Baekhyuns POV:
"I'm telling you, that guy gave me shivers"
"Everything gives you the shivers" Chen replied before shoving his breakfast in his mouth. I sat opposite to him on our apartments kitchen table. I had a bowl of whatever Chen had cooked (or attempted) but it didn't look that appetising so I picked at it with my chopsticks. I wasn't hungry anyway.
"You're mean."
"I know"
I wondered how Chen drank so much and looks perfectly fine in the morning. I didn't even know what he drank, but just thank the Lord that it wasn't poisoned.
"Does your head not hurt at all?"
"Meh" Chen says with his mouth full. "The tiniest bit but I'm too hungry to notice."
I laughed at him. "Sure. Stop acting tough. I bet it's killing so you're trying to take away the pain by eating"
Chen made a face before returning to his breakfast. This kid.
"So what was the guy like then?"
I was about to tell him that he had met the hair dye boy too but then I remembered that Chen was drunk at the time—he probably couldn't remember anything apart from when he entered the club.
"Well, he was tall, his voice was extremely deep, um he didn't re—"
"Oh come on baek. I said what was he like. Meaning what did you think of him?" Chen wiggled his eyebrows and gave a smirk. I soon caught on.
"Yah, I don't think of him anyway except that he kinda scared me. "
"Sure" he imitated me. So rude.
"I'm telling the truth! He looks like a playboy anyway. I saw him with a girl before he came up to me and the girl wrote on his hand. Clearly, she wrote her number. Then once he spotted a group of girls after talking to me, he walked off with that—that smirk he does. " I shivered again thinking about what he might had done after leaving with the group of giggly women. Ew.
"Okay. Maybe he is a playboy. Doesn't mean you can't have some fun"
"Chen what the hell! Ew ew ew no no no! Never. You know I'm not like that" My face burned from the embarrassment so I tried my best to fan away the heat. Sometimes I think Chen is a playboy but I never want to admit it knowing he was my best friend. But I do occasionally hear him say that he wants to find someone he can be with for as long as he can, not just a one night stand.
I know Chen enough to know that he wasn't into the ' full relationship thing' as he called it. He tries to date once in a while but it never really lasts that long. And to be honest I never really know why they don't last.
Chen was definitely having fun laughing at my red face so I decided to get up and take my dish to the sink. I throw this excuse of a meal away in the bin , wash the dish and put it away after. I'm the type to keep things clean and do things properly—I can look after my self. But from what I've gathered from Chen over these years... He's the opposite.
"Remember to clean up after yourself" I said as I leave the room to get dressed.
When coming back out I grab my coat, some shopping bags, my phone, my wallet and my car and apartment keys.
"Okay I'm going! See you in a bit!" I shouted from the door, ready to leave any minute.
"Going where?" My roommate shouts back.
"Oh my god, do you ever listen? I told you I'm going to the supermarket! We need some proper food that we can actually eat!"
"Yah! My cooking is great!"
"In another world maybe. Now is there anything you want before I go?"
"Some bandages for my heart that you just broke"
"You're funny" I shout back one final time. Taking that as a no I open the door and step out.
After landing on the ground floor, I exit the building and jump in my car and start the engine. Turning on the heater, i set off towards the closest supermarket with my music resuming where I last left off. Car journeys are my favourite.
When reaching the store I shoved as many plastic bags as I could in my pocket and walked in. I picked up a basket and went down the first isle, looking at the shelves for simple items to survive with first.
I had just about finished and was walking to the checkout when I spotted something that caught my eye. Unfortunately I failed to tempt my self away.
Although the isle with all the makeup wasn't as big as makeup shops themselves, it was still tempting to look at. It's not like they are going to be long lasting and amazing products either but... I don't exactly enough to buy the big brands now do I?
I glance around me to see if anyone is watching and judging me. The isle is empty for now. So I pick up and eyeliner pencil and examine it.
I've never tried makeup— only the occasional be cream that my mother allowed me to use when my acne was bad in school. But before I came here I brought a tube of it myself, without my mother noticing. I try to keep good care of my skin but I don't always like going out knowing that there are still visible impurities on my face. It's for self confidence—that's it.
But the eyeliner... It just looks so tempting.
I've seen women applying it and I've heard it can define your eyes and work all kinds of magic. One pencil won't hurt will it? The one I was holding was very cheap so it wasn't like I was spending fortunes...
"I wouldn't get that one" I hear a familiar deep voice beside me. Before I could move my head a pair of large hands swap the eyeliner I was holding with another off the shelf—one that was slightly more expensive. "That one is better"
I look to my side only to see someone chest in my face. Looking up to see their face, I realise it's someone I was least expecting to see again. Red hair dude. Oh wait no. He did tell me his name—chan? 'Chan something'
I instantly step back a step and hold the pencil tight to my chest even if he swapped it. I furrow my eyebrows and ignore him, facing the shelf full of makeup once more.
'Crap I am still in the makeup area!!'
I suddenly turn pink and walk away from the isle. Just when I thought I had lost the giant too, he spoke again right behind me—making me jump.
"So you like makeup?"
"What makes you think that?" I say stubbornly still walking away from him. However the boy caught up and was now walking next to me.
"Because you're holding an eyeliner pencil" I tuck the pencil further into my coat to try and cover it up then I make a quick turn down another isle, hoping I could loose him.
"It's for my girlfriend" I panicked. I stop by some cleaning products and act like I'm searching through them. The guy didn't expect it and carried on walking until he realised he was talking to no one.
"But you're gay" he replied after coming back.
'God stupid. Stupid stupid stupid'
"I never said I was dating her. Just girl friend" I quickly pulled myself out of that hole and saved my self. I guess you could say I was quick at thinking.
"How would you know which Is better anyway?"
The giant laughed. "So you do like it?"
I still didn't bother facing him "I never said that. Did you not understand me when I said its for my friend?". This guy did get on my nerves... I was trying my best to not show interest in it but I was still curious... "Just answer the question."
"Hmm well this girl told me when she was doing her makeup. She talks way too much. Quite annoying actually. But anyway she rambled on about eyeliners and how some expensive ones are terrible and how they don't last long or whatever. I don't know and to be honest I never cared to listen to the rest. But I remembered her mentioning the one I gave to you. So there you are." The red hair boy smiles with his big smile and cocked his head to the side. "Funny story huh?"
Finally facing him, I look him in the eye and smiled back. "Not really" then I walk away dropping the whole fake smile.
'Leave me alone... Please'
"If you really aren't lying about your girl friend, I wouldn't mind meeting her." Chan–what's-his-face was smirking at me. I couldn't tell whether he was joking or he actually believed me but whatever he was thinking—it was bound to be disgusting!
"Ew." If he did believe me, I still had to go along with the lie... I stop in the middle of the supermarket, not bothering to move for the people who walked around me with trolleys and baskets, and stare at him dead in the eye. "Whatever your name is—I'm not letting you any where near her! You're still a stranger to me let alone to her."
He simply smiled. This jerk.
"Then let's become friends"
Just as I start writing a story with yeols red fire hair, he dyes it back to black. Like ??.?
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