Epilogue 1
After two years,
Life was quite blissful for both bondita and anirudh. They gradually understood each other and as their relation grew stronger, their love for each other too grew.
As they both were doctors, there was a time when they both couldn't get enough time for each other but that didn't cause any drift between them.
Despite their heavy schedule, they find solace in each other's arms. Even if there is no conversation between them, they still stay beside each other just like a pillar.
Currently they both are sleeping peacefully in each other's arms after their tiresome day. Until suddenly bondita felt discomfort in her stomach which disturbed her sleep and she immediately ran towards the bathroom and she picked her guts out.
Anirudh felt her movement and woke up too before running behind her. He saw her puking and he held her hair while caressing her back. After a few minutes, she washed her face and anirudh took her out of the bathroom and made her sit on the bed.
"Are you alright? Did you eat something bad today?" He asked concernly while she shook her head in no
"Then what happened?" He again asked feeling extremely tensed for her
"Anirudh... I think I am pregnant" She revealed nervously and looked at anirudh who sat there completely dumbstrucked
"Anirudh!!" She yelled frustratingly
"You're not supposed to be pregnant..." He said shaking his head in no
"What do you mean by I am not supposed to be pregnant?" Bondita asked confusingly
"How can you get pregnant when I give you contraceptive pills everyday? How?" He asked completely shocked and confused
"What are you saying anirudh!? You were giving me contraceptive pills without my knowledge? Why?" Bondita asked him furiously
"But I don't want a baby!" He yelled feeling irritated
"What? You don't want a baby?" She asked shockingly
"No I don't! I never wanted a baby!" He replied
"But it's our baby! Your and my first baby... How can you say something like that?" She snapped at him
"I don't care! All I care about is that I don't want a baby... Not now.. not ever!" He declared
"Anirudh I think you're not thinking straight. Let's sleep, we will talk about it tomorrow morning." Bondita said feeling tired
"Are you keeping the baby?" He suddenly asked while she looked at him unbelievably
"Of course yes! How can you expect me to kill my baby? I am not so cruel." She replied
"I am going to the guest room, you sleep with your baby." With this he left the room, bondita was trying to hold her tears but still it ran down her eyes
"You'll regret it" She said looking at the door
Bondita went back to sleep but sleep was far away from her eyes and the same goes with anirudh too. He doesn't want a baby and he has his reason too but he is afraid to say.
The next morning was not as pleasing as it used to be, bondita was extremely disappointed by anirudh's reaction while anirudh was in his own dilemma. They had their breakfast and left for the hospital but in different cars.
Everyone in the hospital looked at them suspiciously as this is the first time they arrived separately after their marriage. The whole day, they ignored each other and also had their lunch separately. Everyone around them left the tension between them but they didn't interfere in their issues.
Bondita was getting overwhelmed because of her pregnancy. She was feeling so lonely and wanted to cry but there was no one around her. Saurabh and Neha were on their honeymoon, Arvind went to yatras and rudra was busy in his newly married life. She wanted to complain about anirudh's behaviour to them so that they could scold him but she couldn't.
The next day, she took an appointment with a gynecologist and she deliberately kept the appointment letter in front of anirudh. She knew that somewhere he wanted the baby but something was stopping him, maybe his past.
After her shift was over, she directly went to the gynecologist of anirudh's hospital. She thought anirudh didn't arrive but she didn't know that anirudh was already present inside the cabin, hiding behind the curtains.
The doctor already did a few reports of Bondita yesterday which stated that she was 5 weeks pregnant and was ready for ultrasound. Bondita laid on the bed as the doctor prepared for the ultrasound.
"Look at that bondita, that's your pistachio size baby" The doctor told her pointing towards the screen
"My baby" Bondita murmured smiling as a tear ran down from her eyes
Whereas anirudh saw the baby on the screen and felt as if his heart stopped beating. His eyes filled with tears.
It is his baby...
He felt a fatherly feeling erupting inside him, he felt protective towards the baby, he felt like he wanted to give everything to the baby. Suddenly he wanted to feel like a father too, he wanted to feel his baby too, he wanted to feel the whole journey of parenthood too.
"Do you want any copy?" The doctor asked but before bondita could answer, anirudh stepped out of the curtains
"Yes doctor, we want a copy" He told her to which the doctor nodded and gave bondita tissue paper to clean the gel from her stomach and left
Anirudh was about to take the tissue from bondita's hand but she glared at him and cleaned her stomach.
"What are you doing here?" She asked trying to be calm
"I am sorry, I realised how stupid I was?" He replied looking down
"Thank you so much for realising it so soon" She replied sarcastically
"I didn't want to have a baby because I was scared... Scared that I might lose you just like her. I know I am a coward to not accept his own baby but I can't lose you." He revealed his fear while she looked at him with teary eyes
"I understand your fear anirudh but, this baby is our sign of love. How can you not want your baby?" She asked disbelief
"I am sorry, I know I shouldn't have let my fear overpower my mind but trust me the moment I saw our baby on the screen, I couldn't help but feel all the fatherly feelings. I also want to be a part of our parenthood phase. Please forgive me."
He said holding her hand feeling guilty and regretting his words
"I would have killed you, if you weren't my husband and my love." She told him, looking at him sternly
"I know, I deserve that" He replied again looking down
"Anirudh that night, your words were like some knife continuously stabbing my heart. And you want me to forgive you just like that?"
She asked looking at him with teary eyes
"Just punish me, I know I deserve that. Do whatever you want but please let me stay with you and our baby." He requested
"Fine, you've to prove that you really want my baby in your life. You've 9 months to prove yourself and trust me, a single mistake from you and I will throw you out of my and my baby's life."
She threatened him while he nodded in yes and kissed her forehead
Anirudh kept his hand over her stomach and caressed it as a smile appeared on his face. He suddenly bent down and kissed her stomach.
"Forgive your father baby, he is completely stupid but don't worry, till the time you arrive in this world, I will change myself to the best father for you. I promise."
He said while bondita smiled but hid it behind her stern look when he looked at her.
After that day, anirudh did everything to take care of bondita, whether it was in the hospital or in the house.
Do you want to witness their parenthood phase?
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