Little One
He had put her name on the list at the door, and a security guard let her in without any problems as soon as he had scanned the list and found her name. She took a few steps inside, then took out her phone to text him that she had arrived.
He had given her his number the day before and told her, he would be right out to get her as soon as she was there. She waited for a few seconds and saw two men approach her. They both looked crazy with their wild hair and wild beard, and she felt a bit uneasy as one of them went over to her.
"Are you lost, little one?" He asked.
"Not really. Just haven't been picked up yet," she answered, trying not to show that he kind of scared her.
He went closer to her.
"Come with me. I'll take really good care of you," he said and placed his hands on her shoulders.
By instance, she stepped backwards. This man was scaring her.
"Bray, what are you doing?" Roman's voice sounded from behind them.
Bray turned to look at Roman.
"I'm sorry. Does this little one belong to you?" Bray asked.
Roman walked over to them and saw the look on her face.
"Did he scare you? That's just Bray. He likes to stay in character when he thinks a fan is near to give them a little something extra to write home about," Roman said, chuckled a bit, then turned to Bray. "She's not a fan, Bray. She has no idea who you are."
"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you," Bray said and started laughing.
His eyes had suddenly turned kin, and he didn't look as scary anymore.
"It's okay. You didn't know," she said and smiled at him.
"Well, the offer still stands to take good care of you, little one. Any friend of Roman is a friend of mine," Bray said.
"Thank you. It's Melissa, by the way," she said.
Bray looked at her and smiled.
"Little one suits you better," he said,winking and then walked away.
Roman showed her around, and they watched some of the guys practice in the ring while they sat on some chairs.
"I actually used to watch wrestling when I was younger," she said.
"Really?" He asked.
"Yes, back in the days. Shawn Michaels, Undertaker, Kane... I was a fan back then," she said.
"Kane actually still works here," he said.
"Really?" she asked, surprised.
"Yeah, you might meet him later today. He's a really nice guy," he answered.
"I bet he is," she said.
"So why did you stop watching?" He asked.
"I met Carlos. He thinks wrestling is stupid and refuses to let me watch it," she answered.
"That's just lame," he said.
"I know, but what can I do? Now that I'm here, I get to watch it again tonight for the first time in years. I can't wait to see what all you new people can do in the ring," she said.
He noticed her eyes light up, and it made him smile.
"We're gonna give you a great show," he said.
They walked to the catering as lunch came around.
"Little one!" She heard Bray's voice yell at her from a table.
"Let's go over to my newfound friend," she said jokingly to Roman.
Roman nodded, and they walked over to Bray to sit down and eat at the same table. She found that Bray was actually a really nice guy out of character, and she felt calm around him. Sitting there between Roman and Bray, she felt safe. It was like all her problems had disappeared for a while.
The hours went by fast. She got to meet a lot of the different wrestlers. As she finally met Kane, she couldn't help but blush. There was a little fangirl still hidden inside her. Roman found it cute and laughed at her. Kane was really nice, and they had a short conversation before he had to get going. The evening drew near, and it was almost time to open the doors to the public. Roman walked her out to her seat. She was sitting next to other friends and family members of some of the other wrestlers. The best seats in the house.
"After the show, a security guard will come out and walk you all backstage. Just follow the pack, and I'll come find you," he said.
"I'm gonna be fine. You go do your thing, and I'll be cheering you on," she said.
He hugged her quickly and gave her a little kiss on her forehead. Then he disappeared backstage. Shortly after, the arena started to get filled with people.
She was stunned by the entire show. Wrestling sure hadn't left her heart, and she loved what all these new people could do. It was still as awesome as she remembered. Roman and Bray were facing each other. Roman sent her a little smile as he walked past her and stepped into the ring. She cheered him on. Shortly after, Bray came out. He was back to the creepy character that had scared her earlier that day.
"I'm taking him down, little one," Bray shouted as he passed her.
No one else but him and her knew he was talking to her. Bray always shouted weird things, so no one thought much about it. She knew he was giving her a little extra something with that sentence, and it made her smile. However, he didn't take Roman down. Roman came out victorious, and she was cheering from her seat as he raised his hands and then left the ring.
As promised, they were all walked backstage where he came to find her.
"So what did you think?" He asked.
"It was amazing. Still a fan of wrestling, I gotta admit," she answered.
He smiled and pulled her into a hug.
"I'm glad to hear that," he said and kissed her forehead.
"What's up with those kisses today?" She asked and giggled.
"I'm pretty sure you're gonna slap me if I try kissing you for real so I'm just gonna claim your forehead as mine from now on," he said and sent her a cheeky smile.
"You're silly," she said.
"Yeah, I know. Anyway, you're my friend. Friends get hugs and kisses," he said.
"Little one!" Bray's voice sounded as he came over to them.
"Hey Bray," she said.
"How did you like the show?" He asked.
"I loved it. Thank you for talking to me as you entered. That made it extra special for me," she answered.
"That was the plan, little one. Anyway, I'm off. See you again someday, I hope," he said.
"You will. I promise," Roman said as Bray walked away.
"You're making promises on my behalf now?" She asked.
"You don't get a choice," he said and laughed.
"So I'm your slave now?" She asked jokingly.
"Office slave, Roman's slave... what's the difference?" He asked, still laughing.
She couldn't help but laugh along with him.
"Anyway, only three more days left in this town. Is there any chance you can come here every day and hang out with me?" He asked and looked at her hopefully.
"Well, I did get the rest of the week off of work, which only counts tomorrow, seeing it is Friday. I'm always off on the weekends. I just need to come up with a solid excuse at home, but I think I can manage," she answered.
"Sounds good. I'll keep your name on the list in the door," he said.
"However, I do need to get home now," she said.
"That's too bad. I was just enjoying having you around," he said.
He walked her out of the arena and hugged her goodbye. He was just about to kiss her forehead again, but she dug out of the way, laughing at him.
"That's not fair," he said.
"Life's never fair," she said.
She turned around to walk away.
"See you tomorrow, I hope," he said.
"I'll do my best," she said over her shoulder.
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