The room isn't so dark anymore.
The curtains have been drawn back, and sitting on the windowsill are the fresh Ambrosias where the dying flowers use to be. A shopping bag lays open on the desk, a few of its contents peeking out, along with a half empty bowl of fruit. With the door close, everything is peaceful and quiet apart from the music that comes from Jungkooks earphones.
On the still untouched bed, the two boys lay together with an earbud in one ear. Jungkooks head rests against Taehyung's shoulder as he curls up towards him. He hasn't spoken much, but Taehyung is happy to wait.
Taehyung's right hand lies dangerously close to Jungkook's, and occasionally if the boy shuffles their fingers brush together.
Jungkook can't sleep even if he wants to, his heart still has problems functioning while he's this close to Taehyung.
It was nice, though, to have Taehyung's company. It's nice even when he hasn't gone a week without him, everyday would be just as nice when he's with Taehyung.
However this was like the feeling of finally being able to breathe after holding your breath for so long.
After a while, Taehyung moves positions until he's on his side, letting the younger boys head fall to the sheets (which he was momentarily not happy about). He stops moving when he's in the same position as Jungkook, both facing each other with some kind of unspoken feeling that both of them understands, all the while the phone rests between them playing a soft melody with lyrics that made Taehyung's chest warm. They had gone through a whole playlist of love songs, which made Taehyung wonder what this playlist was. Did it have a name?
Jungkook's eyes wonder up to meet Taehyung's and soon he's captivated again, unable to look away from the brown eyes that turn golden when the sun hits them in just the right spot. Such beautiful, warm eyes that have only ever made Jungkook happy. Every part of Taehyung was beautiful to Jungkook. Taehyung doesn't even fit the beauty standards, because he's Far beyond it— hell, he's created his own scale of beauty.
It only gets half way through the song before Jungkook takes his phone and switches the song off. Listening to all these lyrics while he faces Taehyung was too much for his heart to handle.
Taehyung took the hint that the younger didn't want to listen to music anymore and pulled out his earbud, handing it over. "Everything ok?" He asks softly.
"Yeah" and it's partly true.
"I like that last song, what was it called?"
Jungkook looks down to his phone and attempts to keep his heart steady as he reads the name.
"Uh.. falling for you"
"Oh. It's nice" Taehyung tries to hold down the smile on his mouth.
Jungkook feels like he's in an oven, with the way his body temperature rises every time Taehyung's eyes drop down to his lips. He starts to wonder whether this was a dangerous idea for him to allow Taehyung to stay.
It's quiet for a long time, the two remain lying next to each other. Taehyung closes his eyes at some point, the corner of his lips still curled upwards.
As Jungkook listens to Taehyung's gentle breathing he thinks, this is nice, because it's all settling— it's almost as if nothing happened and Taehyung is simply here to hang out like any other day. There have been plenty of moments where Taehyung has fell alseep next to him, whether that was on the sofa or on his lap, on his bed or even in his bed. (His bedroom is practically Taehyung's bedroom too.)
Yet, despite this, Jungkook's heart still doesn't feel settled.
So before Taehyung dozes off, he speaks up.
"Hyung, nothing will change, right?"
After a while, Taehyung slowly opens his eyes but doesn't say anything.
Jungkook speaks again, "I mean, like... between us... you'll still be my best friend, and we can carry on as usual, right?"
Taehyung's eyebrows twitch slightly and although it was barely noticeable, Jungkook feels his worries grow. There's something the older isn't telling him, but of course it was natural for Jungkook to assume the worst.
"Jungkook-ah... I actually—"
The younger sits up immediately, startling Taehyung. Jungkook hides his face by sitting with his back facing his best friend.
"No wait, I-I take that back. Please don't answer that." Jungkooks voice shakes a little. "It's ok though, I get it. I don't mind either I swear! Sorry that I've been so awkward. As long as we—we don't talk about it again I'll be fine."
Jungkook hears the older push himself up so he is sitting up too. He regrets asking anything. He regrets speaking.
"I said it's ok, hyung. Really." He presses, sounding as firm as he did earlier that day, before he broke down into tears. He's trying to build up the wall again— the wall that he's had for years preventing any of his true feelings for Taehyung— but it's hard trying to fix the damage after something is completely torn down. If a house is destroyed, you have to get rid of the scraps and start again.
Taehyung doesn't seem to get it though, as he reaches out and places a hand onto Jungkook's shoulder as though to comfort him.
Jungkook flinches and moves his shoulder. It's not enough for Taehyung to let go, so he stands up, with his head hung low and holds his arms self consciously.
Behind, unknown to Jungkook, Taehyung stares at the back of his head with an expression mixed with hurt and confusion.
"Um,.." Jungkook starts again. "Thank you for coming, but... maybe you— you should go now"
Taehyung doesn't speak, his eyes fall.
After several long, long minutes had passed, and Taehyung has still made no sound, Jungkook finally turns around. He dares to look towards Taehyung, despite suddenly being very anxious to.
Taehyung is staring the bed, but seems as though his thoughts were somewhere else. One of his hands is clutching onto the bed sheets, but when he notices the younger is now looking at him that he relaxes his grip and forces a smile.
"Ok" is all Taehyung says. He takes on last deep breath, as though when he releases he'll say one last thing— but maybe that was just Jungkook secretly hopeful. Because that never came, Taehyung exhales and throws his legs over the bed, standing up.
Taehyung straightens up the sheets and pillows, making it a neat bed once again. He then picks up the pile of clothes next to the bed and quietly takes them out of the bedroom. He knows where their washing basket is, he doesn't even need to ask. Jungkook can't help but stand silently while he does all of this, he already knows he's a mess and now Taehyungs tidying up for him? Could it be anymore embarrassing?
Taehyung walks back in with a smile, as though there was no tension between them.
Jungkooks still thinking about Taehyung smile that he didn't realise the older is taking something out of the room again. When he comes back, he's holding the bottle that Jungkook uses to water his plants (or in this case not to water for the last one).
"Hyung.." he says, though not sure what is supposed to follow.
"What? I'm just watering them for you before you forget"
"you don't have to do all this" Jungkook adds in a small voice.
"I want to. You better not kill these though, you got that? If you do, I'll be hurt."
Once Taehyung finishes watering the ambrosias, he smiles lightly and puts down the bottle. When he turns to Jungkook he points to all the snacks he brought. "Eat these too. But In moderation because you need to eat your parents meals, okay? Meals are important."
A small smile twitches of Jungkooks lips as he looks down, shyly.
There's a moment of silence before Taehyung says "..ok, I'll head home now"
With that, he makes his way downstairs, Jungkook following close behind. As Taehyung slips his feet into his shoes, Jungkook can feel his heart thump inside of his chest. Words are itching to come out of his mouth, and he can even feel a headache brewing.
For some reason the words, he has a sudden urge to say, are clogged in his throat.
"Right," Taehyung announces once his shoes are finally on. It sounds a bit awkward. "Call me, yeah? Or message me. Either one."
Jungkook still doesn't dare to open his mouth so he just nods instead.
Despite the fact he was supposed to be leaving, Taehyung still takes one step (cautiously) closer. He watches where he steps, making sure he's not too far into the house with his shoes, but also close enough to reach Jungkook and pull him down from the step he was stood on. Jungkook is surprised when he's suddenly in Taehyung's arms in a tight embrace. The older wraps his arms around him as if he might not ever be able to again, resting his chin on Jungkooks shoulder.
Jungkook somehow feels more sad, with the way the boy clings onto him one last time.
He doesn't know how long Taehyung's hugging him for, but it feels like an eternity.
Then his heart sinks even more when Taehyung let's go and steps back.
"See you later kookie" he says with small smile then reaches behind him for the door handle. With one last wave goodbye , Taehyung steps out the door and begins to walk down the drive while Jungkook watches at the door, feeling a mix of emotions.
"Wait, kook!" The olders as he spins on his heels.
Jungkook's heart almost skips a beat. "Yeah?"
He takes a few large strides towards Jungkooks house again, as though he's determined to say something. Stopping before the door, he holds eye contact with Jungkook for a long while.
Jungkook isn't sure if Taehyung is going to speak at all after going silent. "Hyung?"
He older shakes his head out of his daze, as though he was to caught up in Jungkook's glistening eyes.
"Oh, nothing. All I wanted to say is don't forget!"
"Don't forget what?" Jungkook hurries. Taehyung is already walking away.
Taehyung smiles from the end of the drive. One last time he cups his hands around his mouth and speaks loud enough for the whole street to hear. "The flowers! Don't forget the Ambrosias!"
Jungkook wonders why Taehyung is so worried about these flowers, he already agreed to look after them didn't he?
Too caught up in his thoughts, Jungkook only realised after the boy has gone that he hadn't replied back. Looking out at his empty drive, he stands at the door feeling a bit lost.
When Jungkook finally closes the door, his mother pokes her head out from the kitchen. "Is he gone? So soon?? I thought he was staying over?"
"Uh, no he had things to do at home" Jungkook lies.
"Oh. Well did you say yes??" She asks as she returns to whatever she was doing.
Brows furrowing, Jungkook follows his mother. "Say yes?" He repeats.
"Say yes to whatever he was asking, of course! No one brings over flowers for no reason, surely"
Jungkook can feel his heart sink to his stomach. "He didn't ask me anything"
"Oh," she sounds just as confused as Jungkook was, like she really expected Taehyung to have asked her son something important. "Well, that's odd. Nevermind then."
After lingering for a few more seconds, Jungkook turns and drags his feet away. His head throbs with how many emotions and thoughts he has felt in just one day. Now, he can't get his mother's words out of his mind, was it possible that Taehyung was going to ask him something? If so, what? Jungkook makes it to his room once again and slumps onto the edge of the bed.
No, it's fine. Mums making it up. He tries to convince himself.
He turns to the flowers sitting on his windowsill. What's with these flowers? Aren't they just any old flower?
Finding his phone lying somewhere around the room, Jungkook unlocks it and begins searches the internet for these flowers.
He types in just the name, spelling it wrong the first time. It comes up with images and articles of Ambrosias in all different varieties. However the problem was that Jungkook didn't know what he was searching for. He already knows what Ambrosias look like, he has them in his room— but why did Taehyung bring these specifically! What did they mean!
Jungkook can almost feel the lightbulb flash on in his head. His heart picks up once again because he's about to crack the code, right? Why is he suddenly really nervous to find out?
In the search bar, he types : what do Ambrosia flowers mean and with a slight hesitation, he clicks search.
Jungkook sees the first article that comes up at the top of his screen and reads it.
Somewhere along the lines he holds his breath without knowing. His heart malfunctions and the rest of his body grows warmer than ever. He drops his phone onto the bed face down, before feeling the burning heat of his cheeks.
Oh god oh god
Jungkook doesn't really know how he should react, what he does know is that he can hear his heartbeat in his ears while he struggles to understand the new information. He can't tell if it's just a coincidence or not. Had he got something wrong?? Is he taking it the wrong way? All these thoughts flood his mind.
His eyes travel back to the flowers, before down at his phone, then back to the flowers. Then without a second thought he picks up his phone and goes to his contacts, calling Taehyung's phone number immediately.
It rings for no less than five seconds before Taehyung picks up, answering immediately as though his life depended on it.
Ambrosia is considered as one of the most romantic flowers because it symbolizes the love of one person to another - and the other way around (mutual love)
So if someone declares love to you, there's no better way of telling them that you have the same strong feeling - than with the ambrosia flower.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
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