It was hard being in the house. The nights were especially the worst, as it was often cold and lonely... Thankfully the young pitbull by your side was always there to warm you and provide some sort of comfort. She was a gift from your mother before her tragic passing and sometimes you could see your mother's love within the dog's eyes. It was difficult being here. Your father blamed you everyday for the death of your mother, taking his anger out on you physically and emotionally. You were far from guilty, but there wasn't much you could do. Your mother's death wasn't your fault at all.
"(Y/N)!" Your father called out, his words slurred and dripping with hate. You absolutely despised this man now. He used to be the sweetest father before the death of your mother.
You look towards the door of your room and wait for your father to appear. When he does he glares at you and makes a soft noise of disgust. You only look at him, not wanting to start a fight that would render you injured.
"I'm going to the store." He mumbled, looking down at Ivy this time before grunting. "The boys are coming over for a few games of cards." This meant you would have the house to yourself... But for how long?
You nod, not wanting to anger him by ignoring him. After the exchange of interactions, your father heads out. As soon as you hear that door click shut, you look at Ivy with hopeful eyes. She seems to understand as she begins to wag her tail and smile.
You wait about ten minutes to ensure that the man isn't coming back before making your move. Finally, you set your escape plan in motion by grabbing your backpack that was filled with clothes and a few necessities for a female. You had also shoved a small bag of dog food for Ivy, not wanting her to starve on your journey away from "home".
Making your way to your window, you slide it open and coax Ivy towards it. Picking her up and gently setting her down a few feet, you climb out with her. You take a deep breath. Fear consumed you and you began to run, Ivy following along as well.
The more you ran, the faster your stamina decreased, causing you to pant and stop occasionally. Thankfully, you were already a decent distance away from home... It felt so odd to be out here in the city, doing your own thing... Hopefully your father won't find you. You were eighteen afterall... Legally, you could leave the home, but it didn't mean he wouldn't come running after you.
A small sigh escapes your lips as you walk into a nearby bar and look towards the bartender. A fiery man stands there, cleaning a glass. His head tilts upwards, looking at you in silence. His arms lower as he sets the glass down, gesturing for you to come in. He doesn't seem to mind the presence of your furry friend, either.
"Hello..." You whispered, looking at the tall man of flame. He nods in response. It appears he doesn't speak.
"Um... do you know of any homeless shelters around that would allow me to take my dog?" You asked, doubtful but still hanging onto that one last strand of hope. You glance towards the man's name tag and smile softly. "...Grillby. What a nice name." You say softly.
He seems to appreciate the compliment and nods, answering your question. He pulls out his phone and begins to send a text. Little did you know, he was setting something up that would forever change your life. After hitting send, he pulls out a paper and begins writing something down.
"I have contacted a friend of mine who can take you in until you're able to get on your feet... I hope you have good luck with the beginning of your own life."
You widen your eyes. He knew... or at least assumed what you were going through. You chuckle softly before smiling once more. "Thank you... How did you know?" You asked.
Grillby begins to write down more and when finished, he slides the paper towards you again.
"Your eyes say it all."
Your eyes... A color that you didn't think was all too pretty, yet.. A stranger knew your troubles by just looking into them. Maybe it was the bags beneath them, or maybe the wetness from your previous tears. "Wow... I.."
Grillby holds his hand up towards his chest as if pausing you. Disappearing to the back of the bar for a moment, he returns with some food for you and Ivy. Setting them near you, he closes the containers they were in. You couldn't even begin to explain how thankful you were for this man's kindness.
Again, he begins writing after briefly checking his phone.
"My friend is almost here, so I have wrapped your food to keep it warm."
You nod and take the food in your hands. "Thank you again, I can't even think of how I can repay you! Do you want me to pay...?" You say as you try to reach for your pocket. Grillby shakes his head before pointing towards the door. It must be his friend. You turn around before looking towards the one who had entered.
A skeleton. Roughly 6'2 and oddly... intimidating. His right eye socket has a crack stretching from the cheekbone to the top of his skull... and the one "eye" is yellow, while the other is a white.
"Really, Grillby?" The skeleton grumbled. "A human?" He sighed, giving you a look up and down, causing you to frown and shoot him a small glare. "Sassy." He hummed.
Grillby had walked over towards the two of you and lightly slapped the back of his friend's head.
"Ow!" He growled, looking back at Grillby before sighing and giving you another look. "Fine. I don't care where ya came from, just get a job eventually and help pay rent. The name is Gans."
Wow, how rude, you thought to yourself. "(Y/N)." You stated before looking back at Grillby who gave you a light pat on the shoulder to show you it was going to be okay. You smile and look back at Gans who is standing in the doorway, leaning on the frame.
"Alright, let's get going, (Y/N)." Gans gestured with his head towards the outdoors. The night was growing darker, so he must have been in a hurry to get home. You respected that, and in full honesty with no offense to Grillby, you were ready to leave. You were afraid your dad might show up anytime.
A/N: Welcome, or welcome back to Let Me Run! A fanfic of Gaster!Sans x Reader that started in February of 2016, but was never finished. I am here to rewrite it and finish it. I appreciate all of you who are here to support me <3
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