6~ Evidence ~6
Tw: Mentions of murder death and suicide, swearing
They parked the car outside the police station. They pressed the buzzer outside the building. "Hi, I'm Patton Sanders and I'd like to see the evidence for my murder." Patton said into the speaker.
There was a pause but then the doors opened. They went inside and they doors locked behind them. They walked up to the closest person. They stared in disbelief. "Y-you're dead," they stuttered, "I know you are, I'm working on your case!"
"Surprise I'm back! But I need to see all the evidence that you found!"
The detective was still baffled, "I'm sorry, there was no evidence found. It's like your murderer disappeared into thin air. We've already interrogated your family and friends so now we've moved onto strangers but we've found no one." He then narrowed his eyes at the emo in the room, "Although it is suspicious that you committed suicide right after his death and you two were dating at the time. That makes you our first suspect."
Virgil held up his hands in defense, "I would never hurt Patton! I swear I was at home drawing on my drawing tablet when he was killed."
The detective hummed, "Alright, I'll believe you for now."
"So you're sure there was nothing?" Patton asked.
"The only thing of note was that your hands were covered in blood and so was your phone screen. It looked almost as if someone grabbed your fingers and used them to text. Which we believe happened as the last text sent out should've been sent out after your death."
"What was the text?" Patton asked.
He pulled a paper out of his briefcase, "It was to 'Adorable Emo Baby' and it said 'I will be really late coming home tonight'."
"And then I tried texting you but you didn't respond so I called you multiple times," Virgil said, kinda blushing that someone read his name in Patton's phone aloud.
"I know that I didn't send that text but why would someone go through the trouble of doing that?" Patton thought aloud.
Virgil thought about it, "Maybe it was so that I wouldn't call the police."
"But then they would've had to known that we lived together."
Virgil locked eyes with Patton, "That means they knew us, and we also know that they're intelligent enough to get rid of all the evidence." There's only one person they knew that matched that description. Logan.
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