23~ Pride ~23
Tw: Internalized Biphobia
Patton was smiling but his smile dropped as he saw an image flash before his eyes. He knew what he was looking at. It was Roman and Logan's bedroom. He knew because of the fancy wood headboard to the bed and above it a gay pride flag was on the right, Logan's side of the bed, and on the left it had a bi pride flag, Roman's side of the bed. Patton could feel the person's feelings. They were sad.
"You good, Love?" Virgil asked.
Patton shook his head, "Yeah I'm just getting one of the image thingies."
"Oh," Virgil's eyes went wide, "I guess we should go help that person then."
Patton shook his head, "No I think I should do this by myself."
Virgil raised an eyebrow but still accepted Patton's decision, "Okay, just get me if you need any help." They shared a quick goodbye kiss before Patton was out the door.
Patton didn't know how but when he thought about who flying would be faster than driving his wings fazed through his shirt and jacket. He didn't question it but he began to flap his wings to lift himself off the ground. He quickly took off into the air and flew as fast as he could, worried about what may be happening with his friends.
It didn't take long to get to the house. He didn't see Logan's car meaning that it was Roman who felt sad. Patton knew Roman never answered the door while he was sad, so he went around the house to see if the back door was open. It was not. However the master bedroom window was open. Patton flew up and entered the room. "Hey Ro," Patton said softly so he wouldn't scare Roman too much.
Roman's head snapped over to the voice, "How did you get-" Roman's voice dropped off as he saw Patton's large and magnificent wings. "Whoa."
Patton glanced behind him to see what Roman's eyes went wide at, "Oh yeah, angel thing."
"I wish I was an angel," Roman mumbled. "Wait, why are you here?"
Patton walked closer and sat beside Roman against the wall, "One of the other angel things that I can do is that I get these images and I saw your bed and I could tell that you were sad so I came over to check up on you. What's wrong?"
Roman sighed, "I don't know, I'm just having negative thoughts about my sexuality."
"What can you possible be thinking bad about your sexuality?"
"Like how can I like girls and boys. Why can't I just pick one gender and only like that. It's dumb I know, especially since I don't think anyone else who is bi is wrong. I only think this way about myself."
Patton pulled Roman into a side hug, "Roman, there is nothing wrong at all with liking boys and girls. That's just who you are and you're not alone in that."
"I feel alone though. None of my close friends are bi. Maybe I don't personally know other bi people because i'm wrong."
"I promise you there is nothing wrong with you being bisexual. In fact, it's amazing! You can love so many more people than people who are gay or straight, isn't that amazing?"
Roman shrugged, "I guess so. But what if I'm not actually bi? What if i'm just trying to get attention?"
"As long as you say that you're bi, you are bi. And it's not for attention, that's what your acting career is for."
Roman chuckled, "I guess it is." Roman sadly smiled and looked down, "Maybe I just rushed into all this, going from dating only women then to seeing Logan and immediately breaking down my straight facade and trying to force myself to be comfortable with my sexuality overnight." Patton gained a look of concern again. Roman shook his head, "Not that I'd ever break up with Logan, I love him so much. I'm glad I opened up to my sexuality and I let myself date him, I just wish I hadn't rushed it."
"The past has already happened and it won't do any good to wish you could change something. The only option now is to move forward and try to improve it in the present."
Roman smile grew, "You're right. Being bisexual is amazing and there is nothing wrong with it! I have to work on reminding myself that." Roman turned the side hug to a full on and tight hug. Roman and Patton's eyes were closed so they couldn't see that Patton had begun to glow. They pulled away and Roman had a determined grin on his face, but then it softened to a lovey-dovey smile. "Do you think it's too soon to marry Logan?"
Patton giggled, "Ro that's your decision, but if you want to I think you should. You've already been together for awhile and you two can live together. But I think you should work on loving yourself a little more before then."
Roman rolled his eyes, "Fine, I guess I will."
"Self confidence is important! You can't fake it for the rest of your life."
Roman sighed, "I know."
"Have you told Logan yet?"
Another sigh, "Nope."
"You need to tell him."
"I will. Soon."
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