Baekhyuns POV:
"Then let's become friends" the Giants smile changed into a pout and acted as though he was dearly hurt." And oh my name is Chanyeol. I thought you would have remembered. How sad."
I nodded. "Yeah , how sad".
"So? How about we become friends? Sounds good doesn't it? We might as well since we keep bumping into each other everywhere." Chanyeol didn't stop there, he carried on talking even when I wanted to speak . "Oh and thinking of that, wouldn't you say you were quite harsh saying I'm a stranger? Surely we're acquaintances by now."
I laughed after listening to what Chanyeol just said. 'Is he serious?'
"What?" He asked as he stared at me confused. Both his smile and stupid pout had vanished and his expression seemed quite serious. In a way it scared me.
"May I ask if you've ever made a friend, Chanyeol? Because this is definitely not how to do it. We're classed as adults now, if I am right—you don't just say 'let's become friends' to someone and think they're gonna say 'well okay, why not? It's fine because I've met you three times and one happened to be at a night club!'. I'm afraid that's not how it works." Chanyeol looked down on me with a smirk that crept back up to his face. He almost looked impressed with me which made me want to smack him. "If you want to get to know someone better to then become friends, the normal thing to do is take them out for a meal or something—have a nice conversation with them."
"Then how about I start again?" Chanyeol ran his hand through his red hair and licked his lips. I watched him wondering what he means by this.
"Let me take you out for a meal, Baekhyun"
'Aish... Well. That backfired. '
Instead of fighting my problem and twist round on my heals and speed walk away from him as far as I can. I went in all different directions and circles just incase the giant was still following me. Choosing not to stay in this supermarket any longer, I practically run to the checkout. The lines were massive so I move to the self checkouts and rush to finish. I saw the woman standing beside the mashies giving me odd looks when I got angry at it whenever it took too slow. Once I finally finished I sped up my pace again—I just wanted to get home, away from this Chanyeol.
I reached my car and unlocked it with my keys. Pulling up the car boot, i noticed the plastic bag were on the verge of ripping with how much I tried to cram into one back to save time and before I could prevent it from breaking... The plastic snapped and every single item fell to the floor. Some even began to roll away.
'Worst day ever'
And to make things even worse, Chanyeol was now, again, in front of me picking up the shopping from the ground.
When he hands the items over, I snatched them off him and threw them into the boot along with The remains of the bag.
"Stop following me!" I yelled but he still looked relaxed as if he's used to people shouting at him. 'I'm not surprised if he really is a playboy. '
"I feel offended. I came over to help poor boy with his runaway shopping and this is what I get? "
"Whatever, I don't care. Now get lost"
"If I do remember correctly though... You still never replied to me"
"Oh my god." I rolled my eyes in disbelief. Can you believe this guy?
"C'mon it'll be fun. I can get to know you more. And hey I'm the one who will be paying"
Ignoring him, I close the boot, walk around him and get in my car however Chanyeol didn't move. He was still standing behind the car and the only way I will be able to leave is if I reverse out. 'I guess it looks like I'll just have to run him over'
"Move" I said with gritted teeth after winding down the window .
"Only if you join me for a meal"
"No now move before I run you and your precious dyed hair over"
"I can give you a buffet if you like. Whatever you wish"
"I swear to go—"
"You might aswell just say yes because, well you see, I've got all day"
I threw my arms into the air in defeat. "Aish—okay okay! Fine! I give up! I'll go! Just promise me you'll leave alone for good after it. You can't follow me—nothing."
Chanyeol paused before nodding his head. "Okay, sure. I'll agree to that." I sighed. Thank the Lord and saviour. Chanyeol moves from the back of the car and stands in front of my open window. He leans down so I can see his face before looking around inside Of my car. "Give me your address" he said flatly.
"What? No. Just tell me where we are going and I can meet you there"
"Hmm it looks like I'll be 'following' you for ever then—"
" fine!" I sighed before telling him where I was staying. I didn't bother telling him which room I was in because no way am I letting him near my apartment; I can just meet him at the entrance. To be brutally honest, I kinda hoped he would forget.
"I'll pick you up at six. See you then Baekhyunnie"
And with that Chanyeol walked off with a smile plastered on his face. He won. I had let him win... I shouldn't have... But i couldn't bare it anymore. I just hoped that maybe i could find this meal with him enjoyable.. Somehow.
'Maybe he's a different person if I got to know him... Even if it was just for this short period of time'
'Who am I kidding?'
'Why would he be any different to how he was today, or the other night? Hmm? '
I chucked all the thoughts about tonight's dinner away and drove out of the car park, away from the supermarket and back to my apartment.
'How am I going to carry all this shopping up to my room without it falling?'
This chapter was pretty lame but it's just preparing for the next chapter. YASS. Baekhyun better get ready boii he bout to get shook
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