42~ Content ~42
This is the last chapter and I don't wanna write it so I don't have to end this book. ):
Patton was busy grading papers while sitting on the couch and not wanting to interrupt him Virgil was just laying down with his head on Patton's lap. Finally Patton finished grading, it was easy with them being second graders. Patton ran his hand through Virgil's hair, noticing how faded the purple had become. Virgil shifted his eyes to look up at Patton. He smiled a small, content, and sleepy smile before placing a kiss to Patton's lower thigh. "How did you get such amazing thighs?" Virgil mumbled. "They're so nice and soft and warm. I could just use them as a pillow."
"I like to bake sweets way too much," Patton provided as a reason with a small giggle.
"I'm glad 'cause your baking is amazing and I just love your thighs so much," Virgil complemented as he placed some more kisses to Patton's thighs.
Patton let out a few more giggles and ran his hand through Virgil's hair again. "You're sleepy, aren't you?"
Virgil nodded in response. "How could you tell?"
"You always get super affectionate and sweet when you're tired," Patton explained.
"How could I not be affectionate when my boyfriend's thighs are like a piece of heaven," Virgil mumbled, burying his face into Patton's thighs.
"Well I guess they technically are since we're angels so that makes us a part of heaven."
Virgil gasped and looked up at Patton. "You're right! I can say that my boyfriend is literally from heaven and since we've been to heaven I can say from experience that your body is like heaven. Warm and comforting." Virgil finished his sentence with nuzzling his face into Patton's stomach.
Patton giggled again at the boyfriend's cuddly mood and he would've kissed him right now if he could do so without disrupting Virgil's position. "You wanna go to sleep?" Patton asked in a soft voice.
"But dinner," Virgil whined.
"Okay, I'll make some dinner and then we can go to sleep early," Patton promised.
"But you're comfy," Virgil complained. "and I wanna help you."
Patton just shook his head and lifted Virgil's head while he stood up then replaced his thighs with a pillow. "Just rest while I make something." Virgil pouted but stayed put and pulled Patton's cat hoodie around him more.
Once the food was made Patton had to pull Virgil up from the couch because Virgil was too lazy and tired to it himself. Instead of eating across from each other like usual Virgil leaned up against Patton's shoulder as he ate and at first Patton laughed before eating his own food. Patton smiled as the taste brought back a memory.
Patton was calling Virgil as they both ate their dinners. "Oh and uh Patton, I want to come out to you again," Virgil spoke through the phone.
Patton tilted his head, even if Virgil couldn't see him. "I'm still going to support you no matter what, you can tell me."
"I'm asexual," Virgil told Patton. "Do you uh, do you know what that means?"
Patton shook his head. "Never heard of it."
"Well it means I have no sexual attraction. When I'm attracted to people it's romantic or platonic. I uh don't really know how to explain it," Virgil cleared his thought once he was done speaking and he hoped Patton would understand.
"So for you it's like if you looked at a girl you wouldn't want to do the do with her but you're like that with everyone and you still are romantically attracted to guys, right?"
"Yeah that's a good way to describe it."
"I think I might be asexual then. Like I used to think that whenever a friend showed me a picture of someone that they found uh pleasing in that way I thought that they just weren't my type but I found that I've been romantically attracted to the same person. Eventually I've noticed that no one seems to be my type for that and I thought it was weird because there must be someone that I like in that way but being asexual makes sense," Patton explained.
Virgil smiled on the other side. "I'm glad I could introduce you to it. If you want a better explanation you can look it up online and so you don't get confused: asexual is often shortened to ace."
"Ace? So you're ace?" Patton asked, a smile growing across his face.
"Yeah I'm ace," Virgil hesitantly confirmed after hearing a stifled giggle from Patton.
"So that's why you ace everything you do!"
Virgil laughed, "Of course you made a pun."
Tw for next three paragraphs: vague mention of past suicide attempt.
Meanwhile Virgil was thinking of a separate past memory. He felt so content and happy right now, like nothing could bring him down but for some reason he thought of one of his darkest days. More importantly the text he saw from Patton afterwards.
Aw! You're so sweet Virge! Can you stay awake for 5 more minutes? I promise it'll be worth it!
It held a deep meaning for Virgil now. He had stayed awake long enough for Patton to help him and it was worth it. He felt like he had a future. He had an amazing boyfriend and an adorable dog. Things were going great. Sure he knew that life had its ups and downs but this time he could handle them. He was going to be okay.
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