2~ God Of Humanity ~2
"Thank you Talyn," the God of Humanity said to the angel who brought them. They bowed and then left. "Hello Patton, Virgil."
Virgil awkwardly waved and for once Patton didn't smile when someone greeted him. "Uh, why did you ask us to come here?" Patton asked, not sure how to talk to a god.
"You're story is not yet finished," the god explained, "Virgil, you were finally getting better and you still have so much light to bring. Patton, you haven't done even a fraction of the amazing things you had in store. I want to send you back to earth so that can continue your story."
"Story?" Virgil questioned, "We're just two random dudes in a relationship."
"Yes but I have been following you both. You are more important and special than you realize. Also I am having one of the angels write it all down into a story because you two are really cute." The god moved a curtain and next to his throne a boy with black hair and dark bags under his eyes sat behind a laptop.
They looked up at the people around him, "Um hi."
The god waved at him and smiled, "Hey A."
"Can I go back to work now?" A requested.
"No, go take a break," the god told them.
A hissed at him, "Heck you, no."
The God of Humanity rolled his eyes and muttered out, "Rebellious teen." The god replaced the curtain and cleared his throat as he turned back to Virgil and Patton, "As I was saying, I want to send you back to earth but it's not as simple as just putting you back. If an angel wishes to go back they have to complete a task within a certain time frame to stay back."
"What do we have to do, God?" Patton asked.
"Please, call me Thomas. For your task you must find Patton's killer and give them this potion," Thomas held out a small vial filled with a purple liquid that seemed to glow. Patton gingerly took it. Thomas held out another which seemed to be an old watch, "This is your timer. When you press the button on top you will be transported back to earth and it will start counting down. I suggest you go quickly as your bodies are being prepared for burial."
Patton nodded and looked at the watch and small vial, "So I'm curious, you don't hate gay people?"
"What? No of course not!" Thomas responded, "I'm extremely gay, like I couldn't be gayer. Especially for the god of sleep, his name is Remy and he's really hot."
Patton smiled at the answer and took his boyfriend's hand, his finger hovered over the button of the watch, "Okay, ready Virgie?"
Virgil looked down and frowned, "C-can we wait a little bit?"
Patton furrowed his eyebrows, "Absolutely, but what's wrong?"
"I-" Virgil sighed, "Can we go somewhere private?"
Patton nodded and waved goodbye to Thomas. They walked until they were far away from everyone. "What's wrong?" Patton asked.
"I, um, I," Virgil awkwardly tried to speak, "I kinda don't want to go back to Earth."
Virgil scratched the back of his head, "I don't know. It just seems better here. There's a gay god so everyone is going to be accepting. I don't think I'll have to worry about my issues here. We can be together forever."
"Virgil," Patton whispered and gently held said man's face in his hand, "If we go back we can make the world better together. No one said life was going to be easy but you can't give up, Love. Plus when we die again later in life this place will still be here. We'll be together forever no matter what."
"I know, I just want it to be happily ever after already."
"We'll get there, just hang on a little longer."
Virgil gulped, "Alright. Let's live again." Patton brought out the watch. They both held it and their thumbs rested upon the button. They pressed it down together.
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