34~ Puppies And Friends ~34
It was Saturday and the two boyfriends were playing with the puppies. Patton grinned and gave the grey and white one a belly rub. "Don't they seem larger than most puppies to you?" Virgil asked.
Patton nodded, "Yeah, I wonder why they're such big puppers."
Virgil furrowed his eyebrows, "Could we be feeding them too much?"
Patton shook his head, "I double checked the amount to feed puppies and we are feeding them correctly."
Virgil shrugged, "Maybe it's how whatever breed they are looks."
"Maybe Logan knows," Patton suggested.
"When are they coming over again?" Virgil asked. The door bell rang.
"Right now," Patton said and got up to open the door. Virgil stayed on the floor to continue to pet the puppies but they ran off to greet the visitors.
"Fine! Just leave me like everyone else!" Virgil called after them.
Patton chuckled and opened the door. "Oh my dogs!" A voice that Virgil recognized to be Roman's yelled out excitedly. Roman and Logan came into the living room, Roman carrying Chocolate, the brown and white pup. "I'm stealing all of them," Roman told everyone.
"I mean they are around eight weeks now, they can be adopted," Virgil said.
Roman gasped and hugged the puppy closer. "Eight weeks?" Logan asked and examined the puppy Roman was holding, "From that and their characteristics I would say that they're Alaskan Malamutes." He pulled up his phone and typed something, "this is what they look full grown." Logan handed Patton the phone.
A smile that spanned across his entire face grew on Patton's face, "They are so cute!" Patton continued to gush over all the dogs. "Awe Virgil would look even more adorable next to them!" Roman awed at Patton's comment and Virgil gained a small blush as he wasn't used to being complimented in front of others. Logan awed at it too, not that he would admit it. Patton gasped, "Can we keep one Angel? Please!"
"Pat that's not fair," Roman commented.
"Oh you're right, Virge would end up taking care of the dog mostly by himself. I couldn't do that to him!"
"I was talking about how you have your adorable puppy face on and it's so cute that no one could say no to it," Roman said.
"If you do choose to keep one make sure to do research first," Logan said.
Patton nodded, "So Love, what do ya say?"
Virgil smiled, "Yeah sure, it'll be fun to have another companion when I take over the world."
"Wow, world domination," Roman said with a smile.
"Yeah I'm doing it so I can make it legal to bully you."
Roman frowned and huffed dramatically, "Why does everyone attack me?"
"You are very attackable," Logan answered.
"Watch out or I'll attack you," Roman said with a wink.
Logan paused, "Why did you wink? Was that one of your pour attempts at flirting?"
Roman's frown grew, "Patton, you're second in command over the world, tell Logan and Virgil to be nice."
Virgil shook his head, "No he's not. He just gets to live comfortably and his only obligation is to love me."
"Loving someone for a job sounds great," Roman said then turned his head to Logan, "I'd do overtime if it was Logan that I was loving."
"I'd fire you," Logan replied and Roman sighed.
Virgil leaned over to Patton and whispered to him, "I don't see what you mean by they love each other."
"Trust me, they do. A lot." Patton then interrupted their conversation that was a mix of the two saying bad flirty lines and then insulting the other's line, "So how about we don't fight and have some fun?"
When Patton had suggested they play Monopoly they were all hesitant but the bubbly man convinced them to play. At this point Virgil had given up and was being cuddled by the puppies as he tried to see how many times he could be sent to jail before the game ended. Patton was barely staying out of debt and tried to keep his boyfriend out of jail, he wasn't successful. Roman and Logan were fiercely fighting, although Logan was doing far better than Roman. Logan got mad at one of Roman's moves that ruined his plans, "Oh you ass!"
"You want this ass," Roman said.
"Yeah," was all Logan said back.
"Why do you two keep flirting with each other?" Virgil asked, something that he had been curious about all night.
"We're dating," Logan answered.
Virgil nodded, "Oh that's what Patton meant by you two loving each other a lot, it wasn't obvious."
"Yeah this nerd doesn't know how to show his love," Roman said then smirked, "Which makes it fun to do this." Roman leaned closer to his boyfriend and kissed him, causing his face to go pink. Roman grinned, "Hey, Lo."
"Uh yeah hi," Logan said.
"Blushy boy," Roman teased.
"Shut up," Logan replied.
"Make me." Instead of kissing him to make him stop like Roman had hoped for, Logan took a pillow off the couch and smothered Roman with it.
Virgil let out a single chuckle, "Nice."
"Good-bi, Roman," Patton said.
The room was silent as everyone registered Patton's pun. Virgil was the first to speak, "This won't pan out well for you Patton."
"I regret ever having you all as friends," Logan said.
"What's wrong? Are you not feeling very gay today Lo?" Roman asked.
"Not you too," Logan groaned.
"Virgil, Patton, I know that you can get him to say a pun. You'll ace this task," Roman said.
Patton hummed, "There's crofters in the fridge." Logan's glare dropped.
Roman chuckled, "And that's how you make Logan happy."
"You know where the spoons are," Patton continued, "All you have to do is make a pun and you can have the rest of the jar."
It was obvious that Logan was trying to resist the fruit spread, "I'm about to get wild blueberry." He jumped over the couch and went into the kitchen, coming back with the jar of Crofters already open and a spoon.
"Do you ever think you're too obsessed with Crofters?" Roman asked his boyfriend.
Logan swallowed, "I will break up with you for Crofters."
"I'm slightly scared that you're serious about that."
"As you should be."
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