38~ Problems In Heaven ~38
Tw: Not wanting to eat, fear of gaining weight and eating, panic attack, skipping meals, attempt to purge, eating disorders and talk of it, small and short descriptions of a thin body, mention of a previous fight, old injuries
Thomas knocked on his son's door but after a few minuets with no response he grew slightly concerned. He poked his head in and looked around the sun themed room and saw no sign of Honesty. The God of Humanity fully entered the room and checked it for any sign of Honesty, even checking the bathroom. Thomas left the room with his eyebrows furrowed wondering where his son had went.
The God of Sleep was passing by, talking with one of the angels as he sipped on a cup of coffee. "Remy," Thomas called to gain his boyfriend's attention. "I'm sorry to interrupt you but have you seen Honesty?"
"Don't worry about it Babe. I saw him out in the field," Remy informed Thomas.
"Thanks Princess," Thomas said then pecked his boyfriend's lips before heading out of the House of the Gods.
Thomas soon saw Honesty in the field of flowers that his son had planted himself years ago. Thomas sat down next to him son who was working on tying some flowers together. Honesty looked up from his hands and smiled at his dad. "You're just in time. I made you a flower crown!" Honesty grinned and sat up so he could place the flower crown made out of red and pink flowers on Thomas's head. Honesty wore his own flower crown, made out of a combination of marigolds, white daisies, yellow daffodils, and white roses.
Thomas smiled at his son. "Thank you Honesty."
"No problem Dad! I'm also thinking of doing one for Remy but I can't decide between doing a rainbow or pink theme," Honesty expressed, hoping his dad would offer some advice.
"He has enough rainbow things, I'd go with pink."
Honestly nodded and looked around him for all the pink flowers. He ended up getting up and walking a few feet away to find the flowers, namely the pink tulips, pick roses, petunias, anemones, and sugar tips. He sat back down in front of his dad and began to turn the flowers into a crown. Thomas watched in awe, having never learned how to make a flower crown in his billions of years of existing.
"How are you able to do that?" The God of Humanity questioned.
Honesty hummed and thought before shifting so he sat side by side with his dad. "It's easier if I show you." Honesty held the start of the flower crown between them and Thomas watched as his son's thin and nimble fingers worked with the flowers. After explaining a few steps Honesty handed the beginning of the crown over to his dad to try it out himself.
Thomas made a few mistakes but Honesty was able to correct his dad before it ruined the crown. They continued working on the crown together. It took longer than it would have for Honesty if he had done it by himself but it was better this way. He enjoyed being able to reform his bond with his dad and Thomas enjoyed it too.
Honesty waved his hands around the crown and it glowed a sparkly yellow for a moment, making so it wouldn't decompose and break apart. "Do you know if Remy is free right now?" Honesty asked.
Thomas checked the time on his phone. It was getting close to dinner time and so all the gods would start taking a break soon. "He should be or will be soon," Thomas answered.
"Then let's go give this to him!" Honesty stood up and helped his dad up then began skipping towards the House of the Gods. Thomas smiled and followed after his son who was quite fast with his smaller frame. Honesty slowed down once he ran into Remy and Thomas sped up so he could catch up.
"Hey girl," Remy greeted the Prince of Honesty.
"My dad and I made this for you," Honesty said as he held out the pink flower crown.
Remy gingerly took the crown and placed it on his head, knowing that Honesty would be too short to do it himself. He smiled and thanked the two. Remy was about to walk off again but then he remembered what time it must be. "Are we having dinner soon?"
The words hit Honesty like a truck and his father's confirmation made his heart beat faster. He knew that he needed to eat and Thomas would never let him skip out on dinner ever again. But he couldn't. He'd found a way to get out of all the meals leading up to now- He and Thomas had been too emotional and Thomas had already eaten so he didn't think about it the first night he was back, at breakfast he "slept in" and he was allowed because everyone thought he'd be exhausted after his reformation then he got out of lunch because the gods never ate together during lunch- but it'd be impossible now. His dad knew where he was and if he tried to skip out Thomas would most likely ask when was the last time he ate, which he couldn't even remember when that was at this point. Before he knew it Thomas and Remy were walking to the dinning room and he was trailing behind.
They reached the entrance and Honesty's mind was so clouded by fears of gaining weight and eating, he was beginning to shake. "I'm s-sorry," Honesty said right as Thomas was entering. Thomas and Remy paused, looking to the young prince.
"Go on ahead," the God of Humanity said to the God of Sleep. Remy nodded and continued on into the room. Thomas turned back to his son. "Let's go somewhere calmer." Honesty followed his dad and they walked to a nearby hall with no one in it. "Does this have to do with your eating disorder?"
Honesty nodded. "I just- I'm terrified to eat and gain weight. I want to get better for you but my mind keeps yelling at me that I'm awful whenever I even think of eating."
"I know Son, well sorta. I understand that this is hard for you and it's going to be hard for a while. But it's important that you start recovering as soon as possible, and not for me, do it for yourself."
"I know," Honesty mumbled.
"Do you need a hug?" Thomas asked and held out his arms. Honesty nodded and was wrapped his his father's embrace, him hugging back. Thomas rubbed circles into his back, hoping to calm Honesty down. "How about during dinner we find something distracting so you don't focus on the food?"
"Okay," Honesty's voice was quiet. "Can we just stay here a little longer?"
"We can stay here for as long as it takes for you to be ready." Honesty pulled back from the hug and sent a shaky smile to Thomas. Honesty pressed his back against the wall and slid down to the floor, Thomas following. Honesty took a few seconds to arrange his wings so they weren't uncomfortable, ending up wrapping the tattered and torn wings around himself. Thomas did not have this problem as he was a god so he didn't have wings.
After a few minutes Honesty took a deep breath and stood up. "Alright. Let's do this." Honesty led the way this time. They entered the room and all the other gods looked up to the noise.
"You came just in time Babe, we were about to start," Remy told his boyfriend.
At first when Honesty sat down he just stared at the plate of food in front of him. The voices around him became a quiet hum and all he could focus on was the thoughts telling him to leave the room and not eat.
The young prince finally realized that he was hearing Joan's voice. "Sorry I blanked out," Honesty apologized. "Can you repeat that?"
Joan repeated their question, bringing Honesty into the conversation. The Prince of Honesty started to eat as they all talked together and effectively distracted him for the time being. At least until dinner was over.
As they were all busing their plates and the conversation had died down a lot at this point Honesty's thoughts returned to him. His mind was now racing. He hadn't paid enough attention to his serving size and he didn't know what ingredients were in the food. His mind started to scream that he'd eaten too many calories. Honesty knew one way to shut the painful thoughts: purge and exercise until he physically couldn't stand without risking fainting.
Honesty quickly washed his dish then headed to his room. Thomas noticed his son's quick movements and it brought back memories of when Honesty had corrupted and their fight happened. Thomas exited the kitchen and looked around. He didn't see his son so he assumed that he must've went to his room.
Honesty was leaning over the toilet bowl with his fingers down his mouth when Thomas opened the door that had been left unlocked in Honesty's rush. "Honesty no!" Thomas exclaimed and dropped to the floor beside his son where he pulled the young prince away.
"No please," Honesty pleases as he struggled against his father's arms. "I need to-" Honesty's breathing was erratic and Thomas could seem tears brimming his eyes.
Thomas let go of Honesty but was quick to speak so his son wouldn't think that he's letting him purge. "Hey it's okay. Just focus on my voice. We'll work through this together." Honesty focused on his dad and Thomas noticed how much the young prince was shaking. "Can you follow my breathing?" Honesty nodded and Thomas began to do the breathing exercise that Joan and Tayln has taught him years ago. Honesty struggled with the first few breaths but with Thomas's calming and assuring words he got it eventually. "You're doing great," Thomas commented. "Just keep breathing." Once Honesty was significantly calmer Thomas asked him, "Is it okay if I touch you?" Honesty violently shook his head. "That's alright. Let's just continue to focus on your breathing."
"I'm sorry," Honesty's voice shook as he spoke. "I just-"
"It's okay," Thomas assured. "I never expected you to be eating normally or be better in one day. It's a disorder and these things take time."
"I wish it could work like that," Honesty mumbled. "I wish I could be perfect."
"No one is perfect. We all have flaws. Look at me or any of my friends, we're gods but we still have flaws. But we can all accept our faults and then it becomes a beautiful part of our personalities. I've already accepted you for everything you are and so to me you are the perfect son. I would never want anyone else for a son."
"Thanks Dad." Honesty wiped away the few tears that were falling. As he was calming down all the way he grew more tired. Once he was calm enough Honesty held out his arms, silently asking for a hug, which Thomas gladly gave him.
"How are you doing now?" Thomas asked.
" 'M tired," Honesty answered.
"Here," Thomas said as he carefully picked Honesty up, supporting his son at his knees and shoulders. Thomas stood up and opened the bathroom door up enough for him to carry Honesty out without hitting him against anything. Thomas placed Honesty on his bed and picked up the book on the bed side table. It was a short story that Honesty had loved since he was a little boy and so he always kept it on his bedside table. Thomas sat down on the edge of the bed and opened the book to the first page.
"What are you doing?" Honesty questioned.
"I wanted to read you a bedtime story so you could relax and hopefully fall asleep," Thomas explained.
"I'm not a little kid," Honesty reminded.
"Of course not. But you'll always be my child and I'll always protect you," Thomas told him. A small smile found its way onto Honesty's lips which grew into a more content as he heard his dad's soothing voice reading his favorite book aloud.
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