20~ Meeting ~20
Virgil and Patton were given a room to stay in until everything had sorted out. Patton held Virgil close on the bed. Virgil was more on edge than usual. He had promised Logan and Roman they wouldn't go back to heaven but they did. Patton ran his fingers through Virgil's hair which calmed him down slightly. They laid there until boredom cause their eyes to slide shut.
"I've tried with all my power to heal you son and nothing has gotten better," Valerie informed.
"Maybe they're supposed to do something about your son," Dahlia guessed.
"No other Angels have glowed as they entered Heaven, yet they did," Tayln mentioned.
"They do seem to be high power angels, but angels from Earth are never like that. They're usually lower rank," Joan said.
"I don't think it's was a coincidence that they are special and caring along with being high power," Terrance said.
"But they aren't skilled enough to do anything yet," Joan mentioned.
"Maybe they just need to train a little bit and then they can heal Honesty," Dahlia offered.
"What would they train in? There are so many types of angels. All we know about them is that they're powerful," Thomas pointed out.
Patton's eyes slowly opened. He expected to see the room in heaven but he was met with his own bedroom. The light streaming on his face now was actually from the sun. He shook Virgil awake. "Virge! We're alive!"
Virgil eyes cracked open and he saw their room. He also saw the large white wings spread out behind Patton. "But you also have wings," Virgil pointed out. He sat up and his own smaller wings spread out.
"So do you."
Virgil looked at his wings, "So we're alive yet angels? Interesting."
They didn't know what to do know. They thought they had died but they were alive. They had large wings on their backs that was hard and uncomfortable to cover up. They ate breakfast in silence.
Tw: Close to suicide attempt
It was almost midnight and Virgil was about to fall asleep. An image flashed through his head. It was what looked to be a teenage boy and he was writing something. From what Virgil could see it looked to be a suicide note. There was a gun next to him. The image changed into the outside of a house and somehow Virgil knew the address. He felt a strong pulling in his chest telling him to go and help them. He couldn't deny this thought. It was really strong and he was afraid of what would happen if he didn't. Virgil sat up in bed, "Patton I think we need to go somewhere. I'm having this vision of a kid and I think he's in danger."
Patton was quick to agree to go with Virgil. They headed to the house where Virgil's mind told him to go. He looked up to the lit window and barely saw the kid he had seen in his vision. Virgil tried flapping his wings and once he got a rhythm he began to slow ascend. He flew up to the window and knocked on it. He began to glow and the kid turned around. Virgil opened the window and entered the house. "Who are you?" the kid asked with fear in his voice.
"I'm an angel. I saw your note and I'm here to talk you out of doing this."
After a while Virgil came back out and flew down to Patton. "How'd it go?" Patton asked.
"He won't be doing anything and I made sure he feel asleep."
Virgil felt something, that he didn't know what it was yet, grow.
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