9~ Adoption ~9
Virgil was left home alone while Patton worked again. Not that he minded, he had work to do to. Patton had also promised to go on a walk with Virgil when he got back since they had both enjoyed it so much last time. Patton arrived back home and hugged Virgil as he entered the house, "You ready?"
Virgil nodded and they headed out the door. They decided to go out on a different path this time and began talking about anything that came to their minds. Soon they heard soft whimpers. Virgil and Patton look at each other with expressions that were a mix of confusion and concern. They listened for the noise again and when they heard it they crept towards where it was coming from. Soon they had walked off the path and to a bush. Patton moved some of the branches of the plant and the two saw a box with four puppies. The box was ratty and had "Free Puppies" written on it. They both frowned at the small animals. "We have to help them," Patton said with determination. Virgil nodded and agreed. The emo picked up two of the puppies and the bubbly man picked up the other two. They cut the walk short and quickly headed back to the house. Instead of going inside they got into the car. Virgil held the puppies on his lap and made sure they were safe. Patton drove them to the vet which was also an adoption center.
"That's awful," The woman behind the counter said when she was told the story behind the puppies, "But sadly we don't have enough room and volunteers to take care of more animals. You would need to go to another place to take them or raise them yourselves."
"We can raise them, right Pat?" Virgil said.
Patton nodded, "Of course!"
The woman awed, "That's so cute, two boyfriends raising puppies together."
Virgil blushed and felt his heart skip a beat at being called boyfriends with Patton. Virgil questioned the flutter he hadn't never felt before but quickly refocused on the world around him. "We're just close friends," Patton said with his own blush, but what Virgil didn't know was that Patton was feeling the same emotion as him however Patton knew what it meant.
"Shame," The woman shrugged, "You two look cute together." She noted how the both of them were blushing and smiled.
"So how do you take care of puppies?" Patton asked, changing the subject. She explained all the important things to them and got them all the needed materials along with a small booklet that went further into taking care of motherless puppies.
Patton and Virgil headed back home. When they arrived back home they decided to first give the small pups some puppy formula. Patton held the pups how he had been instructed to and fed them the warm milk. Virgil watched and had a small smile. When Patton finished with the first pup Virgil gave it a nice warm bath then dried the pup. He set the puppy on a fluffy blanket that Patton had brought out for the puppies. The puppy whined when it had no contact but thankfully Patton had just finished feeding another puppy so Virgil was able to bathe it and give the first pup a friend. The last puppy then whined now that it was alone, and also hungry. Virgil gently pet the pup until Patton was able to take it. Virgil washed the third puppy and then the fourth when he was handed it. Now all of the furry babies were clean and full. Patton awed at them as they crawled over each other. "I wonder what breed of dogs they are," Patton spoke aloud but was mainly talking to himself.
Virgil shrugged, "I guess we'll see when they're older."
Patton smiled and looked to his friend, "Yeah, we will."
Virgil turned to his friend and his expression was still smiling but there was curiosity in his eyes, "What's with that look?"
"What look?" Patton asked.
VIrgil looked back to the puppies as his heart rate started to pick up when he looked into Patton's eyes, "You just looked a lot more caring and dopey."
Patton looked at the puppies as well when he felt his face blush from staring at Virgil, Heck I hope I'm not going to ruin our friendship by falling in love, "It's probably just the puppies."
Virgil accepted the answer and fought the urge to take a hold of Patton's hand.
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