Chapter 1
I opened my eyes to darkness. Sweat running down all sides of my face. I panted
"same dream happened ever time, huh?" A shadowed figure asked with one eyebrow raised.
"Wha-a-t?! Who are you!? Why are you in my house" I exclaimed.
"Well my name is ghost and I'm in your house because umm.. Because I heard someone screaming in here and wanted to see if you were ok..."
"I was screaming?"
"Yeah" he mumbled walking over to my bed I saw his face it was super pail and his hair was black and messy, very skinny, his eye's were black as midnight and he was dressed in a white sweater. He sat down beside me calming me a bit from my terrifying dream "by the way I live in the house beside you"
"So your the new person?"
"Yup so.... You still weirded out"
"Um well it's kinda weird to find some random guy in my bedroom but..... Ok.."
"Ok" he laugh standing up bringing the warmth with him "I got to go so see you tomorrow at school" I felt frozen and cold with out him.
"Wait.. Don't go please your warm" I whimpered with puppy eyes well tugging on his white sleeve.
"Ok fine I'll stay with you" he smiled and sat back down and I snuggled up to him almost instantly feeling warmth
"Your not a pedo right.."
"Ya I'm not a pedo"
"Ok good" that was all I needed to hear and I was out.
I opened my eye's to an intense light my eyes widened 'this isn't my room' I thought 'oh god was ghost a creepy sick o....?!' I was able to sit upright but had a giant head ache, when ghost walked in the room.
"Oh my gosh your awake!!" He said with an worried look on his face.
"What happened where am I?!?!"
"Hmm you must have lost the memory.... Ok well some sort of disease has broken out....people are eating each other and the dead are coming back to life and so I got your dad and dog you and your other neighbour and everything from the house we could find and went to a weapon shop but everyone there was dead so we took some weapons you took a katana and a desert eagle I got a shot gun and a axe and we went a bashed in a few heads if you know what I mean, by the way we found out that if you destroy the brain then it stops them and you got knocked out by some guy with a shovel and he came with us and he is sorry and, now here we are in this clothing store thing and everyone is ok we found some clothes that fit you if you want them and if you don't believe me go look your" he finished handing me some camouflage pants and a large black sweater and a tight white and salmon striped long sleeved shirt and a white bra and underwear and some green and black fingerless gloves and a brown knitted hat. I thankfully took the clothes and waved him out, when he was out I changed my clothes and quickly came out I walked over to a big window that was covered with wood and cardboard I pulled a piece back and glanced out; to my surprise everything ghost told me was real; groups of rotting corpus walking around huh 'I wonder...... Yep' I smile looking at the decomposing body of all famous cheerleader brat of my school in a pair of short shorts and a sports bra that were all covered with blood; her deformed face was still caked with makeup and sparkles my smile turned to a frown when I spotted my crush, his brown hair still shone and his cute brown eyes were now yellow-white and his famous orange sweater was dirty and bloody. A tear slipped out of my eye thinking of all the crazy and fun times we had together.
I felt a warm hand on my back and jumped it scared the crap out of me. I turned around fists ready only to see my neighbour, herald, he was about 35 and he was a hunter if you know what I mean he had black hair and a handlebar moustache he was wearing camouflage pants and a camouflage sweater and a orange hat. He use to be a drunk freak but I came over and I was only 7 at the time and my dad said that herald was sick so I drew a picture of him and his dog snicker out hunting ducks and his wife meresa was calling him in for dinner I said that I hoped that he would get better soon. It made him realize that he will have to move on and get over it that he needed to stop sobbing all around the house and that snicker and meresa wouldn't want him doing that and for him to live on.
"Sorry didn't mean to scare you, but are you ready?"
"Ready to?"
"Oh ghost didn't tell you?"
"Uh no... What is it I need to know?"
"Oh we're moving out we need to find a Walmart or a food store of some sort we're running low on water also we need to find some flashlights."
"Oh ok in a minute"
"You know anyone out there?"
"Huh oh no one important" I mumbled
"Hun you sure?" He asked with concern.
I fell to my knees and started crying "Finn, Finn got killed do you remember him the guy I really liked? He's dead and..... And I-I'm scared that you or m-my dad might"I sniffed " what if.. You both get *sniff* bit"
He kneeled beside me.
"Come on I know I will be hard getting over us when we die it always is but if your going to make it through this then your going to need to lift your chin up and look for the good things in the future" he said
I looked up at him and pulled him in to a hug "thank you" I smiled.
"For what?
"For being there for me and caring"
"Ok we'll come on let's get moving" he said helping me up.
"Ok did we pack my backpack?"
"Yep it should be in the bathroom and there should be some beef jerky and a water bottle and you have your phone we still have power here so we charged it for you and can you get your self another pair of clothes and everyone is downstairs so yeah the bathrooms down the hall" herald said quickly. "Meet you downstairs" he smiled
"Ok I'll be down in a minute" I returned the smile and went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror and tried the tap thankfully it worked. I splashed some water in my face and looked for a towel and found one and quickly I dried off my face and grabbed my bag and swung it over my shoulder and exited the room. Once I was down stair I looked around at the clothes all over the places decided that I might not have a chance to get a new pair of clothes in a long time so I looked around and soon found a grey t-shirt with a Nyan cat sword and a pair of blue jeans and some super fluffy grey socks and a pair of white sneakers I folded them up and nicely arranged my bag and headed to the office guessing that was were everyone was and I was right.
"I think that we should go to A & W"said a guy that reminds me of a loyal dog , He has slanted purple eyes that are like two amethysts. His luxurious, curly, brown hair is short. He's got a stylish moustache. He is tall and has a graceful build. His skin is ruddy. He has small ears and a wide chin. He is waring a grey sweater that said 'moo I'm a fish' he looked about 21.
"Well I don't think hamburgers are going to stay good for that long" my dad said sarcastically.
"I say we go to a convenient store they have water, food, flashlights, and batteries plus it's right around the corner like seriously come on!!" Ghost argued
"Omg rose your awake" my dad smiled he walked over and hugged me I hugged him back and smiled.
"I'm so happy your ok!"
"Yeah me too! So? Where are we going now?"
"The convenient store!" Ghost glared at the weird new guy.
"Ok, so, who is he?" I asked pointing to the guy with the moustache.
"The name's Robbie and sorry about smacking you in the head with a shovel." He mumbled.
"Ok where's snork ?" 'aka jasper' I asked and something moved under the table a little dog nose poked out and I smiled as a little husky came out from under the table.
"Hi snork dog" I smiled, the little husky came running towards me and started sniffing the crap out of me I patted his little head that was soft and dirty I hugged him and he licked my cheek.
"At lest were all together "
"Ya" my dad smiled
"Ok so let's get to work" I said
"Yep time to bash some zombie brains in!" Ghost grinned
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