3~ Graves ~3
Tw: Like a lot of mentions of death and murder, also swearing
Virgil's eyes flew open. He couldn't see anything. He reached his his hands up slowly. He felt wood. He was in a coffin. His heart rate went up. Was he too late? Had he been buried already and now he would slowly die underneath the ground. He heard something hit the roof. He felt hope grow inside him. He pushed the lid open and dirt fell onto him. "What the fuck?" The gravedigger yelled out. "You're supposed to be dead!"
Virgil groaned and pulled himself to a sitting position, "With how sore my back is I think I still am." Virgil rubbed his back then remembered where he was. "Wait where's Patton Sander's grave?"
"It's on your right, I just buried him," He answered.
"We have to unbury him!"
"But he's dead?"
Virgil raised an eyebrow at the man, "And so was I. Now it's either you help me or I do it myself." The gravedigger nodded, complying to helping the thought to be dead man. Virgil tried to stand onto his legs but they gave out beneath him. "Ow! Fuck, fuck," Virgil cursed in pain. He curled into a ball and held his legs. He hissed at the pain, "Fuck my legs hurt."
"You had crushed your legs when you hit the ground," the gravedigger explained, "They said that you barely died."
Virgil nodded, "Oh god I regret that so much right now!" He bit his lip and used the walls of dirt around him to stand up. He took a shaky breath and raised his hand for the grave digger to help him out. He pulled Virgil out and handed him the shovel.
"I'll go get another, you work on getting your friend out." Virgil nodded and sat down, as he couldn't stand the pain in his legs anymore. Virgil began to remove the dirt. Eventually he started hearing thumping then a scream from below him.
"I'm coming Patton!" Virgil yelled, hoping that his boyfriend could hear him. Apparently he did as the thumping and screaming stopped. The gravedigger came back and began to dig. It took some time but they were able to remove enough dirt that the casket could be opened. Virgil got into the hole and opened it up.
"Virgil!" Patton cried out when it was opened. He had tears streaming down his face and his breathing was anything but calm. He was quick to sit up and hug the emo then cried into his black suit jacket.
"It's okay, I've got you," Virgil whispered into his ear, "Just breathe Love." Patton nodded and began to do Virgil's breathing technique.
"I'm sorry," Patton apologized when his breathing calmed, "I didn't realize I was claustrophobic before.
"It's alright," Virgil reassured him, "Now let's get out of this grave." Patton nodded and stood up, raising an eyebrow when Virgil didn't do the same. "I, uh, I think I broke my legs," Virgil explained, "They hurt a lot."
"My poor little baby!" Patton leaned down and picked Virgil up, pushing the man onto the ground. Virgil held his hand out and help Patton up.
Another gravedigger walking by stared as Patton was pulled out. "John didn't you just bury those two?" She asked.
The first gravedigger, who they now knew to be named John nodded, "Yep."
She just stared and slowly nodded, "Have fun with the paperwork." And with that she left.
Patton said good bye to John and then carried Virgil out of the graveyard. They looked at their surroundings and then saw something familiar. After two hours of following familiar streets and signs they arrived back home. Virgil took of his black suit jacket and loosened his purple tie. Patton did the same with his baby blue suit jacket and took off the matching bow-tie. They sat on the couch and saw some of their stuff had been packed. It felt weird. Knowing they had died but they were alive now. Virgil took a deep breath and let it go, "So what are we going to do now?"
"I don't know," Patton murmured, "Do we even still have the watch?"
Virgil shrugged, "I don't think I have it." He checked the pockets of his black dress pants, nothing. Patton did the same with his dress pants that were the same color as his jacket, nothing.
"Maybe it's in one of our jackets?" Patton thought aloud. He checked Virgil's and found the vial. He checked his own and found the watch. He opened up the watch to seem how much time they had. Four days. "Heck," Patton whispered then showed it to Virgil, "We don't have a lot of time."
"Fu-" Virgil dragged out, "-dge. Okay so what do you remember from when you died?"
Patton tried to recollect everything, "I don't know a lot. Elizabeth told me there was a kid trapped so I rushed off to help them. Then when I was trying to find them when there was a deep voice and then they were killing me with a knife."
Virgil hummed, "We should go ask Elizabeth about the kid that was stuck then."
"You don't think she helped in my murder, do you?"
Virgil shook his head, "She's just a kid and you were a great teacher. I don't think she would've helped purposely."
"I don't think she would've either."
"Is there anything else from earlier that day that would be suspicious now?" Virgil questioned.
Patton tried to think of anything, "Nothing comes to mind."
"Okay," Virgil paused to formulate a plan, "We can't go and question Eliza right now, it's too late." Virgil sighed he couldn't think of anything. "Are you sure that's all you remember?"
"I mean, their hand felt weird when they covered my mouth. Kinda like it was gloved but that's not a lot, a smart killer would wear gloves during murder."
"I mean, that tells us that they probably thought it out and it wasn't a spur of the moment."
"True, and it was in broad daylight so they must've known how to do it without being caught."
Virgil thought about it, "So I'm thinking that they're intelligent."
"Do you think they were smart enough to pick up all evidence?"
"Most likely and if not the police will have found it."
"There's nothing wrong with trying to find more."
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