30~ Cookies ~30
Tw: Mentions of the wounds from previous chapter, mention of sex BUT NO SEX THERE'S NO SEX it's only to explain asexuality
The day after the incident Patton didn't go to work and neither really slept well so they didn't go up to Heaven. Virgil had refused to go to the hospital for his wounds, insisting that he'd be okay and there was no need. Patton eventually gave in but only if Virgil promised to rest a lot. So Patton had sat Virgil on the couch and put on some cartoons while he made lunch. He had looked up food to eat when you lost a lot of blood so he was making sure to add as much as those ingredients as he could while still having the food taste good.
He finished up and brought two plates into the living room where he sat beside Virgil on the couch. Virgil smiled at him and took on of the plates. They leaned against each other while Scooby Doo ran away from a ghost in front on the screen.
Virgil hummed, enjoying how great of a cook Patton was and also the warmth and love that radiated off of him. He stopped paying attention to the show and instead thought of everything he loved about Patton. The more he thought the farther back into his past he got. He remembered how when they were in high school Patton had just been getting into baking. At that point he really only was learning how to make sweets, which fit for someone as sweet as Patton. In fact that was how they met.
On the first Friday of Sophomore year Patton had baked some cookies for all of his classes. It being the first week of school they weren't doing anything in their History class. Virgil was drawing in his sketchbook while he ignored the rest of the students talking around him. Patton had come up to him with the cookies and offered him one. At that point Virgil would never deny free food so he took it. "What's your name?" Patton had asked.
"Uh Virgil," Virgil awkwardly answered.
"Watchya drawing there, Virgil?"
Virgil covered up the drawing of two boys cuddling. He knew he was gay at that point but he wasn't out of the closet, plus he was still confused about some things. Like how some people would always assume he was going to have sex with guys. Virgil just wasn't interested in anything like that and he didn't understand why. Now he understood that he had no sexual attraction and so that meant he was asexual. "N-nothing," Virgil stuttered out.
"Ah, you're insecure about your art aren't you? Well I won't force you to show me! I'm Patton by the way!"
"Nice to meet you Patton," Virgil said, unsure really on how to socialize. Thankfully Patton was extremely friendly so he was able to carry the conversation.
Virgil let a small smile rest on his face as he listened to his classmate ramble about dogs. He finally took the first bite of the cookie he was given. Virgil's eyes widened and he looked down at the treat. Patton giggled and stopped talking about dogs, "I'm guessing you like the cookie."
Virgil was quick to nod. "How did you get it to taste so good?"
"That's a secret," Patton grinned. He grabbed a second cookie from the tupperware container and held it out for Virgil. "If you're feelin' dangerous you can have a second cookie."
Virgil felt his smile grow slightly, he liked this kid so far. "Thanks," Virgil said as he took the cookie.
"No problem my little emo buddy," Patton smiled and messed up Virgil's hair. Virgil scrunched up his nose in annoyance.
"I'm not emo," the emo-who-wouldn't-accept-that-he's-emo denied.
Patton however wasn't listening to his darkly dressed classmate. "You look so cute with your hair in your face!" Patton grinned.
Virgil looked away from his overly-friendly classmate with a pink tint to his pale face, he wasn't used to compliments- especially from cute boys. "T-thanks."
Patton smiled and hummed, "I like being around you! Ya wanna hang out at lunch?"
"Sure but," Virgil tilted his head. "why do you like being around me? I haven't said much and I'll probably just bring you down and you could also be friends with just about anyone at this school with how nice you are." Virgil immediately cringed at himself for letting some of his self deprecation through.
Patton shrugged. "You seem like you could be a good friend but also need a good friend!" Patton kept it hidden that he had seen some of Virgil's drawing but wasn't one hundred percent sure that he had seen the drawing correctly. He was still questioning his sexuality and was happy to see he wasn't alone.
Virgil smiled as he remembered that day that would lead to so many amazing days and an amazing relationship. "Hey Patton?" Virgil hesitantly said.
"Yes Virge?" Patton responded, immediately giving his boyfriend all of his attention.
"Can we make some cookies?" Virgil asked. "I miss the way you make them."
Patton's eyes lit up, he hadn't made cookies in a while and it was one of his favorite things to make. He clicked off the T.V. with the remote and took Virgil's hand. "Of course!" Patton eagerly pulled Virgil up and to the kitchen, which his boyfriend just chuckled at. Patton let go of Virgil's hand so he could grab the ingredients from the various cabinets. Patton of course had the recipe memorized so he just told Virgil what he needed to do.
After some mixing of the ingredients and Patton of course booping Virgil with some of the batter the dough was ready. They pulled it apart and Patton insisted they made the chocolate chip cookies into heart shapes and who would Virgil be to deny that cute face of Patton's. They slid the cookies into they oven and Virgil sat up onto the counter, having to extend his wings behind them so they wouldn't get crushed. Patton smiled at him and walked closer so he could kiss Virgil. They leaned in and shared a sweet kiss, and a couple more. Virgil wrapped his arms around Patton's neck as they slowly kissed. Patton placed his hands on Virgil's hips and wrapped his wings around Virgil's lower back as he couldn't faze them through Virgil's wings.
They only pulled away an inch and grinned at each other. Virgil leaned his forehead against Patton's and just took in the calm of the moment. "I love you," Patton whispered.
"I love you too," Virgil whispered back. They stared lovingly into each other's eyes in the silence again. It was nice.
Until the oven went off to tell them that the cookies were done. "Not now." Virgil glared at the oven.
Patton giggled and pulled away from the contact to turn off the oven and pulled the cookies out to cool.
Virgil furrowed his eyebrows as he stared at where Patton's came out of his back. "Did you cut holes in your shirt so you could put your wings through?"
Patton shook his head and looked at Virgil confused. "No, why would you think that-" Then it hit Patton. He had a shirt on but his wings were out. "Can I look at your back?" Patton asked. Virgil nodded and turned around after he got off the counter. Patton ran his hand along where Virgil's wings went through his shirt. Patton hummed and moved Virgil's shirt around but he could see no hole. They just seemed to faze through the clothes. Patton hummed then wrapped his arms around Virgil's waist. "I can't believe we haven't noticed this before."
Virgil nodded, only really paying attention to how calm he felt in Patton's embrace. "Logan would be disappointed."
Patton smiled. "Maybe, but good thing I'm not Logan and I could never be disappointed in you."
Virgil smiled at Patton's words. "You could never disappoint me either."
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