Baekhyun's POV
"Uh hello" I answered after almost forgetting how to speak.
"Sorry but who is this?" The woman said.
I didn't know what to say. I realised that I should have made a plan of what I wanted to ask before I called the number. If I wanted to find out, I needed to speak quick.
"Hello?" She repeated, this time impatiently.
"Park Chanyeol" I blurted out, not knowing what else to say.
"What?" The girl says and for a moment I felt relieved. She doesn't know Chanyeol, everything is fine.
But then
"From what I remember, Park Chanyeol didn't have a squeaky voice like you so who is this and what do you want?"
"Squeaky?" I mumbled, slightly hurt but that comment. "I should ask you the same thing!" My confidence suddenly flames back up due to this woman being rude to me. This can't be a relative of Chanyeols surely? "How do you know Chanyeol?"
She scoffs over the phone. "We just meet up now and then, you know, to get to know each other better" she said in a very seductive tone as though she knew she was teasing me. My breath hitched and I tried so hard to hold on my anger.
"We met up the other night actually. I think he's actually gotten sexier since I last saw him"
"Shut up!" I shouted, even surprising myself.
"God" the woman snaps back. "You're the one that called me, who's telling who to shut up."
She hangs up and leaves me sitting there with multiple feelings. It was only then that I realise I had crushed the paper in my hand.
The door suddenly opens and startled me.
"Baek?" Chen peers around the corner. "I just heard you shout, is everything ok?"
"No" I bit my lip, feeling a sudden need to cry. I had to hold it in.
Chen quietly entered the room and sat down next to me. "Why? What's wrong?"
"I think Chanyeol is two timing"
"Seriously? With who?"
I turn to my best friend. "I forgot to tell you but.. we sort of date now?"
"What?! You do?thats great!" Chen asked excitedly, shaking my arm before he realises the situation I'm in. "Oh wait, that's not so great"
"Exactly" I reply with a frown.
"So you're dating Chanyeol but you think he's also dating someone else at the same time?"
I hesitate as I chew on my lip. "I don't know. I don't know if they are dating as such but he's been seeing someone.." I then held up the piece of paper with the number on to Chen, he took it from my hands and had a closer look.
"I found this in his house, and I panicked and took it. I felt so bad for taking it but I just really want to make sure it wasn't anything... anything like this"
Chen gave it back and scratched his head. "Surely there's a reason for this"
I look down my lap and sit there in silence, feeling worse and worse. I felt angry a minute ago but now I feel sad and disappointed. It was so confusing and I really wished it wasn't true.
"I don't know what to do" i whine as I fall back onto my bed.
You still awake?
Yeah why?
Tell me what's wrong
Nothings wrong I'm fine
You're acting weird
Just tell me baek
Better for the both of us.
Chanyeol just leave it
How can I leave it?
We're a couple now aren't we?
Aren't couples supposed to talk about their problems?
How many relationships have you actually been in?
Many why is that relevant right now
No Chanyeol
Real relationships
Ones that last more than a week
Ones that you actually mean it
Ones where you actually love the other person
Are you trying to say I don't love you?
Wow Baekhyun
That wasn't what I was saying
It sure seemed like it
Do you not trust me?
Haven't I showed you enough that I like you? I don't understand
You know what forget it Baekhyun
I'm going to sleep
Jesus Christ it hasn't even been two days since we've been together and you've already came up with this
God baek what is this
I rubbed my eyes before tears could even fall. After gently placing his phone on the floor I pulled the quilts over my shoulders right up to my chin. I tried to hold in any sounds to show i was trying not to cry, other wise I would wake up his best friend next to me.
I had messed this up, I was sure of it.
Chanyeol was right, it was only yesterday that He asked me out and I was already overreacting. Who am I to react like this? I wasn't a highschool kid who gets jealous of everything! I shouldn't Be!
Chanyeol needed an apology.
I bent over the side of the bed and picked up my phone again. As I turned it on, I lowered the brightness so Chen wouldn't be disturbed.
The messages pop up straight away and it hasn't even been a minute but I felt awful. There was so much guilt inside of me, I didn't even know where to start.
Did Chanyeol really go to sleep?
I began to type an apology, my fingers couldn't seem to go quick enough as they rapidly typed more and more until I had written a full paragraph explain why I was being so rude.
I read it through. Then again. Then again.
Not like that. Start again.
So I did, deleting the whole paragraph and typing up something new.
Another paragraph.
Stop with the long ass paragraphs he won't want to read that
Keep it simple
He might not even be awake.
I deleted everything once more and typed something up that was a little more blunt and straightforward, less words and to the point.
I began tearing up as I wrote it, I felt so guilty.
Whatever I wrote, it didn't feel right, it didn't feel enough.
Should I not bother?
Do I wait until morning?
Sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry
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Wowowowoowowo spiced it up with a bit of drama oops
What do you think will happen?
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