Baekhyun's POV
"Cheeeers!" the small group said in unison and raised their glasses until they heard the 'clink' sound. I was in the Kitchen, watching them from a distance and with a drink in my hand. By 'them' I mean the friends that we invited yesterday: Suho sat on the sofa with Kyungsoo, the guy in the room next to us, Xiumin, sat on the floor next to Chen who sat on a chair pulling out some old lame jokes that were stored in his mind. There was one more guest to come, but he hadn't arrived.
Although I could hear their voices, I wasn't really listening. My mind was just out of it ever since the supermarket. I was now just in one of those moods where I don't feel like speaking much and unfortunately this wasn't a good time to be in that kind of mood.
once hearing my name, my head snaps up and I see the group staring at me as though they're expecting me to talk. 'Oh crap maybe they do actually expect me to talk'
It was suho that apparently spoke. "I said come join us for god sake. why are you lurking over there? sit down." he ordered.
"ah.. yeah, ok" I bring my drink over into the small room where they all sat, having fun and chatting.
"Is Lay still coming? He's taking a while?" Chen laughed and then another conversation started- something about Lay only getting back in Korea two days ago and then what snacks they could eat.
Again I wasn't paying full attention.
I was actually too busy of thinking of way how I could have spoke to Chanyeol while I was at the supermarket. I was imagining how it might have gone and most of the time it ended well.
"Aigoo what is this? Why do you look so gloomy?" Suho questioned again. It took another moment for me to realise he's directing it at me. He carried on. "Kyungsoo has spoke more than you and he's supposed to be the quiet one."
My eyes land on Kyungsoo across the room and he is looking back at me, every person in this room was looking at me. His face was blank as usual and I could never tell what he was thinking.
"He's right baek" Chen agreed "you're normally the one to liven up the party"
"Yeah I know I'm sorry... I'm just a bit tired."
I saw Chen look down to his knees; he was the only one who knew.
Then there was a knock at the door.
"Yixing!" Chen immediately stood up with his glass in the air but before he could move I stood up to and held his arm.
"I'll get it" I say.
"Oh... ok" Chen smiled and sat back down to let me past.
I didn't really want to sit there awkwardly any longer so at least this would get me out of the situation for a short while.
It had been a very long time since I last saw Lay so it was a good point aswell- it will be nice to see him first.
Opening the door, I quickly practise a smile just incase I fail to seem excited to see him as much as I want to be.
As soon as the door opens, lay is standing straight in front of me with a bright angelic smile.
"Baekhyun!" He said cheerfully.
I smiled, surprised at how much I actually missed him. "Why are you so late?" I chuckled.
"I'm sorry" lay scratches his head, smile not fading. "The place I'm staying in is a bit further than I thought from here."
"It's ok, come on in, everyone's waiting for you" I motion for him to step inside the apartment and began to walk away expecting him to follow me.
"Um just one thing though..." i turn back around, feeling slightly uneasy about what the boy was about to say.
"Why is there a man sleeping in the hallway?" With that Lay stepped to the side only for me to see Chanyeol sitting cross-legged, head hung down across from my apartment door.
"What the f—"
Now everyone else was crowded around the door just to see what the commotion is. Only Chen and I knew the stranger that sat sleeping across the hall. I was in front of our friends staring at the boy wondering why the hell he is here and also why the hell was he sleeping? I wanted to know the answers but then I was also slightly afraid to wake him up due to the look he gave me in the supermarket.
'Did he come to murder me?'
"Go on then, wake him up" Kyungsoo said asif he was bored of waiting. I turned around to give him one last look and he had his arms crossed as he leaned on the doorframe behind me.
I turned back to Chanyeol who was still sleeping, oblivious to the small crowd.
Sucking in a breath, I crouch down next in front of the boy and carefully make sure he is actually asleep. And yes, yes he was.
I give his arm a few pats with my hand hoping he'd wake. "C-Chanyeol?"
I throat all of a sudden became quite dry again just like before.
There was no response. Great.
I patted him again, except with a little bit more force and called him again. "Chanyeol?"
Still no response. 'Oh for god sake'
"Y-yah Chanyeol" I say for a third time lucky and poked his face instead
The taller let put a small groan and slowly lifted his head. One eye was still closed when he lifted enough to reach eye contact and he was barely squinting. The only thing I could do was gulp and stay quiet hoping he wouldn't do anything dramatic especially in front on my friends.
When Chanyeols eyes opened a bit wide, you could see them focusing on who was in front of him and it wasn't long before his face went stiff.
"Y-y-yah, Chanyeol" I try and say in a strong, ignorant, complaining voice— as if I was affected by him being here. But it failed miserably. "Y-you can't sleep here"
I hear Kyungsoo scoff and almost laugh behind me but again ignored him. Not on purpose though; again I was in a position where I couldn't tear away my gaze from Chanyeol's gorgeous eyes—wait what—
"Should we leave them to it?" Lay nervously asks in the back. The rest must have nodded because before I could object the door clicked shut.
I finally avert my eyes away from his eyes and try to find something else to look at.
"We need to talk" Chanyeols deep raspy voice almost startled me and I find myself looking at him again. I couldn't read his expression but somehow it worried me.
"A-aha do we?"
"Y-you sure about that?"
"Baekhyun." He said sternly. "I'm serious"
Baekhyun sighed a shaky breath. "I'm sure you are but why... why did you have to come now?"
Chanyeol lifted his head further, into the air and stuck his chin out while gritting his teeth. You could almost see the veins in his neck. "Because—" he started but stopped and calmed himself before he carried on. "Does it matter? Would you have rather me come after a week? A month?" Chanyeol shook his head slightly and turned his head to the left to avoid the eye contact I guessed. "Or would you have preferred it if I never saw you again?" I suddenly felt awful; his voice dropped to a quiet and sad tone.
I never knew Chanyeol could change emotions so quick. I guess that was something we had in common.
It took me a moment to realise I hadn't replied in a while and actually needed to speak.
"N-no.. I mean it's not like that... just I have friends round at the moment."
"I know" he said. "I saw"
The conversation died quickly and I soon felt uncomfortable. As I kept glancing to Chanyeol it looked like he was trying to also think of something to say. My eyes scanned him over trying to figure why he's even here at this time as though I might just be able to read his mind.
Then something catches my eye, something underneath his hair,along temple and moving up his forehead. I automatically raise my hand to his head sweep up the hair off his forehead. He flinched and faced me furrowing his eyebrows. I almost jump and take my hand but what stops me is what I saw along his temple.
"Chanyeol, what the hell is this?"
He smacks my hand off his head. "Nothing" he grumbles.
"Nothing my ass" my confidence is suddenly back and I move his hair once again this time he only grips my wrist but doesn't pull it away so I proceed. "How did this happen?" My fingers gently touch around three small deep cuts that were scattered on his temple. They were obviously new and clearly the boy hadn't even bothered to clean and patch them up.
'What an idiot'
When Chanyeol didn't answer, I remove my hand. "Look, I'll let you have your talk but only after you tell me what happened"
"Ok fine" There was a pause. "I had a few drinks.. at home. And I threw the glass at the wall and... and it just sort of..." Chanyeol unfolded his legs and stretched them out in front of him. "Backfired right into my head."
"You absolute idiot" I breathed out.
"Wow thanks"
"Why do you—that could have gone into your eye! You would be blind right now, Chanyeol! That's dangerous!"
"I'm not stupid I know..."
"Then why did you smash a goddamn glass right next to your face?"
"Cause I was annoyed okay! It's not even been a three days and I'm already losing it!"
My mouth parts slightly as I take in what he's saying. "What?"
Chanyeol runs his hand through his hair. "I'm annoyed with you. There I said it." For some reason Chanyeols words ever so often became slightly slurred. Not much, but he also didn't sound like himself. "I thought you were into me but then I saw your apartment and how you sleep with your best mate. I'm annoyed that you still kissed me even tho your clearly not interested. You're just unfair"
"Are you... are you jealous?" Was all I came out with.
Chanyeol stared me down for a moment before he stubbornly looked away.
"You think I like him? You think I like Chen? Is that it?" I almost laughed cause it sounded ridiculous. Chanyeol stayed quiet, clearly trying to ignore me. "Why would you think that?"
"I don't know maybe it's because of the giant ass bed that you share?!"
"It wasn't even planned" and now I was chuckling. "We asked for two single beds and we got one so we decided just to keep it— I mean the rooms are normally bigger with double beds anyway."
"Yeah but—wait what?" Chanyeol blinked as I gave him a small nod for confirmation. "well it's not just that—you two seem pretty damn close anyway!"
I laughed even more. "Are you forgetting that we're best friends? Of course I'm close to him I've been friends with him ever since I was a kid."
'Is he pouting?'
Since I started, I couldn't seem to stop laughing at him. It wasn't even that funny.
"Stop laughing at me." Chanyeol said flatly.
"Sorry" I say but who am I kidding, I'm not sorry. "Yeol he's as straight as a ruler" Chanyeol looks at me with a 'yeah right' face. "ok maybe not that straight... maybe a slightly bendy ruler. But that's not the point, he's says he's straight and I know for certain he doesn't like me like that. God thinking about it is just weird"
We both chuckle at my words which makes me feel more at ease. It's nice to hear Chanyeols laugh again, in fact it actually gives me a fluttering feeling inside my stomach and although I know what it means i ignore it for now. I look back up to him and realise he's looking back at me with a glimmer in his eye and lips turned up to a smile. It's funny because if anyone else walked down this hall right now they would see us, two guys sitting on the floor and doing nothing but gazing in to each other's eyes and giggling to ourselves.
I haven't really seen Chanyeol this soft before. It was only now that I've just began to look in detail at His features and it's only now that I realise how truly beautiful he is.
Now... Chanyeols eyes were beginning to close.
His eyes shot wide open and straightened his back. "You called me that a minute ago..."
He looked tired. "Yeah." I said softly. why did he look so tired? "Do you not like it?"
"No no.." Chanyeol leant his head back until it hit the wall and closed his eyes. "I like it. Sounds nice when you say it. Can I stay here?"
"What? Are you okay?" There was something odd about him and I could definitely sense it but it was hard to tell what. The only thing i knew what that Chanyeol had already had a few drinks.
'Oh' I thought 'a few drinks...'
"Chanyeol are you drunk?"
"Of course not" the boy replies with his eyes still closed. But then he held his hand up and made a small measurement with his fingers. "Only a bit. I'm just going to sleep here for a bit"
"Wait no you can't sleep here, don't fall asleep here ok?" I glance around the hall before standing up.
"Come on" I held out a hand in front of him with a smile.
He opened his eyes and looked back and forth between my face and my hands as though he was confused what I was offering.
"Come on" I repeated. "Let's go inside for a bit yeah? Then we'll see what happens from then on."
Chanyeol nodded and took my hand. I attempted to pull him up but unfortunately... I'm not a strong person and it didnt help that he was a giant. He managed to get up on himself and seemed oblivious that I was clearly struggling. That was until he was standing behind me as we got to the door of course. When he says: "am I really that heavy?" Behind my ear.
"Everything alright?" Suho asks as I come out from mine and chens bedroom, rubbing my eye. God it was tiring helping a strangely soft drunk Chanyeol into bed before he falls asleep straight onto my shoulder with his arm around my waist.
"Yeah, totally fine." I finally sit down back next to Chen and once again everyone is there staring at me. "Oh by the way, he's sleeping in our bed for the moment if you don't mind" I say directing this at Chen. "I promise I'll move him soon."
He laughed. "Okay that's fine"
"Well this night was eventful" lay commented before taking another sip of his drink. He was sat also on the floor next to Xiumin. Apparently the two had been talking—Xiumin had told him that he's been studying mandarin for a while and Lay answered back in Chinese a couple of times just for fun. Sounded like the two had fun.
"So, Baekhyun, who is this mysterious guy? And how do you know him?"
"Oh... his name is.. um, Chanyeol and I just met him a few days ago..." I answered not really wanting to release a lot of information.
"In a club" Chen giggled like a child and I hit him in the arm.
"Byun Baekhyun went to a club?" Kyungsoo scoffed.
"Hey, It was this guy over here that forced me into going" I pointed a finger at Chen. "So don't use that tone with me"
Kyungsoo smirked while everyone laughed.
"It was a horrible experience May i say, so I won't be going again"
"Sure you won't." That was Chen this time. "That's what everybody says"
It felt like I was repeating the stages what happened outside my apartment as I patted Chanyeol hoping his eyes will flutter open. I didn't really want to disturb him but now that all my friends had gone home, Chen wanted to sleep. As much as he wouldn't mind sleeping on the couch, where does that leave me to sleep? On the floor?
"Yeol please wake up.." I say nervously.
I mean I guess I could sleep on the same bed but I didn't know if it was even time for that kind of thing yet... or maybe Chanyeol wouldn't want me to sleep with him? Plus maybe there won't even be room for him because at the moment Drunk Chanyeol seemed to spread out across the whole bed.
After multiple tapping and patting and flicking Chanyeol still wouldn't budge, in fact it just made him roll over and rustle his head into the pillow.
I stood and left the room to find Chen who happened to now sitting on the sofa.
When he saw me he raised and eyebrow and said "am I sleeping on the couch tonight then?"
I laughed awkwardly, apologised to him and said that it would be only for tonight. Luckily, Chen was an understanding guy and found some blankets and cuddled up on the sofa, using the sofa arm as a pillow.
I walked back into the bedroom and watched Chanyeol make weirdly no sound when he was sleeping. I actually found it unfair that he was so quiet when normally I'm told that I make odd inhumanly noises when I'm asleep. Yes, that comment was from Chen.
Deciding not to sleep in the same bed I grab one of my jackets out of my closet (an extra large one I bought one time so that I could flap around in the sleeves) and got down on the floor to lay out my sleeping area for tonight.
Chen had used all the blankets we had as I'm guessing he thought I'd be sharing beds with Chanyeol.
Pulling up my knees closer to my body, I tried to fit into the shape of my jacket so that I could keep all of my body heat. The only pillow I had was another hoodie So it wasn't bad—pretty soft and comfy actually.
It took me a while to get to sleep as I was busy thinking of how I had completely forgot why I was angry at Chanyeol. Another thing that crossed my mind was what the hell was going to happen tomorrow. Because if Chanyeol was actually drunk, would he have came here and done the same if he wasn't? Would he actually regret coming here and get angry with me again?
I sighed, hoping that it wouldn't turn to chaos and with that I soon fell asleep.
Wow this was a long chapter... especially compared to the rest... oops
Oh well it was fun to write
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