was of rosie after she left your castle that day. She was asking fairy godmother if she was actually going to come back to you after summer was over." I say without acknowledging what he said. "Queen leah was her grandmother, she used to adore rosie but one day something changed and she wouldn't even look at rosie. I can't believe She would think rosie's mother was a good enough reason to send her to the isle, rosie was literally the definition of sunshine and love. Now enough about that right now. How are you feeling, you ran off pretty quick and scared us. Trin and the gang were worried about you." He tells me as he pulls me into a hug. I lament and cry for a bit but then calm down to the beat of ben's heart.
"Did you happen to hear who exactly rosie's mother was?" Ben asks suddenly and I give him a sad look before shaking my head. "Queen leah shouted something about her mother being the reason that her father's sister wasn't around for half of his life... That's all I got." I tell him and he nods. "I should walk you back to your room, faith and the gang will be there so they'll be relieved you're ok." Ben tells me and I nod. He walks me back to my room, gives me a hug and kisses me on the cheek before walking away. I go in the room and everyone is inside, they all look up and get relieved looks on their faces. "Mel thank the gods. We were really worried about you." Faith exclaims. "I called them all ignorant bigoted bitches for what they pulled." Nate tells me. "Our parents defended you and the vk's." Travis assures me. "I almost snatched audrey bald." lyssia says. "Are you ok? We're gonna get a shit ton of snacks from the kitchen and watch castle flippers." Kurt joins and grabs me and leads me to my bed to sit me on.
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