TW: Hanged, attempted suicide
Note: Virgil lives in Canada(I don't feel like choosing which province so just ALL of Canada. Yep that makes sense) and Patton lives in Florida.
Patton excitedly looked out the window of the uber. It was Christmas break and he was going to spend it with his Canadian friend. Sure he hadn't told the friend that he was coming but Patton was sure Virgil wouldn't mind. Virgil always seemed to be alone for the holidays and Patton wanted to make sure he didn't spend it alone this year. Patton's phone went off. He looked down and got exited as he saw it was a text from the certain friend he was just thinking about.
Hey, I just wanted to let you know that you're amazing before I went to sleep.
Patton awed at the message and the thought that Virgil was randomly thinking of him and wanted to let him know. Patton looked up from his phone to the driver, "How long until we get there?"
"About five minutes to your destination," the driver replied. Patton nodded and thanked the driver before sending a text to his friend.
Aw! You're so sweet Virge! Can you stay awake for 5 more minutes? I promise it'll be worth it!
Patton went back to smiling at the passing scenery. Within five minutes they had pulled up to a small black house that stuck out in the snow. Patton paid the driver and thanked them before skipping up to the front door. Patton knocked on the oak door and stood back. Patton looked down to his phone to see what Virgil's reply was. Patton frowned a bit. There was no new message. Virgil would always immediately respond. Patton looked through the window to the right of the door. Patton looked straight ahead to see an outline of a body hanging from a rope. Patton screamed out Virgil's name. Patton turned around and looked for where a spare key would be. Patton looked to the black door mat below him, it was typical but it was the only place it could be. He quickly lifted up the mat to reveal hope in the form of a silver key. Patton grabbed it and shoved it into the lock. Patton flung the door open and ran in to Virgil's body. Patton stood the fallen chair back up and used it to boost him up to take Virgil down. His body was extremely light so it was easy to take him down. Patton laid Virgil on the floor and checked for a pulse. It was weak but still there. Patton pulled out his phone and dialed nine one one.
"NIne one one what's your emergency?"
"My friend h-he attempted suicide and now he's dying! Please help!" Tears poured from Patton's eyes as he looked to his friend who was barely breathing.
"We will send an ambulance, what's your location?" Patton gave the operator Virgil's address. The crying man caressed his friend's cheek. Virgil's eyes opened slightly and he looked around the room before focussing on the man with the blue shirt in front of him, "Pa- ton?"
"Shh, it's going to be okay. I'm here now, I won't leave you. An ambulance is one the way." Virgil's eyes softly closed once more. The rest was a blur to Patton, Virgil being loaded onto a stretcher, the drive to the hospital, the agonizing wait to hear how Virgil was.
"Sir?" Patton looked up with his fidgeting hands to the nurse, "He is now stable and is available for visitors." Patton jumped up from his seat and rushed to Virgil's room while also yelling a thank you back to the nurse. Patton opened the door and smiled when he saw Virgil awake and staring out the window. "Virgil," Patton called out calmly.
The emo looked over to the bubbly man and gained a guilty expression, "Hey." His voice was scratchy and was like it hadn't been used in forever and that Virgil hadn't drinken any water lately.
Patton tilted his head, "Why do you look guilty?"
Virgil looked away from Patton, "Well you found me trying to kill myself and that probably worried you a lot."
"You don't have to feel guilty, sure it worried me but right now i'm more concerned about your mental health."
Virgil mumbled out, "I'm sorry."
"What are you sorry about?" Patton asked.
"You had to take care of my almost lifeless body and you had to call an ambulance."
"It's fine Virgil, i'm just glad that I got to you in time."
"Whatever, you're just going to go back to Florida and then you won't have to take care of me anymore."
Virgil turned back to Patton, "What?"
"I care about you, I can't just leave and risk something like this happening again. Let me take care of you." Patton took one of Virgil's hands in his own.
Virgil blinked his eyes rapidly, "But we live in different countries. How would you take care of me?"
"I can move and get a job here in Canada!" Patton explained.
Virgil shook his head, "I can't ask you to do that. You have friends and family in Florida." Patton opened his mouth to retaliate but Virgil cut him off, "I don't have friends or family here. My job doesn't require me to live in a certain place so i can live wherever i want. I may not like the idea of you taking care of me but I know you'll win in the end."
A grin found it's way across Patton's face, "It's settled then! I will take you to Florida when you get out of this hospital! Think of it as an early retirement!"
VIrgil replied, "I'm ready to take a retirement from life." Patton eyes filled with horror and his face dropped. "Oh wait no! It's a force of habit! I don't want to die right now!" Virgil explained.
Patton let out a sigh, "Okay good, I don't want to lose you." Patton smiled and placed a kiss to Virgil's forehead. "You should get some more rest so that you heal faster."
Virgil gave a single chuckle, "Yeah okay." Virgil laid down some more while Patton pulled the sheets over him.
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